It is What it is: A Hood Love Story

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It is What it is: A Hood Love Story Page 34

by B. , Ivory

  Los sat there for a second before deciding to go to bed. “You going to wait up for mom?” Los asked. “You already know.” Nice said while dialing on his cellular phone. “Who you calling something to get up with?” “Nah I’ma send some niggaz from the crew to Ty’s house, to make sure Mom is good.” “Oh yeah, why the hell didn’t I think of that? I didn’t think she was really going.” “Yeah she is, she already got her coat on.” Los shook his head, when his mom had her mind made up to do something no one could change it. “Go get some sleep baby boy, you look like you’ve seen better days. Mom straight, I’ma wait like ten minutes to leave the house after them, you know how she hate for us to follow her.” “ I know,” Los said while walking upstairs to his old room. He fell out on the specialty made pillowtop mattress but sleep would not come easy. Lucky was on his mind heavy and just as he was about to fall asleep he felt one lone tear fall from his eye. He wiped it away quickly with his shoulder.

  An hour away in Philly Ty’s house was jumping as if it were twelve in the afternoon. Lucky was sitting on the couch crying in Keema’s arms. While Ty was yelling and carrying on. “You see what I been telling you Lucky? You need to leave these street niggaz alone, they don’t give a fuck about nobody but themselves. That’s why I’m through wit these fuckin hustla’s, they just got way too much shit with them. Look at how many bitches he been cheating on you with, what the fuck was this nigga tryna do? Give you the monster?”

  Lucky gripped onto Keema even tighter and started crying even harder. Keema continued to hold her and rub her back. “Ayo chill the fuck out wit all that, she going through enough right now damn!” Keema snapped. “Just because you let Jah dog your ass out in the past, don’t mean she have to go through it with Los,” Ty shot back. “Just because I what?!” Keema glared at Ty “C’mon now, you two chill, we all fam, and Lucky need us right now,” Mika intervened. Keema was so pissed she couldn’t even take her eyes off Ty. She understood Ty being angry, shit she was too, but Ty was definitely on some other shit for coming out her mouth like that.

  Keema fought back the urge to put Ty’s ass on blast because they’d been best friends for forever and she cherished their friendship. But Ty’s so called grown woman relationship with this grown man wasn’t what she tried to play it off to be. All night long at the company party Douglas acted cold and distant towards Ty. He did take photos with her and trotted her around like a damn trophy in front of his colleagues but other than that he was all up in some blonde haired bimbo’s face all night.

  Keema being the social butterfly she was kicked up a conversation with some of Ty’s and Douglas Co-workers and they put her on. The blonde haired secretary Rebecca was rumored to be sleeping with Douglas and everyone knew it including Ty. Keema was shocked with this news. All the talk about hustlin ass niggaz don’t do shit but cheat and dog woman out. I won’t fuck with them no more. I’m so over that crap she spoke and here Douglas was getting it in with the secretary.

  On top of that Douglas’s license was suspended for continuous DUI’s. Yup nigga was a straight lush, who drank and got behind the wheel. His family was actually trying to get his record cleaned because they had plans for ole boy to go into politics. Ty was playing as his chauffer, and from what Keema heard he was downright rude and demanding about where and when he wanted to go places. For all the big wig shit that Douglas talked, he really had nothing of his own that is.

  “Oh honey please” Diane said. One of the Corporate managers that was sitting at Keema’s gossip table. There were five of them all together and Keema was the only black chick. She didn’t care and neither did they. Keema looked like money from her clothing and expensive jewelry in the scheme of things people with money were all the same color in their eyes. “Mr. Wolf gave Douglas and yes I said gave Douglas his position as a favor to his family. He comes from a family who has money, but he has none. Douglas has managed to jump from company to company in corporate America and every time he starts a position he ends up quitting or getting let go for whatever reason. Now his next conquest is politics, let’s see how that goes.” Diane sneered. Everyone at the table laughed but Keema was shocked.

