It is What it is: A Hood Love Story

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It is What it is: A Hood Love Story Page 63

by B. , Ivory

  Within half an hour the get together was in full swing. “Yo Keem what is you doin? This is a man’s job, so let a real man, man this grill. You don’t know what the fuck you doin,” Nice said. “Nigga I know what I’m doin. I’m trying to help you out. All I smell is shit burning up out here. I don’t want my food all burnt the fuck up!” “Burnt!” Nice said defensively “Ain’t nothing burnt out here. Take ya ass in the house, and make some potato salad or some shit,” Nice said with a smirk on his face. People who were in ear shot burst out laughing. He liked messing with Keema she was feisty; she was definitely Jah’s speed. Keema walked off sticking up her middle finger over her shoulder.

  Just then Buju walked in the backyard holding a tray of food his mother sent over from her restaurant. Everyone in Philly knew his mother’s Jamaican restaurant was one of the best in the city. Once she heard Los was having a get together she got to cooking. She had stayed up basically all night cooking for her restaurant and also for Los. She was very fond of him from knowing him since he was business partners and friends with her son. “Ayo y’all come help me with this food.” Buju said; he had a trunk full of trays to bring in. Once Real and Jah finished helping him there were three long picnic tables filled with food. Everything from Curry goat, Jerk chicken, Curry chicken, Snapper, Oxtails, rice and peas, Mrs. Sharon had really outdone herself. It didn’t take long for everyone to swarm the tables like a hungry pack of wolves. Jah made sure he grabbed Keema something to eat since he noticed she had not eaten much of anything that day besides saltine crackers and ginger ale, because she was battling morning sickness that morning.

  Nice looked around feeling a little uneasy. Ty and Ky still hadn’t arrived yet. Things with him and Ty had been great although lately she had been showing him a hint of attitude. Even though they had kissed and made up from their first little break up it felt to him as if Ty was holding back. His assessment was right. Ty couldn’t shake that nagging feeling of Mia’s claim to be still involved with Nice. She was scared to be in love with him only to find out that he was indeed still dealing with Mia, she would be heartbroken. Nice was just about to call Ty’s phone when he saw his daughter run around from the front of the house full speed. He smiled at Ky she was looking adorable. She had on a fresh pair of red blue and white Gucci sneakers, a red little romper and her ponytail holders were matching the colors in her sneakers. Ty was looking just as beautiful with her sundress blowing in the wind and clinging to her shapely frame. “Daddy!” Ky shrieked as she jumped into Nice’s arms. “Hey Princess,” he said kissing her on the forehead. Ty gave a forced smile and waved from a distance before heading in the house. There was no hug, no kiss, she just waved at him and kept it moving. Now Nice knew for sure that there was definitely something wrong. He was going to get to the bottom of this sudden attitude change.

  Ty walked into the kitchen to see Lucky acting like Suzie the homemaker and Keema sitting in front of a big plate of food. Without saying a word she slammed her Chanel handbag on the island with a thud catching both Lucky and Keema’s attention. “Damn bitch what the hell is wrong with you?” Keema asked. “Girl I’m hot right now. Why the fuck did I find out that Nice tried to give my car, the Benz to that bitch.” No one had to ask who that bitch was, they already knew. I’m already hot about that shit. Cause I sold him the car not to give to that hoe. Then the shit gets deeper. So I’m at the house getting Ky ready. I’m looking in the drawers for her bo bo’s and I find a credit card statement. Right, but it’s a credit card under Kamar Richards with the card holder Mia Lewis. The fucking bill was a little over 6 stacks and the balance was zero. So obviously someone paid it and it wasn’t that bum bitch cause she ain’t got no job.” “That’s his baby moms, maybe it was child support,” Keema reasoned. “Keema it wasn’t child support. This nigga pays that bitch close to 4 g’s a month for child support the last day of the month and it clears by the first. I can even tell you which bank account it’s drawn off, so no, that ain’t for child support.” Lucky and Keema just looked at each other not knowing what to say. “I’m not stupid. All I know is ain’t no way a nigga taking care of a chick like this if they ain’t fuckin. This don’t make no sense. The bitch already said she still fuckin him. I don’t know,” Ty said shaking her head back and forth looking stressed. “I’m just like… ready to say the hell with this.”

