It is What it is: A Hood Love Story

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It is What it is: A Hood Love Story Page 73

by B. , Ivory

  Lucky was awakened hours later by the soft cries and yipps of PB. Just as a mother she was able to decipher immediately her baby’s cries; PB cries were cries of hunger. Only then did Lucky realize just how hungry she was herself. “Baby he’s hungry, get him something to eat,” Lucky whined still exhausted from all the love making. With her eyes still shut she ran her hand along Carlos’s empty side of the bed expecting to feel him there. “Shit,” she fussed knowing now she would have to get up. As Lucky lay there, she heard Carlos voice in the distance and realized he was on the phone. For some reason she couldn’t explain instead of calling out for him again, she chose to ear hustle on the convo.

  “What? Nah something came up and I couldn’t make it up top. I’m sayin Lissette, I’m doin the best I can. I gotta take care of home first. I mean, ain’t like you the only one I’m dealing wit in New York, you gon have to get in line. I’ll get there when I get there. The best I can do is Saturday ma. What you say? You miss Daddy?” Los chuckled “Yo you wild baby girl, you gotta stop that crazy talk.”

  Lucky lay in bed stunned, tears started forming in her eyes and one blink sent them pouring down her face onto her pillow. There it was plain as day he was back up to no damn good. Lucky started having a hard time breathing and before she knew it she was hyperventilating as she lay on her back, gripping her stomach trying to catch her breath. The feeling of sickness hit her like a brick. Lucky bolted from the bed heading to the bathroom stumbling along the way crashing to her knees and letting everything up in the toilet. Lucky sobbed hard as she gripped her stomach, she hated throwing up. The more she tried to stop herself from throwing up the more she threw up. Los heard Lucky throwing up and he hung the phone up on Lissette immediately not even caring to say bye.

  Los made a mad dash to the bathroom to find Lucky praising the porcelain god. “Oh Shit! Lucky you alright?” he asked with concern as he pulled her hair up and held it on top of her head, as Lucky let up the last of the dinner she ate the previous day. “Fuck!” Los spat with alarm. He ran over to the double sink in the bathroom grabbing a wash cloth and wetting it with warm water. Lucky sobbed hard, and it seemed the harder she cried the more her body heaved, threatening to let go nothing but stomach fluids since she had already threw up any and everything she had on her stomach. “Ssshhh it’s alright,” Los said pulling her up into his arms. Lucky grabbed a hold of him as if she were holding on for dare life, all awhile sobbing hard.

  When Los was finally able to clean her up and calm her down she lay in bed in his arms staring off into space with a warm washcloth he had placed on her forehead. Carlos was a nervous wreck; He had never seen Lucky get so visibly sick before. He rubbed her stomach gently as she stared off into space with silent tears streaming down her face. Lucky’s reaction shocked even her. Instead of getting up and confronting him she couldn’t. She loved him so much to actually have to face the fact that he didn’t love her the way she loved him, broke her down to the point of being physically sick. “I love you ma. You gon be a’ight,” Lucky flinched as she felt his soft lips kiss her forehead. She shut her eyes tight wishing he wouldn’t kiss her or profess his fake love.

  Days later, Lucky had just came up from the fully equipped gym in the basement to grab a bottled water from the fridge. Today she decided to take some of her frustrations out on the treadmill. As she stood with the fridge door open gulping down Voss spring water she suddenly felt Carlos’s strong arms wrap around her waist from behind. Carlos placed his palm on her stomach and rubbed gently as he kissed her on the side of her head before letting her go.

  “Yo ma I hope you wasn’t going hard in the gym like you usually do. You need to be easy till we find out what’s going on wit you. I ain’t ever seen you throw up like that before. That shit was crazy.” Lucky rolled her eyes “Carlos it’s nothing, I had a lil stomach bug that’s it. I only came up here for some water. Now I’m about to go finish working out,” There was a hint of aggravation in Lucky’s voice that Los picked up on. “Stomach bug? That wasn’t a stomach bug, cause if it was I would be sick, and ain’t shit wrong with me. Like I said, fall back on that shit. You could be pregnant or somethin.” “What difference would it make? It’s not like you want kids anyways,” Lucky said under her breath with attitude. Carlos glared at Lucky, Just then Los’s phone went off distracting him from responding to that slick shit she just said. “Yoo. What’s good nigga? Yeah. Change of plans, Nah actually we stayin local today.” Lucky went to walk off but was caught mid stride by Los’s arm hooking around her waist. “I mean it, lay off that shit.” he said in a stern tone before slapping her fat ass in her yoga pants and walking off.

