Cole, Kaliana - Good Horses, Fast Cars and Real Men (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Cole, Kaliana - Good Horses, Fast Cars and Real Men (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 21

by Kaliana Cole

  Another orgasm had seemed like impossibility only a minute ago, but as Nate brought both hands around to pluck at her distended nipples and Matt ground against her clit every time he sheathed that lovely thick cock inside her, Jade contemplated just that. After the previous explosion she was happy just to let the boys have a little fun. She knew she would derive a different sort of pleasure from being the vessel of their lusts, but this wasn’t going to be the time for her to be a passive receptacle.

  The sensation of being sandwiched between the two fit right up there with cheesecake, chocolate, and speeding. It was so damn good it had to be bad for you or outlawed.

  Chances were, it was illegal.

  But the morality police were not camped outside her bedroom window right now, so she lost herself in the feel of their bodies, the driving heat of their swollen cocks, and the touch of callused hands.

  This time the orgasm was long and slow and went on forever, its gentle intensity exactly what she needed after the devastation of the last explosion.

  * * * *

  Matt felt her milking his cock as her internal muscles fluttered around him. He lost any control he may have maintained when she dug her fingernails into the thick muscle atop his shoulders and bit down on his collarbone. The pleasure-pain caused his balls to climb up into his body, sending his seed hurtling up his cock and into her molten depths.

  He now had half an idea why Jade’s back looked the way it did. If Jade was to keep sinking her teeth into him like that he wouldn’t have wanted to stop either. As much as he wanted to hold her through the aftermath, he knew Nate must have been dying to get inside her. He slid his still-hard cock from her warm embrace and went to turn her toward his big brother, but Nate was quite happy to have her just the way she was.

  Nate nudged his shoulder to get him to lie back down before lifting Jade’s sensuously writhing form higher against his big body, crooking one of her legs over Matt’s abdomen.

  Matt did not let his brother down. As Nate had loaned his hands to his possession of Jade, he now gave his. He rolled a nipple nice and firmly, just the way she liked it. His other hand held her passion-drugged face up to his kiss. He took her mouth with more aggression than he had showed any woman, nipping her lips and delving deeply with his velvet tongue. Jade had gone beyond the need for gentle, and the big man did his best to meet it, rhythmically clenching his fist against her scalp. The pinch and pull of hair would be another sensation to buffet her hyperaware body.

  * * * *

  Nate watched her dance against his brother and could hold back no more. He placed one knee between hers and slid into her still convulsing pussy. He was able to slip in nearly all the way with little effort, his way being well prepared by Matt’s vigorous efforts. To take her this way without the worry of hurting her was a sweet self-indulgence.

  He forged within her depths, feeling the pliant walls grip him as he sunk farther within. The position did not allow the last few inches of the engorged flesh to penetrate her dripping cavern, so he was able to relinquish control. Thrusting hard and fast, he pounded against her ass, feeling her lift to meet his demands.

  Jade writhed and bucked beneath him. Nate watched her quest for pleasure superseding conscious thought as she became a slave to the sensations they heaped upon her. Every muscle in her body tightened as she pushed against their twin holds. He could feel her striving to get even closer to the thick flesh he pounded into her. The incoherent but blatantly hungry cries muffled by Matt’s mouth spurred him to action.

  He lifted her knee higher and slid in those last two inches. Matt captured her cry of surprise as her breath was stolen from her. Slipping firmly into pleasure-seeking mode, Jade’s body welcomed the battering it received, endorphins flooding her system as pain and pleasure became one. She backed up harder and harder, encouraging Nate to loosen his final measure of control and let chaos reign.

  * * * *

  She was beyond screaming when the pleasure took her. The extreme arch of her back looked like the precursor to some grand mal seizure as her neck lolled to her shoulder. Matt watched in awe as her tortured expression became one that could only be called replete. Peaceful, satiated, and somewhat unconscious, she collapsed against his chest even as Nate found his release.

  “Shit, Nate. You fucked her unconscious!”

