Tempest And The Warrior (Unearthly World Book Book 7)

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Tempest And The Warrior (Unearthly World Book Book 7) Page 14

by C. L. Scholey

  “The need to Holiday is strong around you,” Cy said. “But we do not have to battle with a furious intensity. I’m not exhausted as I would be by now with a Zargonnii female. My need to Holiday would slacken. I would be in the jungle on my home planet not having eaten or drank anything. I would be crawling home to claim my bed for at least two weeks. Pretty much a sorry useless lump.”

  “Sounds fun,” it was her turn to drawl.

  “With you, I can enjoy myself. I can linger over your tempting feast of flesh. You won’t sneak off. You won’t rip my hair out. You don’t bite, well actually you could with those teeny teeth of yours; it might feel good.”

  She lifted his huge hand and nipped the tip of a finger.

  “Naughty girl.” He growled while grinning. “Foreplay.”

  That made her laugh. Between Cy, his gentle teasing, and the hot water, Tempest relaxed. She cuddled closer. His cock pulsed against her. The hard erection pressed into her bare belly. Tempest grinned at his length; it all belonged to her. She lowered her hand to wrap around him, stroking, running her palm the long length of his shaft. The water made him slick. She winked, took a deep breath, and lowered.

  She found him with her guiding hand. His cock was straight and proud as he. Tempest took him into her mouth, and he rocked against her. Tempest wished she could breathe under water. The velvet of his skin tasted delicious and sexy. Releasing him reluctantly, she came up for air then went back to her play. She stayed under until she was lightheaded. Frustrated, she released him again. Her gasp for air broke the surface.

  He was grinning at her. “Are you trying to drown yourself?”

  “No. I want to taste all of you.”

  Cy blinked. “Shit.”

  She knew what he was thinking; a Zargonnii female would never let him do that. Well she wasn’t a Zargonnii female, and if she had to keep proving it, she would. Tempest got an idea. She dragged him to the steps. Cy climbed until her nose broke the surface but his cock stayed under water.

  “You’re an inventive little thing,” he said.

  Tempest laved him; kissing his tip, she sucked him into her mouth. She didn’t need to come up for air. Her breathing was fast when she remembered to take a breath. She slid her hands up his base working him faster. She felt his muscles tense and bunch. His hands were in her hair. His thighs began to squeeze her. The first few drops teased her taste buds. Cy curled a fist into her hair. She heard his growling then building roar. When he exploded into her mouth, Tempest released him and slipped lower to exhale.

  When she surfaced, Cy gripped her under her arms and turned her. Pressing her against the steps, he plunged into her heat. His forearms cradled her. Cy was kissing her throat. She nipped at him, and he groaned with pleasure. His body slid across hers as he slowed his pace. Tempest was being savored. Warm water caressed her ass and flowed past her skin as Cy made waves. There were tears of wonderment in her eyes when she realized he wanted to be gentle and he could control his instinct. For her, she knew he would do anything. Slow waves of enjoyment heated her insides as she came. Cy didn’t roar, but his loud groan announced his pleasure.

  “I wish we could stay in here forever,” Tempest said.

  “I think I’m melting. I’m used to cold water crashing down around me.”

  “Something tells me your planet may take a little getting used to.”

  “It will but we have the rest of our lives. Come on, let’s see how Braylon is making out.”

  Chapter 13

  Two weeks passed while Braylon learned to take command of his shield. There were some heated arguments between the pair as boy and two-thousand-year-old shield disagreed. Each tested the other’s limits. A tentative bond began to form, and Braylon almost returned to his former self. Except there was a wise expression to his features and an ancient depth to his eyes.

  There were no more appearances from the Angano, and Tempest couldn’t make the toy ship reappear. There was no danger. Cobra didn’t want to invite trouble, so he let well enough alone. Tempest would either figure out her power or she wouldn’t.

  The time for the Holiday had passed on his planet, and it was time to go home. The female Zargonnii grudgingly allowed Cy to be released from banishment, if not for his sake then for his mother’s. He was warned not to Holiday; he was not allowed near the females of their planet. He would, however, be allowed near human females.

