What Happens in Vegas...: The Becky Chronicles Book 4

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What Happens in Vegas...: The Becky Chronicles Book 4 Page 3

by Sienna Duncan

  In a couple minutes, drinks were around the table. Everyone had one except Taylor. When we asked her why she wasn’t drinking anything tonight, she looked back toward the bar where Eric was mixing drinks. He winked and nodded at Taylor. When she finally turned back around, there was a huge smile on her face.

  “I’m pregnant.”


  The silence lasted for a few seconds before everyone started speaking at once. Shelby was a little upset she wasn’t the first to know, but Taylor said they just had it confirmed at the doctor’s office today. One look at Eric’s face let me know just how excited and pleased the dad-to-be is about the baby. The next thirty minutes was filled with us talking about baby clothes and a baby shower. Taylor put the brakes on our planning by reminding us there was plenty of time. She was adamant about no shower until closer to the due date. She said she’s nine and a half weeks pregnant. That means, we should wait months to buy anything, according to her.


  Taylor changed the conversation (she thinks she was being smooth by diverting the attention away) and she zeroed in on Lynn and Jeremy’s relationship.

  “So, how’s everything going with you and Jeremy?”

  Lynn sighed.

  Uh oh!

  “What’s going on, bestie?” I narrowed my eyes at her. She led me to believe everything was going great with them.

  “Nothing, really. I mean…Jeremy’s great. I love spending time with him and he gives me lots of attention. I guess I’m just scared it won’t last. Y’all know my track record with men.”

  I smiled at my best friend, because she does not know the truly wonderful person she is. Her ex-husband has made her second guess every move she makes where men are concerned. I just wanna reach over and hug her and maybe slap her a little. I sort of giggled at that thought. Lynn glanced at me suspiciously.

  Oops! Did I giggle out loud? I guess I did. I reached across the table and touched the top of her hand.

  “Lynn, I know Jeremy adores you. I know you don’t want to admit it out loud, but you feel the same way about him. It’s obvious to all of us. I want you to be happy. I have a feeling he is the one who will be able to do it.”

  A couple tears trickled down her cheeks.

  “Shit.” Lynn picked up a napkin and blotted the tears away. She sighed loudly. “I love him, and it scares the hell out of me.”

  “Well, it’s about time you admitted it. Damn, girl! I didn’t think you ever would.” Johnny stroked Lynn’s arm.

  I laughed at the resigned expression on her face. She pointed her finger at me.

  “You’re one to laugh, Becky. How about your relationship with Max?” I looked around the table and it was just as I feared. They were all looking at me for an answer.

  I can’t believe my best friend just threw me under like that. Wait. Yes, I can.

  I know I sounded a little too sweet when I answered her question. “What do you mean? Everything has been great with Max.”

  “No mention about…you know?” Taylor pointed to her wedding ring.

  I laughed out loud at that. They all looked at me like I’m crazy or something. Maybe I am. That’s alright.

  “Max told me a long time ago he is not the marrying type. It’s nice to be with someone I don’t feel any pressure about marriage. The only person who has desperately wanted to see me married is my mother. I think she has finally accepted it isn’t going to happen.”

  “I think you doth protest too much.” Johnny said in a sing song voice. Everyone laughed in agreement with him.

  Except Lynn.

  She had a tight smile on her face and I knew there was something on her mind, but she chose not to say anything.

  “All I’m saying is, you two have been together for two years. Two years, Becky. You said he has never been in a long-term relationship. Until now. That has to mean he wants it to be permanent.” Everyone voiced their agreement with Taylor.

  “Marriage isn’t for everyone, Taylor. I get that you’re happy. I really do. Why can’t Max and I just be happy as we are? When you add the “m” word to the equation, it just…complicates things.” I looked away from my friends.

  This conversation is so over.

  Eric walked up at that moment. Bless him! He has impeccable timing. We all congratulated him on his new status as a daddy-to-be. He leaned down and lightly kissed Taylor on the lips. I would be lying if I said that didn’t melt my heart just a little.

  You know it did.

  I figured out a long time ago that wasn’t in my future. You know, a doting husband and children. I usually don’t think about it. Not until I see how happy some of my friends are, and then I have this indescribable longing. I usually blame it on crazy female hormones. That and the fact, I always heard my mama talk about the day she would see me happily married and with a family of my own. No pressure.

