It is What it is: A Hood Love Story

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It is What it is: A Hood Love Story Page 16

by B. , Ivory

  Lucky turned her head away from him once she realized he was looking dead at her. He couldn’t help feel a little snubbed by her cutting her eyes away from him. Knowing she was staring at him again, he was trying to be funny when he spat the words to the second verse of the song. “You can call this my new shit, but it ain’t new though. I got rid of my old bitch, now I got new hoes,” he said spreading his arms over the chicks that were crowded around him.

  “What?! What the fuck did he just say?” Lucky spat just as Ty came back to take her seat fanning herself and cheesing. She had just managed to pull herself away from Nice after making a scene on the dancefloor with him for awhile “What? What you talking about?” Ty asked with apparent confussion. Lucky was truly pissed and you could see it all in her face. “Who the fuck did he just call a bitch?!” Ty stared at Lucky for a moment as if she had truly lost her mind. “Girl he singing a damn song, what is wrong wit you?” “Unh, unh he tryna be on some funny shit, and I don’t like it one bit,” Lucky fumed. “Lucky calm down, enjoy ya’self. If that nigga stuttin let him.” Lucky decided to take her cousin’s advice and tune Carlos out. She eased back in her chair and started bopping her head to the music trying her hardest to simmer down. “Anyways, girl that nigga is big,” Ty squealed signaling with her hands so that Lucky could see what she was talking about. Ty only got a weak smirk from Lucky it was apparent Lucky wasn’t paying her any mind. “Oh so I see you over here still drowning in your sorrows.Why don’t you get up and dance? Show that nigga what you working wit.” Lucky shook her head, she wasn’t in a dancing mood. “Nah I’m not in the mood,” Lucky admitted. Ty huffed got up and left Lucky to her funky mood.

  Lucky found herself sitting alone after she’d dismissed a few dudes. She figured the word had gotten around not to even bother, because they stopped coming. Just when Lucky was considering calling it a night, she heard that deep familiar voice a little too close for compfort. There he was standing a few chairs away from where she was sitting, talking to Mo and the chick with the eye problem. Lucky couldn’t explain why her heart started beating rapidly and her hands became damp and sweaty.

  She cut her eyes to the side even though she didn’t want to, it was as if she couldn’t help but look at him. Miss Eye Problem was all in Los’s face pushing up on him. He took a seat on one of the lounge chairs and the chick attempted to sit on his lap. Los moved his leg to the side trying to make it clear he wasn’t interested. The girl didn’t seem to be offended or deterred by his rejection, instead she sat right next to him. “Ooh girl you don’t wanna get him in trouble wit his girlfriend,” Mo said loudly clearly trying to be funny. “Nah Mo you got shit confussed, I don’t have a girl. I mean…I had a lil something but she started acting up, so I had to let her go.” Mo let out an over exaggerated laugh, making sure her voice carried. Lucky was so mad she couldn’t see straight. A waitress went to walk by with champagne and Lucky grabbed yet another flute. She started sipping trying to ignore what was going on only feet away but her eyes and ears were working at their own free will and kept going back to Carlos. Lucky’s eyes landed on Carlos and his friend as she placed her hand on his face and spoke really close. Lucky could tell what Miss Eye Problem wanted, she wanted Los to kiss her. Lucky held her breath willing it not to happen. Los could feel Lucky’s eyes burning a hole through his back, she didn’t have to worry about him kissing ole girl that wasn’t his style. He’d kissed Lucky because that felt different, as a matter of fact everything was different with her. This chick though, he had no idea where ole girl mouth been. He smashed a few times in the past, as of right now though he wasn’t interested. She whispered in his ear to let her come back to his room and bless him for his birthday, which he kindly declined. He had other plans in mind, the only woman he was trying to see at the end of the night was Lucky. Lucky who was still staring didn’t care anymore if she came off as a crazed ass stalker as she watched. She peeped the chick as she took Los’s hand and tried to guide it between her thick thighs. Oh hell no! Lucky thought to herself, Carlos and this bitch had really pissed her off. There was no way she was going to sit there and watch him finger some bitch, he was taking shit way too far. Lucky hopped up to leave when suddenly the room began to spin. That light, sweet champagne she’d been sipping on all night had snuck up and bit her in the ass. The fact she’d drank on an empty stomach didn’t help either, because once she jumped up she became dizzy. She felt as if she were in the twilight zone. Why did it seem like everyone was staring at her? The truth was they were. She had went virtually unnoticed from many people throughout the night as she laid there by herself. Now that niggaz saw her they were wondering who she was? And who she was with? Lucky hit her leg on a chair and stumbled as she tried to right herself, dizziness enveloped her body. Reaching out she tried to grab for something, anything to break her fall but it looked like busting her ass in front of all these people was inevitable. Right on cue, Lucky felt familiar strong arms wrap around her from behind breaking her fall.