  Tempest said a teary goodbye to the new friends she had made. Cobra had some interesting aliens in the mix. None of the females sensed anything from her concerning her powers. The threat of the Angano was growing as they built their army of vessels, but as yet there was no attack. Titus had come prepared. Three of the Zargonnii’s massive war vessels flew overhead.

  “Thank you for your help, Cobra,” Braylon said.

  The warrior knelt down to eye level placing his hands on the boy’s shoulders. “Remember your strength. Don’t give in to anger. Keep your control.”

  “Even in battle.” Braylon was serious.

  “Especially in battle,” Huck said.

  Braylon hugged Twain. “I’ll miss you. You’re like the little brother I always wanted.”

  Cy cringed. Braylon would never have a baby brother. A sister perhaps. It didn’t matter to Cy anymore. Cy enjoyed the idea of a mini Tempest running around underfoot. Huck hugged Braylon as well.

  “Take care of those you love,” Huck said.

  “It was just my mom and me for so long I feel as though there’s too much love I have in here with me. Or maybe it’s the voices that don’t shut up.” The last was growled with purpose and Huck chuckled.

  “Only fight the voices with the cruel ideas,” Huck said.

  “Thank you for taking us in,” Tempest said to Cobra. “Thank you for everything.”

  Cobra placed his hands on her shoulders. Cy saw her relax immediately. He envied the Castian warriors that trick. Moisture from the warriors seeped into the females to calm them. They didn’t need to croon, although Tempest claimed she loved the tones he could make.

  Cy gripped Cobra’s wrist in a farewell. “Thank you.”

  “I expect you all to return at Christmas,” Cobra said. “For a visit.”


  “A Holiday,” Braylon said.

  Cy blanched. “Holiday?” he squeaked.

  Tempest laughed and punched him. “Not that kind of Holiday. I’ll explain it to you later.”

  “That’s good, because it raised a bunch of disturbing images,” Cy mumbled.

  Taking Tempest into his arms, he held her close. He had explained their transport to take them to the vessel was intense. Some females were known to vomit. He hoped Titus had a bowl with him. He gazed at Braylon.


  Braylon’s shield went up. “Bring it on.”

  * * * *

  Tempest gazed up at the rainbow sky. The sun beat through the rays, giving lively light to the foliage below. The air was sweet with a tangy odor she couldn’t place. A small breeze blew, but it was neither warm nor cold. The ground was hard and smooth beneath her, dirt with a chocolate hue. A caress at her bare heel made her jump. A tree vine inched upward snake-like checking her out. Tempest blinked, snatching her foot into the air. She was certain she heard whispering. The hair on her nape stood tall.

  Last time I go outside in bare feet.

  The bushes rattled, and a massive worm-like creature gazed at her. Braylon had yet to drop his shield. Lucky boy. A screech to her left and Tempest saw a black vulture take off with a massive wingspan. An answering howl sounded from the jungle. Goose bumps dotted her arms, maybe even her ass. Compared to Cobra’s planet, this would definitely take time to get used to. Tempest wanted to crawl into Cy’s embrace, but he stood watching her so hopefully, she plastered on her best false smile.

  “Very, uh, quaint.” Oh my God.

  They stood before a mound of dirt. A pile higher than her head. Cy led her and Braylon down steps into a dark room then swung open a ma
ssive door. The home they entered was huge; the outside appearance was deceptive.

  “Welcome,” Cy said and waved them in.

  Furniture was strewn about bachelor style. Every article sized for Cy and his mountain frame. Tempest was feeling dainty as she drifted from piece to piece. Braylon’s shield finally dropped and he raced off when Cy pointed down a hall toward a room. Tempest knew Titus and his human female, Zabbie, were here to make certain the home was aired out. Tempest had met the warrior’s mate briefly. Titus was busy during the Holiday keeping watch with a few younger warriors. Zabbie told her they would find time to talk later, and Tempest knew she would become a close friend.

  Pretty flowers sat atop a table. Curtesy of Zabbie, no doubt. Tempest went to them and had a tentative sniff. A delectable aroma filled her senses. She wondered if the Zargonnii leader and his mate wanted her to understand the planet wasn’t only dangerous. There were pleasantries.

