Without Mercy: The Stunning True Story of Race, Crime, and Corruption in the Deep South

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Without Mercy: The Stunning True Story of Race, Crime, and Corruption in the Deep South Page 23

by David Beasley

  Catholic Church

  Ku Klux Klan and

  Matthew 16:24

  Psalm 23


  civil rights movement

  Civil War

  Civilian Conservation Corps

  Clarke, Edward Young

  Cleveland, Grover

  Cloister Hotel

  Coburn, William

  Cochran Mill

  Cocking, Walter D.

  Cohen, John S.

  Colescott, James


  Combs, Gordon

  Communist Party

  Consolidated Loan and Finance

  Conyers, Ben

  Cook, Hoyt

  Coplin, Homer


  Cotton from Field to Mill (Evergood)

  Cox, James M.

  Cox Enterprises

  Cravey, Otis

  Crawford Long Hospital

  Creech, Durward

  cruel and unusual punishment

  Culver Military Academy

  Cunningham, James

  Cutcliffe, Walter

  Dallas, Texas

  Dallas Times Herald

  Daniel, Filmore Watt

  Darrow, Clarence

  Davis, James C.

  Davis, Jefferson

  Davis, Troy

  Deen, Braswell

  Democratic Party

  African Americans and

  primary of

  Dennard, J. W.

  Department of Health

  Department of Public Health

  Depression. See Great Depression


  Dickerson, Roy

  Dickerson, Tina Mae

  Dickerson, Tom

  death of

  Musgrove on

  Rivers, E. D., and

  trial of


  disease. See also specific diseases



  divine providence

  Dixie Movie Theater

  Dougherty, Dennis

  Down syndrome

  Dyer, Stonewall H.


  Early, Stephen T.

  East Point

  Ebenezer Baptist Church

  Echols, John

  Ed Rivers Weekly (newspaper)

  Edison, Thomas


  minimum school year and

  poverty and

  teacher salaries and

  textbooks and

  Edwards, Mary J.

  Ellie May (fictional character)

  Elliott, J. Robert

  Ellis, I. V.

  Emory University

  Emulsified Asphalt Refining Company

  Epilepsy Foundation


  Eskridge, Frank

  Etheridge, Paul S.



  Evans, Ellen

  Evans, Hiram Wesley

  on African Americans

  Arnall and

  asphalt scheme and

  Atlanta Constitution and

  Black, H., and

  Catholic Church and

  federal income taxes and

  Fox and

  New Deal and

  publications by

  Rivers, E. D., and

  Simmons and

  Evergood, Philip

  extra-legal means

  Farley, James


  Fay, George

  FDR. See Roosevelt, Franklin Delano

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

  federal income taxes

  Fincher, B. H.

  First Baptist Church

  Fishbein, Morris

  Fitzgerald Herald

  Floody, Wally

  Flourney, Bob

  Fluker, Jean

  Fluker, Odie

  forced sterilization

  Forrest, Nathan Bedford

  Forrest, Nathan Bedford III

  Forrester, E. J.

  Forrester, Jack

  Fort Benning

  Fowler, Verna May

  Fox, Phil

  Frank, Leo

  Franklin, A. L.

  Freeman, Joe

  freight rates

  Fulton County Board of Public Welfare

  Fulton County Jail

  Fulton National Bank

  Furman, William Henry

  Furman v. Georgia

  Gable, Clark

  Gallogly, Frances Gray

  Gallogly, James A.

  Gallogly, Richard Gray

  arrest of

  Atlanta Journal and

  background of

  Boykin and

  death of

  escape of

  imprisonment of

  media and

  pardoning of

  Rivers, E. D., and

  Talmadge, E., and

  at Tattnall Prison

  trial of

  Garden, Allan

  Garner, James

  George, Walter

  Georgia Anatomical Board

  Georgia Board of Education

  Georgia Board of Public Health

  Georgia Eugenics Board

  Georgia Institute of Technology

  Georgia Prison Commission

  Georgia School for the Deaf

  Georgia State Prison

  Georgia Welfare Department

  Gillis, Jim

  Gone with the Wind (film)

  Gone with the Wind (Mitchell)

  Gottenstrater, William J.


  Grant Park Zoo

  Gray, James R.

  Gray, Mary Inman


  Great Depression

  Atlanta Journal and

  easing of

  Ku Klux Klan and

  New Deal and

  World War II and

  The Great Escape (film)

  Greer, John, Jr.

  Gregg v. Georgia

  Griffin, Marvin

  Griffith, D. W.

  Griner, J. V.

  Guyol, Eddie

  Guyol, Myrtle

  Hagan, B. D.

  Hains, George

  Hall of the Invisibles

  Hamilton, Sylla

  Hardman, L. G.

  Hardman, Lamartine

  Harper, Stanley

  Harris, Julian

  Harris, Roy

  Harris, W. J.