  Carlos had witnessed the whole thing, her jumping up suddenly, trying to walk off but hitting her leg on a chair stumbling and then nearly falling. In the time it took him to snatch his hand away from Kim’s thirsty ass, he hopped up rushing over to catch Lucky. A couple of people looked at him as if he were crazy when he jumped up with such urgency. The chick who was vying for his attention caught immediate attitude once she realized he was making his way over to Lucky. Mo on the other hand smiled knowingly, she knew right then and there that pretty ass girl had Carlos gone for real.

  Everything happened so fast that when Los wrapped his arms around Lucky she didn’t think it was real. Falling back into his chest she couldn’t deny that she felt at home in his arms. “Where you think you going without giving me my birthday present,” he whispered in her ear. His deep smooth voice invaded her senses and had her heart skipping beats. Los snuggled his face in her neck and pressed his arms tighter around her. Lucky had her eyes closed enjoying the feeling of his embrace when a loud crashing sound snapped her out of the spell Los had her under. Some dude who was standing feet away couldn’t hold his liquor and dropped a whole bottle of Ciroc.

  “Carlos, get ya fuckin hands off me,” Lucky said coldly. She reached down pushing his arms that were wrapped around her waist apart and stepped off. Los was a little embarrassed but he said fuck it. What did he have to lose? He knew he couldn’t go on one more month without talking to her. He reached out and grabbed her hand spinning her around to face him. His eyes bulged momentarily, once he got a full view of her bathing suit with the plunging neckline and cut outs in the stomach area. He got immediately tight, fuck she doing out here wit this shit on? he thought to himself. Carlos held her little soft hand in his as they stared each other down.

  “Lucky I miss you, why you out here showin ya ass on me ma?” Lucky jerked her head back not believing he had the nerve to ask why she was upset. She wasn’t in the mood to play games with him tonight. “Why I’m showing my ass? Nigga you can kiss my ass,” Lucky spat. Carlos knew it wasn’t Lucky talking it was the champagne she had been throwing back all night. She was definitely tipsy boarderline bent. He stared at her intently before doing that sexy head nod and biting his bottom lip. “A’ight, I guess I desserve that, so I’ma give you that one.” “No what you gonna give me is my damn hand back,” Lucky snapped. She went to pull her hand back when Los yanked her into him, bent down so quick Lucky actually missed it. The next thing she knew Los’s arm was wrapped around her legs under her butt and he was picking her up off of her feet effortlessly. Once Lucky realized what was going on he was already carrying her towards the exit. She tried to push away from him attempting to throw a little tantrum before catching herself. She knew she couldn’t put up too much of a fight without giving everyone in there a free show due to the plunging neckline of her bathing suit. Lucky glared down at Los with distaste only getting a grin in return. She decided to be easy and go along for the ride for now. Everyone in the party looked on in awe, as Carl
os carried Lucky out of the party. No one could deny the fact that they looked damn good together.

  He walked towards the elevator that lead them off the rooftop to the hotel floors. When the elevator doors opened to a empty 16th floor, he proceeded to walk to his suite still holding Lucky. Once she noticed his intentions were to walk right past her room she began to panic. “Carlos what are you doing? Put me down right now! I’m not playing with you!” Lucky demanded. Realizing Carlos had no intentions of putting her down, she kicked her legs and tried to squirm out of his grasp. He looked up at her and noticed just how hysterical and paniced she looked. “Lucky be easy. What you wildin out for? All I wanna do is talk to you for a minute.” “Well I don’t have to go in your room for that. You can talk to me right out here in the hallway.” The truth of the matter was as hard as she tried to act, she was truly afraid of being alone with him. Afraid she would make it too easy for him by giving in too quickly and not making him work harder for her forgiveness. He ignored the tantrum she was throwing, instead swiped his key card and walked into his suite.