  “I don’t know Ty. I can’t see it. I can’t see him still messing with Mia. I mean, the impression I get is he can’t stand her ass. I’m surprised they even got along long enough to make a baby with each other,” Keema said. “Keem please it don’t take no getting along or liking to make no baby. Maybe all that hating each other shit is just sexual tension. Maybe they weirdo’s like that. I don’t really know or give a hell. All I know is that I love him and I don’t want my feelings hurt. Luck what’s your take on this girl?” Ty looked over at her cousin for some advice.

  “Honestly, I think that bitch is fuckin with you. And I think she is succeeding in doing exactly what she set out to do, create doubt and mistrust in your relationship to tear you and Nice apart.” Ty huffed and rolled her eyes. “Lucky I’m telling you this nigga is trickin off on this bitch something serious. There gotta be something going on.” “Well talk to him about it. Whateva it is I’m just not convinced my boy is stupid enough to mess with Mia again. Ty Don’t let that bitch win,” Lucky said in a firm voice. Ty locked eyes on her cousin. She could not understand how she was such a sucka for a happy ending. And could be so trusting in love. Ty’s past experiences with men made it hard for her to be as optimistic as Lucky.

  “Well damn Lady Luck! What up mama? What you been studying jit jitzu? The art of war or some shit? You sound like you about to cut a bitch!” Mika shrieked walking in the kitchen only catching the tail end of the convo. “I sure the hell will fuck a bitch up, the next time a bitch try to step on my toes when it comes to my man,” Lucky said with certainty. Mika laughed then proceeded to hug all her girls noticing the long face Ty had. Once they updated Mika on the current drama she sat there speechless. “Well you know I’ma keep my ear to the shop. If I hear anything I’ma definitely put you on. But I say it sounds like you need to have that talk with him. Draw that line in the sand, put it out there, give that nigga a warning shot, blocka! Let him know if you find out anything you will be on to the next one. So if he is out there doin dirt, he’ll clean his shit up immediately.” “Girl please, if that nigga fuckin around on me we through. I’m not gonna give him a chance to do me right. He should be doing it from jump,” Ty huffed in frustration, placing her elbow on the counter leaning her head into it. “Tyyy stop stressing mama,” Lucky said, hating to see her cousin looking so overwhelmed. Keema leaned over hugging Ty.

  Attempting to lighten the mood in the room Keema changed the subject. “Miss Goya what you cooked today? Did you cook any of your famous pasta?” Lucky stuck her middle finger up at Keema. Mika laughed “Why you calling her that?” Mika questioned. “Oh you don’t know? Lucky didn’t tell you?” “Tell me what?” “Los been making her ass learn to speak Spanish.” It was true. Lucky didn’t want to do it at first. However, Los insisted. Damn near demanded. She told him she was too old to learn a new language but he wouldn’t hear of it. “What?! Get the fuck outta here, for real? What he tryna do turn you into his little Mamacita or some shit?” Mika said through laughter. Lucky rolled her eyes. “I have no idea what this man’s problem is. He driving me crazy. He won’t even speak to me in English in the house. If I don’t address him in Spanish he won’t talk.” The entire kitchen laughed. “Say something, say something.” Keema urged. “Keema I told you I don’t know how,” Lucky claimed. “Nuh unh bitch, all that gwap that nigga droppin on them tutors you better know how to say something. I know you do,” Keema insisted. “Keema I already told you I don’t know how to speak in Spanish, so leave me alone already,” Lucky rambled off in perfect Spanish. They all gasped. “Well gotdamn!” Keema said then burst out into laughter.

  Everyone was having a
good time until they all heard Los’s loud ghetto ass Aunt V from outside. Keema looked over to see how tense Lucky had become. She felt so bad for Lucky. She couldn’t understand why some of the females in Los’s family gave Lucky so much hell. They never gave Keema half the trouble they gave Lucky, because they knew she would go off.

  “Heyyy! What’s goin on in here?” V said scanning the room. “Lucky what you doin in here? Hiding out while my poor nephew out there sweating and slaving at the grill? Ain’t you supposed to be the woman of the house, the hostess?” She said in a snide way. “Actually I was just on my way out.” This was true, she still had the container of potato salad she had just pulled from the cold fridge in her hand. “Ohh, umm” was V’s only response as she sat down on a stool. That was Lucky’s cue to take off outside.

