It is What it is: A Hood Love Story

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It is What it is: A Hood Love Story Page 42

by B. , Ivory

  There at the apartment he was able to get a peace of mind away from Lucky’s drama. Not much sleep though, mainly because he had become so attached to sleeping cuddled up with Lucky that he had a hard time sleeping without her. Being at the apartment gave him a break from the drama that he and Lucky were going through and some much needed clarity. So instead of going home some nights, he went to the apartment. In his mind it was actually helping the relationship out by giving both him and Lucky some much needed time apart. In reality it was doing a lot more damage to a relationship that was already hanging onto threads.

  Los grabbed his glock from the nightstand and walked to the front door with caution. There was a door man and security downstairs but you could never be too careful.“Who is it?” he barked” “Yo it’s me. Open the door. Damn what the fuck you do change the lock?” Los swung the door open and stared at Jah. “Damn youngin, it’s early as hell what you want?” “I was coming to get the lil Dillinger I left in here, I’ma put that lil bitch in my beef and brocs,” Jah said as he swagged into the apartment rockin a hunter green hoodie, fatigues and matching brown and hunter green beef and broccoli colored Timbs on his feet. Always being observant Jah looked around the apartment and then back at Los. “Yo you slept here last night?” “Yeah, why?” “I know you ain’t still up to dirt my nigga,” Jah said looking at Los with accusing eyes. “Nah, I told you I’m off that,” Los said nonchalantly. “My lil sis ain’t put a missing persons out on yo ass? I’m surprised,” Jah said taking a seat on the expensive leather sectional. “Yo Lucky be on that bullshit anyways, always wanting to fight and argue. I need a break from the drama, so I been coming here.” Jah shook his head back and forth “Yo that ain’t gon make shit no better. She probably going crazy thinkin you out here slinging dick like crack again,” Jah chuckled. Jah watched as Los took his hands and wiped them over his face. Los looked stressed, Jah wasn’t used to seeing his cousin like this.“Yeah I know, I’ma take my ass home. I changed the locks to the door I’ll give you the new one. I wasn’t gonna lay my head in this bitch without changing the locks first, shit you never know who could’ve had access to the old one.” “Ain’t nobody have that old key except me and Nice, you paranoid Bruh.” Los looked up at Jah. “Paranoid? Ain’t shit paranoid about me. Muthafuckas ain’t gon catch me slippin. Fuck you talking about paranoid? You the one that took two, you should be as careful as I am.” “Yo, I was young and reckless at the time, A nigga couldn’t pop off on me no more,” Jah bragged hopping up lifting his hoodie showing the glock on his waist and the bullet proof vest, then he lifted his foot to brandish the little Dillinger he had in his Timbs. Los Just chuckled. “Youngin what the fuck you all equipped like Rambo for? What you gonna do if a nigga catch you like this?” Los made a quick move lunging at Jah and throwing his elbow to his face playfully. Then he scooped Jah up off his feet by his waist. Jah was lifted up off his feet effortlessly as if he were a feather. As Los picked him up Jah reached in his boot for his Dillinger and brought it up to the side of Los’s head. “I'ma do this nigga.” Los froze and laughed while letting Jah go. Los shook his head, “Yeah you good, but you forgot one thing.” “What?” Jah looked down and saw that Los had a 45 pressed right at his lower spine. “Damn!” Jah spat. “But I woulda already popped off on you before you pulled that” Jah said defensively. “Yeah, you probably would’ve with somebody else, but not me. A nigga like me shoot first, as soon as I scooped you to get you away from that shit on ya waist, I would’ve popped ya ass in the back at the same time.” Jah was pissed. He knew it was true, his cousin had caught him slippin. “Nigga tighten that shit up,” Los demanded.

  “I wasn’t expecting you to pick me up. And damn nigga, what the fuck?!” Jah said incredulously. He looked at Los and really looked at him since he had entered the apartment. “What?” Los asked. He saw the way Jah was looking at him all wide eyed. “Yo you gettin big ass fuck! Damn what you on them roids?” Jah joked. He knew his cousin would never fuck with drugs like that, that’s just the way Los was. “You bout to be on some 50 shit, that’s all I know is you better not start having muscles pop outta ya neck and shit.” Los was cracking up. “Yooo.” Jah said walking up to Los and looking in amazement. He had noticed that Los had buffed up a little more weeks ago, but seeing him now in a wife beater dude was looking like a toy soldier. “That’s all I’ma say is lay off them weights son,” Jah laughed. “Fuck you nigga,” Los chuckled.

