The Terror of Thorn: Child of War: Book 2

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The Terror of Thorn: Child of War: Book 2 Page 2

by Alonna Lissett

  Although he had ruled for nearly twenty years, people still saw him as a pretender, the fact he was childless, unmarried, and almost 50 did nothing to change perceptions about him. If he could marry Javik’s daughter, now that she was of age, no one would question his rule ever. The problem was, he had nothing he could offer her or her fool of a father.

  Javik was a sickly man who didn’t have long in this world anyhow, but his reach was extensive. As the biggest lumber and steel merchant in the nation, many men owed him a debt as evident by the Duke of Jeli not being present at this gathering. Janus mused these thoughts over as Henry, Earl of Glou snapped him out of it.

  “Your Majesty, it has been confirmed Javik’s daughter Samantha has left his estate and no one is sure where Javik has her” Henry said awaiting the King’s normally sour reply.

  “What are you paid for then Glou? If you cannot keep tabs on a simple girl! Surely someone at the table has knowledge about where she is” Janus demanded as he stood up and started pacing, a sure sign he was getting ready to punish someone at the table.

  “Your majesty I did hear one rumor as the day broke but I thought it to fantastic to share, even now I am not sure” said a man Janus had never seen standing against a wall.

  “Who is this person addressing me with such familiarity” Janus demanded.

  “Forgive him your majesty, he is a baronet in my employ, pay him know attention” spoke the Duke of Bodders, whose land stretched up until the border of Rangel.

  “I’ll decide who to forgive Bodders, now what information do you have” Janus said as he stood in front of the Baronet.

  “I was told a group of females disguised as men delivered our monthly tribute to the Rangelian outpost. One of them was discovered not even two steps from the soldiers of the outpost and demanded asylum along with others and wished to speak to the Queen.”

  “And the person who told you this did nothing?” Janus fumed.

  “They did not want to invoke the wrath of, that is to say Your Majesty they didn’t want to run afoul of, something rumored to be a protector of that post” the baronet spoke careful not to mention Erik’s name.

  Janus knew exactly what he was talking about, just thinking of the rumor made his body temperature lower a couple of degrees. After Ingland talked him into a simultaneous attack on Rangel, it was said Erik the Red’s ghost in armor stained pink by the blood of his victims, decimated everyone at the outpost Bodders troops had captured. It was then said he traveled until he found the first border post of Thorn and slaughtered everyone he could get his hands on. Of course it was said he cowardly attacked the men while they were resting but the survivors were clear, they saw his face and it was Erik the Red, right down to his magical blade. Still, the thoughts of a ghost were of no matter; Janus had a war to win.

  “Whoever this man is send him back to the border, at least one of you knows how to do your job. How goes it with Frahse” Janus asked, aware his neighbor was prepping for war since they knew his kingdom was in turmoil.

  “Nothing but border skirmishes your Majesty” Kevon the Duke of Best spoke. “The Frahch obviously have superior numbers to mine but they are still feeling out our tactics. We have killed them 4 to 1 in the beginning but now they have elves as allies. We are still doing more damage around 2 to 1 but if they ever sent their force over in full I would overwhelmed. I think I could give you a week at best before the retreat had to be sounded, but if I had more men..”

  “You will have your men Best, as soon as Javik is brought to the executioners ax. The fact Frahse has not come over only means two things” Janus spoke surprised he did not piece it together sooner. “Either Javik has Frahse doing his dirty work for him, keeping the majority of our troops busy until he could put his daughter on the throne or Frahse is waiting for us to commit our troops to fight Javik so they can take over. Either way, we need to end this now, what say you Brendan?” Janus spoke to his high adviser.

  “Your majesty, I think the girl seeks the aid of the Queen of Rangel, promising her more of our land and a bigger stipend of our food. Javik is holding out, hoping his daughter is successful with her mission. Frahse is just in the right place at the right time, the fact they have not come over after losing so many men means that it was probably peasants and/or criminals who were dying on the front line” Brendan spoke.

  Janus looked around this room and felt sick, he would possibly have to fight a war on two, possibly three fronts. While he did not doubt Best, Best was not a native Thornian, his father was the King of a small conquered land Janus did not think important enough to even recall. What he needed was stability in his Kingdom, something he rarely saw even after twenty years of rule.

  “Our problem lies not with Frahse; we will take half of your men Best, you will need to make the others work double shifts. Dress up your women and old people in uniform if you have to. Bodders you will keep your men in a state of emergency, dig deep trenches and start digging tunnels to give your men a way to escape. You will most likely not hold off the Rangelians, especially if their damn witches show up. Keep fast horses ready to move at a moment’s notice along with a raven bound for here. If they come across the border I want to know the strength the Rangelians bring. The rest of you your orders are simple, whoever you see speak out against my rule is to be executed along with a family member. People may still gripe but it will be done behind closed doors. Also start drafting men over 14 summers for war. We cannot afford a volunteer army when Rangel is forcing every male over 16 to fight, you are dismissed. Brendan stay behind” Janus said as he walked out of the war room towards his private sitting room.