  Carlos watched as Lucky stepped from inside the house with a semi sheer sarong hugging her hips. That’s one thing he loved about Lucky she knew how to act without him having to tell her. Instead of having his shit all out in front of his boys she put something around her bikini bottom. Lucky looked up to catch Los staring. She smiled and mouthed I love you and he did the same in return. After checking the fridge in the fully equipped kitchen on the patio both the full fridge and the mini were stocked full with champagne and liquor, so there was no where to put the fruit platter or potato salad she was carrying. Lucky ended up having to go back into the house to put them in the fridge.

  As Lucky was walking into the house she heard Cathy and thanked the Lord above, Cathy was her saving grace. She knew V wouldn’t get that out of hand with Cathy there. Cathy had come through the front door and was greeting everyone with hugs when Lucky walked into the back door. “Awe look at my lil China doll!” Cathy said rushing over to Lucky and taking her into her loving arms hugging her excitedly. “Oh god! Cat let the girl breath.” V snapped. V couldn’t stand that her sister made such a big deal about Lucky and was actually jealous of the relationship Lucky had with her sister. Cathy paid her sister’s comment no mind.

  Ty had just walked back into the kitchen from changing into her swim wear in the bathroom down the hall. “Tyy!” Cathy sang hugging her as well. Ty noticed V eyeing her up and down. “Ohh girl you gotta whole lotta junk in ya trunk! Go head girl, you wearing that bikini!” V screamed. Ty feeling a little put on the spot gave a half smile and took a seat while she waited on Ky to change so they could swim in the huge pool out back. “So you Ty?” “Yes,” Ty answered cautiously wondering where this was going. She already knew how slick V could get with her mouth. She had heard it all from Lucky. “Your Lucky’s cousin right? Umm hmm, I see the resemblance. Umm hmm, umm so y’all keeping it in the family ha? Keeping all that money in the family.” she said while bringing a cup of ice tea to her mouth to sip on. Ty’s head jerked to the side and she stared at his aunt trying to determine if she had heard her correctly. Cathy gave her sister a warning with her eyes to not start but V rolled her eyes and avoided eye contact with Cathy.

  “So Miss Lucky, what you been up to?” V asked as if she really gave a fuck. “Oh nothing much school, baby sitting then more babysitting.” “Uhhh is that right?” V drawled. “When you gonna be finished with school? Or are your tryna make a career out of it? I know that tuition up at UPenn has to be steep on my nephew.” Lucky glared at his aunt, this bitch is forever trying to be on some funny shit. “Nah it ain’t nothing he can’t handle. I mean, he spends more on my shopping sprees,” Lucky said. Fuck it, if they wanted something to talk about Lucky was going to give them a reason. After all this time I’ve been with this man, how could his family still think I’m in it for the money? How could they not see that I love him so much I would lay down my own life for him? Because I know he would do the same for me.

  V turned her nose up and looked at her daughter. It was obvious they were thinking the same thing. “Hmm school is that right? I could have sworn Cat told me you dropped out of school, or maybe I’m confused and have it wrong.” Cathy glared at her sister and all Lucky could do was look over at Cathy with hurt eyes. The feeling of betrayal was written all over Lucky’s face. Cathy had been the only one she told. She hadn’t even spoken to Matoo, Ty or Keema about it.

  Cathy couldn’t believe that her sister went there. She had told her sister by accident, it had slipped in a conversation. Cathy had never directly intended to divulge anything about Lucky or use it as a form of gossip. She had told V to keep it tight lipped and now here she was throwing it in the poor girl’s face in a vindictive way. It took all of Cathy’s willpower not to snatch her sister’s ass up and read her, her rights in front of everyone.

  Seeing that Lucky was now speechless and had the look of hurt plastered on her face V felt as if she had won. V continued as if not to be fazed by anything. “So Keema why you ain’t got your bathing suit on girl?” “Cause I don’t feel like swimming,” Keema said with attitude dripping off each word. “Oh okay, at first I was thought it was because you was tryna hide that gut of yours. Girl is you pregnant again or just fat?” “V!” Cathy screamed but it was much too late for that. Keema shot up from her chair ready to lay hands on somebody. “You old hoodrat bitch! I’m pregnant! And you lucky I am because I would knock the dust off ya old ass, I don’t give a fuck who Aunt you is bitch you can get it!” “Unh, unh bitch! I will stomp ya ass out! I don’t give a fuck if you is pregnant; don’t be disrespecting my mother like that!” Tiffany screamed. Keema charged at Tiffany and Ty caught Keema just in time to hold her back. Tiffany kept running up on Keema as if she was going to do something. Lucky ran around the granite island to fuck Tiffany up the moment she even attempted to swing on Keema. “Now Tiff you don’t even wanna do that,” Mika said looking at her like she would wipe the floor with her.