  “Yo I gotta take my stress out on something, a nigga stressed and frustrated. I’m backed the fuck up, Lucky acting stingy with the pussy again. I ain’t gettin shit, I mean shit. When she do finally let a nigga hit, which is every once in a blue moon a nigga don’t know how to act. I be beasting on her lil ass. I know it’s not right but what the fuck she expect,” Los complained. Jah fell over laughing. “Oh shit Big Homie, say word? That’s some unbelievable shit, that’s unheard of. I never thought in my life you would be in a situation like this. You done fucked more bitches then Hugh Heff in his prime and now you ain’t gettin pussy? Damn, well I guess if I was in ya situation I would be all swole the fuck up too,” Jah said through laughter. “But yo on a serious note nigga that’s some serious shit. I didn’t know things was like that wit you and Luck, yo she gotta be on her job. What she expect you to do? You a man with needs. Chicks be on some bullshit, then they wonder why niggaz get on some next shit and cheat.

  Los went on to tell Jah about that big argument him and Lucky had. “Dayuum, yo I don’t know what to say, it’s like the relationship is a wrap if it’s no trust. And she wildin out disrespecting Unc Los like that too,” Jah said with his face screwed up. “She not giving you any pussy either. That’s my girl and all, I love me some Lucky but that shit is uncalled for. She outta order for this shit right here.” “Exactly! I feel like she pushing me away on purpose. I’m trying; you know a nigga feel like he had to go to hoe rehab, now Lucky making me about to relapse.” Jah fell over laughing. “You stay sayin crazy shit, but I know one thing I’m gettin pussy,” Jah teased while heading towards the door to leave. “As a matter of fact, I had some like two hours ago and I’m bout to get some more. You all swole the fuck up just go in the crib like Hercules and take the pussy. I mean, it’s yours anyways,” Jah said laughing. “Fuck you,” Los spat, he was pissed. He didn’t find anything funny about his situation. Jah turned around and looked at his cousin seriously

  “Yo that’s ya heart, I know that. Try to talk to her, see where that gets you, if things don’t get better, on some up and up shit. Nigga do you. I’m not saying it’s right but I understand. It is what it is.” With that Jah left. Los thought about his cousin’s advice, he couldn’t lie the temptation to cheat was overwhelming sometimes. But he remembered that hurt look on Lucky’s face that night he got caught out in the club. And he thought twice about crossing that line. His pledge to not only Lucky but to himself to do right by her was getting harder and harder to keep. The question was would he cheat? And if he did could their relationship survive anymore betrayal?

  We Gon Make It

  Lucky was fast asleep, she had finally fell asleep from trying to stay awake for 2 days straight. That’s how long Los hadn’t been home. She asked herself if she had been too hard on him with the phone calls and cursing him out. She knew it was the reason why he was staying out for days on end. Lucky had been worried sick about Carlos. He wasn’t answering his phones or texts. She had called all the local hospitals in Philly and Jersey trying to find out if anything happened to him. Now she was wishing she could take back all the harsh words she had left on his voicemails. The thought of Carlos being killed out in the streets scared Lucky into depression, and caused her to cry herself to sleep.

  When Los entered their bedroom he walked in with caution. He thought for sure Lucky would be standing in the bedroom with a butcher knife to greet him, considering how long he hadn’t been home. He thought a lot about their relationship while he was gone. A part of him hated the type of reign Lucky had on his heart and he j
uggled with the decision of ending things. Sometimes he thought she was too much of a headache. It wasn’t as if she was the only bad bitch he had ever bagged. Hell no! Carlos messed with nothing but beauties, some chicks could even give Lucky a run in the looks department. And if you ever caught him messing with a chick that was fly but mediocre in the looks department that was because she had much more to offer than air in between her ears. She had substance and a brain, Los wasn’t all superficial so he didn’t want his chicks to be either. Just when he thought he found the perfect woman in Lucky she was beautiful with a beautiful mind; but was she really worth all the drama? He came up with the conclusion that he couldn’t live without her, he wasn’t ready to throw in the towel on their relationship. Even with all the drama he loved her with a deep ache that scared him sometimes.

