Cole, Kaliana - Good Horses, Fast Cars and Real Men (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Cole, Kaliana - Good Horses, Fast Cars and Real Men (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 8

by Kaliana Cole

  His nostrils flared, and she prayed he hadn’t caught the subtle perfume of her arousal. “Let me give you some idea, then. If you were my woman, I would be in total control of your orgasm. You would not be allowed to come without permission no matter how many times I drove you right to the edge. Or I might make you come again and again until you collapsed with pure exhaustion.

  “And I would have to take your ass, Jade. Nothing confirms a woman’s submission like willingly bending over for her man. Have you ever been taken there, Jade?” His rapidly darkening voice paused, waiting for her response.

  She ducked her head before answering in barely more than a whisper. “Once. It hurt so much, Brett, I don’t know if I can do that for you.”

  “I am sorry you had a bad experience. I would love to get my hands on the bastard who did that to you, Jadey. Done right, anal sex is one of the purest pleasures you can ever experience. It is not to be rushed into, and it takes careful preparation. I am not going to lie to you, Jade. I have had countless lovers. I can make it something special.

  “Would you let me try to make it good for you, Jade? Come play with me tonight. Let me prove to you that you can trust me. No intercourse, just a chance to see if you enjoy my brand of loving. And that’s what it is, Jade. I have never had a woman sub to me that I felt as strongly about.”

  “Would you expect that kind of sex every time?” she asked in quiet tones.

  “Not all the time, but I would like to think you wouldn’t neglect my needs. But it’s all up to you. You can make all four of us deliriously happy, or you can leave three men living the half-life we have been living for so long now.”

  He turned to look straight in her hazel eyes, his face showing the need within him. “Will you try, Jade? Come over tonight with an open mind and see if I have anything to offer you.”

  Jade held his gaze, self-preservation warring with curiosity within. Curiosity won, spurred on by the lust licking along her spine. “What time?”

  “Come over about eight. The others will be into their Saturday night movie marathon by then.” He stood and raised her up beside him.

  “Come on, I will get you home before that overweight horse of yours escapes and gets up to anything else. Do you really have to lock his gate?”

  Grateful for the change in subject, Jade expounded on Toby’s exploits all the way back to Douglas Park. They pulled up next to the yard, thankfully still holding the palomino captive.

  “So why did you call him Toby?” Brett asked with a grin, knowing her penchant for naming them after her celebrity flavor of the moment.

  Jade stepped from the vehicle, giving him a wicked grin. “’Cause he was big, blond, and brash, and all I wanted to do when I saw him was throw a leg over him.”

  “I take it his last name’s Keith.” Brett laughed as he pulled away calling a reminder out the window. “Eight o’clock.”

  Chapter 12

  By seven-thirty Brett had been over his play room several times to make sure everything was ready. He finally had an excuse to unwrap some of the toys he had purchased for the one who would be his woman. No other woman had been in his personal Valhalla.

  Completed six months ago, this room in the new extension was soundproofed and fully reinforced to allow for the subtle additions. Strategically placed eye hooks in the ceilings, walls, and floor made for numerous possibilities when it came to restraining his woman. It had all the aspects of his favorite playrooms in the D/s clubs he frequented over in Denver.

  For tonight, though, he would keep it simple. He had a few toys readied and some dummy restraints with panic snaps for Jade’s peace of mind. It wouldn’t do to frighten her early on.

  He had the opportunity to exploit the wildness he saw hiding beneath her controlled surface, to create and nurture a dark hunger that he would be only too happy to satisfy. The only difficulty he could foresee was her previous bad experience with anal sex. His goal tonight was to get her so fired up and needy that she would come with either his fingers or one of his toys impaling her sweet ass. Once she came to associate anal play with pleasure the possibilities were endless.

  He had a brief vision of her spread and impaled by all three of them but pushed it away mercilessly. He had to get her through tonight before any other possibilities were entertained.