  “Tyeena is a bright young lady with a definite successful future in this business. I heard that he wants her to quit and become his campaign wife, tell your cousin that if she chooses to do that it would be a decision she’ll live to regret. He’s the type of man I despise the type that has big pipe dreams but no balls or backbone to get out and make them happen. He rides off his family’s name, and Ty can do so much better,” Diane growled. Her dislike for Douglas was apparent. Here she was a corporate manager who had to work twice as hard as her male colleagues and made less. While men like Douglas got paid just as much as she did, and was given their positions by default.

  The people that worked with Ty were putting Keema onto everything, alcohol had caused loose lips and the office gossip was just as juicy as any daytime soap opera. Then when it came time to leave Keema was surprised to find out that Douglas wasn’t leaving with them considering that he rode with them. Ty’s response was “Oh he’s riding with a friend.” Yeah I bet he is Keema thought to herself.

  Keema snapped back to present time as she felt Lucky’s body stiffen up. Lucky was a mess, she was crying and blubbering how hurt she was. “I know baby, I know,” Keema said. Tamika had just re-entered the house from coming from her car with her over night and hair bag in hand. “I guess I’m crashing here tonight. I had plans to go to the room with my lil jump from up top, but I told him we had to scratch our plans cause my lil sis needs me.” She threw her sleep over bag on the couch and walked over to Lucky. “Lucky I have to pin your hair up so you can take a shower. It might hurt since your head is so tender from your hair being pulled.” She had a big paddle brush in her hand and a hair tie. As soon as she touched Lucky’s hair loose pulled out pieces fell right out. “Oh shit! Hell no!” Keema yelled. Tamika shook her head “Dumb ass bitches can’t fight for shit. All they do is pull hair.” She gently pulled Lucky’s hair into a ponytail on top of her head. Lucky don’t comb through your hair for a couple of days your scalp is going to be too sensitive and more hair will come right out if you do.”

  All of them except Lucky was hyped up and mad. They had all got dressed sneakers, Vaseline and scarves on their heads ready to go and find them bitches to set shit off when the doorbell rang. They all froze, who the hell could be coming over at that type of night? “I know this muthafucka aint brave enough to come to my house tonight on that sorry baby bullshit!” Ty screamed. She marched to the front door and yanked it open. To her surprise there stood Jah and a woman who undoubtedly had to be Los’s mother, the eyes were a dead giveaway. Jah noticed how Ty was dressed with sweat pants, sneakers and hair pulled up in a bun. He knew what the deal was immediately. “Ayo where y’all think y’all goin?” Jah asked. He looked over at Tamika and Keema. “Y’all not going out there tryna fight. Leave that shit alone that’s going to be handled.” Ty looked at Jah and sucked her teeth, she was just about to say something smart but the look he gave her changed her mind.

  “Hi I’m Cathy.” Ty stood there for a second not knowing how to interact with the mother of a man she couldn’t stand right now. His mother was very pretty and young looking, Lucky didn’t lie about that, it was scary looking at her when she had eyes just like Carlos. “Oh, I’m so sorry come on in.” Ty stepped to the side and both Cathy and Jah stepped in. “You must be Tyeena.” Cathy stepped forward and gave Ty a hug. “I’ve heard a lot about you. My son didn’t lie when he said you were beautiful,” Cathy said in a low tone for just Ty’s ears. Ty looked at her like she was crazy, “I’m talking about Kamar.” “Oh,” Ty smiled. oh my god he told her about me. Cathy gave the girl a once over when she answered the door. She was pretty an absolute doll, with a body that made men do a double take. She favored Lucky, but didn’t look just like her. The kinship however was definitely evident. They were almost the same complexion but Ty was a little lighter. Keema looked like
she could be related to the girls too. Lucky though was the prettiest of them all and it wasn’t because she was Los’s girlfriend it was the truth. Lucky was rare, she was absolutely beautiful and no one could deny that.