  He crept up on Lucky and placed her gift on the bed. Los had spent two hours at a downtown district kettle that sold nothing but expensive toy dogs. Lucky had once expressed interest in purchasing a puppy, but Los made it very clear that he was no animal person nor did he care to have one living in his home. However, he figured with him being away from home on business for days on end Lucky might get lonely. To keep shit ahunnit he needed something to water down the fit he knew she would throw when he got in after being out for two days straight. Los stood back and watched the tiny little puppy with the expensive Swarovski crystal collar creep up to Lucky. He sniffed her at first and backed up, then started to sniff and lick her face. Lucky must’ve been dead tired because usually she was a very light sleeper. Los knew why she was so tired, she had been calling him about ten times every hour throughout the days he was gone. Lucky stirred and her hand went up to her face. The puppy got scared and jumped back. Once she stopped moving the puppy crept back up to her and licked her again. This time Lucky opened her eyes shock and surprise was evident. She sat straight up and looked at the puppy. The look on her face was priceless; she looked as if she was questioning whether or not she was dreaming. “Hey.” Lucky said in a soft tone. She could tell the puppy was very nervous it was shaking like a leaf. She reached over and scooped the puppy up. He tried to bark but it came out only as a little squeak. Lucky laughed at the little fight the puppy was attempting to put up. “It’s okay, it’s okay,” she said while stroking the puppy. “You are the cutest thing.” The dog seemed to settle down with the gentle strokes Lucky was giving it. “What’s his name?” Lucky damn near jumped out of her skin. Carlos had scared the hell out of her. She figured he pulled a coward move dropped the dog off as a olive branch and left. She had no idea that he was standing in the far end of the room. “What?” Lucky said with attitude. “What’s his name? You gonna give him a name right?” Lucky looked at the puppy in her hands and smiled. “Peanut Butter.” The dog was peanut butter colored with spots of black fur on his paws, back and face. His eyes were big round and cole black. Los raised an eyebrow “Peanut Butter?” Los repeated. “Yeah, because he’s the color of peanut butter, he’s so adorable.” “Like you,” Los said. Lucky turned and glared at him “Adorable, adorable muthafucka if I was so adorable! Why don’t you bring ya ass home?”

  Los took a deep breath, he knew this was coming. This is the reason I don’t fuckin come home.“C’mon ma, don’t start.” “Don’t start! Don’t start. Carlos are you serious!? I’ve been up for days waiting on you, calling hospitals fearing something happened to you!” Lucky screamed. The puppy squealed and started to thrust his tiny legs. The screaming had him in a panic. Lucky gently placed the puppy down on the bed and jumped up off the bed. She stormed up to Los and mushed him hard in the forehead. Los bit his bottom lip and glared at her but didn’t do anything. He was angry but he told himself that he would never put his hands on Lucky because he loved her way too much. “Where have you been? You don’t give a fuck about me. I could’ve been up in this damn house dead and you wouldn’t have known. You know what don’t do me any favors by bringing ya ass in here now, go back to wherever you been, I’m done.”

  Lucky turned to walk away but Los grabbed her up from behind, burying his face in her neck. She tried to jerk away but he had a good grip on her “Come here baby girl, what you mean you done? You ain’t fuckin wit me no more? You don’t love me no more ma?” Carlos asked as he held her tight. Lucky started crying “Why you doing this Carlos? This not fair.” Lucky stomped her foot and sobbed. It wasn’t fair how Carlos had that type of hold to break her down emotionally with just a hug. It wasn’t fair that she loved him with every fiber in her body, while he threw shade at her love for him by not even coming home at night. It wasn’t fair that he had that much control over her happiness. Before Lucky closed her eyes and went to sleep she was sure she was leaving him now she wasn’t so sure. She was so torn.

  “Doing what Lucky? What am I doing?” “Putting me through this back and forth bullshit. I can’t take this from you no more Carlos! It’s too much, I can’t do this. Let me go! Just let me go! You don’t love me.” Los spun her around and grabbed both sides of her face gently kissing her even though she was trying to protest by turning her head and pushing him. It only took a few seconds for Lucky to be overwhelmed by his seduction and kissing him back hungrily. “I love you ma,” He said through sensual peck kisses “You know I ain’t letting you go, I can’t. You my everything.” Carlos’s words were piercing her heart and she started sobbing. Lucky stomped her foot again throwing a tantrum. “Sshhh.” Carlos shushed her by placing kisses all over her face kissing away her tears. “I love you, you know we ain’t through.” Lucky caved in, she was tired both emotionally and physically. She let her body fall into his arms and whimpered as he laid her down and made sweet love to her. An awkward silence filled the room after they made love. Los knew she was still awake even though her face was buried in his chest. He played through her hair gently inhaling its scent. “Lucky we gon make it baby girl, I swear, that’s my word.” Lucky’s only response was hugging him tighter before falling off to sleep in his arms.


