It is What it is: A Hood Love Story

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It is What it is: A Hood Love Story Page 40

by B. , Ivory

  Don’t Leave Me or Else

  Two months had gone by since Lucky’s graduation and Nice stayed on Ty’s mind. She even thought about calling him and apologizing for the way both her and Douglas had acted, but she decided against it too afraid that the apology would lead to something more. Douglas was acting exceptionally nice all of a sudden and she didn’t know why. About a week after the dinner Douglas was drinking his liquid courage and decided to grill Ty about her relationship with Nice.

  “Douglas there is no relationship we are just friends.” Douglas became angry and threw a tantrum picking things up in his house throwing and breaking them. Ty wasn’t at all scared of him, she knew that he was a mean drunk; he would drink and become an instant asshole. However, there was something about Nice that caused him to fly off the handle every time he brought him up, this made Ty a little uneasy. Like today, Douglas had gotten drunk and brought up Nice’s name and his usual interrogation started. After Ty continued to deny any sexual involvement with Nice vehemently Douglas decided to give up the tough guy act. It was evident that Ty would never admit the obvious.

  “Ty why would you do this to me? I love you. But still you want to go and have side relationships with another man.” Douglas asked in a strained voice. “And what is it with this jewelry? Did he buy this for you?” Douglas asked in a panic lunging at her trying to snatch the chain from Ty’s neck. Ty doubled back nearly falling over his couch. “What the hell are you doing?!” she yelled while holding onto the butterfly pendent. Ty was holding onto it as if she could never part with the chain. “Who purchased it for you Ty!” Douglas screamed. “You never take that thing off, you take showers with it, and you go to sleep with it. Why is it so special? Who bought it? Did he buy it for you?” “He who?” Ty played dumb

  Out of nowhere Douglas came lunging towards Ty catching her off guard and knocking her down on the couch. “Douglas what the fuck is you doing?!” Ty screamed. She started flaring her arms trying to push him off of her while he was trying to catch her wrists. He managed to grab her by both wrists glaring at her like a mad man. “How could you do this Ty? How could you go around acting like a complete slut! A common Jezebel. How could you be sleeping with both him and me? I thought you were better than that?” “Douglas you are buggin, I told you I’m not fuckin him! We are just friends. I’m not sleeping with him, nor have I ever.” “Then who bought you this chain? Ty I’m not stupid, do I look stupid to you?” “Douglas my mother bought it for me. You can call her and ask her. Now let me go, your starting to hurt my wrists.” Douglas paralyzed her with an angry glare and continued to hold her wrists. The more he thought about how Ty was trying to play him for a fool the angrier he got. He started to add more pressure to her wrists causing Ty to cringe and yelp.

  “Ty I’m telling you, I’m promising you! That if I find out your fucking that sorry drug pushing excuse for a man, I will hurt more than just your wrists. And as far as him, well my father has a few friends in the Bureau and the Philadelphia police department who would just love to put someone like him away. Or maybe I might just kill his ass along with you!” Douglas looked so mad he was on the verge of looking insane. Ty had never seen him like this. His threat lingered in the air for a second before the severity sunk in. Did he just threaten to not only drop a dime on Nice but to kill both him and me? I really need to get away from him. Douglas let go of her wrists and backed away slowly. He walked over to the bar area in the living room and poured himself a scotch on the rocks. Ty continued to sit there in a daze rubbing her wrist with tears falling down her face in rapid speeds.

  “Think someone is stupid! Oh I got your boyfriends number. I looked everywhere Google, Yahoo, asked around and people never even heard of this Grize Roc record company. But these guys are living like millionaires fancy cars, homes, and jewelry and your little boyfriend is supposed to be some VP and part owner of this phantom record company along with a real estate company. Hah!” Douglas scoffed. “If you ask me this definitely could use some looking into that’s all it takes is a phone call Tyeena.” Ty rose slowly to her feet and grabbed her Prada handbag and started heading to the door fast. “If you’re thinking about leaving me,” Douglas said in a low sinister voice “I would think again. It would be ashame for your little friend to all of a sudden be the subject of a drug investigation that would surely land him in jail and anyone associated with him.” Ty stopped dead in her tracks. She thought about Ky and how much she loved and needed her father. And how much love Nice had for his daughter. If Nice got locked, it was a big possibility that Los and Jah would be locked up as well and anyone close to them.

