The Terror of Thorn: Child of War: Book 2

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The Terror of Thorn: Child of War: Book 2 Page 4

by Alonna Lissett

  “Your Highness it is Anaya” was what Aubrey heard as she opened the door. Aubrey decided to keep the door wide open as she stepped out of the carriage, sure anyone trying to sneak a peek could see Xander’s naked and sleeping form. Aubrey looked around and the day seemed brighter than what she remembered it, the birds chirping a happy melody. She could not recall the last time she enjoyed hearing them like she did now, owning it to the encounter she had with her husband.

  “We are still at least two weeks out at this pace” Anaya began trying not to look at Xander’s obvious naked form. “This will give the rest of our troops time to catch up with us before we push into Thorn. I really need to talk to you though about a more personal matter.”

  “Speak freely Anaya.”

  “Your Highness, we need Xander to start enchanting strong pieces of armor right now and start enchanting weaker pieces as we near Thorn. I am not sure if he will have the energy if you, that is if he is engaged in, I’m not sure how to say this Your Highness.” Anaya said, flustered at the thought.

  “Just say what’s on your mind” Aubrey said suddenly aware of what she was going to say.

  “We all enjoy a little piece to keep us warm on the road but you can’t go at him like that” Anaya said before she was interrupted.

  “I take it you heard our coupling?”

  “Coupling, is that what you call it” Anaya began. “Everyone heard it, the men are getting little rises in their britches and you know what is happening to the females. You were like a soldier who had not seen her husband in a year, trying to make up for everything she’s missed.”

  “Perhaps you have a point; we were in the middle of a small argument. Sometimes when men get mouthy you have to straighten them out a bit, put that mouth and all their excess energy to good use.” Aubrey said as she nodded her head in Xander’s direction.

  “I understand your Highness but could you straighten him out closer to bedtime perhaps?” Anaya stated as she stared openly at his sleeping form, thinking to herself she might send for the young soldier she had spied loading up the weapons.

  “I will take it under consideration, how has our guests been?” Aubrey said changing the subject.

  “Patrick has been his normal charming self and a great bit of chatter could be heard from their carriage until your activities became the subject of everyone within earshot.”

  “Good, when night falls we will have Xander teleport us back home to sleep in our own beds” Aubrey began while formulating a plan in her head. “We need a guarded tent; there Xander can make his little symbol to move us. He already has her twin prepared in the Royal Throne Room. If the Thornians are not complete idiots, they are already seeking ways to assassinate anyone of note in the military, the High General and the Future Heir would be a regular Coup de Grace. Put your best men outside of it, and it might be beneficial for some of the witches traveling with us to use the tent as their quarters for added protection. Let’s get going soon, we will speak again when we pull over for the night.”

  Xander was shaken awake and it took him a few moments to remember where he was. He looked around at Aubrey’s form standing over him and remembered his location. He had just felt the carriage lurch, which only meant they had stopped and were taking off again. Xander sat up in the bed and could feel the beginning of a couple of small pains. Once he had slept a full night he would be sore in the morning.

  “Get dressed and ride outside with the men, I need some privacy. If you are still tired you can sleep on your horse, now leave” Aubrey said in a tone much harsher than she meant.

  Xander dressed himself and went outside, his horse was tied to the carriage but he thought it still would have been nice if Aubrey stopped the carriage first, but more than likely she was just trying to assert herself. To be the future leader of Rangel, Aubrey had more power trips than Xander would have thought possible. Xander climbed to the back of the carriage and pulled his horse close. It wasn’t that difficult of a maneuver before he found himself in his saddle, loving the way it felt as it was contoured to his body. Xander had not been this far out of the Queendom in quite some time and could see the road they traveled was in better repair than he remembered it, gone was the compacted dirt, replaced by smooth stones tightly packed together. Xander stared down the road with a slight breeze playing at his face and could see the road wasn’t the only improvement.

  Alongside of the road for at least 40 yards in each direction the road was clear of growth, any would be bandit would be spotted long before they attempted to commit some cowardly deed. Xander’s horse began fidgeting, a sign Xander took as she wanted to open up her stride a little bit. Xander hated being next to Aubrey’s guards anyway, and welcomed a distraction. Xander spurred his horse forward until he reached the front of the procession, even pass the bearers of the Princess’s and the Military’s banners. Xander was not in the lead long before he was joined by another rider; one of the women he recognized from Thorn who believed was named Penny. Xander had felt uncomfortable in their presence as he always thought they were staring at him, judging him. The only reason he had not complained was because he knew it made Aubrey feel uncomfortable.

  “Hello Xander, I don’t think I ever had the chance to talk to you before now” Penny said as she rode along Xander.

  “I have not noticed Lady Penny, I tend only to notice my wife’s absence” Xander replied stoically. Xander smiled inwardly and did love the attention, most women would look at his hair and stop there, but each of these women had a red mane, a look he did find fetching, just not fetching enough to wind up back in the arena.

  “I was bored riding all stuffed up in a carriage as nice as it may be, I just thought you might like a little company” Penny said trying to get Xander to open up.

