It is What it is: A Hood Love Story

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It is What it is: A Hood Love Story Page 66

by B. , Ivory

  Los reached over the table and lifted Lucky’s chin with his finger so that he was looking directly into her eyes. “Have I ever made you do anything you didn’t want to?” Lucky shook her head no with sad eyes. “So why would you think I would make you finish studying something you didn’t want to?” Lucky didn’t answer she stared at him. “Look baby girl I’m going to support and back you on anything you want to do. If you wanna go to law school, then go to law school. I got you ma.” Lucky huffed she wasn’t too convinced and Los could tell.

  “A’ight I’ma level wit you, could you go to law school and work full-time or part-time as well?” “Uhh, yeah I could juggle it.” Carlos bobbed his head with a skeptical look on his face. A’ight so where would that leave me? When would you have time for me? After a long business trip when I get home would I be reduced to scheduling appointments to fuck my wife?” Los asked staring at her. Lucky flashed him a look that said cut it out after that last comment. “Look baby girl a nigga ain’t tryna hold you back by any means. I want you to be all you can be like the fuckin army. I know school is ya thing. I say focus on that and let everything else fall into place. I’ma hold you down and support whateva you want to do, that’s my word.” Los picked up his glass and took a swig of his imported red wine. “And what you mean you feel like you don’t have a purpose though, because you don’t have a job? C’mon Luck, you sounding real crazy right now. You got one of the hardest jobs in America, keeping me happy, you do a damn good job at it too,” Los said breaking into a sexy smile. He reached over and caressed the side of her face while she leaned into his hand. He could see the saddened look in her eyes and he didn’t like it. “Where all this money talk coming from all of a sudden anyways?” Lucky huffed. “It’s just sometimes people say slick shit. Insinuating I may be in it for the money.” “Who?!” Carlos asked incredulously. Lucky hesitated at first, and then she thought to herself fuck it. “Some people in your family. Carlos come on, don’t act like you don’t know your Aunt and some of your cousins don’t like me.” “I told you a long time ago as long as you loyal, honest and love me then we gon always be good. I don’t care what no one else thinks of you. I know you, I know where your heart at,” Lucky shook her head in agreement.

  “A lawyer ha? I don’t think that’s such a bad idea at all. With the way niggaz stay in trouble a Lawyer in the family sounds damn good.” Lucky shook her head no. “Not quite baby, I don’t want to go into criminal law. I don’t have the stomach for it. Business law for me.” Los shook his head “I like the sound of that.” Lucky stared into Los’s eyes “Thank you for loving me the way you do and supporting my dreams.” “You don’t have to thank me for that, that’s my job,” he said with the most sincere look in his eyes.

  Lucky exhaled deeply feeling a sense of relief, holding that in over the last month had been so stressful. “I have to take the LSTAT it’s like the SAT’s for law school. I’m nervous about that.” “Why? Everyone knows you a lil undercover nerd. You’ll pass with flying colors. When is the test anyhow?” Los asked clearly interested. “In about a month and a half,” Lucky answered. “Then it sounds like you better get studying.” Now that Los knew and was going to support her dreams Lucky was ecstatic but there was one little detail nagging the hell out of her. He didn’t seem surprised at all. It was as if he already knew.

  “Carlos you already knew didn’t you?” “Knew what?” Lucky answered her own question just by looking at Los. It was all over his face truth be told he knew, he was only waiting for her to say something. “I mean, I knew to a certain extent that something was bothering you. I know you better than you think I do,” Los said staring her deep in the eyes. “Then a little birdie whispered something in my ear. Confirming what I already knew, something was up with you.” “Umm, I wonder who this little birdie might be?” Lucky asked clearly upset. “What I look like giving up my C.I? It doesn’t matter anyways,” Los chuckled. “Might this little birdie be Aunt V?” Los didn’t have to answer she knew it was. Lucky rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. That fucking raggedy ass lace front wig wearing bitch! Why is she so miserable? “See why you had to take it there?” Los asked with a smirk on his face. “Now you just went in on my Aunt. Done talked about her wigs and the whole nine,” Los chuckled. Lucky’s eyes nearly popped out of her head. And she was sure he was psychic. Los wasn’t psychic but if anyone had anything to say about his Aunt it would be about them damn wigs. “See what I told you, I know you better than you think I do,” Los said while stroking her cheek softly. Los made a mental note to check his Aunt like the muthafuckin TSA, about treating Lucky wrong. She couldn’t be treating Lucky any type of way. He didn’t play that shit for one minute and everyone knew that.

