A Houseparty to Die For (Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 5)

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A Houseparty to Die For (Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 5) Page 1

by Lindsay Downs

  A Houseparty to Die For

  By Lindsay Downs

  Published by TouchPoint Romance

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and events are fictitious in every regard. Any similarities to actual events and persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book in whole or part, electronically or mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation.


  Copyright © 2016 LINDSAY DOWNS

  Cover Art Designed by Heidi Sieverding

  To the brave women and men of the US Armed Forces

  Chapter One

  From the front porch of his mansion Justin, Earl of Rosewood, was joined by Nash and Matt along with their wives. The ladies had been instrumental in assisting him in organizing this house party. In the distance, he saw several large traveling carriages coming down the drive. He felt his hands start to sweat. Justin tried to swallow around the lump which had suddenly formed in his throat. Taking in a deep breath, which did nothing to calm his nerves, he peered over to his friends.

  “Gentlemen and ladies, I can’t thank you enough for all the assistance you’ve given me. I think.”

  Less than a year ago Justin had learned he was the sole surviving heir to the Rosewood title, on the unexpected and sudden deaths of his parents and brother. He had been fortunate in receiving an education, except when it came to the affairs of the heart. That he’d had to learn for himself, sometimes the hard way.

  Having been spared the parson’s mousetrap at a small, but intimate gathering Matthew had planned, he’d been instructed never to escort an unmarried lady about or be in the same room without a chaperone for her. Ordered would have been a better description. As for this two-week-long house party, that directive had come from Nash’s mother The Duchess of Fenwick. It was made even more difficult because three young ladies he had affections for had accepted his invitation.

  The purpose for this event was so Justin could make a decision as to which of them he wished to marry. That is, if the lady accepted his offer for her.

  “Justin, think nothing of it. After all we can’t have you chasing every available young lady when the small season starts in the fall, now can we?” Amelia teased.

  “I definitely agree with Nash’s wife. Just think how that would look for us. Don’t forget, we all know each other, and the Grand Dames are well aware of that fact,” Matt declared.

  As the first carriage rolled into the courtyard, Justin turned to Amelia and opened his mouth to speak.

  “Don’t even go there. As Amelia and I have told you several times, the choice of lady is for you to make,” Jessica stated firmly.

  Justin moaned.

  As much as he wished to disagree with them, deep down Justin knew the ladies and their husbands were correct.

  When the coach came to a halt in front of the stairs he stepped over to it as one of his footmen opened its door. Having recognized the emblem on the door, Justin knew it carried Lady Lara Fletcher and her parents, Earl and Countess of Westwick.

  Standing to the side so Lord Julius could step down, Justin waited while the countess was helped out. He then walked up, leaned in, smiled, and offered Lara his hand. Once she was settled on the cobblestones, he turned to her parents and bowed.

  “Welcome to Rosewood Estate, m’ lord and ladies. Mrs. Harper,” he paused, turning to his housekeeper, “will show you to your suites,” Justin told them.

  “Thank you for inviting us. I’m sure we’ll have a marvelous time,” Lara declared.

  What was so disarming for Justin was the fluttering of her lashes had his heart pounding. Somehow, he knew he’d have to learn to control his emotions when around her and the other two ladies. Silently moaning, Justin knew these upcoming days were going to be very trying for him, both emotionally and physically.

  Once his housekeeper had taken them in, Nash joined him.

  “Careful, Justin. She will try to put you in a compromising situation,” Nash whispered.

  “Yes, I fear you might be correct. She’s never acted like that before.”

  No sooner had he finished speaking than another carriage passed under the courtyard arch. He didn’t need to look at the seal on the door to know who it belonged to, the two outriders in front and following told him. The Duke and Duchess of Kinsax, with their daughter, Lady Phoebe.

  Of the three who’d stolen his heart, she had always been modestly cool to him. Why he’d invited her, he couldn’t recall except it had been at the urgings of Amelia.

  As with Westwick, Justin waited until the duke, duchess, and Phoebe were on the ground before welcoming them.

  The moderately warm reception he received from the lady did make Justin happy as it had been one of the few times she’d bestowed him with a smile.

  With them handed over to Mrs. Harper, Justin joined his friends on the granite stairs, only to receive a glare from Jessica.

  “Justin, considering the cool reception Lady Phoebe just gave you, pray tell, why did you insist on including her?” Amelia asked.

  “Other than her great beauty, which doesn’t compare to our wives,” Matt teased.

  He found the titters from Amelia and Jessica interesting. At least to him, Phoebe was even more beautiful than his friends’ wives combined. If specifically asked, he wasn’t sure if he could limit his answer to one point. Could it be her raven black hair which contrasted with the light, sky blue of her eyes? Or her form? Not to thin or thick.

  If truth be told, and Justin was pinned to the wall, he’d have to say it was her intellect. Granted, while under the duke he’d received some education which continued with Nash, but the one part that had been left out was handling the affairs of managing several estates.

