Bound to Her

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Bound to Her Page 2

by Sascha Illyvich

  Luka had worked tirelessly to ensure their safety by meeting other pack leaders in the area and forming an alliance. All of them agreed he needed a mate to help balance things out.

  “When your pack was caught eating the remains of Alex, a Mexican citizen with a rap sheet, we could understand. But when we found other wolves slaughtering illegal immigrants at the border, we could no longer look the other way. Either we’re pro human or anti human. So,” Lajon’s voice rang out in Luka’s head, “we’re giving you this necklace. You have one year to find your mate.”

  Luka recalled with clarity the effect the necklace had on him. Lajon was a stronger, older wolf who had seen myriad things in his lifetime. Tall, dark and wise, he was a force to be reckoned with.

  The door to Luka’s office slammed open.

  Tiffany stiffened against Luka.

  His grasp around her tightened. The pendant began glowing against his skin. The scents of rose and honey drifted through the air, mixed with cayenne pepper.

  “You!” Michele glared and pointed a finger at Luka.

  Chapter Two

  Luka recognised the instant anger in her face, the scowl. “Why didn’t you tell me your sister was nosy?”

  Tiffany snorted. Sliding off Luka’s lap, she walked towards Michele. “Calm down, sis. It’s not what it looks like.”

  “Bullshit. We’re going. Now.” Reaching for Tiffany, Michele couldn’t react fast enough before Luka stood in front of her.

  Luka looked down at Michele, felt the heat radiate off her body. She wasn’t quite human. Could she be… No, that wouldn’t make sense. “Think she’s going somewhere?”

  She glowered, her lip turning upwards in a snarl. She stepped back and set her hands on her hips, a move that pushed out her breasts.

  Goddamnit if he didn’t want to just fuck her right then and there. Still, he regained his composure despite the hard-on that was raging, now. His nerves fought to maintain control over his body and use the natural mating instinct that seemed to kick in about the same time the pendant responded to her. Inhaling, counting to five, exhaling, he closed and opened his eyes. She wasn’t a wolf. He could break her.

  “Yes. She’s coming with me. I’m taking her.” Michele tried to sidestep Luka and reach around for her sister.

  Tiffany swatted her hand away. “No, Chele. I’m staying here. He called me over and—”

  Michele’s tone grew louder. “And what? Wanted a quick fuck? Was that post coital cuddling I saw from the door?”

  Luka had had enough. He closed the short distance between himself and Michele. “And what? You didn’t see this.” He bent down and pressed his mouth to hers while gripping her shoulders.

  Michele gasped and turned her head away.

  Luka’s strength overpowered her and forced her mouth back to his. Her lips were plump, juicy just as he’d expected earlier. His tongue pushed past them and explored the taste of her sensuality that begged to be kissed again and again.

  Though she struggled against him, her body moulded to his while her mouth acquiesced with each stroke of his tongue. Her breasts pressed against his chest.

  She moaned into his mouth.

  The sound reverberated throughout his body, hardening him further. The pendant grew hotter against his skin. Brushing it aside so it landed and rested on his back didn’t help, but Michele’s mouth was hotter than hell so he could bear a little more pain.

  She bit at his lip, nibbling and suckling his tongue when he thrust it between her lips again.

  She drew a deep breath as if inhaling his scent, then she closed her eyes and gripped his shoulders.

  A cough from behind them broke the moment.

  Luka pulled away gently, smiling and baring fangs. He turned to face Tiffany.

  She didn’t look entirely amused.

  “Tiffany, I’m—”

  She shook her head. “Skip it, Luka. I don’t mind. Just not in front of me, okay?”

  He shrugged.

  Michele made a sound of disgust. “You don’t have to worry. That was a one time thing.”

  “I doubt it,” Luka scoffed as he turned back to Michele. “In fact, judging by the way this pendant reacts to your presence, I’d say it’s better if we repeat this then take it further.”

  Michele stiffened, yet her eyes betrayed the expression she obviously tried so hard to conceal. “I don’t think so.”

