Edge of Pathos (The Conjurors Series Book 4)

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Edge of Pathos (The Conjurors Series Book 4) Page 5

by Kristen Pham

  “I wondered how I’d ever keep up with you. Guess I can after all,” he said, barely breathing heavily.

  “Focus,” she ordered, unable to keep a smile off her face.

  Henry flashed an image of Willa racing past the Empathy Collective, heading toward the woods. With the image came a feeling—fear. Henry sensed that Willa was running for her life. Valerie saw her dress blowing, and she and Thai raced toward her.

  “Willa, wait! We only want to talk!” Valerie shouted.

  Willa turned, but she didn’t slow down.

  “We’ve got to get to the bottom of this,” Thai said, and they surged forward, gaining on Willa.

  Quickly, they overtook her, and Valerie tackled her to the ground, making sure to shield her so that she didn’t fall too hard.

  Willa backed away, shaking. But when she spoke, her voice was steady.

  “Killing me won’t accomplish anything,” Willa said. “It will be a stain on your conscience for the rest of your life.”

  “I’m not going to hurt you,” Valerie said, releasing Willa once she stopped wriggling. “Why would you think that? I’m here to ask you for a favor, not to take your life.”

  “Then what did you bring him for?” Willa said, her eyes flicking to Thai. “I know he does Reaper’s dirty work. When I visited Elsinore, I saw him taking away innocent Conjurors who refused to support the Fractus in chains to Dunsinane.”

  Thai’s mouth turned in a sharp frown. Willa had mistaken Thai for Tan, his clone.

  “This isn’t who you think,” Valerie said, and explained Thai’s identity.

  Willa’s posture relaxed, but she continued to eye Thai suspiciously.

  “Why are you searching for me, then? I don’t have my father’s power to detect sources of deep magic, if that’s what you’re hoping. My magic allows me to help things grow, like flowers. Not very useful during wartime.”

  “We’re here because of your connection to Al, the Grand Master of the Stewardship Guild,” Valerie quickly interjected.

  Willa scowled. “That traitor?”

  “We’re hoping you can convince him to leave the Fractus,” Thai said.

  “Why would you think that I would have any influence over him?” she asked, her brows lowering in suspicion.

  “We discovered that you two had a…connection. That he cares about you,” Valerie said.

  “How? No one knows about that. We never even had our first date. I cut him off as soon as he put his resources behind that monster, Reaper.”

  “My brother, Henry, has the power to touch minds, to see inside–”

  “He invaded my mind? Then he’s no better than the Fractus you’re fighting!” Willa said. “How could you allow that?”

  Valerie was filled with shame. She’d never considered that breaking into someone’s mind, reading their most private thoughts, was no better than what Kellen had done to her when he’d controlled her actions with fairy dust. In some ways, it was worse.

  Thai’s hand briefly touched her back in support, and she straightened. She had to face her mistake head on.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, not allowing her voice to waver. “I try to be a good leader, but in some ways I’m still a kid. It was a stupid mistake. I didn’t think. I apologize for our invasion, and I understand if you don’t want to help us.”

  “I didn’t say that,” Willa said with a reluctant smile. “I can see why the Conjurors follow you. And I would do anything to see Reaper suffer after what he did to my father. But I don’t see how I can help.”

  “Do you think Al is a bad man, at heart?” Thai asked.

  Willa shook her head.

  “Then talk to him. You might be the only one he’ll listen to right now. If we can’t find a way to end this drought, we’ll lose Silva,” Valerie said.

  “I know if it were me, I’d listen to the woman I love and try to see things her way,” Thai added.

  “It is rather a dream of mine to be called upon to change the tide of a war, like a hero of old,” Willa said, her voice dreamy. “I’ll talk to the fool.”

  “Thank you,” Valerie said. “I will not forget your noble service.”

  Willa grinned at Valerie’s flourish with words.

  “I like you, little vivicus. So I’ll solve this problem, one way or another. You have my word.”