  “I love you Douglas, I would never leave you.” Ty said in shaky voice. “That’s what I thought,” Douglas said in a smug way. “Come show me how much you love me,” He said in a demanding tone. Ty stood there for a second, she didn’t want to have sex with him, as a matter of fact she hated having sex with him. Even though they had been with each other for nearly a year they barley had sex or what she considered sex. He was a two minute brother and even worst when he was drunk like he was now. His dick seemed to stay harder for a little longer when he was intoxicated but his performance never changed, it was always awful. He fucked like a pre teen, he humped super fast like a rabbit and came quick. Douglas dick was fat and short and it turned her off every time they had sex. Because his dick was so short some positions were just impossible. Like the time she tried riding him backwards and didn’t even notice that he had slipped out. There was also times where he incorporated toys to make up for his inadequacies these were the times sex was painful, rough and felt kinda sadistic. Although he had never came out and said or admitted it she wouldn’t be surprised if he was into S&M.

  Ty turned around slowly and walked up to him. As soon as she got into arms reach he grabbed her and shoved his tongue damn near down her throat. His breath had the strong taste of alcohol on it as he kissed her really sloppily. He started to roughly take off her clothes popping two buttons on her blouse. He slobbered all over her titties biting and sucking all over them. While he was nursing away on her titties Ty bit down on her lip and tried her hardest not to cry. She felt forced into this but she would do what she had to do to keep him from jeopardizing Nice’s freedom. “Oh baby, oh yeah.” Douglas moaned he pushed Ty against the couch and ordered her to get on her knees. Ty took him into her mouth but she knew it wouldn’t be for long. She never even had to pull all the tricks out of her hat when giving him head cause he wouldn’t last that long. “Oh yeah, Oh yeah,” Douglas suddenly pulled out of her mouth threw her on her back and tried to plunge into her. Ty clasped her legs shut with the quickness.

  “No Douglas you need to put a condom on.” Ty demanded trying to hold back tears. Douglas tried to bribe her at first “Tyeena, I just want to feel you a couple of minutes and then I’ll put one on.” “No” Ty said with authority. They had never had sex unprotected before and she wasn’t about to start. “I bet you didn’t make your little boyfriend use a condom,” Douglas accused. Ty said nothing she just rolled her eyes. “If you don’t want to put a condom on then we’re through for right now.” Douglas shot to his feet with an attitude and went to get a condom. When he came back he put it on and they continued for a good 10 minutes before he came. Ty hopped up hoping that today he was happy with his longer than usual performance and he felt no need for his toys. She went to grab her clothes.

  “Ty what are you doing my dare you know we aren’t done?” he said kissing and slobbering all over her neck and ear. Ty took a deep breath shifting uncomfortably as Douglas got up to retrieve what he called his magic box. He was gone in the room for nearly 5 minutes when he returned with a strap on that adorned a fake penis that was at least 9 inches long and thick as hell. “Let’s go baby, don’t make daddy wait any longer,” he said freakishly while roughly grabbing Ty by the hair and flipping her on all fours. He plunged into her semi dry pussy roughly causing Ty to scream out in pain and squirm. “Ohh yes! Ohh yess tell daddy how big his
dick is,” Douglas moaned while ramming into Ty.

  As Ty thought about that awful night, her phone rang in her office snapping her out of her thoughts. “Hello.” “Ty I need you,” Lucky cried. “Lucky what’s wrong baby?” Ty asked with concern. “I’m losing him that’s all we do is argue, I don’t know what to do.” Ty let go a deep sigh. Los and Lucky’s relationship had been a complete roller coaster from the start. One thing for certain though was that they really loved each other. However, lately they had been getting into it all the time. Lucky didn’t trust him and her suspicions caused continuous drama.

  “What happened now Lucky.” “Yesterday we got into it really bad and he left. He walked out Ty he left me!” Lucky said through sobs. “I think he got someone else Ty. I swear he do, and every time we argue he go running to her,” Lucky was blubbering and trying to blow her nose at the same time. “Lucky you need to calm down okay, have you called him to see where he is?” He won’t pick up his phone,” Lucky sniffled. “I love him Ty, I don’t wanna lose him, but I think we through.” Ty rolled her eyes. “Lucky you know that nigga ain’t going nowhere, neither are you. Now what happened? Why y’all beefin?”