  With the thought of his brothers, he checked the concealed camera. He had always liked to record sessions at the clubs for his own pleasure, but tonight, it would serve another purpose.

  Nate and Matt would be able to watch live feed from the comfort of the lounge room. The footage would be in high-definition color, complete with audio. He had spared no expense on his toys.

  With his brothers seeing everything firsthand, there would be no misunderstandings if Jade cried foul later. He did not record the session for a different reason. It would be a breach of the trust she afforded him in coming here to have a video of her around. He was deceiving Jade enough by letting his brothers even watch, the thought of any other man being privy to what happened in this room tonight was unthinkable.

  He glanced at the clock and took one last look around. Everything to his satisfaction, he left to await Jade in the kitchen.

  * * * *

  At around the same time, Jade had showered, shaved, and moisturized her body within an inch of its life. Her legs were smooth and silky, and she had shaved her pussy bare, save a small strip at the top that she could not bring herself to remove. The simple fact was that when she rode, the re-growth in that spot hurt like hell. Practicality sometimes got in the way of style.

  Standing in front of the mirror in her ice pink bra and matching panties, she sucked her stomach in and lifted her breasts. There, that nearly looked like a woman who deserved to be in one of the Kelly boy’s beds.

  With a sigh, she let her breath out and dropped her hands. They could take her the way she was or not at all. She had had enough of disparaging remarks about her body, first about her muscularity, and then her weight when she allowed the muscles to soften into feminine curves. Chin held high, she put on the silk slacks and blouse she had decided to wear, checking the fit around her ass.

  She frowned at the panty lines that crossed the twin globes of her ass and then removed the offenders, feeling a sense of feminine power as they slid to the floor. Looking forward to the look on Brett’s face when he realized she wasn’t wearing any panties, Jade grabbed the keys to the Camaro and walked out the door.

  Parking her car out of sight of the front door, Jade drew a deep breath before stepping out. She could do this. She was here for a good time. Here to try something different, to be naughty in a way she had never been before. The idea of surrendering responsibility for her pleasure to another was not something she had considered before. Well, the worst that could happen was that she was left high and dry, and God knew David had left her in that state before. That’s why vibrators were invented.

  She had done a quick bit of Internet research on Dom/sub relationships and had a basic understanding of the concept. She was particularly pleased to read about safe words and the fact that she could stop a scene at any time with only a word.

  The front door opened just as she went to knock. Brett gave her a welcoming smile as he ushered her inside. She could hear loud explosions and gunfire coming from the living room across the foyer. Clearly, Nate and Matt had begun their movie session, and it leaned heavily in the direction of violent action.

  Brett led her through the house, but they didn’t turn in the hall where she knew his bedroom lay. He led her on to a second hall that ran perpendicular to the first, the start of the new additions she had spotted earlier. He turned to the left and unlocked the door at the end of the hall but did not open it.

  “This is your last chance to turn back, Jade. Once you enter this room you are in my domain. What I say goes, and any hesitation or disobedience will be punished immediately.” His voice was as intense as the blue eyes he held her captive with.

  “What about a safe word?�
�� Jade spluttered out, needing to know she would have ultimate control.

  “Been doing some reading, huh?”

  The serious planes of his lean face softened a little. “I do things a little different. I want to know before we get to your stopping point because if you give me a red light, it all stops. I walk away. That will mean one of two things. One, that I haven’t given you enough time to adjust or haven’t read you properly. That is why I insist on honest responses. Don’t pretend to like something you don’t and don’t deny any pleasure you feel, no matter the cause.

  “The only other reason you would give me a red light would be that your fear becomes greater than your trust in me. This is all about trust. You need to trust me to give you more pleasure than you could ever find on your own. So I will ask you where you are at or how are you doing, and you can tell me green, yellow, or red. Green means everything is fine. Yellow is for when you are not sure or when you need more time to adjust. I slow down or back off a little. Red, as I explained, means everything stops, all over, and I walk away.