  “My wife is all the company I require” Xander replied.

  “Relax Xander, I am aware of some of your laws, I’m not trying to sleep with you! I just want some conversation, nothing that will get you in trouble. My kinsmen are all tied up guarding and brooding and I can only take being locked up with a bunch of women for so long. You look close enough to my countrymen I figured I would just chat you up a bit. You Rangelian men are a strange lot indeed.”

  Xander thought over what she said, there was no way he could be accused of any inappropriateness in front of a bunch of soldiers with the Princess herself in the retinue. “I apologize for my behavior, please forgive me.” Xander said as he stared straight ahead at the road, wondering what her real purpose was for being here.

  “That’s better, are you nervous about the upcoming battle, I fear many of your people will die for our cause” Penny said trying to gauge his reaction.

  “Battle is what it is, my Lady, the only true freedom is death. There are many who welcome such a chance” Xander replied.

  Penny wasn’t sure how to take his reply, but judging on his build, Xander was no stranger to sword play. “That is very dark Xander, do you plan on doing any fighting?”

  “I don’t plan on fighting anyone; I plan on killing all responsible for my mother’s murder. I will offer no quarter and expect none to be given to me. Anyone who I hear had any hand in her murder and subsequent desecration will meet whichever of the Gods they pray to. This I swear on my mother’s grave.” Xander said sure his hatred slipped into his voice.

  Penny was taken aback by the ferocity he suddenly showed. She had heard it was rumored he lost someone during the brief excursion the Army made into Rangel, but figured it to be a lover or such. His mother was taken from him that is what caused him to wage a one man war. “I am sorry for your loss, just know many of my countrymen did not want to take part in it, but surely you have exacted enough revenge already.” Penny said trying to find out once and for all if he was the person responsible.

  “There is never enough blood shed when someone close to you was taken from me in the manner mine was.” Xander replied.

  Penny had confirmed what she already believed, Xander was the blood thirsty person
clad in the pink armor. Once she saw the champion their Princess assigned to Samantha, that mountain of a man could only be the other warrior rumored to be in Rangel that slaughtered so many Inglishmen.

  “By your leave my lady, I suddenly wish to be alone” Xander said as he fell back into the rest of the soldiers.


  The next couple of days went by pretty slowly by Xander’s estimate, filled only with his enchanting weapons and armor followed by his teleporting the High Witch, Aubrey and the General back to the Palace to update the Queen and to sleep. He was sure the women from Thorn figured out he was an enchanter by now but he didn’t care. Aubrey had not allowed him to go out of their carriage since that first day, when she heard he had a conversation with one of the Thornians. Xander told her truthfully the content of their conversation and Xander thought she seemed taken aback when he said he was going to kill. Xander expected her to fight him on this, and expected a proper flogging for he was not going to back down and would have more than likely killed the majority of her precious Palace Guard, as their armor and weapons were not enchanted, as it was doubtful they would see any fighting.

  Xander awoke this day with the air smelling of pine, these trees were native to Thorn, their aroma signaled he was close to his childhood home. Xander remembered the last time he was here when he found his mother’s body, a sad memory that even in its heinousness, could not replace the joy Xander experienced here as a boy. Unconsciously a smile began to creep on his face as Aubrey noticed.

  “We are getting close to the border, if we push through we should be there by nightfall” Aubrey said as she sat next to her husband. “If you want, we can spend the next day here before you have to leave.”

  “My mother was killed here, I do not wish to stay your Highness” Xander said as hearing Aubrey’s voice snapped him out of whatever fantasy he was having. “However if her Highness wishes me to, I will do whatever you want.”

  “Dammit, Xander look at me!” Aubrey said as she grabbed his chin and turned his head towards her. “Listen, I am trying, I am really trying hard. Things that I know you would like to do, you see no joy in it just because I brought it up. I want more than what we have together, I want a man, not this puppet who shares the bed with me.”

  “Your highness I do not understand” Xander said as he smiled inwardly for briefly getting under her skin. “I have done all you asked without so much as a complaint. I do not know what more you want from me.”

  “I want you to be you. You have this iron wall you try to keep up around your feelings but the real you slips through sometimes. I know you like to hunt and go horseback riding. I know you love those little lemon tarts I made for your birthday. I know you absolutely love it when you hang around the Palace Guard during their off time just being one of the lads. All of this you have not done or enjoyed since you were disciplined. Get over it, it happened now it is done and over with. You have no idea what I go through, I am the future Queen of Rangel and I am expected to act a certain way and be perfect, upholding all customs of past Queens and when I am alone with you when I can finally be Aubrey, you act like the perfect little puppet. There is the public face, the face that is shown to everyone while we are performing our part and the private face, this is the face we show each other, but you refuse to show it to me now!” Aubrey screamed her last part as Xander could swear he could see a tear forming in the corner of her right eye.

  Xander thought to himself, had he really pushed her this far? His original plan was just to be whatever she wanted without showing any emotion towards her whatsoever. But having Aubrey crying in front of him was not what he really wanted no matter how cruel he thought she could be. Xander loved having his enemies in front of him, sword in hand ready for battle, rather than having to fight his own emotions.