  Lucky hesitated then she told Ty her side of the story. Well her version of the truth that is. “Wait what! That nigga put his hands on you!” Ty was pissed and glad the offices in her building were made with insolated doors and sound proof expensive temper glass. Ty could never imagine her cousin going through any type of domestic violence. Lucky was too sweet of a person for that. “Yeah he took me by my arms and shook me hard and then he left,” Lucky cried. Ty huffed. “Look Lucky once a nigga start putting his hands on you it’s only going to get worst. He may start off with a slap or two now and later it may end up with a broken rib or two. Now I don’t know what’s going on with you and Carlos but ya’ll need to get it together or leave it alone.” Lucky just started to cry harder. “Ty I need you.” “Okay Lucky, I’m just finishing up some last minute corrections on this financial proposal. I’ll be there within an hour.” “Hour?! Ty why so long?” “Lucky you must’ve forgotten that you and Los do live way out in west bubble fuck. Shit, I should be making you pay for my gas coming way out there,” Ty complained with a smile on her face. “Whateva hoe you got money, just hurry up.”

  After Ty hung up with Lucky she felt even more stressed. Not only was she in a relationship that she felt as if she was being held hostage in with a man who had weird sexual demands, She was now dealing with Lucky’s issues. Lucky’s story kept bothering her, Los putting his hands on Lucky just didn’t seem right. He loved Lucky way too much. He was a maniac, yes. Ty had heard many things about Los before Lucky started messing with him. He was like a damn celebrity so she knew of him. That was one of the reasons she really didn’t want Lucky to deal with him initially. Ty knew he was a womanizer, and had heard hood chatter of him bodying a few people. Once he started dealing with Lucky it seemed that all she had heard about Los wasn’t true. I mean, it didn’t seem rational to her that he could be so cut throat and cold blooded then come home and be so loving towards Lucky. It just wasn’t sitting well with Ty so she decided to call Keema to ask what she knew about the incident. She figured if Jah knew then Keema knew.

  “Hello,” Keema sang into the phone. “Hey Keem,” Ty said as if it were killing her to say Hi. “Uhh damn bitch, why you sounding like that?” Keema asked with attitude. “Keema you just wouldn’t understand I’m tired, that’s all just tired,” Ty huffed. “Tell me something Keem, what the hell happened with Lucky last night? She said that Los put his hands on her. What the hell is going on?” Keema burst out laughing “She told you what?!” Keema screamed. “Yeah he did jack her little as up last night and shook her a lil something. On some real shit though, she deserved it. And you know I would never say no shit like that on the usual. Listen remember when I told you Jah had gotten some concert tickets to go to that, Miguel and Trey Songz concert that was at the Blues Lounge?” “Yeah.” “Well Jah got six tickets and girl it was so nice. I mean the atmosphere was so right, candlelit round tables with dimly lit lighting. And we were seated right in front of the stage. I even reached out and touched Miguel,” Keema bragged. “For real? Damn I wish I went. So did Lucky and Los get into it after the show or what?” “After the show!” Keema screamed “Girlll, they ain’t never make it to the show!”

  “These niggaz went all out. My baby looked so good in his Armani suit.” “Jah in a suit?” Ty questioned. “Wait tell me one thing this dude better not have had no Timbs on with his suit.” “No bitch, you better stop sleepin on my man hoe. He had on shoes and he was looking gooood. Anyways as I was saying, Jah had gotten six tickets two for us, two for Los, and Nice.” Ty’s heart dropped when she said that. “They rented a stretch limo so we could all ride together. Jah and I were already dressed so we drove out to Los’s house with him so he and Lucky could get ready, then we could scoop up Nice and his little date when we got back in Philly where the concert was.

  We get to the house, Los said he wanted to surprise Lucky and do something special because she been real moody lately. He copped her a bad ass Christian Dior dress that was fyyyaaa with the matching heels whole nine. We get in the house and Lucky comes in the living room she seemed real cool at first. She asked us where we were going? I told her and she was like she wished it was her going. Then I don’t know what happened after that she just went off. She asked Los why he wasn’t taking her? Then accused him of probably taking another bitch. He looked so hurt; she started cussing his ass out, saying she should’ve left his ass when he cheated and all this craziness. I was especially shocked that she was going off like that in front of us. Los looked at Jah and was like fuck it yo I’m not going anymore. Lucky started screaming going where? You not going where? So I told her we were all supposed to go to the show. And she got real mad, she accused him of not wanting to take her in the first place. Then her little crazy ass picked the remote for the TV off the table in the living room, and threw it at him, hitting the nigga in the head while he was walking away.