  “That took both of us,” he replied, slipping from her. “Imagine what it’s going to do to her when Brett is here as well. Poor darlin’ just isn’t used to this much pleasure.” He headed into the bathroom to get a cloth and towel. He gently wiped her clean, noticing there was still no response.

  “We are definitely going to have to work on her tolerance to sex,” he said with a grin.

  Matt returned the smile. “Yeah, more sex. That’s the answer. I swear we shouldn’t let her out of bed ever again. She would soon learn to take all we can give her.”

  Nate slid back into the bed, tucking his body close against the sleeping woman. “You try dictating that to her, and we will all have a fight on our hands. We just have to make it so that she doesn’t want to leave.” He kissed her shoulder before laying his head on the pillow that carried her scent. “I love her, Matt. Losing her is not an option.”

  Sleep crept up with its seductive spell. With the earthy smell of sex and the feel of warm woman in their arms, they went willingly.

  Chapter 23

  Jade awoke on Sunday morning cocooned in the warmth of two sleeping male bodies. A nagging sense of unease ruffled at the back of her neck. Warily, she lifted her head from where it rested against Matt’s shoulder. The two of them had ended up face down. Jade was betting her pillow was warmer than his.

  Oh, fuck!

  Brett was standing in the doorway. One hip cocked, arms crossed as he leaned against the door jamb. The look on his face was indecipherable as he shook his head slowly at the tableau before him.

  Jade’s eyes opened in shock at seeing him there. Then she felt a stab of guilt that he had been left out. She hadn’t planned it that way, but Brett was the one she knew she would have to work on building a relationship with. The antagonism of their past was not a good basis to base their future upon.

  He crooked a finger at her arrogantly. The sardonic twist to his mouth promised there would be repercussions if she did not comply. The heat in his eyes made other promises.

  Naked, she crawled from between the sleeping men, being careful not to disturb them. Brett did not lift his sapphire gaze from her, using it to draw her in until she stood in front of him, close enough for their bodies to touch if they breathed deeply. He raked his eyes down her body. Her nipples pebbled under his gaze as she stood unashamedly before him. Eyes limpid and drowsy, Jade let him look his fill.

  He grabbed her robe from where it hung on the door and handed it to her wordlessly. Jade shrugged into the thick polar fleece. Brett bent and picked up a bag Jade hadn’t noticed beside him on the floor and led her silently from the room. As he directed her past the kitchen table she saw a note written in big block letters and underlined aggressively.


  Jade shot him a worried look but was pleased to see a smile hovering around the corners of his mouth. She went to speak, but he laid a fingertip on her lips to stop her. His simple touch sent sparks of electricity skating along her sleepy nerves. She nodded her head in silent understanding and let him lead her out the front door. The little loaner was waiting for them.

  Only after bundling her in and starting the engine did Brett speak. “Did you have fun last night?” His tone was flat and unemotional.

  Jade’s guilt flared. “I’m sorry, Brett. I didn’t mean it to happen.”

  “Sorry about what? You had fun, and by the look of those two sleeping it off in your bed, I would say they had fun, too. What is the problem?”

  “But you weren’t there.”

  “So? There are going to be times like that. We can’t all be there for you all the time.”

��But it doesn’t feel right to leave you out,” she tried to explain.

  “I bet that thought didn’t even cross your mind last night.” A touch of knowing amusement shaded his dark tone.

  “Well, no, it didn’t, but that doesn’t make it right.”

  “Of course it is all right, Jadey. I have got you all day to myself and damned if I am going to give those two bozos a second thought. This whole relationship has to be based on trust. Jealousy has no place, and neither does guilt.” He gave her a wicked grin. “We are all here for your pleasure, so lap it up and enjoy it. Some of us just make you work a bit harder for that pleasure than others.”

  That little quip had Jade remembering the way he had left her hanging the other day. “So were you cranky with Nate the other day when he finished what you wouldn’t?” Besides for wanting to stir him up over that little episode, she was genuinely curious as to how the dynamics worked between the three brothers.