  Lucky got up although every bone in her body hurt. Her back was killing her and her head was throbbing. She walked to the front door to see who it was and was shocked to see Cathy standing there. “Mom what you doing out here so late?” Cathy turned towards Lucky’s voice and could not believe what she was seeing. Cathy rushed over to Lucky and threw her arms around her. Cathy’s sense of urgency only made Lucky start to cry again. She hadn’t seen her face but everyone was acting like she looked as if she’d been in a fight with Mayweather. “Come over here and sit down,” Cathy said pulling her towards the couch. She lifted Lucky’s face turning it from side to side examining the scratches closely. “It’s not that bad Lucky, we going to need to keep some ice here and the scratches will go away in a week or two, they not deep just surface scratches. Don’t put anything on them just water, they’ll scab a little and fall off with no marks.” Cathy said while examining Lucky’s face. “How are you though?” Lucky didn’t know what to say she looked at Cathy with the saddest expression ever. The heartbreak Lucky was experiencing was written all over her face “I know hun, trust me I know” Cathy said while she hugged Lucky again.

  Lucky’s phone started to ring and vibrate, it jiggled on the glass coffee table. Tamika looked at the screen and smirked “Carlos again.” Cathy shook her head with attitude. Carlos was lying in his bed and the room was dark, no matter how many times he dozed off he kept waking up thinking about Lucky. “Just make him stop calling me, please,” Lucky said with tears falling from her eyes. “Okay, just calm down baby,” Cathy reached for the phone and Tamika handed it to her. Los heard his cell phone ring and he thought that God had answered his prayers. Even if Lucky called to cuss him out again it was a good sign. He figured that then he would plead for another chance and if she said no, he would really have no other choice but to accept it because he had done her wrong.

  “Lucky,” Carlos spat sounding desperate. “No it’s your Mother,” Cathy said with much attitude. “Carlos listen to me, you need to give her some time. Stop calling her every minute it’s not making the situation any better. She’ll talk to you when she can. Don’t call her again. Carlos do you hear me?” He didn’t answer, he was shocked that his mother didn’t even have his back. “Carlos do you hear me?” Cathy repeated in a sterner tone. “Yeah,” Carlos answered in a deflated tone then hung up. “I’m not making any promises Lucky knowing my son that will probably keep him from calling for a day or two.” Everyone started laughing even Lucky because it was so true. Carlos acted a lot like a spoiled kid. He wanted what he wanted and when he wanted it.“Can I talk to you in private?” Cathy asked. Lucky looked at her and wanted to say no. She had a feeling Cathy might try to water down what her son did or make excuses for him. Lucky couldn’t find it in her to say no. Cathy had always been really good to her. “Okay.” Lucky got up and led the way to her room upstairs. They sat on the bed facing each other.

  “Lucky you know I think so much of you and I hope that you and my son can make things right.” Lucky rolled her eyes and tears escaped them. She had no intentions of ever fucking with Los again. He had taken her love for granted, and broke her heart into what felt like a million pieces. “If not, I understand. I know he hurt you, trust me I do. But I know that he loves you.” Lucky shook her head defiantly she had to disagree. There was just no way he could cheat and love her. Cathy touched the side of Lucky’s face. “Trust me, as I mother I know. On the other hand as a woman, I know the feelings you feeling right now. I’ve been down this road you traveling girl, more than I care to share with you right now. So I understand that you feel betrayed, broken hearted and confused. Your probably asking yourself how could you still love him after what he did, right? Or are you trying to convince yourself you could do without him and every time you think about life without him and how it would be your chest feels like you have those little prickly tingling in it, your throat feels like it’s closing up and then the tears start.” Lucky looked at her strangely. “I told you I’ve been there. Like I told you the first time you visited my home Lucky, my son is a good man, hold on to him. Despite everything that he’s done he’s still a good man that made some bad choices. Now you don’t have to take him back. And I would never suggest you do if you feel in your heart of heart you can’t forgive him. I would understand that totally as a woman, but as a mother I would be lying if I told you I wouldn’t be sad about it. If you choose not to be with him I just want you to do one thing, try and make a little bit of time for me. You’re always welcomed in my home, whether your with my son or not. I would still like for us to remain close.” The tears were falling from Lucky’s eyes so much she could barely see. Damn why did it always have to be like that? The dudes with the best mother’s always had to be the worst men. How did that even work?

