It is What it is: A Hood Love Story

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It is What it is: A Hood Love Story Page 25

by B. , Ivory

  Lucky sat curled up on her living room couch days later feeling and looking dejected. She’d been working on a pint of Ben & Jerry’s strawberry cheesecake ice cream while watching TV zoning in and out. Not until she felt a tear drop hit her shirt did she realize she was actually shedding tears yet again. Lucky wiped her eyes with the back of her wrist before going back to stabbing her spoon in and out of the ice cream container. For the last week everything was a blur, she couldn’t focus, could hardly eat or sleep. Lucky spent her entire day at work then school and couldn’t say she remembered a thing about either. Carlos was on her mind something heavy but she refused to reach out and call him, and at the same time she couldn’t stop her mind from drifting to him although she tried.

  The sound of someone rattling her front door snatched her from her daze and momentarily paralyzed her with fear. Just when she went to run for the cordless phone in the kitchen the front door opened and shut. The courage to bolt for the phone was gone now that the person was actually in her home. Lucky peered at the dark hallway from where she sat the view was obstructed, suddenly the hallway light flicked on and there stood Carlos looking good enough to eat. Lucky’s eyes roamed over his entire body from head to toe. She didn’t have to ask how he got in because Ty’s pink dice key chain attached to one lone key was a dead giveaway. What caught her eyes was the large black Gucci duffle bag slung over his shoulder. Her eyes went from the bag to his face, this was the first time she’d ever seen him look unsure and a tad bit nervous. “Am I welcomed?” Lucky leapt from the couch jumping into his arms excitedly wrapping her arms and legs around his body as she rained kisses all over his face.

  Suddenly Lucky pulled back and looked him in the eyes. She didn’t have to say a word the hurt he caused was written all over her face. “Damn ma, I know I fouled up, I was on some other shit the day you left my house. I was just feeling some type of way about you coming back to Connecticut. I thought you would get out here and forget about me,” Los said just above a whisper. Lucky’s mouth dropped open slightly in disbelief. “No, never that. You’re all I need and want,” Lucky said sincerely. Carlos had no verbal response for that, all he could do was kiss her deeply getting a taste of the sweetness from the Ben & Jerry’s on her mouth. “Where our bedroom at?” Los asked through soft peck kisses on her lips. A smile spread across Lucky’s lips at the ‘our’ in his question. She pointed her finger towards the stairs. Los made his way to the stairs while holding her but stopped beside the cocktail table. “Grab that ice cream ma,” Lucky obliged letting one arm go from around his neck and grabbing the ice cream. She flashed him a look of slight confusion. “Yeah we gon have some fun with that,” he said sexily sealing his comment with a quick kiss on her lips. Lucky raised an eyebrow in slight surprise before Los carried her upstairs. He sexed her so good she was late for work the next morning, and she’d never be able to look at Ben & Jerry’s strawberry cheesecake ice cream quite the same again.

  Lucky’s life changed drastically since her and Los were now basically living together. During the week when Lucky had classes Monday through Thursday they’d stay in her condo, then on weekends it was back to the big house in Scottsdale. This wasn’t a conventional living arrangement, nor was this light work, this was hard work. But nothing you really wanted in life ever came easy Lucky reasoned. Despite that grueling 4 plus hour drive back and forth from Connecticut and Philly, where the traffic could be a monster at times in New York and Jersey they made it work.

  In the two months they’d been staying with each other their bond had become damn near unbreakable. They were in their own world, not even did they give a second thought to friends and family who questioned them on whether or not they were moving too fast? Time frames didn’t matter; all that mattered was how they felt about one another. There was however a few bumps in the road of new love, one being them getting used to sharing spaces when they were so used to living alone.

  In the short time he stayed with Lucky Carlos had basically kicked her out of her own basement. He hired contractors who started tearing her basement apart to make Los’s very own private quarters i.e. man cave. What was once one huge room that measured the full length and width of the condo’s first floor was now a 3 room entertainment area that consisted of a guest bedroom, one bathroom and a fully furnished entertainment room, with a small bar, large pool table and plasma televisions.