  “The reason we use safe words rather than ‘stop’ or ‘enough’ is that most subs feel a need to fight or protest even though they really want the scene to continue. It allows the Dom to accurately tell the difference between a token protest and a definite ‘no.’

  “So, Jadey,” The predatory gleam he flashed her made her pulse speed up and her womb clench in anticipation. “Want to come play?”

  She tried to gather some of that bravado she had once been renowned for. “You only live once.”

  “Good girl.” Brett held the door open into his private kingdom.

  Jade stepped into a different world.

  Mirrors took up one side of the large room, and recessed lighting gave the black tiled room an otherworldly feel. Esoteric apparatuses loomed menacingly in the darkened corners. Brett flicked a switch, and an area furnished with two poles about four feet apart and a small fur-like rug was illuminated.

  “Stand on the rug.”

  His voice sounded so different, authoritarian yet clinical, with a shadow of menace, so unlike the lighthearted Brett she had encountered today. Feeling decidedly self-conscious, Jade obeyed.

  “Take your clothes off. Start with your shoes.”

  Jade slid the flats from her feet, her toes curling in the deep pile of the rug. It felt like real fur. Her hands went to the small covered buttons on her blouse, trembling as she slid them out of the eyelets. Her gaze sought Brett as she went to slide the silk from her shoulders, but the light focused on her prevented her from seeing anything but his outline. Defiantly, she lifted her chin and let the slinky material fall to the floor.

  She hesitated at her pants. Damn her for not wearing panties. Brett interrupted, “I said no hesitating. Bra first.”

  His words held no warmth. Jade had thought there would be a little romance. She hadn’t expected to have to strip in an atmosphere with all the warmth of a doctor’s examination room.

  Face heating, she stripped off her remaining garments, her fast, jerky motions fueled by embarrassment. She stood with one arm across the front of her body, covering up the slight bulge of her stomach.

  “Arms by your sides.” He all but barked at her.

  Face flaming, she dropped her arm. Both hands fisted tight as she fought her need to run from the room. Just when she had decided Brett’s only purpose in bringing her here was her complete and total humiliation, he stepped into the light.

  The scorching heat emanating from his gaze set her on fire. He lifted her chin as he stepped closer, not allowing his fully clothed body to so much as brush her nudity.

  “Don’t hide your body from me, Jade. It belongs to me, even the bits you don’t like.”

  He ran his gaze down to rest on her breasts. She felt the heat follow and knew her blush extended all the way to her nipples. They drew tight under the caress of his eyes.

  “Every response belongs to me. Every sweet sound I can wring from you. Every gasp.” He lightly flicked her nipple to elicit exactly that response.

  “Have you ever screamed when you came, Jade?”

  She shook her head, still held captive by his gaze. His voice dropped intimately.

  “I bet I can make you scream.”

  Lifting his hand into the darkness above her head, he retrieved, as if by magic, a pair of silk-lined leather cuffs. Jade’s apprehension must have shown clearly.

  “These are dummy restraints, Jade. These clips here are panic snaps.”

  He showed her how they worked, placing his own wrist in the restraint and releasing it simply by pulling back on the slides that held the cuff on the chain.

  “But they are strong. They won’t come undone unless you deliberately release them. That will be the same as giving me a red light. Everything stops.” His eyebrows lifted in a definite “do you understand?” gesture.

  Jade nodded, not trusting her voice. Brett’s mobile lips curled in a hint of a victorious smile as he placed her wrists in the supple cuffs. He reached up and connected first one then the other wrist to the pillars at a height at which she would be comfortable. An automatic-locking device held the chain fast.

  * * * *

  Choosing a path that would not obstruct his brothers’ viewing pleasure, Brett turned on a harsh light above the bench where he had prepared his paraphernalia earlier. He watched Jade’s face in the mirror as she spied the items laid out on the table. Confusion, recognition, and a hint of anticipation warred with the fear on her face.