  Luka tilted his head. “Ever hear the expression ‘your eyes betray your body’? Besides, I can smell your arousal.” He licked his lip. “Tastes like honey.”

  Tiffany snickered behind him.

  Glaring, Michele stood with her arms folded over her chest. Her skin had a flushed look that worsened when both sets of eyes stared at her. “What?”

  Taking a step forward, Tiffany reached out for her sister. “We need to sit down and talk. I think you need to be brought into the loop.”

  Michele put her hands up. “Whoa, what loop? I don’t think I need to be brought into anything.”

  Luka looked at Tiffany and nodded. “Yeah, the pendant responded to her unlike any other woman I’ve ever been with. The delectable kiss should be repeated and taken further to prove a point.”

  Tiffany nodded.

  Michele stepped back, keeping her hands up defensively. Her mouth dropped open.

  Luka smiled at the sensual display of how her lips formed a perfect O when she shook her head in defiance. Something tugged low in his belly. He reached for the pendant and stepped closer to her.

  It lit up. It was just a simple design, really. A rough-cut stone that resembled a wolf’s head was encased in a golden diamond and hung on a chord that dangled just over his chest. He held it closer to Michele, and all three watched colourful sparklies float around it. “Well, it’s glowing. If that isn’t proof, I’m not sure what is.”

  Tiffany scratched her chin. “I don’t know. Did Lajon tell you anything after he gave it to you?”

  Luka shook his head. “Nope. Not a damn thing. He tossed it to me and said ‘wear this’. Then he walked away and did that disappearing thing he always does.”

  Tiffany’s voice rose enthusiastically. “That’s such a cool trick!”

  Luka narrowed his gaze on her. “Yeah, but it doesn’t help us, now.”

  “Well.” Michele coughed and directed their attention on her. “It doesn’t mean anything to me. I’m not part of this weird wolf shit you and my sister are involved in. I want no part of it, ever. I can’t afford to have my life upset by—”

  Luka growled. “Prophecy set in stone thousands of years before you were born, little girl.”

  Michele’s mouth opened. Her jaw ticked, and her eyes widened. “No. Not me. None of this makes sense.”

  “That’s because you need to be briefed and caught up to speed.” Luka stepped closer to her, so close that even if he wasn’t lupine, he could have smelled the heat pooling between her legs. Or the fragrant aroma of her hair when the heater kicked in, as it had a moment ago.

  Eyes widening, revealing fear so deep it was palpable to anyone around, Michele stuttered, “I don’t…I-I don’t want this!”

  Luka took another step closer. “You and I need to talk.” He tried to keep his voice calm despite the storm building inside him at the fact the woman who was probably his mate was resisting him and going to cause the death of millions of humans with her reluctance.

  “No. We don’t.” Michele reached for the doorknob and pushed it open while keeping her gaze locked on his.

  Luka held out his hands with his palms facing up and offered a smile. “I smell your fear. Let me help alleviate it, please?

  The colour drained from her face. “No. I’m sorry, I can’t.” She turned on her heels and ran out the door, into the other room.

  Tiffany started after her.

  Luka set a hand across her chest.

  She looked back at him with a worried look on her face.

  Luka sighed and shrugged. “I guess this is the way the game is played.”

  Tiffany put an arm around Luka’s waist. “Yeah. You should know some things about her before we continue trying to figure this out. Do you need tea?”

  Glad to see her resume her submissive role, he nodded. “Please make us a pot. I do need to know more about her.”

  “Oh, and don’t worry.” Tiffany glanced over her shoulder. “She can’t leave unless she takes my car. She doesn’t drive, so unless she wants to create a situation where you have to bail her out of jail, she’ll stay in the house for the time being.”

  He offered her a feigned smile. “Good to know.”

  Tiffany scurried out of the room and headed into the kitchen.

  Luka walked over to his chair and sank down. How the hell had he been placed in this predicament? He was one of the strongest wolves in the area, the uniting force behind protecting the human population and trying to live in harmony with them, and without a mate.