  After a long meeting with Skye and Calibro about the progress the Fist’s Grand Masters were making in their inroads into Dunsinane, Valerie walked home alone for the first time in a long while.

  She breathed in the still night air as she slipped between the buildings that formed The Horseshoe. She was always on the lookout for attacks, but right now her instincts were quiet.

  Which was why she never saw the hand that reached from behind to grab her and tackle her to the ground coming. Fortunately, her magic surged within her without hesitation, and she grabbed the creature by his wrist and hurtled him over her shoulder. He landed hard on the ground.

  “You’d think I’d have learned by now,” Mira said.

  Valerie saw Mira’s small brown form in the moonlight and gave him a hand to stand.

  “I’d apologize, but as a Master Knight, you really should have known not to sneak up on the Fractus’s biggest enemy in the dead of night,” Valerie said, but not without a little smile. “I hear you’ve joined the Fist?”

  “Perhaps foolishly, I trusted Kellen. He was the best leader of the Knights that we’d had in a long while. I believe Reaper tortured him, changed his brain, like he did to Rastelli. He is not the fairy I once knew,” Mira said.

  “I’m glad you’re on our side now.”

  “As am I. I spoke with your friend, Claremont, and have identified a group of Knights who are considering leaving the Fractus. What holds them back is not that they believe in Reaper’s cause, but they fear the consequences if they leave. You have to prove that you can protect them and their families.”

  “I don’t know if I can,” Valerie admitted. “Reaper’s reach is far, and there will be those who fall, no matter how many I try to save.”

  “You’ll have to think of a better story when you talk to them tonight,” Mira said with a wry smile.


  “I’ve gathered a group at the Guild,” Mira said. “Kellen is at the Black Castle with Reaper. There will be no better time to win their hearts.”

  Valerie nodded. Passing up the chance to secure such powerful supporters would be a mistake, no matter how unprepared she was.

  When she passed beneath the arches of her guild, it strangely reminded her of when she’d walked into the launch chamber in the Great Pyramid, which had sent her to the Globe for the first time. Power and possibility rippled through her.

  As her eyes adjusted to the darkness in the courtyard, she saw dozens of her fellow Knights waiting for her. They were murmuring to each other, but quieted when she passed beneath the arches.

  “She’s here,” someone whispered.

  The awe in the voice took Valerie aback. Not because it was the first time she’d heard it, but because it was the first time that it hadn’t surprised her, or embarrassed her. Leading the Fist was part of who she was now.

  “Thank you for taking the risk to be here,” Valerie said, and her voice carried, echoing around the courtyard.

  “Valerie doesn’t ask you to follow her blindly,” Mira said. “She will hear your concerns, but for now, listen to her.”

  There was utter silence after his words, and Valerie took it as her invitation to speak.

  “I don’t know why you chose to follow Fractus. Maybe you believed in his cause, or feared for yourselves or your families. Whatever your reason, I don’t judge it. I am grateful you might be ready to leave.

  “There is no way that I can promise absolute safety to your or your families, or that our side will win every battle. But someone once told me that having right on your side is important. I didn’t believe him then, but I do now. The Fist doesn’t seek vengeance against the Fractus,
but to end the bloodshed.”

  “The wish in all of our hearts!” someone shouted, and Valerie squinted into the crowd. She recognized the face of the speaker, and her own broke out in a smile.

  “Lyonesse! You fought by my side once, and I am honored you would consider joining me again,” Valerie said.

  Lyonesse had fought with Valerie in her first battle against the Fractus, but she’d chosen to follow Reaper.

  “You see? The vivicus holds no grudges, as I told you!” Lyonesse said triumphantly.

  “There is no room for grudges against anyone, even Reaper himself,” Valerie said, only realizing her words were true as she spoke them.

  Reaper had killed her father, had made her an orphan for the second time in her life, but if she let that consume her and drive her, she knew that she’d lose this war. Her motives had to come from a purer place. Inspiring vengeance in her army would be easy, but the lift would be temporary. Fighting for true justice, like King Arthur, was the real answer.