  Jah heard his wife’s mouth all the way outside and went running towards the French doors to the kitchen. The moment he stepped in the house he was heated. He couldn’t believe that his cousin was actually running up on his wife as if she was going to do her something. More importantly he was instantly heated with Keema for trying to fight when she was carrying his seed.

  “Ayo Tiff is you crazy?! Fuck outta my wife face wit that dumb shit!” Jah boomed. Cathy heard Jah’s voice and knew she had to hurry and de-escalate this altercation and fast. She knew how stupid Jah could get, especially over Keema. Keema began to cry, she was so angry. She just wanted to reach out and touch one of these bitches but she was being held back. “Ohh boy, somebody get this bitch an academy award. You see how she just started crying once Jah came in here, what an actress,” Tiffany spat. “I swear these bitches is poppin off cause I’m pregnant!” Keema screamed through tears of anger.

  “Okay that’s it everybody cut it out! Go head gon,” Cathy said pushing two of her nieces out of the kitchen. “This house is far too damn big for everyone to be up in each other’s faces pissing each other off. I swear that’s why you can never have too many damn black folks in one spot. It’s bound to be drama!” The kitchen started to clear out slowly with Los’s family still popping shit under their breaths. “Keem. Oh my god you’re pregnant?” Lucky asked just above a whisper. Keema had her eyes glued to Tiffany as she shook her head yes. “How far along are you?” Lucky asked. “12 weeks.” Lucky’s eyes bulged damn Keema didn’t look pregnant at all. She was carrying this baby well, just like she carried lil Jah. Her stomach wasn’t washboard flat as it was before having lil Jah but she had just had a baby literally, now she was pregnant yet again. Shit Keema and Jah didn’t waste any time Lucky thought. “Excuse me, Luck let me holla at Keema, for a minute.” Jah said from behind as Lucky was rubbing Keema’s stomach gently smiling like a goofball. Uh oh Keema’s in trouble was Lucky’s first thought when she heard the tone in Jah’s voice. Keema walked off hand in hand with Jah to another part of the house.

  “Let me tell you something Vera. I’m getting really tired of your childish antics. That was really petty. If you ever pull some mess like that again consider yourself having one less sister. Now I know you love my
son. And in your eyes maybe no one will ever be good enough for him. But that’s who he loves and I love her as well. Respect that Vera! You can try and go up against love but you’ll always come up with the short end of the stick trust me. And stop all that drinking! You act a damn fool when you drink,” Cathy said with her index finger pointed in Vera’s face. Cathy walked away leaving her sister in the hallway visibly shocked and upset.

  “Damn nigga slow down! You got us way the fuck out here in west bubble fuck about to get bagged,” Bugsy fumed as he glared at Chilly through the rearview mirror. Chilly had just exited the highway and was on a long stretch of road that lead to Los’s house driving like a bat out of hell, with two baggies of pure coke on his lap. He opened one up and snorted it up his nose with just two snorts then followed up with the second. He sniffed hard multiple times before taking his thumb and index finger to wiggle his nose back and forth to help with the tingling sensation. He closed his eyes for just a second while he let the affects of that pure raw flow through his body. “Yooo! Nigga what the fuck! Watch where you going!” Killa shouted. Chilly’s eyes shot open as he swerved to avoid a collision. “Yo you might wanna fall back on that nose candy nigga, we out here dirty ass fuck, heat on us the whole 9. These crackers will have our asses locked till Monday son.” Killa warned.

  “Man y’all niggaz shut the fuck up! Y’all can act like some real bitches. Y’all had the drop on this nigga Nice. He was on a fuckng bike! He wouldn’t even been able to bust back or do shit. I tell y’all to dead this nigga and y’all gonna pull some soft shit like a hit and run. For real? What type of bitch shit is that? Y’all niggaz should’ve emptied the clip in that nigga. For now on I’ma call you two niggaz Thelma and Louise. Man I knew I should’ve fucked wit some Brooklyn niggaz y’all Harlem niggaz is flashy and a lot of mouth, but y’all ain’t bout that life,” Chilly gritted as mucus mixed with blood ran down his nose trickling to his top lip. He had burnt out the lining in his inner nose with snorting so much coke that he never felt when his nose was running nor bleeding.


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