  Deliberately, he hesitated over the items, running his hand over a flogger, dragging a fingertip down a butt plug, giving the boys a chance to watch her emotion. That was his main satisfaction in introducing a new sub to the game, seeing them go from fear to ecstasy. To awaken the dormant need in them and foster it, make that need an all-consuming desire that destroyed the constraints society and their inhibitions placed upon them.

  With a wicked grin he picked up his favorite introductory whip, a short, supple riding crop with an oversized leather flapper at the end and a relatively thick, knobbed handle that was perfect for inserting in any orifice. He put a few weighted clamps in his pocket, and at the last moment, he also grabbed a two-foot spreader bar with cuffs attached. Sometimes the threat of an apparatus worked better than the item itself.

  Jade eyed the items in his hand warily as he walked toward her. “I am going to conduct a bit of an experiment, Jade, find out what pushes your buttons. You are to stand there with your legs nice and wide.” He nudged her feet farther apart with his boot.

  “Right there or this bar gets attached to your ankles so they have to stay apart.” Her feet were just over shoulder-width apart. Exposed and vulnerable, Jade fought to remain upright. He could see her gripping the posts so she did not accidently undo the cuffs.

  Brett touched the riding crop to her jaw, slowly running it down her neck and over her collarbone to circle her proud breasts. Gooseflesh sprung up in its wake. Around and around he teased her breast, only just brushing the rapidly contracting areola but not touching her aching nipple. Moving restlessly, she tried to bring her nipple into contact with the tantalizing suede flapper, closing her eyes as she blatantly chased the pleasure.

  Brett immediately stopped.

  “Eyes open, Jade. I want you to watch me at all times. If I do not want you to look, you will be blindfolded.”

  Jade’s eyes flew open. As soon as they did so he began caressing with the whip again, endlessly. Her breasts swelled and lifted to his touch. The blood-darkened nipples standing up for attention he would not bestow. Jade finally broke.

  “Touch them, Brett.”

  He brought the flapper down in two quick strikes to land squarely on each nipple. He watched hungrily as the sharp pain bloomed into acute pleasure faster than her brain could process it.

  “Ouch, fuck, Brett. That hurt.” She jerked in the chains.

  He rapidly bestowed another two fiery taps to her ass. “Swear again, love,” he whispered menacin
gly in her ear, stepping up hard against her, his denim-clad thighs deliberately trapping the heat of the sting against her ass. “I would love to lay one on that wet, little bud peaking out between those nice, smooth lips.”

  Jade gulped and swallowed back the retort he could see she so desperately wanted to make.

  “If you want something, you may ask nicely. I may or may not grant it. Demands will be punished, but by how wet your thighs are, I think you liked your punishment. Jadey likes it rough, doesn’t she?” He fisted his hand into her loose hair, fingers tight against her scalp as he demanded an answer.

  Her eyes fell shut as she arched into the small pain, but she quickly snapped them open, clearly remembering his edict. Her whispered “yes” was more of a gasp than a recognizable affirmation.

  “Good girl,” he crooned, releasing his grip and stepping back.

  He was ecstatic with how well Jade had taken her first dose of punishment. He had deliberately pushed her into making demands so he could give her a taste of erotic pain.

  “Ask me nicely, and your nipples can have some attention. They look so neglected, all swollen and hard.”

  “Please, Brett, please touch them.” Jade’s pleading fell sweetly on his ears.

  Fishing in his pocket, he retrieved two nipple clamps with beautiful, weighted beads attached. He rasped the suede of the whip end across one of her hardened peaks, watching as it tightened further. When he was sure it could grow no more, he struck with the clamp, making sure its firm grip held her nipple captive.

  “Breathe,” he whispered when she sucked in her breath as the pain hit her.

  He smiled when she threw back her head, riding out the pain as it flashed through her body, tweaking the release of endorphins and metamorphosing into heady pleasure. Before she came down completely, he gave her other nipple the same treatment. He was able to revel in the look of rapture on her face for a full minute before she remembered herself and opened her eyes. Green now dominated the hazel.


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