  “Your Majesty you wanted to see me” Brendan said to Janus’s back. Unlike the rest of his subjects, Brendan did not fear the King. It was Brendan who advised Janus on courting, rather than demanding Javik’s daughter. He knew the king trusted his advice, or he would have been replaced long ago by a yes man.

  “Brendan, I need to win over the people from Javik, can it be done?” Janus said in his usual straight forward manner when something was bothering him.

  “Your Majesty, Javik is too well rooted with the people to turn the poor against him. I advise capturing him and making a deal with the daughter, her hand for her father’s life. I am sure his allies will be a problem but they do not share Javik’s fame. I would not kill them, but I would force them into Rangel to reap the fruits of their labor. They would be treated as any other male there even more harshly so if it is known they had participated in the War. Cut ties with Ingland though, they have offered to help us but it is known they covet our land.”

  “Brendan send word to keep his family alive as well as that of his allies. Can we beat Rangel in a war on our homeland?” Janus asked but was scared for the answer.

  “While the Rangelians are larger than we are by the size of their soldiers, they are nowhere near as good. Men who are forced into service never fare as well as those who volunteer. They do have numbers on us though. Man on man our regulars would defeat their regulars. Their regulars without a doubt would beat any conscripts in a battle. Nevertheless it would be a long, costly war fighting Rangel in our homeland, but I think the defections they would suffer would eventually give us victory. Remember men are in the minority down there, who wouldn’t want to escape forced servitude for a chance to make their own way. I would promise asylum to anyone that defects. During the War a quarter of our army was from defections. Many of the men from that time are still your subjects, but then you already knew that.” Brendan said as he poured the King some tea.

  “What are the chances they would send their full force of witches along with the regular soldiers?” Janus said as he sipped his tea, thankful Brendan knew him so well.

  “Due to the battle with Ingland, I doubt they would send more than was necessary to fight us, even if we are weak. I expect some witches to come through, and if they do join the fight that could go bad for us. General McWilliams may have more insight but I believe if that happens then all ma
ybe lost unless we get Ingland to launch an attack and make peace with Frahse. They have never faced Rangel but if it were rumored all their men would be enslaved, I think we would get more than a few volunteers Frahch volunteers to help fight them off.”

  “Then we must hurry in our fight with Javik and bring our forces to the border, make that bitch pay if she sends troops.”



  Celeste had the three most important members of her Queendom in the room with her, forgoing the usual number of nobles who really didn’t want to be there. Her daughter Aubrey started coming into her own as a ruler, and she definitely showed the character to rule if how she dealt with the enchanter was any indicator. To the left of Aubrey was Elizabeth Brightly, High Witch of Rangel. She was directly in charge of the school of magic as well as the deployment of the witches throughout the Queendom. She was an ambitious woman who longed for the throne at one time but decided against it when it seemed her son was going to marry Aubrey. After Patrick’s defeat she had been cordial but notably distant. Finally looked upon Anaya Shield, High General of the Queens Armies. Anaya was directly responsible for the training and deployment of the military. Celeste trusted her counsel but it was Elizabeth who was the most daring.

  “Elizabeth, what do you think of the proposal those Thornish women gave” Celeste asked her high witch. Celeste stared at the High Witch knowing the woman was putting her thoughts together in order to not offend her, but Celeste was sure Elizabeth formulated a plan as soon as she heard what the Thornish women were offering.

  “I am sure we could bring our might to bear on Thorn and be successful if it we had just them to worry about. I am sure the men of Ingland would strike at us as soon as we committed ourselves. I have confirmed there is trouble brewing in Thorn, so invading would not be too much of a problem, only if we strike now. Waiting would only let Thorn increase her power, something we could not afford. That is only one of the problems we will face once we set foot in Thorn.”

  Queen Celeste mulled over what her High Witch was telling her, not wanting to give away she had come to the same conclusion and merely needed the witch to echo it. “You are talking about men defecting from our army, am I correct?”

  “Your Majesty we would be fighting on a land that is not ours with men forced into service” Elizabeth said before hitting home her point. “The enemy is not stupid, they would offer asylum to all that wants it. I do not see how we can get pass this.”

  “Your Majesty I believe I have a solution to that” Anaya began waiting until the Queen gave her the signal to speak her mind before continuing “This is what I would do, any sons of noble birth will be given some of Xander’s enchanted weapons and armor as well as any man married with children at home. Most men paternal instincts will kick in and not let them abandon their offspring. These men will be our vanguard into Thorn along with our witches and anyone who has less than five years remaining on their commitment. I believe this could be highly effective against defections. The witch speaks true though, time is our enemy.”

  “That could work if I set Xander to start making these items immediately” the Queen started thinking about how long it would take Xander to make such items. “But what of the border with Ingland, I doubt they would stand idly by while we attack their ally.”

  “I could send the Second or Third witch to see to the defense along with my son. They should be able to..” Elizabeth did not get a chance to finish as the Queen silenced her.

  “Your son has a different mission Elizabeth” Celeste said watching what the witch’s reaction would be. “If I am to place my grip on Thorn I need a way to hold her after I reach her.”