  A week later Los was preparing to go to New York for that meeting requested by the Don, while Lucky sat down on the couch watching TV. Lucky watched him as he prepared to leave. “You forgot didn’t you?” Lucky asked just as he leaned in to kiss her goodbye. “Forgot what?” “We were supposed to pick up Princess to stay with us this weekend.” “Ohhh shit,” Los said running his hands over his waves and down his face. “Damn, yeah I did forget,” Los admitted. “You know she gonna be too mad with you. I’ll make it up to her. It’ll be a girl’s day out. I might bring her out to the mall and get mani’s and pedi’s and some teddy bears from Build a Bear.” Los smiled “Give lil mama my love. If I’m not back tonight before she falls to sleep. A’ight Luck I’m gone,” He said leaning in and kissing her tenderly on the lips. “Come back home to me,” Lucky said while staring into his eyes as his lips were still on hers. “I will,” Los said before biting her bottom lip gently and swagging out of the house. Lucky jumped up and ran to the huge picture windows in front of the house watching him pull off. Whenever he left on business the thought always crossed her mind that maybe he won’t ever come back. On the days those fears seemed to plague her mind hard, she got on her knees and prayed the hardest she could. She didn’t know what she would do without him.

  Houston We Have a Problem

  Lucky called Carlos to inform him she was on her way out to Ty and Nice’s house to pick Kynah up. As soon as he hung up the call with Lucky he called Meat to make sure they were watching her. 20 minutes later Lucky pulled out of the driveway watching the automatic security fence shut down before she pulled off in Los’s CLS 550 Benz. Usually she took off before the gate completely closed but as of late she’d been more careful. She never noticed the Toyota Camry following her. The whole drive over Lucky couldn’t shake an odd feeling that someone was following her, looking around and in the rearview she saw nothing out of the ordinary. She shook it off as Carlos paranoid ass rubbing off on her; lately he’d really been at it with being careful.

  “Ewe what the hell is wrong with you?” Lucky asked as Ty swung the front door open with a scowl on her face. “Girl you don’t even want to know,” Ty said walking away from the door with attitude exuding her body. “Auntiieee!” Kynah screamed racing down the staircase and jumping into Lucky’s arms. “Hey lil Diva, oh look at you, you look so pretty today.” Ky grinned from ear to ear. “Ky!” Ty called. “Ha mommy?” “Go upstairs and get your overnight bag to stay at Auntie’s house.” “Okay Mommy,” Ky said before running off. “Awe, Okay Mommy,” Lucky said mimicking Ky as she watched her race up the first few steps to do as she was told.

  “Now what the hell is wrong with you?” Lucky asked again as soon as she was sure Ky was out of ear shot. Ty passed the cordless phone to Lucky. “Look at this shit.” Lucky looked at the caller ID on the phone and there was one number that had called 33 times the previous day and had already called 19 times today and the day was still young. “Whose number is this?” Lucky asked. “You already know it’s that bitch.” “Did you ask her what she wanted?” “Yeah, I sure did. And most of the time she hangs up or goes, Is my baby daddy dere?” Ty said sounding extra ghetto and stank. Lucky cracked up “Girllllll I don’t know,” Lucky concluded. “I know, I got a feeling he still fucking h
er and sending her mixed messages. That’s the reason she always acting up.” “Ty you really don’t know that. It sounds like you and him really need to have that talk.” “Talk my ass, if I find out this nigga is out here doing me dirty and still fuckin his baby mama while I’m here taking care of their daughter, giiiiirl I’ma make the muthafuckin news, real talk,” Ty gritted. “Speaking of talking shouldn’t you and Mr. Loso be talking about your little school issue?” “Bitch don’t call him that, and for your information we already talked.” A smile Lucky was trying hard to suppress escaped her lips. “My baby said he’s going to support whateva I want to do and law school sounds like a good idea.” Ty looked over at her cousin and smirked with her arms folded across her chest. “Girl you got that nigga so sprung, dropping racks on tuition and everything, that’s right Luck. Fuck handbags and shoes get you something no one can take away from you, an education.”

  “Auntie I’m ready!” Lucky shot up from her seat matching Ky’s excitement. “Come on Princess we gonna have some fun today.” “You know what I should roll with you two since I ain’t doing nothing,” Ty suggested. “Oh hell no, you gonna stay right here till Daddy gets home and you and him gonna have that talk.” “Lucky go head wit that talk mess, I already told you I’m not into talking, just have my bail money on deck,” Ty fussed trying to mask her vulnerability but Lucky saw right through it. “Bye Ty, I love you. You and Nice enjoy y’all weekend together.”