  Tempest walked to a massive window leading to outside. She frowned at the size; it took up almost a wall. Anything could break in. She gave an uncertain gaze to Cy. He wrapped his arms around her.

  “The glass substance is much like the Castian windows. Nothing can penetrate it. I have a code and will punch in yours and Braylon’s DNA so you may enter or exit at will. The high walls surrounding my backyard normally keep out the bangor, a pesky nuisance. Titus told me the bangor are terrified of human females, and they won’t go near Braylon.

  “The Zargonnii females are good at keeping cyrons at bay. The Holiday is over so at the moment, the warriors and our females are exhausted. It would be best if you and Braylon stay inside while I help Titus and the warriors with human female mates. The mated ones and the warriors too young to Holiday are the only ones operational right now. We’re vulnerable for the next two weeks. It can’t be helped. If the warriors were forbidden to Holiday, the females would come looking for us. That’s never good. They want their offspring. They couldn’t care less about an alien invasion. We think differently. Even if we explained war, they wouldn’t understand.”

  “How long will you be gone?”

  “A certain number of hours a day. It depends on if there is an attack.”

  “Braylon and his shield need to run, he has to generate.”

  “I can take the boy with me.”

  “Why can’t I go?”

  “You’re female.” He sounded surprised.

  “So. I understand war.”

  “You would be a distraction to the warriors.”

  “How would that be my fault?” Tempest was growing annoyed. Just because males couldn’t control their sex drive wasn’t her problem.

  “You would not be at fault. The warriors would. But they would spend too much time trying not to be distracted by you; they wouldn’t concentrate properly. Again, not your responsibility but we are a race who enjoys dominating, power, and lust. There isn’t a dominant bone in your body, and it’s a beacon to a warrior with scent radar. It would be shameful to hurt you, and they know it. That is why they will go to any lengths not to.”

  “Including forgetting their purpose.”

  “Exactly. We’ll be back later.”

  She gripped his hand. “You’re leaving all ready?”

  “I have been called to headquarters. It’s my job, Tempest. You must understand.”

  All too well, she understood. Tempest remembered the days David no sooner walked in the door only to hear his beeper and walk out again. Those were lonely days and nights. At least she had Braylon then. Her son had to generate, he couldn’t be cooped up all day. He would be safe with Cy. There really was no choice.

  Tempest sighed. She watched Braylon leave with Cy. There was nothing to do except explore her new home. Braylon’s room was a decent size. There was a bed in the corner, some furniture. Cy said he could replicate new toys now that they were staying to make the room personal. A long hall separated his room from a second door. She crept to the other room, the high rounded vaulted ceiling stretched above her. A massive bed lay waiting. A huge rug covered the floor. A replicator designed for clothing was mounted on the wall. There were no dressers; they didn’t need any. At night, their used clothes would be placed in the replicator, washed, and placed out of the way until needed.

  A breeze blew in through a small rectangular window situated waist high for Cy, but started at Tempest’s chest. The window was closed; there were no curtains. Icy fingers slid up her spine when she thought she spied something outside. A bush rattled then settled. She became aware of her lack of clothing. Her toes were cold.

  Tempest replicated small shoes with a simple design. They were an easy slip-on leather. The material was misleading, the shoes once on were durable, waterproof and bite proof. It took a moment to make a sweater of the right size and texture. The replicator had its own interesting ideas on color and fashion.

  Clothed in warmer garments, she sat on the bed to study the room. Large, uninteresting, boring as hell. Cy was lucky he was cute because he had zero style. Tempest had an idea. Her home on Earth was long gone. She and David took great pains to add the items they felt would make a house into a home. That and their love. Cy loved her.

  “Can you make me a horse with wings?” She asked the replicator. An image formed and Tempest held back a shriek. There was a horse all right but it had wings coming out of its head, ass and belly.

  “Hmmm.” She thought for a moment and tapped her finger to her lips. “Do you have an image of Pegasus?”

