“They’re identical, too,” Shaina announced as if fascinated, her gaze going between Erana in her arms and Arane who Kavan still held.
“Yes,” Vaan answered. He and Mikayla never had a problem but many of the Raasa and his men could not tell his youngling apart when they were first birthed. In the beginning, Vaan had jested when he told Mikayla he knew not which was which.
“I want one,” Shaina blurted. “Can I keep this one?”
Silence met her exclamation until Vaan burst into laughter, causing everyone to stare at him. It was far from what he expected to hear. Mikayla shot him an annoyed glance over her shoulder. For his part, Argan flushed and cleared his throat. Vaan waited as his best friend floundered. He wanted to know how the Warlord known as the Death Dealer would respond to his bride.
“You can not have the Overlord’s youngling,” Argan finally explained.
Shaina glared at Vaan as if he’d voiced the denial, although he would have responded the same. Argan sighed. Mikayla ruined his enjoyment of the moment by saying. “You’re always welcome to visit them.”
Shaina brightened. “It gives me time to change your mind.”
“The Aerilians saved them,” his mate added slyly.
Shaina grimaced, rocking the youngling in her arms from side to side. “Then at least they were good for something.”
“Their new leader, Tylis, wishes to renew the relationship with the Shadow Warriors. He only wants to talk.”
Vaan squeezed Mikayla and she stopped speaking. He didn’t want to rush the Shadow Queen into refusing outright.
All humor cleared Shaina’s expression as she met Vaan’s gaze. “Overlord Vaan helped the Olak’din when we needed it. This is no hardship to return the debt.”
“There is no debt.” Vaan and Argan said at the same time.
Shaina rolled her eyes at Vaan and winked at Mikayla. “I will send a message to the one called Tylis. I wait to see how he thinks to convince me to have anything to do with his people after what they attempted.”
Vaan admitted to interest as well, though from his small contact with the Aerilian, he appeared to be an honorable warrior. Only time would tell if Tylis spoke truth about his actions.
Arane spotted Balal. “Bal!”
She struggled in Kavan’s arms until he lowered her gently to the floor. Arane ran to the other Warlord, who caught her mid-leap.
The next morning Vaan sat on the floor of the main hall in an area Mikayla had set up with rugs, sofas and chairs so his youngling could be in everyone’s eyesight at once. It would be a long while before any of them relaxed their vigil.
Arane sat on his right and Erane on his left. Both worked hard with the small plain cloths he’d given them to clean their weapons of imaginary blood stains. Sulon had saved their miniature swords from the stable. Vaan tried to focus on cleaning his own sword to demonstrate but the heat of the gaze on him had not abated. With a sigh, he looked up and met the silver stare. “No.”
He’d given the same answer several times but it didn’t stop Shaina from her pleading glances. Vaan faced Argan in hopes he’d assure his bride that Vaan had no intention of giving her one of his youngling but Argan merely smirked. Vaan wondered if they had time for a sparring session before his friend had to leave.
Sitting on her husband’s lap on the wide sofa, Shaina made no attempts to lower her voice as she said into Argan’s ear. “But he has two of them.”
Mikayla joined him with a soft sigh and sat cross-legged on the floor, her weight leaning into his side. Vaan kissed the top of her head and she hummed in pleasure. Balal rested on a chair and Assa sat close enough to be on his lap. As always, his Warlord’s hand lay on her flat stomach. She no longer seemed overly worried about the birthing but Vaan had no intention of bringing it up. He’d leave that to his mate.
Ramar and Vesa walked over, the Raasa female smiling shyly. Vaan sensed the moment Mikayla noticed them. She leaned over to whisper in his ear. “Assa’s with young and Ramar’s together with Vesa. You’ve had an eventful time.”
“You are never leaving again,” Vaan stated with utmost sincerity. He couldn’t handle it.
Ramar folded himself onto the floor and tugged Vesa down beside him. They looked good together and Ramar appeared pleased.
“What in the Hills happened to you, Ramar?” Balal’s stunned question had all of them focusing on the couple.