  Nice pulled onto the top of his street to see Los’s Benz sitting in the driveway. He knew it was Lucky because Los had gone to the City. Just as he was getting closer to his house he peered down the street and something caught his eye. A silver colored Toyota Camry pulled half way in one of his neighbor’s driveway. The car stood out to him because it wasn’t pulled into the driveway just discreetly pulled out of the way from the main road. Nice drove past the Camry then threw his car in reverse with his burner in hand. He chuckled when he noticed it was Meat and Twin and they were definitely on point.

  “Oh shit, so y’all niggaz on babysitting duty I see.” “What’s good Capo! Yeah boss got us watching after wifey. It’s cool and all, but man when she get in them stores she dumb out and be in there for hours,” Meat complained. Nice cracked up feeling genuinely sorry for his man. “Well yo just a heads up, Los said she on her way to the mall today and she got her mini me with her and she just as bad as her Auntie.” “Aww, Hell nah!” Meat groaned as if he were in utter pain as Nice pulled off laughing. Just as Nice was pulling into one side of his large driveway Lucky was pulling out the other, he beeped and she beeped back taking off down the street. He watched minutes later as the Camry pulled off after Lucky.

  Nice walked into the house to find Ty sitting on the couch typing away on her laptop. She didn’t look up from the screen or even acknowledge him. Ty’s eyes went to the ringing phone before she rolled them in annoyance, and then turned back to the screen, ignoring Nice standing right in front of her. Nice snatched her laptop out of her hand and shut it closed.

  “Kamar! What the hell is wrong with you? Are you crazy?!” Ty looked at him as if he had lost his mind. “I should be asking you the same thing. Ty you been on the bullshit lately. You gonna tell me right now what the fuck is going on wit you.” “Kamar I’m not in the mood for your childish games! I’m trying to get some work done, give me my laptop!” “Games! Games! Ty you should already know I ain’t about games. I don’t give a fuck about this laptop. I will break this muthafucka in half,” Nice gritted. Ty’s body tensed up a bit but she wouldn’t show she was truly afraid. “Nice you know what keep the damn computer. I don’t have time for this shit.” Ty shot back as she bolted from the couch and took off up the stairs with Nice on her ass. As soon as she got into the master bedroom they now shared the ringing phone chimed again boiling Ty’s blood. Nice grabbed her forearm and spun her around to face him. “Ty what’s good? Let me find out you fuckin somebody else.” Nice accused eyes ablaze with suspicion and jealousy. Ty thought of his jealousy as being quite ironic since he was the one with the baby mama still claiming to be fucking him, and blowing down his phones at disrespectful hours of the night.

  “You wanna know what my problem is? This is my problem muthafucka!” Ty said storming to the closet, grabbing the detailed credit card bill and waving it in his face. “Yo, you went through my shit! You doing the most right now ma, playing inspector gadget and shit. What’s next you following me around wit night vision goggles and shit? All you had to do is ask me,” Nice said with attitude. “I didn’t go through ya things I stumbled across the papers, now I’m stepping to you like a grown ass woman and asking you. Are you still fuckin the bitch?” Ty screamed on the verge of going insane from jealousy. “I already told you I’m not,” Nice said calmly. His calm demeanor only made Ty lose it more. “Don’t even play me like I’m slow, why the fuck are you supporting this bitch to the tune of 4 g’s a month for child support and letting her have free reign over a credit card that you pay the bill for?! So while I’m here taking care of you and that trife bitch daughter y’all laughing behind my back and screwing each other, that’s some real grimey shit!” Nice jerked his head back and looked at Ty as if she had lost her mind. These wild allegations were outlandish.

  He walked off into the closet for a few minutes and came back with a folder throwing it on the bed. “Open it and look through the papers,” Nice demanded. “Kamar whateva, I don’t want to do this right now,” Ty said waving him off. “Nah you snooping through papers anyways you miles well go all out.” Nice reached into the folder and came out with a paper that read detailed credit card transaction history. “Go head what that say?” Ty rolled her eyes and snatched the paper before flopping down on the bed trying desperately to catch her breath she was so mad.