  “Join me, and together, we will create a safer, better future not only for our own families, but the families of all Conjurors and humans who face the tyranny of the Fractus. I can’t promise you that victory will come easily, but I know it will come.”

  A loud cheer followed her words, buoying Valerie’s spirits.

  “Not bad,” Mira murmured.

  Valerie turned to him. “I think that we convinced some of these Knights to join us tonight. But tell them not to defect from the Fractus yet. I have an idea that could change the tide of the next major battle, if we do it right.”

  “I am glad that I will be fighting on your side in this war, apprentice,” Mira said. “I do it because it is right, but it doesn’t hurt that after tonight, I believe it is also the side that will win.”

  Though Valerie’s ever-present worry about what Reaper was up to during the truce didn’t go away, she knew that she’d made the right decision to opt for ten days of peace. Without it, she’d never have had the chance to talk to the Knights, and her instincts told her this could change the tide of the war.

  Chapter 8

  Somewhere in the recesses of her mind, Valerie knew that Cyrus was planning a huge party on the last day of the truce with the Fractus. But she was still surprised when she stepped out of the Capitol building after a long day of negotiating with the Grand Masters to see The Horseshoe elaborately decorated. Music played, though not loudly yet, and glittering lights hung in the air like fairy children, reminding Valerie of her first date with Cyrus.

  Cyrus had also permanently lit the multi-colored path around The Horseshoe that usually only glowed when it was stepped on. The result was otherworldly. Which she supposed it literally was.

  When Valerie’s foot touched the bottom step of the Capitol building, it lit up in a blaze, and all eyes turned to her. She laughed as fireworks shot up around her.

  “To the brilliant, pure, beautiful leader of all that is right with the world, Valerie Diaz!” Cyrus’s voice was amplified all around her.

  In response, the hundreds of Conjurors gathered in the courtyard whooped. Valerie flushed at their response to her entrance, unable to hide her surprise.

  After a beat, she burst out laughing. Cyrus had turned her into a rock star worthy of Hollywood.

  She caught Cyrus’s eye. He was standing to the side of the Capitol building, and he shrugged when he met her gaze. Her smile must have been huge, because his whole face lit up when he returned her smile with one of his own. It hit her then how long it had been since she’d seen him this happy.

  A booming base drummed out a beat that everyone began dancing to, turning the spotlight away from Valerie. She launched herself into Cyrus’s waiting arms.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “I remember when you wanted to be a rock star,” he said. “I think you were eight. And now, a mere ten years later, you kinda are, minus the guitar.”

  Valerie hadn’t thought about that in a long time. Any dreams of standing out from the crowd, dazzling people and attracting attention, had been beaten out of her in foster care. But Cyrus was right. Once upon a time, she hadn’t shied away from the spotlight like she did now.

  Valerie saw Thai watching her with Cyrus, but the smile on his face was genuine. He joined the throng dancing to the beat thrumming around them, his graceful dance moves melting into the crowd.

  Nearby, Dulcea and Jack danced together, their bodies moving like they were one person. With them was a crowd of boys that Valerie didn’t recognize at first without the black stitches on their throats. Her heart grew even fuller as she watched them enjoying the music and checking out girls.

  “Come on!” Cyrus said, pulling Valerie into the bobbing mass of bodies.

  Valerie gave into the music, letting go of her worries for a little while. Even Henry joined in the dancing.

  “I’ve got a surprise for you, too, sis,” Henry said a while later, gesturing to a speck in the distance that was flying toward them.

  It was Dasan, the leader of Henry’s guild, the Empathy Collective. Everyone cheered as he flew above their heads.

  Henry’s mind was open enough that she could sense that he was lending his power to Dasan. Together, they cast a spell of peace over the crowd in The Horseshoe. As Dasan’s magic trickled down, like a soft, warm rain, Valerie let it wash away her worries.

  Colors were brighter, and the light in her mind was able to overtake the dark, for once. Dasan settled to the ground beside them.

  “Thank you, Dasan,” Valerie said. She felt so light, she thought she might float away.