  He did grin over that. “Not cranky, no. But I will be a little more specific about what means he is to employ in keeping you away from that damned vibrator, though. I thought Matt was the easy target for you, but Nate is a bloody pushover, too. I bet you didn’t even have to ask, did you?”

  “Nope,” she confirmed smugly.

  “No self-control whatsoever,” he disparaged his eldest brother fondly.

  “And yours is just perfect, is it?”

  “Always,” he bantered back.

  “You know that is a challenge no red-blooded woman could resist, don’t you?”

  “Believe me, sweetheart, by the end of today you will be very glad of my self-control.” He shot her a sinful smile full of promise. “If I were you, I would be more worried about my ass instead of trying to challenge the man who is going to be taking it today.”

  Jade swallowed back a lump of fear even as her body heated at his torrid warning. He must have seen her pale. “It’s all about trust, Jade. That’s what it all comes down to. If you don’t trust me, this is not going to work. Any of it.” He concentrated on negotiating the potholes in the drive to his house. “I am not going to do anything that will hurt you more than you want to be hurt. I saw the marks on your back, Jade. Nate went further than I would have on your ass. Those bites had to have hurt, yet you lined up for two of them. You can call me off with a word. You hold all the power, but I won’t let you get away with not giving this a fair go, Jade.”

  He pulled up in front of the house, killing the engine before turning to face Jade. He looked straight at her, and she felt the devastating impact of his cobalt gaze. “I love you, Jade, but I won’t go through life without trust. Will you trust me to make this good for you?”

  She nodded solemnly, held transfixed by his piercing eyes. “You won’t rush me?” she queried worriedly.

  “Honey, I’ve got all day. By the time either of those idiots work out how to start any of the vehicles on that place, it will be dark, and you will be sleeping the sleep of the righteous.”

  “More like the exhausted. What did you do to the vehicles?” she asked suspiciously, concerned about her Camaro.

  “Don’t worry, I only put nice little rubber caps over each spark plug. They can wind them over for as long as they like, and they won’t fire.”

  Jade laughed at his wicked ingenuity.

  Brett scooted around to open her door. “First things first, you need a shower and breakfast.” He wrinkled his nose comically. “I can smell those two on you, and believe me, honey, I much prefer your scent to theirs.”

  “Have you got some clothes in there for me?” Jade nodded to the bag Brett carried.

  “Yeah, but you only get access to them if you are a really good girl,” he warned, placing a hand at her back to escort her inside.

  After a shower and some sustenance Jade was feeling a little more alert, probably due to the industrial-strength coffee she had poured down her throat. Brett wasn’t a coffee drinker. She was sure he had put at least twice as much grind in the machine than was required to make one cup.

  After breakfast she went to clean her teeth, butterflies returning when Brett met her in the hall on the way out. She was pleasantly surprised when he led her to his bedroom and not the playroom. A quick glance at the bedside table proved that he had merely moved some of his paraphernalia to another setting.

  Her butterflies began to feel like jumbo jets doing barrel rolls in free fall. He sat on the black comforter atop the bed. It seemed his black color scheme continued here, too. He pointed to the space between his spread knees. “Come here.”

  A shiver went down Jade’s spine at the rough timbre of his voice. She took the three steps that placed her where he wanted her and stood her ground, not leaning against him like the wanton creature his voice incited her to be.

  He deliberately pulled the sash undone that held her robe closed. A small push on each shoulder, and it lay pooled on the ground at her feet. His gaze leisurely traveled the length of her body. “Turn around,” he ordered in that same husky tone.

  Jade presented her back to him, her flesh reacting to his gaze as if it had actual weight. Gooseflesh followed in the wake of his eyes. He traced the marks and bruises Nate had left upon her with the tip of one long finger. Joining the dots like some R-rated dot-to-dot, he made his way to the bites that marred the twin globes of her ass.

  “Damn, these bruises are deep!” She could here no censure in his voice. Admiration was more like it. “They must have hurt more than a bit, Jadey. Did you feel it, or where you too lost in the endorphin haze to notice?”