  Tyyy, I started screaming when he turned around looking like he was going to kill her. I jumped in front of her and Jah tried to stop him but he still got to her. He grabbed her by both her arms shook her little ass up and started screaming What the fuck is wrong wit you? Do I put my fuckin hands on you?!” Keema tried to imitate Los’s deep voice. “He let her go grabbed his keys and started to leave. Jah was trying to talk to him, but he didn’t want to hear shit, he just broke out. We stayed there for a little with Lucky cause baby girl was a mess. Crying and cursing Los out, then she was like y’all can leave, I don’t want you guys to miss your show. She apologized for us having to see all that and we left. We had a real good time too, but damn Ty I kept thinking about Lucky. Then as soon as we get in the house this nigga on the fucking couch snoring his ass off, with a lump on his head. Yo I felt bad for dude, he looked stressed even in his sleep. Girl why was Jah fuckin with him this morning calling him Willie lump, lump,” Keema burst into laughter. “Well I don’t feel bad for his ass, yeah Lucky putting him through it, but he brought that on himself. He the one who created doubt and mistrust in their relationship, so if Lucky is acting crazy jealous and accusing him of shit that’s his own fault.” “Preach! A’int that the truth,” Keema agreed.

  “So how was she?” Ty asked. “Huh she who?” Keema asked sounding confused “Nice date?” “Awe look at you getting jealous!” Keema screamed. “Um she was pretty you know, Nice only fuck with real pretty chicks. And her body was crazy. She was a super thick chick, she had hips and ass for days. Her body wasn’t fuckin with mine, but she was straight.” That was one thing about Keema that everyone had to agree on, she had a bad ass body and Jah loved for her to show it off. Keema heard the other end of the phone go completely silent “Ty, Ty!” Keema screamed thinking Ty had hung up on her. “Yeah,” Ty answered sounding stressed. Ty wanted to ask but she didn’t want to sound pathetic. Keema knowing her girl answered her question withou
t making Ty ask. “No.” “Huh? No what?” Ty asked. “No that chick wasn’t fuckin with you. She was pretty and all but you got that bitch no doubt. She don’t look better than you at all. And I’m not just saying that cause you my bestie either.” That made Ty feel a little better about the situation. “You sure?” Ty asked feeling ashamed that she was even asking. “Positive,” Keema assured. “Well alright Keem let me finish up so I can go check on this crazy ass girl.” “Yeah I’ll meet you out there cuase you know she called me crying too.”

  Trouble in Paradise

  “Lucky I love these shoes.” Ty squealed. Ty, Keema and Lucky were out shopping together, it had been a while since the girls had a chance to be together. The summer was winding down and Lucky’s birthday had just passed but here she was moping around looking depressed. “Lucky ain’t these hot?” Ty asked trying to get Lucky more involved with the shopping they were doing. Lucky looked over at the shoes for a split second “Oh yeah, they cute I’ll take a pair,” She said in an attempt to sound interested, but it was very apparent that her mind was elsewhere.

  “Uhh, Lucky are you gonna be like this all day? Cause damn if you gonna act like that you miles well have just stayed home,” Ty said in frustration. That was it Lucky had taken all she could, she got up and rushed out of the store crying. She was past upset dealing with all of Los’s shit and now her own cousin was acting funny style. Keema screamed after Lucky then glared over at Ty. Ty hadn’t really meant to be that way with Lucky but she’d been stressed for the last few months with Douglas. For just one day she wanted to be out with her girls and enjoy herself. But Princess Lucky was in a pissy mood and it was putting a damper on the whole day. “Damn I know how sensitive this girl is why I say that?” Ty spat under her breath. She got up and ran out of the store after Lucky. When she caught up to her Lucky had on her Marc Jacob shades trying to hide her tears from strangers in the crowded mall who were walking by and staring. It wasn’t that anything was wrong with her she just attracted attention. Now when she really didn’t care to have any on her at all it seemed that everyone was looking at her, and she was wondering if they could tell that she was crying. “Lucky, Lucky wait up.” Ty grabbed at Lucky’s shoulder, without warning Lucky spun around with her fist balled up as if she were going to pound on Ty. Ty took a step back, she wasn’t a punk by any means and she and Lucky had been in plenty of blow for blows growing up but she knew Lucky’s temper. Lucky was the sweetest thing but when pushed and upset she could be a problem. “Look Lucky I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to come off like that baby girl what’s wrong ha?” Ty stepped up to Lucky with caution touching her on the shoulder gently and that’s all it took. Lucky came falling down emotionally like a ton of bricks, she grabbed Ty and cried into her shoulder. “He don’t love me no more Ty,” Lucky sobbed. Ty was a little caught off guard at how emotional Lucky was. “Baby girl” Ty whispered in her ear “calm down, what happened?” Lucky was so overwhelmed with hurt she couldn’t talk. She had been holding this cry in for a month, her and Los’s relationship was on the brink of disaster and there seemed to be no way of stopping it.


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