  “A slice of peace is no more than we all deserve,” Dasan said, but Valerie saw that he was examining Henry with his head cocked to the side.

  “If only Kanti were with us,” Valerie said to Henry.

  Henry’s face fell at her words. But her own anxiety had dimmed, and she didn’t overanalyze it when he left the party.

  Instead, Valerie embraced having her worries temporarily tucked away by Dasan, and danced with her friends.

  It was hours later that she collapsed against a tree, her mind empty enough to enjoy a cool breeze for the first time in a long while. She watched the party, which was still in full swing. She’d find a way to make it like this all the time after the war was over.

  Someone sat next to her, and she knew without looking that it was Thai.

  “Nice moves out there,” Valerie said.

  “Looking good yourself. Where did you learn to dance? Judging by the seizures that pass for Henry dancing, it isn’t genetic.”

  Valerie paused. Sometimes her life before magic felt like a dream. “I had an older foster sister who let me practice dance moves with her while we watched MTV. I was never as good as her, but at least now I understand rhythm. Unlike my brother.”

  “What happened to her?” Thai asked.

  Valerie swallowed. “She turned eighteen. Was swallowed up by the streets. Last time I saw her, she was dealing drugs under a bridge where I lived for a while. She didn’t recognize me.”

  She turned her head and found Thai’s eyes searching her face. “You deserve a happy ending. Maybe once this war is over, you’ll finally get it.”

  “We all deserve that. And we’re going to make it happen,” Valerie said. She didn’t know if it was because of Dasan’s magic, but she believed the words as she spoke them.

  “I want to kiss you so badly right now,” Thai whispered.

  Valerie was hyper-aware of the inches of space between them. She knew that if she leaned forward, even by a hair, that he’d close the gap. Having that thought was a betrayal to Cyrus, and Valerie stood up, stepping back to increase the distance between them.

  “I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry,” Thai said. “Blame it on that red bird. What’s his name?”

  His joke cut the tension, and she laughed.

  “Dasan,” she said. “And I have to get back to the party.”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, Valerie,” Thai said, and
headed in the direction of his dorm.

  Valerie made her way through the grass toward the glowing lights and laughter, but stopped when she saw something glowing on the ground a few yards away. She knelt to pick it up.

  It was a flower formed entirely of light, and there was only one person who could have made it.

  Valerie’s temporary peace vanished. Guilt was the first emotion that flooded back in her mind as she slowly returned to reality.

  Valerie couldn’t find Cyrus anywhere at the party, so she turned her steps home. She found him there, sitting on her front stoop. The strangest wave of dread passed over her.

  Cyrus stood, his face more still than Valerie had ever seen it. “Remember when you, Henry, Kanti, and I all pledged on Pathos to tell the truth to each other?”

  “Of course,” she said, gripping the hilt of her blade, which hung in its sheath at her side.

  “It binds us. Even if you wanted to lie to me, you couldn’t,” he said.

  “But I haven’t lied to you. And I never will,” Valerie said.

  Cyrus’s face softened by a fraction. “I know. And I know you’re too honorable to cheat on me. That’s not what I’m afraid of. I’m afraid that you’re going to stay with me for the rest of your life, even though I’m your second choice.”

  “Cyrus, I love you. I want to be with you,” she said, but a mounting fear was growing in her heart.

  “Tell me you love me more than you love Thai,” Cyrus said. “That I’m your soul mate.”

  If Valerie could have lied then, she might have. Cyrus had been the only constant in her life, and if she broke his heart and he left her, she might die. But even as she tried to form the words, they turned to ashes in her mouth. She didn’t know if it was the spell or her own conscience, but she couldn’t mislead him.

  “I don’t know if I could survive without you,” she said, her hands clenched into fists. “I love you. Believe that.”

  “I do,” he said softly. “But you love Thai even more, don’t you?”

  Valerie stared at him, tears pooling in her eyes. She didn’t answer.

  “Don’t you?” Cyrus said. “Say it!”


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