Vaan stared. Red scratches and purpling circles covered Ramar’s chest and shoulders. A few were concentrated around the right side of his neck. Ramar flushed and snapped. “It is the Raasa way. You should know.”
Complete silence echoed after his words. Mikayla stiffened and tried to move away. Tried but failed since Vaan’s fingers curled around her wrist as she braced to push off the floor.
“Assa?” Balal’s brown eyes were on his mate, who twisted her hands in her lap, head lowered.
Argan threw back his head and laughed.
Vaan bent his head so only Mikayla could hear him. “Something you want to tell me, yes?”
She shook her head frantically.
Ramar’s brows dipped. He looked to Vesa, then around the group. “You all have not exchanged sakar with your mates? It adds greatly to bed play.”
With Assa in his arms, Balal jumped to his feet and ran from the room.
“Mi-kay-la,” Vaan growled.
Her green eyes narrowed in defiance. “You made me vow not to.”
That had been at the time of their True Union. Vaan had not thought on it since. Mikayla knew he enjoyed the ideas she brought to their bed play. “He speaks truth?”
The red on her golden cheeks answered him. Vaan pinned Argan with his gaze. “You will watch my youngling and you will not let your bride steal them away to the Olak’din mountains.”
Vaan jumped to his feet and tossed Mikayla over his shoulder. He ignored her squeal and hurried to the upper levels. He would know of bed play with her venom and the pleasure to be had. Ever did his mate surprise him.
It hadn’t taken Vaan long to put everything together. The biggest problem had been working with Sera on the clothing. Dress for the occasion involved outfits Vaan had no fondness for but he’d relented when tears welled in Sera’s eyes. He’d refused to enlist the aid of Vesa and Assa who were closer to his mate because the females would spill the news he wished to keep secret.
Vaan drummed his fingers on his desk in nervous irritation. Tonight was the night he hoped to show Mikayla all she meant to him. The knock on the door to his office interrupted his thoughts. “Enter.”
Kavan peered around the door and seeing Vaan alone, closed it behind him. Vaan lifted a brow. “You have need of me, Kavan?”
“I would go over my report if you have read it.”
The report. Kavan had put together the details of Mikayla’s visits to the other compounds for Vaan’s perusal. Some of the information was concerning. Shuffling the papers on his desk until he had Kavan’s on top, Vaan waved the Warlord to the chair across from his desk.
Kavan hesitated and Vaan sighed. “We are beyond this, Kavan.”
His Warlord’s mouth twitched as he sat. “Yes, Sire.”
“This Su-Su Harol offended my mate several times during her visit.”
The dark head nodded.
Vaan leaned back in his chair, fingers laced over his middle. “And?”
Kavan’s lips curled. “The Su-Su will have a limp that may be permanent or not depending on how well the damage heals for disrespecting the Overlord’s bride.”
Vaan wished he could have dispensed the punishment. Already he did not care for Harol. Perhaps with Argan’s skill in shadow traveling, they would sneak to the Su-Su’s home and pay the aging Raasa a visit to show him Kabanian justice. The thought pleased him and Vaan decided he’d see what Argan made of it.
“What do you make of Arlis? Will I need to attend to him?” The male had touched and kissed Mikayla as if she were available.
“No, Overlord. The Raasa will not eat without pain from his broken jaw for weeks to come.”
Though it was what he’d expected, Vaan’s chest expanded with pride and he couldn’t help the broad smile he shared with Kavan. “You honor me, Kavan. I am most pleased by how you cared for my mate in my absence.”
Kavan inclined his head and accepted the praise. A small niggle of doubt plagued Vaan in light of what he planned for tonight. What if Mikayla preferred a Raasa male? Their union had been for convenience. She claimed to love him but had not spoken once of the things in Kavan’s report. Especially the Su-Su’s startling revelation about Vaan’s mother.
He rose to his feet, urgency riding him. Vaan gripped Kavan’s shoulder in thanks as he passed by him. “I will see you tonight.”