  Harsh, George, Jr.

  arrest of

  Atlanta Constitution on

  Atlanta Journal on

  background of

  Boykin and

  death of

  escape of

  imprisonment of

  Mahoney, J., and

  media and

  pardoning of

  Talmadge, E., and

  trial of

  World War II and

  Hawkes, W. D.

  Hawkins, J. H.




  Hearst, William Randolph

  Helton, Charles R.

  Herd, R. H.

  Herd, Thomas H.

  hereditary diseases

  Herndon, Jane

  Hitler, Adolf

  Holcomb, Walter

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell

  Home Company


  Hoover, Herbert

  Hoover, J. Edgar

  Horne, W. L.

  Hornsby, M. A.

  Houston, Charles H.

  Howard, William Schley

  Hunt, Vera

  Hurley, Charles F.

  I Am a Fugitive from a Georgia Chain Gang! (Burns)

  Imperial Palace


  federal taxes

  per capita

  infant deaths


  insanity defense

  International News Service

  Interstate Commerce Commission

  Irvin, C. B. />
  J. W. Bush Motor Company

  Jackson, Georgia

  Jackson Progress Argus

  Jeeter Lester (fictional character)

  Johnson, Alex

  Johnson, Lyndon

  Jones, R. E.

  Jones, Willie

  Journal of the American Medical Association

  Junior Ball

  justifiable homicide

  Kennedy, F. Frederick

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kennedy, Robert


  King, Martin Luther, Jr.

  King, Martin Luther III

  Kirkpatrick, Tom



  Korean War

  The Kourier (publication)

  Ku Klux Klan

  Arnall and

  The Birth of a Nation and

  Catholic Church and

  Christianity and

  kidnappings and

  Rivers, E. D., and

  Roosevelt, F. D., and

  violence and

  Lanier University

  Larson, Edward

  Lawton, Spencer

  League of Nations

  Leathers, Roy

  Lee, Robert E.

  Leigh, Vivien

  Leonard, W. A.

  Leopold, Nathan

  lethal injection

  Levy, O. H.


  Loeb, Richard

  Lombard, R. H.

  Lombardo, Paul

  Lonesome Road (Harsh)


  lottery widows

  Lov (fictional character)

  Lowe, John W.

  lunacy commission

  Lunsford, F. S.


  Lyttle, Floyd

  Mack, Arthur

  appeal of

  crime of

  execution of

  Marshall and

  trial of

  Macon City Auditorium

  Macon Telegraph

  MacPhail, Mark Allen

  Maddox, Albert

  Mahoney, Jack

  Mahoney, L. T.



  Mann, Roy


  Marietta Daily Journal

  Marshall, Thurgood

  Martin, Harold

  Martin, Jess

  Mason, Lucy

  Matthew 16:24

  Matthews, R. A.

  McDonald, A. J.

  McGehee, Charles Christopher

  McGill, Ralph

  McIntyre, M. H.

  McLaughlin, C. F.

  McMurray, Ben

  McQueen, Steve




  Meeks, S. H.

  “The Menace of Modern Immigration”

  mental patients

  Mer Rouge, Louisiana

  Miller, Lint

  Miller, W. L. (“Lint”)

  Mitchell, Margaret

  mob violence

  Moore, Annie L.

  Moore, J. T.

  Moore, William P.

  Muller, Hermann J.

  Munroe, George P.

  Muscogee County Commission

  Musgrove, Downing

  NAACP. See National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

  National Association for Down Syndrome

  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

  Communist Party and

  Mack and Perry, A., case and

  Willis and

  National Guard

  National Theater

  Nazi Party

  Nesteller, R.

  New Deal

  education and

  entitlement society and

  Evans, H. W., and

  Ku Klux Klan and

  medicine programs and

  Rivers, E. D., and

  Talmadge, E., and

  Tattnall Prison and

  union organization rights and

  New York Post

  New York Times

  Nichols, Brian

  The Nighthawk

  Nixon, Nora

  Nixon, Richard

  North Camp

  O’Daniel, W. Lee (“Pappy”)

  Oden, John W.

  Office of Price Stabilization

  Oglethorpe University

  O’Hara, Gerald P.

  Old South

  O’Neill, Maurice


  pardon racket

  Parker, John

  Parks, Rosa

  Paul, Dennis

  Paulk, James

  Pauls, Cecil

  Pauls, Christine

  Pearce, Jennie Gray

  Pearson, Drew


  per capita income

  Perry, Arthur

  appeal of

  crime of

  execution of

  Marshall and

  trial of

  Perry, Ruth

  Marshall and

  Munroe and

  Persons, Ogden

  Phagan, Mary

  Pittman, Claude

  poll tax

  Poole, Lamar

  Porter, Claude


  childbirth problems and

  education and

  Georgia Welfare Department and

  racism and

  prenatal health care

  price-fixing scheme


  Psalm 23

  public health programs

  Public Works Administration

  purge primaries


  Raines, William

  Ramsbell, Charles

  “A Ray of Hope in Smyrna” (Atlanta Daily World)

  Red Cross

  Redwine, Charlie

  Rehabilitation (Harris, J.)