  The image changed and Pegasus formed. Tempest squealed in delight. Soon the rooms and hallway were decorated in numerous knickknacks. Tempest was pleased with her work. Colorful throw rugs dotted the boring gray carpet; pictures adorned the walls. New curtains hung in the bedroom. Tempest added more pillows to the bed and the living room furniture. Everything was hers with a verbal command. She created a few things for Braylon but thought he would want to do more later. As it grew dark, Tempest went to the replicator in the other room and ordered dinner. Everything was laid out as the sun set.

  When Cy walked through the door, he stood stunned for a moment, mumbled something about being warned when leaving a female alone, and slumped onto a couch. He rubbed his eyes. Braylon kissed her, ate the food she laid out for him, inhaling a large quantity, and went to his room with barely a word. Cy said nothing to her, grabbed a chunk of meat the size of his fists and left to go to their room. She heard an expletive then silence. She blinked.

  Tempest stood alone. All her hard work ignored. “Gee, how was your day, Tempest?” she asked aloud. “Well, I worked my ass off decorating. No? Yes. Everything looks lovely. Thank you.”

  She slumped and walked to their bedroom. Cy was asleep sprawled out on his back. He was still wearing his pants and boots. She peeked in on Braylon; he was asleep cuddled up under numerous blankets. Tempest returned to the other replicator for tea. She stood gazing out the window as the sky turned black, rolling her hot mug in her hands. Sweet vapors swirled to her nose. She had missed the flavor of peppermint. Tentatively, she took a small sip. She and the replicator had different ideas about how hot was hot.

  The foliage beyond the few bushes in her view was quiet, creepy. She noted two eyes peering in. It was a vulture creature. It was smiling. Tempest blinked. Sipped her tea again and stared back. A large rounded worm poked to the surface from the dark earth, glanced about, then inched its way across the lawn. The vulture dove with a menace of wings and snapped it up. Guts spilled to the ground. The vulture took off with worms entrails flapping in the air. Tempest took another sip of her tea, swallowed.

  “Best day ever,” she grumbled. Tempest finished her tea and went to bed.

  For the most part, Tempest was content to sit and gaze out the window during the day. At any given time, there was a lively zoo in her backyard that came and went. When asked, Cy said the creatures were harmless but to stay inside. Creatures roamed free, but nothing rattled her as much as the jungle sounds. Cy took two seconds of his time to show her how to
cut off outdoor volume. She wanted to visit with the other human females and was told she could later when the threat had passed. Alien threat or warrior threat wasn’t explained. Cy was too busy, gone, or asleep twenty-four-seven. The other human females were needed to aid the warriors in a different location using various powers while Tempest still had zero clue of her own virtues. Tempest had no control over her powers try as she may. The toy ship remained elusive. Everything was elusive and her emotions were grating on her nerves.

  As the days tumbled over each other, Tempest was itching to go outside. She ate, too much at times, too little other days. She slept. Mostly she talked to herself. Her first experience with a Zargonnii shower was interesting. Tempest had watched as the pounding deluge splashed and bounced. The noise alone was deafening. The few drops that hit her stung her naked body. She didn’t dare stick her hand out for fear her flesh would be ripped off. After a while, she went to the replicator and asked for warm water in a bowl.

  Loneliness ate at her. She was cut off from everything; it was like being back in the old cave without even Braylon for a companion. Cy came home at night too tired to do anything but eat and sleep. He rose early, dressed, and left. He came home late and the ‘Groundhog Day’ became a repetitive monotone. Finally, one morning her temper exploded.

  “I’m caged,” she bellowed as Cy and Braylon were about to leave. “I’ve counted the vines on the tree I can see, the leaves, the bugs. The creepy creatures. I’m lonely.”

  “Braylon needs to generate. I need to help with the Angano.”

  “It’s me, right? You’re all pissed because I’m a threat. You should have told me I’d be locked up. A virtual prisoner. I would have stayed on Bagron with Cobra. At least, he lets me wander.”

  Cy scowled at her. “You are my mate. Not Cobra’s, he has his own. Your place is with me.”

  “Then damn it, take me with you.”

  “It’s too dangerous.” Cy was growling at her. “We can talk later.”


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