  The latter part he could fathom. It was in his nature to seek out females in heat, and Michele definitely was in heat. He could smell her arousal when she walked into the room, could still taste the lingering scent on his tongue. The sweet rose and honey aroma kept him hard.

  Yeah, he’d meant to kiss her earlier, too.

  No doubt she’d scoff at the fact they’d shared a kiss which she actually enjoyed, if her body’s response was any indication.

  A few minutes later, Tiffany appeared, carrying a tray with a pot and two tea cups. She set it down on his desk, poured a cup and handed it to him.

  Luka took it and let the faint, smoky smell of green tea drift towards his nose. He kept an eye on Tiffany, watching her pour herself some before taking a seat on the leather chair across from him.

  Leaning forward, Luka set the tea on a table beside him and clasped his hands together. “So, tell me about Michele.”

  Tiffany took a sip before setting her own cup down. She straightened her shoulders, ran a hand through her hair and sighed slowly. “Well, for starters, she’s a different beast than I am. She’s not human as you probably smelled. I don’t know what she is. My senses aren’t as acute as yours.”

  Luka’s brows furrowed. “She’s a wolf.”

  Tiffany leaned back in the chair and crossed her legs. “I thought so.”

  He nodded. “Then, why the aversion to wolves?”

  “Ever since we were little, she’s had a fear of them. I’m not sure why, honestly. She won’t talk about it. It’s much easier for her to cover up what she is and to mask her scent so no one will know. Up until I started dealing with you and took it upon myself to befriend you,” she smirked, “I had a problem with wolves, too.”

  Luka made an indecent noise. “You sure never showed it.”

  Clasping her hands together, she began twirling her thumbs. Looking down, she paused then looked back at Luka. “We had an accident with wolves when we were younger. I don’t remember the details, but I remember waking up one morning with an intense hatred for your kind. I vowed I’d find and destroy every last one of you if it was the last thing I did.”

  Luka crossed his feet and leaned back, listening.

  “I don’t know what or why, but my sister had joined me in the desire until one morning I found her in her bedroom covered in blood, devouring what looked like the neighbourhood thief.”

  An eyebrow rose, then lowered slowly. Luka became aware of the gentle slowness of her breathing.

  “I asked her what happened, and she started crying. Said I’d think she was crazy.”

  His tone remained neutral. “A normal reaction.”

  She nodded. “Yeah, but this is my sister. Our parents weren’t the best with us and left us to ourselves at a young age. After we moved in with an aunt, Michele started behaving oddly, even for a teenage girl. I kept close tabs on her the same way I do you.” She smiled, her voice remaining soft and sweet. “Our aunt died, and by that time I was old enough to get a job, so I did. And supported us. But Michele couldn’t handle a lot of what happened, so she kept to herself. Without the long bullshit story, I accepted her for what she was. She told me about that night and showed me how you transform. It looks very painful.”

  “Yeah.” He nodded. “It is for new shifters. Who in your family has the lupine blood?”

  Tiffany shrugged. “That’s just it. I’d assume it was father, but I don’t know. They both died before I could ask them.”

  He scoffed. “Figures. The genes can be carried by either parent, but it’s usually the mother that has the dominant traits. If there’s even an eighth of lupine in her blood, chances are the child will be born a shifter.”

  A loud crash that forced Luka out of his chair sounded from the kitchen.

  Tiffany stood, too.

  Luka waved a hand. “Stay here. Shut this door and lock it. I’ll let you know in the usual way if it’s okay.”

  She nodded and went behind the desk.

  Luka smiled. “I smell trouble.” He raised his nose to the air, stepped out of the office and shut the door behind him. He stopped.


  The panting, snarling sounds grew louder. Something glass crashed against the floor.

  Setting a hand to his forehead, Luka sighed. “Oh, not my fucking Reidel wine glasses. You bastards.”

  He approached the kitchen, hands open and prepared for grappling. The snarling grew louder. When he walked through the doorway, he saw the two staring at each other.

  One wolf was huge, with dark brown fur and a murderous glint in bright yellow eyes that would easily be seen in the darkness. Mud-covered paws mixed with flecks of sand left wolf prints on the floor.