  Richards, Thomas F.

  Richmond County Jail

  Ridley, Caleb A.

  Riley, Julian

  The Rising Storm (Evans, H. W.)

  Rivers, Eurith Dickinson

  antilynching legislation and

  asphalt scheme and

  Boykin and

  Democratic primary and

  Dennard and

  Dickerson, T., and

  education and

  Evans, H. W., and

  Fluker, O., and

  Fox and

  Gallogly, R., and

  Ku Klux Klan and

  Mack and Perry, A., case and

  Miller and

  New Deal and

  Paul and

  state spending and

  Talmadge, E., and

  Wheat and

  Rivers, Eurith Dickinson, Jr.

  Rivers, Lucille

  Roberts, J. Guy

  Robert’s Rules of Order

  Rogers, Roy

  Roosevelt, Eleanor

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (FDR)

  Camp, L., and

  Cox and

  Farley and

  Ku Klux Klan and

  purge primaries and

  Rivers, E. D., and

  Supreme Court and

  Talmadge, E., and

  Rosenfeld, Jimmy

  Rough, James

  Royal Canadian Air Force

  Rucker, Charlie

  execution of

  trial of

  Rucker, Lucy


  Russell, Richard B., Jr.

  Russell, Willie

  crime of

  execution of

  Jones, W., and

  mob and

  trial of


  Salvation Army

  Sargent, Curtis

  Schmid, Smoot

  Schwall, Edward W.

  SCLC. See Southern Christian Leadership Conference

  Scottsboro Boys

  Screws, Lummy

  Sears, Leah Ward

  Selznick, David

/>   Shell Oil Company

  Shell Union Oil

  Sherman Antitrust Act

  Simmons, William J.

  Slaton, John

  Smith, Al

  Smith, Hoke

  Smith, Mary Belle

  Smith, Richard

  Smith, T. W.

  Smith, William

  Social Security

  Southeastern Construction Company

  Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools

  Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

  Southern Finance Corporation

  Southern Leadership Conference

  Southern Publicity Association

  St. Joseph’s Hospital

  St. Louis Star-Times

  Stalag Luft III

  Standard, W. T.

  Stanley, Vivian

  State Board of Eugenics

  State Board of Penal Administration

  State Colony for Epileptics and Feeble Minded

  State Hospital for the Insane

  state spending

  Stephens, Alexander

  Stephens, James

  sterilization, forced

  Stewart, Potter

  Stewart Brothers

  Stone, Lester

  Stone Mountain Circuit


  Sullivan, Lon

  Supreme Court

  Arnall and

  Black, H., and

  cruel and unusual punishment and

  Dickerson, T., and

  Fluker, O., and

  forced sterilization and

  Furman v. Georgia

  Gregg v. Georgia

  Mack and Perry, A., convictions and

  Marshall and

  Miller and

  Paul and

  Roosevelt, F. D., and

  Scottsboro Boys and


  Talmadge, Eugene

  Fox and

  Gallogly, R., and

  Harsh and

  New Deal and

  purge primaries and

  sterilization bill and

  Talmadge, Herman

  Tattnall Prison

  Arnall and

  Carter, R., at

  donation of corpses and

  electric chair at

  Fluker, O., at

  Gallogly, R., and

  King at

  New Deal and

  Rivers, E. D., and


  federal income


  Taylor, Jesse

  teacher salaries

  Texas State Fair


  textile industry

  Thirteenth Amendment

  Thomas, E. D.

  Thomas, Jesse O.

  Thompson, M. E.

  Thornton, C. T.

  Thurston, G. T.

  Time (magazine)

  Tobacco Road (Caldwell)

  Tom Huston Peanut Company

  Toney, P. S.

  Training School for Mentally Defective Children

  Treasure Island

  Truman, Harry

  turf wars

  Turner, H. W.

  Turner, Russell

  Tuskegee Institute (Tuskegee University)

  Tutu, Desmond

  Tyler, Mary Elizabeth

  Tyler, Swift, Jr.




  University of Georgia

  School of Medicine

  Upholsterers, Carpet and Linoleum Mechanics’ International Union

  Vanderbilt University

  Vandiviere, H. G.


  venereal diseases

  Vines, Mary

  voluntary sterilization

  voting, by African Americans

  Walker, Clifford

  Wallace, Henry

  Walton, A. J.

  War Against the Weak (Black, E.)

  Watson, Thomas E.


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