  Lucky cut her workout session short, showered and found herself sitting in the kitchen staring off into space. Los had left the house about an hour ago saying he was heading to the city and Lucky was all but sure he was going to see his New York slut. Mentally and emotionally she was all but too tired. She knew she would have to make some big decisions sooner than later about moving on with her life without Carlos. She came to the realization that you couldn’t change a leopards spots, meaning Los was who he was and she couldn’t change him. And she wasn’t into sharing, no never been. The ringing door bell brought her out of her thoughts. Lucky flipped the plasma to the surveillance channel and saw Ty standing at the front door.

  “Lady Luck! I missed you,” Ty squealed while throwing her arms around Lucky’s neck hugging her, as soon as Lucky answered the door. “I just saw you,” Lucky said dryly giving her a quick hug back. “I have the day to myself. Its daddy’s day out, so Ky and Nice are together, I came to scoop you so we can do a day of shopping. Girl I’m surprised I ain’t walk into this damn house with you having a dick in your mouth. I know Loso’s back home that’s why I ain’t heard from ya ass in a couple days. I’m getting a lil jealous the way you be saying Los be beaten it up, I want some too,” Ty joked. Lucky chuckled dryly while walking towards the kitchen. “Well get in line cause today he’s with his New York hoe Lissette, I guess when he’s done with her you can get some.” Ty could hear the sarcasm in the joke laced with pain, and when she really looked at Lucky for the first time since she arrived Ty could see something wasn’t right. “What?” Ty asked. “You heard me.” “Oh my god Lucky are you serious? Wait hole up, and you know the bitch’s name? How? What the hell is going on?” Ty rambled.

  “I overheard him on the phone. I don’t know what’s going on. All I know is I can’t do this anymore.” “I’m so sorry,” Ty said sympathetically. Lucky chuckled but not from humor from pain. “For what Ty? You didn’t do it he did...Ty I’m tired, why is he doing this to me? This nigga is so selfish. Instead of just letting me go so he can do him, He wants to do him while he keeps me in his pocket. He’s holding my life up Ty!” Lucky said now through tears. “I don’t get a redo of my life; this shit is not a game! This is my life. I could’ve been with someone who would’ve done right by me, instead of wasting years on this asshole! I don’t deserve this, I gave him my all,” Lucky whimpered. Ty rushed over to Lucky pulling her into her arms holding her tight. “Lucky don’t cry.” Ty was trying to be strong and hold back her own tears but felt them falling from her own eyes. Lucky suddenly pushed Ty away from her gently, wiping her eyes quickly and gathering her composure. “I’ma settle this shit once and for all, today.” Ty saw a look of determination and anger in Lucky’s eyes. Ty watched on silently as Lucky grabbed the cordless off of the granite counter and plugged in some numbers.

  “Louchanna Williams, primary holder’s name is Carlos Johnson.” Ty continued to watch and listen as Lucky went through security questions with the unknown person on the phone. “Uh yes, I’m fine Amy, thanks for asking and you?” Lucky gave a fake chuckle. “I’m hoping you can help me, I let my younger sister borrow the car today and she just recently obtained her license. It’s taking her a little while longer to return than expected, and I just want to make sure she’s where she said she was going to be. Yes, it was the Denali. I just want to make sure
she didn’t decide to take a detour or joy ride, especially since Mr. Johnson doesn’t know I loaned her the car.”