  Initially Lucky was mad, for about three weeks straight she was coming home to a kitchen in total disarray, contractors in and out of the house, drills going and hammers banging. Lucky was giving Los nothing but attitude during that time period. She called Ty one night to vent about the inconvenience the renovations were causing. “Girl is you crazy? That man adding nothing but value to your property you should be thanking him if anything and you complaining, where they do that at?” Ty chastised. “Yeah I guess you’re right.” “I know I’m right. Now when he gets home thank him by fuckin him like you miss him, then jump off that dick and throw some lips to it.” Lucky scoffed and screwed up her face. Leave it to Ty to say something X-rated. Besides she really didn’t think Ty would sympathize with her anyways, Ty was constantly sticking up for Los. Both Ty and Matoo was Team Los to the fullest. He had won over the two most important people in her life damn near instantly. Lucky took her cousin’s advice and showed Los that very night how much she appreciated him.

  Lucky rarely went down in her basement anymore, she really had no reason to since the contractors had installed her washer and dryer upstairs off the kitchen. Her basement had become the boys hangout spot on many occasions, and when it got too late for them to travel, or they were just too faded to drive back to Philly they would stay down in the basement. The one thing she loved about Los was that he never allowed anyone but his closest friends or family to come over to her house and know where she lived. Nice, Real, Jah, Buju and Meat were the only ones who ever visited her house and knew that Los actually had a little Jawn he lived with stashed away in Connecticut, where you could find him most weekdays. No matter how late it was he always made it back to Connecticut, Lucky felt bad at times when he would call and sound dead tired. “Lucky Charms I’m on my way home.” “Baby it’s alright just stay in Philly, its late already.” Lucky would protest, concerned about his safety. “Nah, I’m coming,” Los would insist and he would take that drive. That’s why no matter what time he made it in the house 3 or 4 in the morning didn’t matter if he wanted some loving she would give it to him. Despite how tired she was, she never denied him, if he was breaking his neck to lay beside her for a few hours before she had to get up and go to work making love to him was the least she could do. This arrangement was cool at first but now as the colder months were approaching Los was showing a bit more attitude about her hopping up in the morning and leaving him in a cold bed alone. Carlos loved the fact that his baby was ambitious, driven and independent but he was starting to feel a little neglected, especially when Lucky didn’t really have to hop up every morning to go to work and he told her this several times before. School he would never try to come between her and that, as a matter of fact he expected and pushed her to go, but this work situation he wasn’t rockin with. And it was beginning to become a constant focus of lots of bickering between them.

  Judgment Day

  “And boy when am I gonna finally meet this young lady that you speak so highly of? I’m starting to think you made her up. Let me find out my son got one of those blow up dolls at home.” Both Nice and Los cracked up laughing they were at Cathy’s chillin. Cathy was a little concerned, she knew that her son had basically been living with some woman that she had only spoken to briefly over the phone and never laid eyes on. This was new for her because Los had never been in a serious relationship before. “Aww you got jokes I see. C’mon mom dukes you know the ladies love the kid.” Los said with a smile on his face. “Umm hmm,” was Cathy’s only response while she moved through the kitchen like a pro. She had just finished cooking fried chicken, rice, vegetables and corn br
ead for Los and Nice. They had cleaned their plates and now both of them were working on a piece of peach cobbler.

  “You need to have her start doing all your damn laundry and stop bringing it over here, that goes for you too Kamar, you need to find a nice young lady to settle down with and take care of you too.” “Mom stop frontin, you know you love taking care of us. If we didn’t come over here to get fed weekly you wouldn’t know what to do with ya’self.” Nice called Cathy out, truth be told she loved doing it.

  Los’s cell phone rang. Looking at his screen he noticed it was his home phone number and that meant it could only be one person. Cathy watched as her son’s face lit up. “What up ma?” “Hey Pa, I miss you. Where you at?” “I’m out here visiting my Mom. I’ll be there in a minute. As a matter of fact, she asking about you again. When you coming to see my Momz? She starting to think I made you up,” Los said smiling. Lucky panicked she was scared to meet his mother. What if his mother didn’t like her for some strange reason? There isn’t a man in this world that would put a woman he’s only been with for a few months before the woman who brought him into this world. “Umm, baby I don’t know.” “What you mean you don’t know Lucky? That’s the same shit you said a month ago. And I thought you were coming over for Thanksgiving?” Los said with aggravation dripping from his words. “Oh, I am. I just have to let Matoo and Ty know cause we usually do the holidays together.” “Oh Carlos leave that girl alone!” Lucky heard a woman scream in the background, assuming it was his mother. Carlos blew out a breath of frustration. When he spoke back into the phone his tone was much calmer. “Lucky handle ya business, let your aunt and Ty know you got plans. I’ll be home in a little bit.” “Okay baby,” Lucky said, she could still hear the frustration in Carlos’s voice but she didn’t fault him. She had been ducking and dodging meeting his mother for some time now.