  “Oh, I felt it,” she assured him, “but I had gotten to the point where it was all good.”

  “Let’s hope we can find that point today,” he murmured, turning her back to face him.

  He grinned up at her, the look just slightly feral. She couldn’t resist. She dipped her head and tasted his mouth, her tongue seeking admittance. She groaned at the taste of cinnamon that lingered in his mouth and sank her tongue deeper. It took a moment or two to realize he wasn’t kissing her back. She pulled back and nibbled at his lip. “What is the matter? Aren’t I allowed to kiss you? Am I supposed to beg for permission first? You have to tell me what the protocol is here, babe. All I know is that I want your mouth.”

  She had punctuated each question with a stinging nip to his lower lip. When she pulled back far enough to see the red mottling his cheeks, she realized she had been in error. What looked like real rage rippled along the tight line of his jaw. “Brett?”

  She didn’t even see him move. One moment she was bent over him trying to induce him to play a little tonsil tennis with her, and the next she was flat on her back, wrists securely cuffed to the wrought-iron bed head. Brett was standing at the foot of the bed, running his hands through his hair desperately.

  * * * *

  Fuck! He cursed himself. He had nearly let the little wench steal his control away, and it had only taken a kiss. One he hadn’t even participated in, for fuck’s sake!

  He had to get back the upper hand and now before he did something that would hurt them both. He turned back to see her licking his taste from her lips, sliding upright, so she reclined against the bed head, her hands sliding easily along the rail to which they were cuffed.

  “What’s the matter, Brett? Can’t you handle a little kiss?” she said mockingly. The little witch knew damn well she had caused him to react. The bulge in his pants said louder than words that it was not rage that colored his face.

  “If you want to put that pretty mouth to work, Jade, I suggest you start here.” He jerked down his fly even as his shirt went sailing. Jade’s eyes flew to his cock, and she licked her lips unconsciously.

  “That’s it, sweetheart, get them good and wet for me. I know how talented you are with that mouth of yours. Think of it as a reprieve. The better job you do here, the longer I am going to be able to go before I start pounding on that ass of yours.” And the more chance he would have of lasting more than five seconds when he tucked his cock into her un
tried ass, but he wouldn’t admit that out loud. It was bad enough that she knew she had made him react. If she ever had a clue of exactly how strongly she challenged his hard-won control, she would own him lock stock and barrel.

  He dropped his jeans to the ground and walked toward her, his cock leading the way. Choosing to ignore the irony of that, he knelt on the bed, her eyes staying hungrily on the throbbing member that bobbed in time with his heart beat. He straddled her torso, loving the hunger on her face. Taking his cock in hand, he teased her with it, letting the mushroomed head stroke the wet velvet of her lips before pulling back out of reach, watching her flickering tongue endeavor to reach him. He enjoyed teasing her immensely, but the little wench had a few tricks of her own.

  Instead of chasing him with her tongue in an exercise in futility, she began to blow on his retreating head. Her breath bathed him in inviting warmth when he was close and contrasting cold as her expelled air traveled over the wet streaks her tongue had left on his sensitive cockhead. With a groan he gave in before she begged for it. Her smile before she took him deep told him the little vixen was well aware of the fact.

  He forgot to care about that as the sultry wet cavern of her mouth paid him homage. Last time when she was trying to be good, she was great, but this time she was being bad, and she was unfucking-believable.

  Vibrations tickled and pleasured as she moaned her approval at the tang of his pre-cum spreading against her tongue. She eagerly took him to where he fisted his cock. He wasn’t game to relinquish this measure of control least he do something stupid like spear his whole length down her throat.

  She licked and sucked voraciously, combining lips, tongue, and sweet pull of her mouth in a glorious but short trip to ecstasy. Brett tried to pull away to prolong the time he spent fucking the addictive depths of her mouth, but the graze of teeth on the flared ridge said she wouldn’t tolerate that.


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