  Lucky sat on Ty’s bed as Ty moved through the room getting ready for a date with Douglas. Ty looked unexcited about her date night it showed all on her face. Lucky heard Peanut Butter squeal and ran to see what was going on. Ty’s evil cat Sparkles had been bullying the puppy all day. “What happened to him Luck?” Ty asked as Lucky returned carrying Peanut Butter. “Nothing girl, he was at the top of the stairs looking like he wanted to go down, but he got scared and started barking.” “Luck you better be more careful with that dog. He could’ve died falling down them stairs, he so tiny and cute and his little ass look like he cost a grip.” “I know, he just so fascinated with stairs. I had Carlos put up child gates around the house, he was annoyed but he did it.” “I still can’t believe he actually bought your ass a puppy.” Ty said while flopping down beside Lucky. “You see the way he acts every time he comes over here and see Sparkle, he’s not a animal person at all. I guess love will make you do things like that though.” Lucky laughed, “Oh girl please, he don’t like Peanut Butter and the dog can tell cause he don’t care for Carlos neither. Every time Carlos tries to hug up on me Peanut Butter gets jealous and starts barking.” Ty chuckled as she watched Lucky place the dog in a LV dog bag. “What type of dog is he anyways?” “ I honestly don’t know. I didn’t read it on his adoption papers. I wasn’t really paying it any mind, all I wanted was the puppy.” “Are things better between the two of you?” Ty asked. “Yes! A whole lot better, he bringing his ass home at night. And we haven’t been arguing. Sex is good, real good. Part of me just don’t want to get too happy, it’s like I’m waiting for some shit to pop off with us like it always do.” “Don’t do that Lucky.” “Don’t do what?” Lucky asked. “Just go with it, don’t think negative, if that’s the case it will never work. And I know you both want it to work.” Lucky fell silent as she thought on her cousin’s advice.

  Ty huffed and slowly rose from the bed to continue getting ready for a dinner date she had with Douglas. Lately Douglas had been killing he
r with the whole quality time shit. “I see things between you and Mr. Douglas Whitfield the IV must be going well. It seems like every time I call you to get up for the weekend you have something planned with him, last week was dinner and a art gallery in New York, so what’s going on tonight?” “I don’t fucking know or care.” Lucky furrowed her brows in confusion. She thought Ty would be happy to have Douglas finally showing a little more interest in their relationship. Considering in the past he seemed so distant and uninterested in Ty unless they were going to a public function where he could flaunt her around. “Ty what’s wrong?” Ty turned to look at Lucky and at that moment she felt herself getting emotional. “Lucky sometimes I…I just feel trapped. I don’t know.” Ty’s eyes started to water and that alarmed Lucky. Ty was never the type to wear her emotions on her sleeves. “Ty what’s wrong?” Lucky asked as she hopped up off the bed and tried to hug Ty.Ty backed away wiping tears from her eyes quickly. “Ain’t nothing Lucky I’m PMS’ing that’s all. You know how it is, you cry for the dumbest shit.” Lucky stared at her cousin for a little while longer not really believing her reasoning for crying. Los’s ringtone chiming through Lucky’s phone saved Ty from an interrogation. Lucky grabbed her phone and Los let her know he was outside. Ty’s little emotional outburst still had Lucky uneasy, ultimately she let it go, knowing Ty would tell her sooner than later. Ty walked Lucky to her front door giving her a longer than usual hug goodbye. She watched as Los hopped out of his Maserati to come and open the passenger side door for Lucky as he always did. “Fly Ty! What up baby?” Los called with a pretty smile. “Don’t what up me, you better be treatin my cousin right.” “Awe man, what y’all been over here gossipin about. I’ve been behaving myself, real talk,” Los said with a laugh. Ty laughed too as she shook her head at those two looking all lovey dovey. She couldn’t help but wonder if she would ever find a burning love like they had.


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