First he would speak to Mikayla.
Miki had no idea what was going on with Vaan lately. The strange looks he gave her were starting to make her nervous. Their bedroom door slammed open and he stormed in as she finished brushing her hair. Her eyes darted in his direction, the fierce glare he aimed her way drying her mouth. “Vaan?”
He crossed to her side and pulled her from the chair with hands at her forearms. “You love me.”
Her fingers feathered over his chest and she didn’t waste time pondering his odd statement. “You know I love you, Vaan.”
His breath escaped on a heavy exhale and he clasped her close, his head resting atop hers. Miki slid her arms around his back and smoothed them down his sides. “What’s wrong? Is all well?”
“Would you prefer a Raasa male as your mate?” he asked instead, voice muffled.
Miki stiffened and tried to pull back to see his face. His hold banded like steel. “What?”
“A male who would understand your language, your ways and not…” He paused and breathed against her ear. “And not need guidance in Raasa sexual practices.”
“Fool!” She slapped at his back. “I don’t want another. My love is not given lightly. There is only you for me.”
He groaned and clamped his hands at her waist to lift her high, putting them face to face. Curled lashes thick as night lifted to reveal his pitch black stare. “You speak truth?”
She pulled on the end of his braided hair. “Yes.”
“Then you must know I would love you no matter the past or your Noan’s actions.”
Her lips curled in dismay. His Warlord had not let her speak on it first. “Kavan spoke with you?”
Vaan ignored her hiss of displeasure. “My mate should have told me.”
Her gaze shifted to the right as she nibbled on her bottom lip. When she glanced back, his face darkened with dismay. “Mikayla, did you think I would love you less if I knew?”
The same question Kavan had asked but this time Miki gave Vaan the truth though she couldn’t explain her reasoning for her feelings. “Yes.”
Vaan growled and yanked her close, one hand going to her hair and threading through the thickness. “Know this. I will always love you, Mikayla. It does not matter how it came about. You are everything to me.”
Shaking on the inside as her emotions soared, Miki nodded. Suddenly shy in the face of his devotion, she managed a shaky smile. “I’m sorry for not telling you.”
“Good.” He lowered her to her feet then dropped to one knee to reach under their bed.
A large, narrow box scraped along the floor, which Vaan placed on the bed. “You will wear this tonight and Sera will attend you.”
Miki’s mouth fell open but her mate left with the same speed he’d entered. More than a little curious, her fingers danced over the white box. What had he done now? She opened it almost fearful of the contents and gasped. Folds of red silk.
“Do you like it, Miki?”
Miki glanced behind her and Sera entered the room then closed the door. “What’s going on?”
Sera fairly burst with happiness as she hurried to Miki’s side and hugged her. “It’s wonderful, Su-Su. Now get dressed.”
Miki stood at the top of the stairs and fingered the wispy material of the revealing, red dress. Sera nudged her shoulder to get her moving. Music rose from below. Heart beating like a drum, Miki made her way down to a hall overflowing with Raasa and Kabanians. She stumbled when her gaze landed on Saran standing next to Vaan, their resemblance unsettling.
Close to the bottom stair, Miki stopped in stunned amazement. Everyone lifted their drinks and shouted. “The Overlord’s!”
The lump in her throat swelled and Miki’s stomach fluttered. Sera hugged her and kissed her cheek before joining the others. Her mate walked toward her with determined strides.
“You once planned a True Union celebration for us but I did not understand.” Vaan’s hand clasped her fingers lightly as he helped her down the last few steps. “I would make amends.”
Miki blinked back tears. “Vaan,” she sniffed and chuckled at the same time. “I do love you, Overlord.”
He smiled. “You have leave to call me Vaan.”
Miki smacked at his chest, her cheeks burning from her wide grin. “You could call me Miki.”
His humor faded and the look on his face was one of extreme distaste. “You jest, Mikayla.”
Later Vaan’s brother cornered him during the festivities. Saran leaned close, keeping his words low. “Your message is where all of Kaban can see and already word flows of the Overlord’s vengeance.”