  Cathy kissed her on the forehead “Lucky get some sleep okay.” She made Lucky scoot back on the bed and placed a pillow under her head. Despite Lucky’s insistence that she wasn’t tired. To Lucky’s surprise she started to drift off to sleep immediately. Cathy sat on the edge of the bed holding Lucky’s hand and waited until she fell off to sleep to leave.

  When Cathy came back down stairs she noticed that she was up there for over an hour. Jah must’ve scared the girls straight, now all of them were in pajamas quietly lying on the couch watching TV. Cathy walked over to Keema and gave her a hug goodbye, she did the same to Ty and to Tamika. “Aren’t you the one who did my Grandbaby’s hair? Girl I’m gonna have to come and check you out one day.” “Okay,” Tamika said looking up at Cathy’s hair and having to admit whoever did her hair knew what they were doing.

  “Meema You coming home?” Jah asked sounding like a sad puppy dog. “Nah baby I’ma stay here. I’m tired and I want to stay with Lucky. Besides, once you bring Aunt Cathy home you better just stay there, it’s too far out to be driving back you’ll be tired.” Damn all that shit who fucking tonight the Dj was screaming and now because of Los no one was. Jah thought. “A’ight, love you Meema,” he said as he bent down and kissed her. “I love you too, I’ma call in an hour to make sure you got back to Aunt Cat’s safe.”

  Love Sick

  The next morning Los was sitting in the kitchen staring at his plate. His mother had made him a plate of food fit for a king but for some reason he couldn’t eat. Los was up unusually early considering he really didn’t get any sleep since he stayed up the previous night tossing and turning. He couldn’t stop thinking about Lucky and how hurt she looked when she found out about his betrayal. The look on her face, her eyes it was enough to break the hardest nigga. That look on her face was burned into his memory.

  Cathy walked in the kitchen and noticed her son day dreaming. “What’s wrong with you? Why are you just looking at your food like that? Something wrong with it?” Cathy asked, knowing exactly what was wrong with Los. “Nah it’s nothing mom. I just don’t have an appetite. I think the alcohol messed my stomach up.” His mother smiled a knowing smile. Los looked up to see his mother giving him a funny look. “What?” Los asked. “Nothing it just sounds like you a little love sick to me.” “Aww c’mon I already told you give me a day or two and it’s going to be nothing. Your boy do feel for Lucky but I’m not on that love shit, ya dig?” Cathy gave him an angry glare “ No, but boy if you keep cursing in my presence like I’m one of your hoodlum ass friends I’ma dig my foot all up in ya ass.” Los knew his mother was serious so he tried not to laugh but the statement was too funny. He wasn’t afraid of his mother but it was the level of respect he had for her. “I’m sorry ma. I forgot who I was talking to.” “I know you did,” Cathy said in a tone daring him to say something else.

  “Well I’ll have you know I saw Lucky last night and my lil China Doll looked a wreck, she is so broken hearted.” Los’s facial expression changed within an insta
nt. He was just seconds ago smiling at his mother’s threat, one mention of Lucky’s name and his face turned solemn. “I just hope you learned your lesson from this, now the next time you find someone that you care for as much as you do Lucky, you’ll know how to treat her. It’s too bad you and Lucky couldn’t make it, that was all your doing though.” Los felt a huge lump in his throat and he was suddenly enveloped in a wave of sadness. He tried his best not to show it. Cathy could see right through him though he was her son.

  Two days later Los was still moping around Cathy’s house looking like he had just lost his best friend. Cathy knew something was wrong because one he wouldn’t go home. Although Cathy welcomed her son’s company anytime, he rarely stayed over for days at a time. Los was sitting on the couch watching TV. He had the cordless phone in his hand and would pick up the phone every few minutes dial, Hang up or, leave a message begging Lucky to pick up. Cathy walked into the living room and stood right in front of him. “So it’s been a couple of days and you still look love sick, What’s the deal? Ya dig,” she said mocking him. Cathy laughed in his face then turned and started heading towards the front door. Los glared at his mother’s back.


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