  A week and a half rolled around and it was Thanksgiving, Judgment Day for Lucky. She had mixed feelings about spending the holiday with Los. On one hand she was happy to be with him and on the other hand she felt guilty. For the longest time it was just Matoo, Ty and herself for the holidays and Keema would stop by as well. When Lucky told Ty and Matoo she would be spending the holiday with Los they both looked so disappointed, especially Ty. Lucky extended an invitation to both Ty and Matoo like Los told her to, but both declined. Since Keema was going to be there with Jah, Lucky was trying to convince Ty up to the last minute to come. Ty asked if Nice was going to be there and Lucky said of course. When Lucky said that she detected a little change in Ty’s voice when she said “No thank you, she would just stay with Matoo.” Lucky wasn’t blind to the fact Nice flirted with Ty a little but she had no idea it made Ty so uncomfortable. She made a mental note to talk to Carlos about that.

  Los had just pulled into his mother’s driveway and Lucky had been silent the whole ride there. His mother’s house was a huge traditional styled vinyl and stone sided home; it was beautiful. Carlos looked over at Lucky as he was about to get out of the car, she looked scared out of her mind. “Ma what up? What’s wrong?” Lucky looked at him wide eyed and decided to be real with him. “I’m scared. Look at how many cars are out here.” There were cars lined up and down the street. The house was filled with his family. “And... I’m scared. I’m going to lose you. I mean, I know how close you and your mother are. You said she was an excellent judge of character; well what if she doesn’t like me for some reason? And she tells you that, then what?” Los chuckled a little. “Lucky Charms c’mon baby girl. First off I’m my own man, meaning I’ma grown ass man who can make my own decisions about who I’m with. Secondly, yo we already been through this Lucky as long as you stay loyal, faithful, and honest with me then baby we gon always be good with each other. That’s on everything I love,” He said stroking the side of her face gently. “It’s gonna be okay baby.” Lucky looked over at him lovingly before getting out of the car. They walked hand in hand to the front door then he pulled out a set of keys to enter the house.

  The foyer of the house was large and impressive. As soon as they walked in a gentlemen with a uniform walked up to take their coats. Lucky looked up at Los with surprise. “On holidays my momz hire help so she can focus on entertaining and cooking. She cooks all the food herself, they serve and clean afterwards.” Lucky just shook her head. Serve and clean my ass. Mama is living large. Don’t we all wish we could afford someone to serve and clean on holidays, I know Matoo does.

  They walked into the main family room and the room was packed, not to capacity or an uncomfortable extent but it was filled. There was much chit chatter and laughter coming from the room. Lucky fell back and walked behind Los’s tall body. Since Los was 6’1 and Lucky was only 5’5 she was able to hide her whole body behind his and that’s exactly what she did. Once everybody noticed Los in the doorway the room fell silent. Now everybody in the family had heard that he was bringing a girl home for Thanksgiving and everyone was dying to meet the girl that had Los doing something like bringing her home to the family because this was a first. Shit family members who were usually late for every family function were there bright and early trying to get a glimpse of this girl.

  Los’s mother was in the kitchen finishing up glazing the ham with brown sugar and pineapple slices for the last time when she heard the room go completely quiet. She stopped what she was doing to go and see what was going on. When she entered the family room she noticed Los standing there and could tell someone was standing in back of him. “Hey Baby, it’s about time you got here. Everybody hungry but you know I was waiting on you.” Los looked at his mother and a sly smile came across his face. Cathy knew he was up to something. Suddenly he made a fast move and stepped to the side exposing Lucky to the room and his mother. There was a couple of ohh’s and aww’s in the room. Lucky felt like an exhibit in a museum, she had so many eyes on her she felt uncomfortable.