  Lucky stopped fidgeting and fighting for just a moment when Los stepped into his room. His room was nothing short of spectacular, it made the room she was staying in look average. Carlos looked up at her with those sexy brown eyes, “If I put you down, you gon act up or behave ya’self?” Lucky huffed with defeat. “I’ll behave, I just wanna go to my room,” she said in a half hearted plea. A part of her wanted to stay, another was telling her to cut her losses with him and let things go. “Not until we talk. I really think we need to,we haven’t in sometime,” he said easing her back to her feet. “Why you wanna talk all of a sudden? You haven’t been talking to me.What’s so special about today? You told me you wasn’t fuckin wit me, and to do me. And that’s exactly what I’ve been doing,” Lucky ranted angrily. Carlos smirked giving her a knowing look, she hadn’t been seeing anyone. And he knew this because he had eyes and ears everywhere. Even if he acted as if he didn’t care, he did. Lucky became more annoyed with the pompous look he was giving her as if he knew she was bluffing. She was tempted to slap that damn smirk off of his face.

  “What Carlos? You’ve already made it clear, it’s a wrap, so what do you want from me?” Lucky said slipping and letting her real emotions show through the cracking in her voice. He could see it all in her eyes that were getting glassy by the second. Tears were on the horizon. “I don’t want anything, I just wanna tell you that I miss you. And… I haven’t stopped thinking about you.” His words pierced her heart, she felt prickles on her chest and pursed her lips together to try and keep her emotions in check. She’d wondered during their time apart if he had ever missed her, now hearing him say it made her happy but angry at the same time. “So, who’s fault is that?” Lucky spat. “Both of ours,” Los responded quickly. Lucky jerked her head back in disbelief and offense.

  “Both of ours?! It was my fault for giving a damn about you and staying up at night crying, thinking something happened to you. It was my fault that you spazed out on me in front of everyone and broke shit off. Oh yeah, and it must’ve been my fault that we haven’t spoken to each other in months too right?” “Yeah it is,” Los said in a matter of fact tone. “I’m sorry for the way I acted towards you outside the club that night. I was wrong. And I regret that shit, but in life I’ve learned to live with regrets. I coulda sworn phone lines work both ways though. So yeah, I could’ve called, but you could’ve picked up the phone and hit me up too.” He looked at her knowing his words might have offended her but he was just keeping it ahunnit. If she still wanted nothing to do with him after he apologized and told her how he really felt then, it is what it is. but atleast he tried to make amends.

  “Lucky you not the only one who was hurt ma. You came out the club gettin straight beastly on a nigga in front of everybody. I was on my way to Ty’s house that night when I had to go handle something first, I just happened to run into you. I even called you a couple of times that night.” Lucky knew he wasn’t talking out his ass, she noticed two missed calls on her phone the next morning. That still didn’t change what he did to her though. “Lucky I thought you knew how I played. I don’t like scenses, I don’t like people in my business. When you spazed on me in public I got upset. I really didn’t mean to hurt you like I did. I…just didn’t know how to tell you that till now.” Okay was that a fuckin apology? Lucky thought to herself looking at him as if he were crazy.

  “Let me get this straight, because you have to keep up with appearances for niggaz you caused me a whole lot of heartache? I can’t fuckin believe you!” “Nah, that’s not what I said. Lucky you taking shit the wrong way,” he said with urgency, it seemed as if nothing he was saying came out right. He was new to this apology thing and if it were any other chick he wouldn’t give the effort. “I mean…I told you I was leaving. I even left you wit something to hold you down. So why you was so upset was crazy to me…” “Why I was so upset?! Carlos are you foreal?” Lucky asked flashing him an incredulous look. “I’d been calling your phones for almost two weeks! I thought something might’ve happened to you. How did you expect me to act seeing you at a fuckin club!” Lucky shot back. “Okay fair enough, let me just explain why I hadn’t talked to you. You know what type of shit I’m into Lucky. Let’s not play games ma, you know how a nigga get it. When I’m out here making moves my mind needs to be focused. I can’t afford to slip and make mistakes. I’m not really social when I’m grindin, shit half the time my phones were off. I don’t even speak to my own momz unless it’s an emergency when I’m out here. I assumed you knew how I played.” “Well you assumed. And by assuming you’ve made an ass out of ya’self. No. I didn’t know being on ya grind meant leaving me to wander if you still had a pulse. Excuse me for giving a fuck about you, now I’m done,” Lucky spat before starting towards the door.