  Since taking up the earldom, his friends had assisted him, but Justin knew that wouldn’t last forever. That was the primary reason he’d been attracted to Phoebe. For him to get to the point of asking for her hand, he knew he’d have to convince the duke of his love, which was there, for his daughter. After all, her hand was being sought after by several more powerful gentlemen than he.

  Over the next several hours Justin greeted more of the guests to his house party. Most had had been invited at the request of either Jessica or Amelia. The one who hadn’t made her appearance was Lady Anna, which had him wondering why, since she had promised to join the party.

  Justin had already been introduced to many of the gentlemen in London or at the Winsome house party over Valentine’s Day. He found it interesting that quite a few of them came without a parent or guardian and knew they would have to be carefully watched over so no inappropriate behavior would mar this event.

  As for the young ladies he hadn’t previously been introduced to, either Amelia or Jessica did the honors when they weren’t showing guests to their suites to help take the load off of his housekeeper and butler.

  Justin knew the majority had arrived, and only a few more were coming tomorrow. As he looked to the drive, a single carriage was making its way under the courtyard arch. Not recognizing the seal on the door, he turned only to see Nash and his wife grinning back at him.

  “That’s Lady Prudence. She is a close friend of Bianca’s. The girl is reputed to be very timid. I’m surprised she accepted the invitation to attend. Her mother is Julia, Countess of Mandale, and she will be acting as chaperone,” Amelia uttered.
  “Have we ever been introduced?”

  “I believe not, as she came to London a few years ago for her come out. As my wife said, she’s fearful, and as such couldn’t handle the crush. It had been her parents’ recommendation they retire to their estate until Prudence was able to handle crowds again,” Matt explained to him.

  “Then, I would say she has,” Justin declared, as he watched the carriage come to a stop several feet from him.

  “If you don’t mind, Justin, allow me to assist the ladies down, then I’ll introduce you,” Matt suggested, coming from the mansion and up to him.

  “Thank you,” Justin replied, then stepped back to allow his friend to do the honors.

  Once the ladies were on their feet and had shaken out their traveling gowns, Justin stepped up beside Matt.

  “Countess of Mandale and Lady Prudence, may I present our host, Justin, Earl of Rosewood,” Matt announced.

  Slowly, carefully, so as not to upset Prudence and cause her undo stress, Justin took in her beauty. Even the three ladies who’d already caught his attention paled in comparison to her. Light brown hair set in a bun on the top of her head without any tendrils hanging down. This showed off her, porcelain-skinned neck and shoulders. Seeing them, Justin could feel his palms start to dampen, wishing he could touch her. When she raised her head he saw soft, passionate, hazel eyes with brows a shade darker than her hair.

  Upon straightening after giving the ladies a bow, Justin couldn’t help but notice a faint, pink tinge to her cheeks. He found this reaction interesting and had heard of it happening when the perfect lady and gentleman first met and they touched, except they’d not. From behind him Justin heard a very faint gasp coming from either Amelia or Jessica. Later, when alone with them and their husbands he’d have to inquire about their reaction.

  “M’ lord, thank you for inviting me to this house party,” Prudence barely whispered out.

  “I’m pleased you decided to join us. As you have already met Lord and Lady Howe, allow me to introduce you to Nash, Marquis of Renfield and Amelia, Marchioness of Renfield,” Justin announced.

  Justin waited while Prudence curtsied to Nash and Amelia. As she started to straighten, he saw her give a slight wobble. Stepping up, he cupped her elbow and almost immediately felt a warmth slide up his arm before settling over his heart. He suspected he could very well be in trouble.

  “Thank you, m’ lord,” she murmured.

  With a nod, he released her then turned on hearing his housekeeper step up. “M’ ladies, this is Mrs. Harper. She will show you to your suite. Also, on the bed is a placard with the activities planned for the rest of the day and tomorrow. Dinner will be in the main dining room starting at seven of the clock. As many of the other guests will most likely have trays in their rooms, tonight will be a buffet.”

  “Will you be joining us?” the countess asked.

  He’d not planned to but considering the sweet smile from Prudence, he knew it would behoove him to dine with whatever guests did.

  “Yes, I will.” With that he waved his housekeeper forward and turned the ladies over to the woman.

  Once they entered the mansion he turned to his friends. The wide grins and smiles he got made him start to panic.

  “And then there were four young ladies who you seem to be attracted to,” Nash teased.

  Not sure if he should reply or not, Justin let out a low growl then made for the mansion and his office. He wasn’t surprised to hear the others following. Marching straight over to the desk, he turned and waved them onto the divans. Once they were settled Justin did his best to glare at them but failed miserably.

  “To answer your question, Nash. Yes. However, with Prudence things seem a bit different.”

  “We noticed. It would appear your reaction when you touched her elbow was the same Nash and I experienced,” Amelia uttered.

  “And when Prudence flushed ever so lightly that happened to us as well. What are you going to do about it?” Jessica inquired.