  “What my mother is trying to say is that Patrick should travel into Thorn along with the women going to reclaim their homeland” Aubrey spoke suddenly fearful of what the High Witch might do being ordered around by someone she considers a girl. “I will keep the rest of the entourage busy and Patrick will be assigned as the heir’s personal guard. He should use every trick he knows to get her on his side for the eventual match that will be made with Samantha and Patrick. If the she disagrees we will just take over very forcefully and start slaughtering the lot of them, an action I’d rather not take. When Samantha marries Patrick, you will be appointed her adviser, the power behind the face. You will be the only witch allowed in Thorn, as you must pick a replacement for yourself if our plan is successful.

  Celeste could see the smile threatening to form on the High Witch’s face. She had always wanted to be Queen and this was the closest she would come.

  “My Queen” Anaya began, “if we attack, the Thornish are excellent fighters. Our numbers would eventually prevail but it would change life drastically here in Rangel if most of our breeding stock is killed on a battlefield far from home. I have studied your enchanter and he at most can make two very good pieces of armor that could keep its charge for about six months. This would not do if we are counting on him, we need him on site. I have seen him make weapons and armor that has an enchantment that lasts no longer than a couple of days, these he can make at least 50 a day. I cannot see us swiftly defeating Thorn without the enchanter along for the invasion.”

  Celeste looked at Aubrey and would swear she changed colors. Aubrey treated her man the way a woman should treat the inferior sex but Celeste could tell she loved him. Celeste could tell Aubrey wasn’t happy about her lover being taken away.

  “You do not have the authority to take my consort anywhere” Aubrey said in a voice that could only mean she was barley containing her anger.

  “Your Highness, I do not presume to have the power or authority over your man, he can stay if you want, but countless lives would be lost if he is not accessible. I do not think his staying here is in the best interest of the Queendom.” Anaya said looking away from her future monarch.

  “We know Xander can teleport if he has tools to make his little designs. Xander will be traveling with the regular military along with some of the Palace Guard for protection. Every night he will teleport back here to lie in your bed Aubrey. This, my daughter is not up for discussion, remember this Queendom comes before any man.” Celeste said knowing any mention of the good of the Queendom would mollify her daughter.

  “If Xander leaves with most of our military, who is going to protect our border with Ingland?” Aubrey said trying to change the subject but still fuming about Xander.

  “His enchantments will not be missed” Elizabeth began. “Any student that can at least fling one attack spell will be leaving for the border along with the majority of our teachers. The remaining students will be accelerated to simply learning some offensive spells and sent up there as well. We will not underestimate them this time, any little transgression is going to be met with spectacular force.”

  “Then we are all agreed that we will invade Thorn. We will need to let the Thornian women know, Anaya start gathering your army and making whatever plans you need. Elizabeth, start rallying the witches. My daughter, go and fetch your husband, I want you both with me when the Thornian women walk in, any questions you need answered about our invasion will be given by them.


  “So you have decided to side with those who took my mother” Xander said as Aubrey walked into the room.

  Aubrey sighed as she looked at Xander, she was unsure of how he had heard so quickly about her meeting with her mother but she would save that discussion for a later date. For the past year Xander had been nothing but a piece of wood when it came to his feelings, even when regarding her. The only other time she had seen him this passionate is when she had the guard give him a good flogging, a deed she immediately regretted when she saw the wounds afflicted upon his back. Aubrey knew she had to face him about the decision to aid Thorn and he would not be happy. His red hair seemed as if it had a life of its own right now and she could see his muscles tighten underneath his shirt. He looked so inviting right now she thought and after she settled this matter perhaps she would enjoy
him in her bed. First thing was first though, and that was showing him a man’s place in this woman’s world, she was heir to the throne after all. “My mother and I decided to expand this Queendom and now we can without risking a prolonged war” Aubrey said calmly, waiting for Xander to explode.

  “They killed my mother and took countless other lives, unprovoked and you talk to me of this Queendom? This Queendom can fester and rot all I care; you and your mother can have it. I have done everything you asked, made your army a fearsome monster that cannot be beaten and you betray me like this? You side with my enemies and conspire to destroy the elves who are only defending their homeland? You can consider this my good bye” Xander said as he started putting on his boots.

  “Enough of this, I will not be berated in my own palace by my own man. Your mother was killed doing her job, something everyone should aspire to. I will not be blamed for your mother’s death and whoever this Queendom allies with or fights against is none of your concern. We were a super power before you and long after you die, this Queendom will prevail. Now calm your ass down and remember your place or I’ll teach you again what it is” Aubrey said, angry that she had to argue with her own consort. Aubrey looked at Xander as he continued to put on his boots. She really didn’t want to have him flogged again but she had to get this leaving nonsense out of his head. Aubrey wanted power; she found a kindred spirit with Patrick but Xander gave her something new, something fierce. She loved the way his mind would try to be elsewhere but his eyes let her see to his heart, he loved her whether he wanted to admit it or not. At night when she came to him, she could see he tried not to enjoy it, but his body told a different story. He was always a bit more relaxed when they did anything physical, maybe that was what he needed to see the Thornians could extend the Queendom’s reach exponentially, giving her and their eventual children a lot more power.


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