  His lip curled up in disgust. “Man, I just cleaned that fucking tile.” Luka looked at the other wolf.

  She was smaller in stature, but the murderous rage in her stance couldn’t be missed. Her eyes were that soft brown that…

  It clicked. “Michele?”

  She moved to acknowledge him before she lunged forward at the intruder.

  The other wolf jumped towards her, catching her by the throat.

  They landed and rolled, slamming against the oak cabinets.

  Luka wanted to stop this, stop the damage they were causing to his kitchen, but he needed to see if Michele was truly in any trouble. The other wolf outweighed her by a good one hundred pounds.

  She kicked out with her hind legs, hitting him in the ribs and breaking the other wolf’s grip on her.

  Righting herself, she lunged for the weak point in his stomach and snapped her jaws down hard.

  The other wolf yelped and kicked out in frustration before shoving her off with his weight.

  She started snapping at him, barking and growling, jaws open.

  He stood on all fours, backed up and leapt over her onto the sink. Glaring once at Luka, he turned and jumped through the broken window, making the hole even larger than it had been to begin with.

  Michele just barely missed his tail when she landed on the counter.

  Luka set a hand on his head and made a clicking noise. “Why the fuck did you two destroy my kitchen?”

  He surveyed the mess, saw the collection of expensive Reidel glasses strewn about in shattered pieces by the wine rack. By the window, a pile of glass had been crushed under Michele’s less than delicate footsteps.

  She jumped off the counter and stood about three feet away with an expression in her eyes he couldn’t read.

  But the emotional scent, bitter and tart, was heavy enough for him to understand.

  The wave of it all nearly knocked him off his feet.

  He took a tentative step forward. “Why, Michele?”

  She didn’t respond.

  Letting her catch her breath, he studied her. Her fur was a deep shade of midnight blue with an occasional silver streak running through it. The pendant on his chest had been glowing the entire time.

  She sat down and tilted her head. He could tell her baser instincts were running her on autopilot, now.

  Using the mental link all wolves had with
each other, he kept his voice calm and steady to reassure her. You’re brave. Thank you. I recognised that wolf. He’s from a rogue pack. He’s been after me for a few weeks, now. How you’re alive after a fight with him is amazing. Do you know that?

  Michele whimpered. She raised her neck slowly, jolting it when obvious pain shot through her.

  You’re hurt. We should take care of that. He extended a hand to her.

  She let him. Another whimper came from her.

  He stroked her fur, felt the blood coagulating around the deep wounds in her neck. She wouldn’t die from the injury, but it was serious enough to cause her pain for a while. If left untreated, it could get infected. The wolf’s natural abilities to heal could kick in, but by the way she sat there not calling her magick, Michele didn’t seem interested in letting that happen.

  “Let me.” Luka closed his eyes, envisioning Michele naked, hair flowing around her waist, breasts bobbing with each step she took towards him. The vision continued with them embracing and her body glowing a silver colour that shimmered. Every muscle, fibre, tissue, ligament and bone would receive the Moon Mother’s healing light and energy.

  Luka opened his eyes and saw the response in Michele’s.

  Hers widened, and if wolves could shoot dirty looks mixed with intense lust, Michele would be the poster child.

  A silver ball glowed brightly in and around his hands that was filled with the power of the Moon Mother and would heal Michele’s internal wounds.

  Then, in an instant, the silver ball had been absorbed into Michele’s body.

  The wound bubbled and oozed blood before clotting set in.

  Tiffany, come here and bring a wet washcloth, towel and my black robe.

  She couldn’t respond on the mental pathway, but he knew she’d hear and follow orders. She was good like that.

  Even though he’d healed the wound, something told him if he hadn’t, and Michele didn’t change, she’d be in worse shape than before. He couldn’t stand the instant pain he felt when hurt pricked his heart from the fact he could lose his mate.

  A moment later, Tiffany appeared with the requested items.

  Luka took the washcloth and started patting down the dried blood, wiping away excess mess from her fur. “Can you transform back?”


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