  That could become a very large problem for him. Being the youngest earl in the realm, not only in age but length of time as a peer, Justin knew he needed to tread very carefully. Between Westwick and Harl they could ruin him financially, while the duke would take out his revenge in other ways. What that could be Justin didn’t even wish to ponder.

  He was aware the three ladies not only knew of each other but were aware of his attraction to them. Was it possible they, individually or together, might make Prudence’s life so difficult she would be forced to leave the party early?

  “Ladies, do either of you believe Ladies Lara, Anna, and Phoebe will cause Lady Prudence to become uncomfortable when they learn I might have certain feelings for her?”

  “Most definitely, and Phoebe will lead the charge. Several years ago, I watched as she made a very pleasant and sensitive young lady almost take her own life from the hateful words Phoebe spread. If the young girl’s parents hadn’t removed her from London she might have,” Jessica stated.

  “Yes, I remember that and what made everything so horrific was the duke and duchess did nothing,” Amelia said in conclusion.

  Now Justin had an even bigger problem. He had to protect Prudence while learning more about her. One fact he knew for certain, none of the other three elicited the emotions in him she did. And it would seem from Nash’s comment earlier, and his response, they all knew.

  “Then, I see we need to put a protective net around Lady Prudence. One she won’t be aware of,” Matt, silent until now, asserted.

  “And my dear husband, how would you recommend we do that?” Jessica expressed.

  “We make sure that, until Justin knows what his feelings for Prudence are, at least one of us participate in whatever activity she does. As for dinners, Justin, choose a different lady each time to sit on your right. But have Prudence then to your left. This should send the message not to toy with her,” Matt explained.

  “Yes, that might work, except I, and with no pun intended, draw the line when the ladies take up paint brushes,” Justin firmly declared.

  “Even if they wish to do a portrait of you?” Jessica teased.

  “I might agree, but only if my beast Sullivan is included in the painting. Now, as it’s getting on in time, shall we retire and dress for dinner. Nash and Amelia, being senior, would you care to take the foot of the table this eve?”

  “We would be honored. Shall we meet here a little before seven?” Nash suggested.


  Justin slowly followed the others from his office, all the while wondering what Prudence was thinking about.

  Chapter Two

  Prudence stepped into her assigned suite and gasped. Why had this suite been given to her and her mother? It was as beautiful as the one she occupied at her parent’s country estate. Not only that, but the color, different shades of pink, matched hers to perfection. With a sigh, she turned to her mother.

  “What happened a few moments ago? As you know I’ve worked very hard these past few years to gain confidence, but on seeing His Lordship my mind refused to work. It became even more befuddled when he settled his hand on my elbow when I lost my balance.”

  “I know you have, my dear, and I can’t explain that either. What I can tell you, this won’t be the last time you become tangle tied, so you should be prepared. Also, don’t forget the journey was long and tiring.”

  “That could have a lot to do with it,” she replied.

  “I agree, and as our trunks have arrived, I wish you to either rest or read, as I’m going to do the same,” her mother declared.

  With a head bob, Prudence stepped over to the bed, picked up the placard, glanced at it, then turned back to her mother and smiled before handing the card over.

  “Even though I wasn’t sure about attending this house party, now I’m glad you and La Contessa convinced me to come. Look at some of the activities scheduled for tomorrow.”

  “Now, aren’t you glad I insisted you bring your paints and

  “Oh yes, and I know what my subject will be. If anything, doing a portrait of Lord Justin should help me to relax. Now, as Jane’s here, let her help you change while I take care of my needs, then she can assist me,” Prudence declared, surprised on hearing her reassurance returning.

  “Agreed. If I may suggest, wear the pastel-yellow gown for dinner, as I’ve always loved that one on you,” her mother recommended.

  Giving a smile to her mother, Prudence slipped into the private room. With her hands and face washed, she returned to the suite and let their maid undo the buttons on her traveling dress. Letting it pool around her feet, she then accepted a light bathrobe, slipped it on, and then picked up the book she’d started reading on the trip.

  Settled on a large window seat, she opened the tome and started reading. Within a few seconds, Prudence could feel her lids dipping closed.

  Prudence slowly woke to the gentle shaking of her shoulder. Opening her eyes, she was greeted by her mother smiling down at her.

  “I’m sorry. It would seem I was more tired than I thought.”

  “That’s quite all right. I fell asleep myself. Now, your bath water is here so let’s get you bathed then dressed for the evening.”

  Later, bathed with her hair washed and dried, she slipped into fresh undergarments. Taking a seat at the dressing table, Prudence waited while Jane finished brushing out her hair then carefully set it for the evening. Unlike earlier, this time her maid let a few tendrils drape down to frame her delicate facial features. If Justin had been enamored earlier, with this styling he’d be close to speechless. Just the thought brought a smile to her lips.

  She found it interesting that during the entire process her mother hadn’t said a word. Glancing in the mirror, she saw her mother sitting in a comfortable chair watching her.

  “You seem happy, my dear.”

  As much as she wanted to tell her mother the reason, for the time being she didn’t but waited to see if what she hoped would come true.


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