  “Luck c’mon don’t leave, stay. Let me make it up to you,” Los said grabbing at her hand as she brushed by him. She didn’t know exactly what it was, it wasn’t what he said, maybe it was his tone that gave the innuendo of something sexual. Lucky stopped dead in her tracks and glared at him “That’s what this is all about ha? You on some apology shit cause you wanna fuck! Well let’s just get this over with,” Lucky spat storming over to the couch laying flat on her back and spreading her legs eagle. “Save ya weak ass apologies, you can come hit, then dump my ass like you did before,” Lucky cried finally losing her battle with her tears. Carlos jerked his head back and furrowed his brows. He was trying to be paitent because he knew it wasn’t entirely Lucky acting a fool like this, it had a lot to do with the alcohol he smelt on her.

  “Get the Fuck up Louchanna!” He barked. Lucky sat up straight instantly, she even thought some of her tippsiness wore off with the seriousness in his tone. “Yo what is wrong wit you? I know you don’t think I really apologized cause I’m hard pressed for some pussy. I got about ahunnit bitches I can smash that’ll give me way less headache than yo ass is right now. But it’s not about that Lucky.” He knew that comment would probably get him into trouble once it left his lips but she had pissed him off, nothing in this conversation was going right anyways. Damn, what the hell am I doing? Everything I’m saying ain’t coming out right.Man fuck this shit she too much trouble anyways. Los was only now thinking he should’ve taken his mother’s advice years ago when she told him he needed to take some self-improvement sensitivity classes. She was really into all that self help guru shit, meditated and the whole nine. Now he was really thinking he should’ve listened, maybe he would’ve been able to communicate better.

  Lucky tried to blink back tears as she slid from the couch slowly and walked towards the door. Carlos grabbed her hand as she tried to walk past him. “Baby girl come here, I didn’t mean that. I’m sorry.” Carlos said pulling her into a tight hug. Lucky buried her face into his chest as silent tears fell from her face. The wetness on his shirt caused him to lean back, lifting her chin with his finger he gazed down at her. Lucky rolled her eyes to the side s
lightly embarrassed for shedding tears. He took his thumbs and wiped under each of her eyes gently, then placed a tender kiss on her forehead. Lucky looked up at him and couldn’t stand it any longer, standing on her tippy toes she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Before either of them knew it the kiss got hot and heavy, Lucky twirled her tongue inside Los’s mouth and sucked on his tougue. A deep groan escaped his lips showing his appreciation for her skilled kissing coupled with her soft hands roaming his body. When Lucky’s hands traveled down to his jeans attempting to unbuckle his belt Carlos pulled back. Lucky was clearly under the influence that much was apparent from how brazen she was acting with the dick. He wanted her more than anything but he was too real of a nigga to take advantage of the state she was in. Besides, he wanted the next time they had sex to be special for her. Reaching down he covered her hands with his own to stop her from unfastening his belt. “Umm hold up, we ain’t gotta rush nothing,” Carlos said between sensual peck kisses on her soft lips. She looked up at him with a mixture of confussion and embarrassment from his rejection. Carlos ignored the look she gave him as he lead her to the couch pulling her down on his lap. Lucky curled up against his chest and fell off to sleep almost instantly. It didn’t take long to hear light snores coming from her while she laid snuggled against his chest. She caught him off guard when she inhaled deeply then exhaled making small whistling noises just like the cartoon characters do when Z’s flew over their heads as they slept. He looked down at her and laughed “Yeah you through ma,” he said to a sleeping Lucky before scooping her up to lay her down in the master bedroom.


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