  His mother was in awe, Lucky was so beautiful and exotic looking, yet she was definitely a sista. Now she could see why her son was so taken by the girl. “Hi how are you?” His mother said breaking the silence in the room. “I’m this knuckle head boy’s Mom. Oh you are so pretty.” “Thank you,” Lucky said in a nervous tone. “Welcome to my home. My name is Cathy and yours?” Lucky stood there for a second and couldn’t find her voice. “Oh, my name is Louchanna, but everyone calls me Lucky.” Cathy was staring into Lucky’s eyes intently but Lucky didn’t look away even though she was nervous as hell.

  Lucky looked at Los’s mother and it was kind of scary, her and Los had the same eyes. The same exact eyes, the same amber brown color, shape and everything. His mother was gorgeous. She didn’t look like she could be his mother at all, older sister yes, but mother hell no. Cathy looked to be no older than her mid thirties, and that was pushing it. She wore a short hair cut with chestnut colored highlights. She looked sophisticated and classy her pretty round face fit the cut perfectly and her hair color brought out her caramel complexion and brown eyes to perfection. She was short about 5’3 so Lucky could only guess Carlos got both his height and complexion from his father. And the woman actually had a body. Wow grandma got it going on. Lucky thought to herself after giving his mother the once over.

  Lucky stuck out her hand to shake Cathy’s hand as a gesture of kindness for meeting her. His mother left her hand standing there but instead hugged Lucky. Lucky was inwardly jumping for joy. Yes! Okay well it’s going good so far. Cathy let her go and placed her hand on Lucky’s back and gently guided her further into the family room. “Everybody this is Lucky,” Cathy announced. There was a lot of Hi’s and waves but there were some stares and screw faces as well. Lucky didn’t feel totally accepted but she said to herself fuck it, Can’t win em all over.

  This lady with a wig that looked like a mullet walked up. “Hey girl who eva did this weave hooked it up,” She slurred. You could tell she was sipping a little too much. The lady proceeded to take a piece of Lucky’s hair and examine it. Lucky turned her head to look at Los for help but he wa
s beside himself with laughter. “V!” Cathy said in a stern tone. “That is rude. Go sit ya drunk ass down somewhere,” “What’s rude? I was giving her a compliment. Her weave and those contacts look damn good on her complexion, she real pretty.” Carlos finally cut in after he was able to get himself together from laughing so hard at his Aunt V. Chilly’s mom was the families drama queen and shit starter, but that was Los’s girl. “Aunt V, those not contacts and that’s not weave. Not everybody gotta put a rat on they head to have some hair, Los joked.” “Nigga a rat! You outta ya rabid ass mind, this is a lace front baby. I paid gwap to have this here made. This is my good hair right here, holla!” “Well, I would hate to see how your bad hair look if that’s your good hair,” Nice called from the far end of the room. Everyone fell out laughing even Cathy. “Boy I will knock the shit outta you Kamar!” V threatened. The laughter just got louder. Just when Lucky thought his crazy drunken aunt was done she turned around and focused her attention back on Lucky. “You must be one of those mixed up and confused chicks then. So what you got in you, with a pretty complexion like that, all this hair, and those colored eyes? What you mixed with some Peta-rican, some I-talian?” Lucky shook her head, “Nothing. I’m just black,” she said nervously. That got some laughter out of people who were ear hustlin. Vera jerked her head back and gave her a look that said yeah right. “Oh I know, what you got some Colombian in you?” Lucky shook her head no again, feeling really uncomfortable and put on the spot. “What you want some in you?” Lucky’s eyes bulged. “Oh but you done already had some in you!” Vera said while laughing. Everyone seemed to be laughing except for Cathy and Los. Cathy didn’t think her sister’s antics were funny at all. “Vera!” Cathy screamed, “Sit ya ass down before I put you out.” She warned. Cathy would never put her sister out, but she wasn’t going to allow her sister to just torture this poor girl who was clearly scared and nervous. Lucky looked over at Los with puppy dog eyes. The face made Los smile and pinch her cheek. He grabbed her up from behind in a bear hug burying his face in her neck. “You a’ight Ma?” he whispered brushing his lips across her neck causing her to forget all about what she just went through with his crazy aunt. Lucky shook her head yes. Los then let her go, grabbed her hand and went to sit down. Lucky felt like there were tens of thousands of eyes on her as she walked across the room with Los gripping his hand.


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