  “Saks fifth Ave Louis Vuitton Alma handbag $1,440. Braza’s boutique size 9 retro heels $1,280. Prada store Milian heels $1524.78. Gucci store vintage monogram handbag $2,000.87. Bank of America cash advance $2,000.” Ty stopped reading; she didn’t get what Nice was trying to show her. All she could see was this bitch had her man bleeding money. And he was stupid enough to let her do it.

  “Yeah, so what is this supposed to mean? All I see is this bitch raping your pockets.” “And that’s exactly what it’s supposed to look like. I give Mia child support monthly, the money transfer out of an account but once it hits her bank she withdraws the money and I can’t see what she spending it on. Only thing I do know is the money ain’t getting spent on my seed. So I gave her a credit card, told her to use it for emergencies and for Kynah. I knew from the jump she was going to dig a hole for herself. I got a year worth of credit card transaction summaries and I would say not even half of them got charges that relate to Kynah, this the shit my lawyer wanted for evidence in my custody case. But on some real shit Ty I shouldn’t have had to show you all that. I’m your man. You should trust in what I’m sayin. Why the fuck I gotta show you my whole hand to prove something I’m saying. We should be like partners in a poker game, I shouldn’t have to show you my cards, you should trust and know that I got you. That’s the issue though you don’t trust me.” “No! No! The fuck I don’t trust you,” Ty shot back angrily, mad that she was looking a little stupid right now for assuming. “Then why we wasting each other’s time? Yo Ty I ain’t got time for the shit you on right now. I’m dealing with enough bullshit in my life tryin to get my daughter. Fuck it yo, do you!” Nice said angrily.

  Ty felt herself start to hyperventilate; she felt a burning feeling in her chest and a huge lump in her throat. Tears started to pour down her face, clouding her vision. Nice hated to see Ty cry but he was so tight with her right now he couldn’t comfort her. The threat of Nice walking away from this relationship hit Ty and it hit her hard. That’s when she realized how much she really loved this man and didn’t want to lose him. But she was scared, scared that Nice would end up hurting her like other men in her past. So she put up her defense mechanism, her fuck a nigga, I don’t need him attitude. She knew
though if she wanted to keep Nice in her life she would have to let that tough girl veneer go. Her attitude had worn him thin, and he was looking as if he was one minute away from saying fuck it to their relationship. She had to keep reminding herself that he wasn’t Douglas, or the other men before him that had done her wrong. She had to let go of that past hurt. And let Nice in, but it was so hard to do.

  The sounds of Ty’s sobs tugged at Nice’s heart. He sat down beside her and pulled her into his arms holding her just as tight as she held onto him. “Ty look at me,” he said lifting Ty’s face from being buried in his chest. He cupped her face with both his hands and looked into her eyes. “Ty I see you holding me down when I’m gone. Taking care of my daughter as if she were ya own, teaching her how to be a little lady, doing all the things Mia should be doing but she not. There is no way that I would do you dirty by cheating on you, especially with Mia. I would be a foul ass nigga to do that, and that’s not me, I’m not that nigga. I ain’t out to hurt your heart. I love you Ty. Don’t let Mia be the reason we ain’t together. I haven’t touched Mia in like 11 months probably longer. And that’s my word,” His admission shocked and hurt Ty. No, Nice and Ty weren’t officially a couple at the time but the thought of him with Mia less than a year ago still hurt. Nice read her eyes. “It wasn’t like that Ty. Why I fucked her? I don’t know. It was convenient pussy I guess, it was just once.” Nice kissed Ty on her forehead as tears fell freely. Nice wiped tears from under both her eyes with his thumbs then placed a gentle kiss on her lips. “Don’t be mad, I love you Ty. This thing between us been a long time coming and I’ll be damned if I lose you now that I’ve finally got you.” Ty straddled his lap and kissed him deeply. The kiss said it all she poured her heart out in that kiss and so did he. She bit his bottom lip gently, “I’m sorry, I love you so much, I just don’t want to get hurt,” Ty said just above a whisper. “Ty I told you I got you. I ain’t out to hurt ya heart ma.” Ty stared down at Nice and felt herself getting lost in his eyes, she loved her some Nice. She was letting her guard down in hopes her decision wouldn’t come back to bite her in the ass. She kissed him hungrily, just as she went to lift her shirt over her head to show him how deep her love ran for him. The phone rang putting a damper on the mood. The ringing phone was annoying the hell out of Nice too, mainly because he knew who was calling. He lifted Ty off his lap and grabbed the phone off of the nightstand.


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