  Ty looked on in shock as Lucky lied effortlessly and worked the hell out of that customer service rep at Onstar. Sure one second let me grab a pen, Lucky looked over at Ty snapping her finger feverishly trying to get Ty’s attention to grab her a pen and piece of paper. Ty ran over to the kitchen cabinets opening each one till she located a pen and notepad usually used for grocery lists. “Okay I’m ready. 1157 Lieu Blache Road, it’s a business? Does it give you the name? Oh okay just the GPS location and address. Pennsylvania?” Lucky asked with confusion she could’ve sworn Los said he was going to the city. She continued scribbling the info down on the notepad while putting her business voice on turbo blast. “No Amy there isn’t anything else you can help me with, no you were great! You have no idea how much you helped me.” Lucky gave a fake giggle. “You have a great day as well.” Lucky pushed end on the phone and her face went stone again. “Bitch let’s go.” Ty’s eyes bulged and she was a little spooked at how Lucky’s attitude just did a whole flip mode within seconds.

  Lucky was trying to plug the address in the GPS while driving like a bat out of hell. “Lucky pay attention to the road and I’ll put the address in,” Ty said. 1 hour and 43 minutes to destination the GPS voice stated. “1 hour and 43 minutes,” Lucky repeated incredulously. “Nah unh, unh.” Lucky spat under her breath, she pressed hard on the gas pedal sending Los’s midnight blue Bentley coupe tearing down the highway. Ty grabbed her seat belt and fastened it looking over at Lucky who was completely silent as she whipped through traffic. Ty had never seen Lucky like this before and something was telling her shit was about to be on and poppin once they reached their destination.

  She Don’t Have to Know

  Los sat across from Lissette at a posh five star restaurant/hotel on the outskirts of Philly. Lissette had needed the re-up so bad she decided to come down herself rather than wait on Los to come to the city, which was okay with him because it saved him on a trip. Now that all the business was conducted money exchanged, all of it every penny he was owed, in addition to Lissette copping 13 extra bricks, paying in full no consignment she wanted to celebrate.

  As they sat having a drink, Los had his team making that trip out to New York for the drop. Lissette had took Los’s advice and stepped on the product making a killin. She was finally able to see a light at the end of this dark tunnel called drought. Yup she was back on her feet and as she looked over at Los who was checking out the beautiful scenery of the restaurant she wanted him now more than ever. Together they could make a good team, both personal and business that is. If only she could get him alone for just one night, she was positive she could take him from his current situation, that’s how confident she was in her sex game.

  “Carlos thank you so much. It feels so damn good to have survived this drought and to be able to cop work without owing anyone.” Los could hear the relief in her tone and he understood totally where she was coming from. “Congrats Ma you did good,” Los said right before taking a swig of his rum and coke. Lissette eyes seemed to have lit up as she beamed across the table at him. They were seated at a small intimate table on the patio area of the restaurant. The sun was shining bright and the breeze in the air was just right. Lissette stared at him and took in all of his handsomeness. Carlos was that nigga, plain and simple; he was sexy with swag on overload, even when he was doing the simplest thing like sitting and having a drink. Even though the patio area was a tad bit on the crowded side to Lissette it felt as if she and Los were the only ones there.

  “I’ma be real with you Carlos, I want you…” Carlos looked over at her and raised an eyebrow. Ohh boy. Here we go, she back on that shit again. “I got a suite upstairs and all I’m asking for is one night.” Lissette said with one perfectly French manicured finger. “I know you got a girl and I’m not trying to come in between that,” she lied. “All I want is one night with you Papi,” Lissette cooed seductively. Los looked over at Lissette with intrigue and remained silent. Lissette took his non response as indication that he was on the fence about his decision. And all she had to do is a little bit more persuading to get what she wanted. She leaned in placing her hand gently on the side of his face. “Come on act like an adult for once, cheat.” Los lost his battle with his poker face and chuckled. “Oh yeah, so is that what adults do, they cheat?” “They sure do,” Lissette countered. She narrowed her eyes into sexy slits and bit her bottom lip sending Los’s man down there to sprang up against his own will. Damn she got some nice lips, just let this thirsty bitch give you head. Noo don’t do it. Los’s inner demons and conscious were at war. “Come on Papi, I got us the Presidential suite, wifey will never have to know.” Los bit his bottom lip and nodded his head up and down. Lissette’s eyes lit up like she had just received the one gift for Christmas she had wanted all year. Los placed his hand on hers and removed it from the side of his face. He looked down at her hands in his and when he looked up into her eyes she knew something wasn’t right.