“Good.” Vaan gripped his brother’s forearm in thanks before releasing him.
“Do you think it extreme?” Saran asked with a lift of his brow.
Vaan’s fingers clenched on the mug in his hand and fine cracks appeared on the side. What he’d done to Rolon had not been enough but he’d had to satisfy himself with the act of sending a firm message to those who might think to attack his family again. “I wanted to do more.”
His brother swallowed then gave an abrupt nod. “How would you like me to handle Warlord Kuran?”
Vaan’s mouth twisted. He’d gathered enough information to know that the Warlord had at least ten followers. Kabanian warriors who sought to overthrow Vaan’s rule. “I’ll handle Kuran. Kavan has already volunteered to do my bidding on the matter.”
Vaan trusted his Warlord’s need to strike back. Kavan would serve him well and see that Kuran and the traitors with him would suffer.
“Will you tell Mikayla your plans?”
Vaan grimaced, not looking forward to the conversation. “Later. Tonight is for her pleasure but when she pushes her nose in a warrior’s business I will reveal all.”
Saran had the gall to laugh, his brown eyes lighting in humor. “I wager she will know before the week is out. Something tells me you will not hold out against her green-eyed gaze.”
With those words, his brother inclined his head and walked across the room to join the circle of warriors around Mikayla. Saran greeted Kiel with a hearty back slap.
Vaan’s annoyed gaze drifted from his brother to land on his mate in the clinging material of the red dress he’d approved. The slits in the long sleeves revealed glimpses of her slender, golden arms as she gestured. She laughed at something his brother said and turned. Her back was completely covered he noted in relief but the sheer fabric gave hints of the curves beneath. Arane tugged on the bottom of the ankle length skirt and Mikayla picked their youngling up to prop on a hip without pausing in her conversation.
Kavan, as always stood close on one side, while Balal stood on the other with his arms around Assa. The crowd around Mikayla grew as the Raasa people all shared in what she’d missed during her time away. Long ago, Vaan would have disapproved such familiarity. Today it reassured him that his family was well loved.
Argan’s loud booming laughter drew Vaan’s attention and he searched the large gathering until he found him with the Shadow Queen. His best friend had stayed once Vaan informed him of his plan for the celebration tonight. Vaan approached them now on silent feet.
; “You know I can not allow you to take her,” Argan said.
His bride’s lips turned down as she gazed at his youngling in her arms. Erana looped the long red strands of Shaina’s hair around her chubby hands, green eyes staring in amazement. When she tugged, Shaina winced.
“Fire?” Erana asked, facing Argan.
Argan took his time unwrapping his bride’s hair from tiny fingers until the red curls spilled about her shoulders then smiled at Erana. “No. But her temper can be hot.”
Shaina bussed Erana’s cheek. “Don’t listen to the evil Shadow King.”
Vaan’s snort of laughter made his presence known. They all turned at the sound and Erana bounced in Shaina’s arms. “Falo!”
The Shadow Queen reluctantly lowered Erana and she ran to him. He picked his youngling up and his heart thumped before settling into its normal rhythm. Sometimes the love was too much to bear.
“Overlord,” Argan acknowledged. “We leave this evening and you need not worry that my bride will steal your young.”
Shaina glared. “Only because I’ve decided to have my own.”
Argan paled, which surprised another laugh from Vaan. Shaina poked Argan in the chest and headed for Mikayla.
“You think she jests?” Argan asked, worried eyes never leaving his bride as her long legs ate up the distance.
Vaan shrugged, unable to tell if his friend hoped for one way or the other. “You wanted youngling. Surely any she births will prove strong warriors.”
Argan faced him and drove a hand through his black hair. “Mikayla was not a pleasure to be around while she carried. Shaina would be…difficult, I believe.”
They both watched Shaina speak to Mikayla, who pointed at Assa. Shaina said something to the Raasa female who nodded. Moments later she rubbed Assa’s belly.
A Warlord's Heart Page 10