  “HOLD!” was the sound Xander heard from outside the carriage. Xander peeked out the window and could see the Palace Guard putting on their helms and forming up. Xander glanced back at Aubrey and could see she was in no shape to see what was happening at the moment so Xander donned his dagger and stepped outside.

  “Why are we stopped?” Xander asked as he stepped off the carriage and hit the ground.

  “Something is not right about the outpost” Rolle said never taking his eyes off of Xander’s former home. “The gates opened up well enough and there is no sign of bloodshed but still.”

  “What the captain is trying to tell you Xander” Vincent began before finishing, “It seems like a disproportionate number of the soldiers of the wall are all Reds.”

  “And what exactly does that mean” Xander said suddenly defensive about hearing the word Reds, a slur normally used when talking about children of war.

  “Don’t take nothing by it Xander, you lived here before, did you ever recall seeing so much people who looked like you?” Rolle said trying to diffuse the situation.

  “Well I am taking something by it.” Xander said as he grabbed the handle to his dagger.

  “You be careful with that pig sticker” Vincent began. “You know I meant nothing by it but it still doesn’t change things. Just be on guard as we head into that place” Vincent said as he began to don his heavy armor and also pulled out armor for his horse.

  Xander went back inside the carriage where he could see Aubrey put on the lightweight armor he made for under her clothing. It wasn’t very bulky but was noticeable she had something on.

  “Your highness, the guard believes something is amiss at the outpost.” Xander began as he put up his dagger. “I am not sure if it has merit or not but we may have to leave on a moment’s notice.”

  Aubrey said nothing as Xander sat down beside her. What he really wanted to do was ride outside as they approached Riley, but with the feelings he was sure to experience once he actually foot in Riley was something he did not want everyone to witness. Xander stayed quiet as he heard sounds of the Guard outfitting their horses with armor, and finally the feel of the carriage slowly making its way inside of Riley.


  Xander had been in Riley two days waiting for the rest of the forces to catch up to them. Xander had gained a great respect for General Anaya as she already had supply lines and everything worked out. None of the materials they needed would be kept in Riley; instead Riley would be used as the jump off point ensuring any attacks on the outpost would do minimal damage to supply lines.

  Xander and Aubrey had been given a suite in his old home, with Xander choosing to stay in old room, much to the chagrin of the current witch who headed this outpost. Xander discovered from the military guys stationed there that this outpost was in high demand from all children of war like himself. The witch in charge didn’t seem to mind all the redheads walking around and it was even rumored she bedded a few and wished to make one her husband. The other soldiers who came with Xander’s party seemed tense around the red haired Soldiers but Xander finally felt at ease in finding kindred spirits to bond with. All was going well until the day the rest of the witches were due to arrive with the rest of General Anaya’s troops in tow, it was then the Thornians attacked.

  The alarm was sounded long before any Thornians came into view, a testament to the skills of Rangel’s sentries. Xander had already knew the defense plan, as soon as General Anaya entered the outpost she had been drilling it into the soldiers. Archers would be posted on the walls with the witches spread out among them. The Palace Guard would ensure a way to retreat out of Riley and deeper into Rangel if that became necessary. General Anaya’s “Fire” division had all the troops outfitted with the stronger pieces of armor Xander had made; their job was to kill anything that attempted to breach the heavy gate facing Thorn. Finally all the weapons and shields Xander enchanted that would last no more than a week, were given to as many regulars as possible to go out and meet The Thornish army in open field.

  An advance rider was sent minutes before the alarm sounding letting General Anaya know the rest of the army was mere hours behind, not much time in the sc
heme of things, but more time than it would take Thorn’s troops to reach Rangel.

  When the Thornian troops could be seen, all present in Riley could tell the Thornians were well armed with plenty of infantry backed by archers and heavy horses. If the horses took the field, Rangel’s witches could easily take them out long before they reached the outpost gates. First contact was a battle between archers.

  Riley was a fortified position and as such had plenty of stone throwing machines inside her gates. General Anaya used these to deadly efficiency, taking out a good number of troops until the Thornians either moved too close for the weapon to be effective or moved out of range, effectively splitting the army in two. The Thornian archers started filling the air with arrows as soon as they could, hoping to hit the frontline of Rangel’s troops. Unfortunately that brought their troops in range of the archers from Rangel. After no significant casualties on either side thanks to both troops use of shields, the flag bearer from Thorn took off at a sprint towards the Rangelian line.



  “Do you need the help of the witches yet?” the High Witch spoke looking down at the battlefield as the troops met in their first clash.

  “It is unknown” Anaya answered, never taking her eyes off of the battle. “Their regular troops were superior to ours since our last encounter, but I have made it a point to teach counter tactics to their normal routine. Sheer numbers would ultimately win us the day, as our reserves are no more than 3 hours behind us. Right now they have a numbers advantage, one they will likely keep. I am going to send a runner to halt the remaining witches from joining this battle; we would be better served with troops instead.”

  “Seeking glory for you and your men?” the High Witch said letting the statement roll off her tongue like some sort of slur.


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