  “Yeah you right she wouldn’t know, but I would. Ayo Lissette, I’ma keep it ahunnit, you fine. Nah fuck it you a dime. But I ain’t gotta tell you that, you know it. I would be lying if I said a nigga wasn’t tempted, Shit, what man wouldn’t be? But…I got a girl, that I love, and I can’t cheat on her. This shit right here, ain’t good for business ma, I mean, you tryna throw the pussy at a nigga every chance you get. It’s either you about gettin this paper or getting fucked. If you about this paper I got that work, But if you about getting fucked, I can’t help you with that.” Los let her hand go gently. He could tell his response both shocked and hurt her. It was obvious Lissette was the type of woman who wasn’t used to being turned down by men. He could see her eyes starting to well up. “Come on mami don’t do that,” Los said pinching her cheek playfully. He didn’t want to see Lissette cry but he was firm, he wasn’t doing Lucky dirty, he loved her too much.

  Lucky pulled up across the street from the ritzy hotel/restaurant. The place screamed upper-class Manhattan fifth Ave or the Ivy in California. Ty looked over at Lucky with concern; Lucky was spooking the shit out of her because she was too quiet. Lucky hadn’t made a peep since getting in the car and fussing about the distance. The whole ride there she hadn’t said one thing or shed one tear which was throwing Ty for a loop, being that it was a known fact Lucky was a straight softie, she would cry about any little thing that hurt her feelings. However, here she was having knowledge that the man she loved, her everything as she would describe him at times was right across the street most likely in a hotel room smashing some random chick and Lucky didn’t seem at all emotional. Ty knew then that something wasn’t right with Lucky. She knew how her cousin could get if no one else knew, she knew.

  “Lucky look his dog ass probably not even here, let’s just go,” Ty said getting a bad feeling. “Nah unh, unh he here Ty, I know, I can feel it, that’s how connected I am to this bastard, I know he here.” Lucky scanned the crowded patio area and BAM! There it was right in front of her, Los sitting with some brown skinned pretty Hispanic chick. They looked like they were out on some nice romantic date as she reached over talking to him sensually with her hand on the side of his face. Lucky watched on as he took her hand into his and spoke to her intensely. She couldn’t hear or make out their words from across the street but that didn’t matter the image said it all. As Lucky watched on she began to hyperventilate, she really couldn’t breathe. Her chest heaved up and down as hot tears streamed down her face. “Lucky fuck that bird ass nigga,” Ty hissed. Lucky started to tremble and you could visibly see her shaking. She reached over without a word and yanked the glove compartment open disregarding Ty’s leg. “Aww shit Lucky!” Ty screamed rubbing her knee. Lucky’s hand roamed frantically inside the glove compartment as tears blurred her vision. It suddenly hit Ty what Lucky was looking for. Ty’s heart sped up with panic. “Luck, Oh my god! What you doing?!” Ty asked astonished and paralyzed in sho
ck. “Shit!” Lucky fumed as she realized she left her little chrome 22 in her own Bentley and not Los’s. Before Ty knew it Lucky jumped out of the car and bolted across the street like a mad woman. “Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!” Ty shrieked jumping out of the car to get her cousin. She didn’t know what was going to happen, but she knew how men could get sometimes when they get caught out. Sometimes they try to turn violent on the one that’s getting cheated on; and she would be damned if Carlos did that to her cousin.

  “Muthafucka! I told you not to fuck wit me!” Lucky screamed like a lunatic swiping her arm across the table Los and Lissette were sitting at sending everything crashing to the ground violently. Both Los and Lissette looked up at Lucky stunned. From the expression on Los’s face it didn’t take much for Lissette to figure out this was his girl. Lissette had to admit Lucky was beautiful, even with an angry scowl on her face she was still pretty. Even though Lissette’s hating ass would never admit it verbally. Los couldn’t believe it; he was sitting there trying to figure out what Lucky was doing there? And how she knew he was there? Seeing the pain in her eyes that this misunderstanding had already caused made him feel slight pain in his own chest. He knew this didn’t look good especially with his past transgressions. He found himself at a loss for words, so he said the first thing that came to mind. “Luck, this ain’t what it looks like.” His words seemed to infuriate Lucky to no end. To Lucky that statement went down as one of the top three sorry ass explanations a man gives when he’s caught out.


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