  We spent the next couple hours drinking and just being silly. Shelby and Johnny were checking out all the man candy that came in. The outrageous things they tried to do to get their attention was hilarious. I think Lynn and I laughed at them more than anything else. We could’ve...possibly… given them some ideas. I won’t confess to anything. Just sitting back watching it all unfold was enough entertainment to last me for weeks. I’m not exaggerating, either.

  I felt a tickle on the back of my neck. I squirmed a little in my chair.

  It happened again. What the hell?

  This time I realized some asshole touched the back of my neck with his grubby fingers. Now, if you know me at all, then you know I don’t like for strangers to touch me without my permission. I glanced at Lynn for help, but she was looking at the person behind me, and trying her best not to laugh. Thanks for nothing.

  I felt him blow on the back of my neck this time and chills flooded my body.

  Mother fucker!

  Looks like I need to put this asshole in his place. I stood up suddenly and almost knocked my chair over. The asshole obviously caught it. I turned around to let him have it.

  “Listen asshole…” I stopped in mid-sentence.

  Max was standing there with his eyebrows raised and both hands up in surrender.

  “Damn!” He chuckled. “At least now I know you won’t allow any other man to touch you when we’re not together.” He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against him.

  I smacked his chest with one of my hands. “You’re such an ass.”

  A devilish smile spread across his face. “Yeah, but you love my ass.”

  I shrugged. “Maybe.”

  He took one of his hands from my waist and slapped my ass. “Definitely.”

  I laughed. “What are you doing here? You know I have plans with Lynn and the others.”

  Max looked over my shoulder at all my friends. “I wanted to see you. Is that so bad? I don’t think they’ll mind the intrusion.”

  I turned my head toward my friends.

  “Take her away.” Lynn and Shelby giggled.

  “She’s been really naughty, so you’ll need to spank that ass a few times.” Johnny said with a seriousness I didn’t know he possessed.

  Max’s eyes widened and then he laughed. “Oh, don’t worry. I know how to handle Becky when she’s being naughty.”

  My mouth opened in outrage. I could feel my face heating up. Great!

  Lynn laughed so hard she snorted. “TMI!! There are some things I don’t need to know about my best friend.”

  She looked at me and mouthed for me to go.

  “I have a key. Just try to keep it in the bedroom. That’s all I’m asking. I don’t want to see Becky’s white legs wrapped around any part of you. Or bent over the sofa.”

  Max winked. “I’ll try, but I can’t make any promises.”

  “Oh, hell.” Lynn shook her head.

  Max and I walked out of Mickey’s Bar. I looked around for his car. He explained he took a plane so he could get here faster.

  “You just saw me this morning.” I rolled my eyes at hi
m as we approached my car.

  Max grabbed my hand and lifted it to his lips. I sighed. How can I be frustrated with his intrusion when he acts like this most of the time?

  “I finished up earlier than I expected, and I didn’t want to spend the weekend without you. If you want me to leave, then I will.” Max started to pull away from me.

  I reached out to stop him. Max hesitated before turning back to face me. He reached up and stroked my cheek with the back of his hand.

  “Let’s go.”

  That’s all he said as he took the keys from my hand. Max opened the passenger door and I slid into the seat. I watched him as he walked to the driver’s side and got inside the car. After he buckled the seatbelt, he reached over and squeezed my thigh. I looked up into his dark brown and felt myself leaning toward him. I can’t help it. My body betrays me when he is near.

  “Are you upset I came?” His eyes moved across my face, trying to determine my mood.

  I shook my head. “I had fun tonight with the girls. It’s just what I needed, but I’m glad you decided come here.”

  I meant it.

  Max closed the gap between us and lightly kissed my lips. His fingers gently stroked my cheek. He pulled away too quickly for my liking.

  “Now…how naughty have you been?” Max winked at me as he backed into the street.

  “Very.” I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye.

  The heat in his eyes promised I wouldn’t be getting any sleep tonight.


  Max stayed for the remainder of the weekend, but had to leave Sunday evening. A part of me was sad to see him go, but a part of me wanted…no, needed this time for me. Not that he smothers me or anything like that. Max has always been good about giving me the space I need when I need it. I do the same for him. It has been the perfect relationship. I can’t say it enough. Having no pressure is a lovely thing.

  I stayed busy the next few days. I had meetings this week with Gwen and some of the writers at the Oasis office. By the end of the week, Johnny came back from a trip to one of the casinos in Mississippi. It was not work related, so I don’t remember which one. I know that makes me a bad friend, but he has been going to different ones lately, so I don’t bother to keep track of them anymore. I promised him we’d go out for drinks when he got back, and he informed me we were doing just that after I wrapped everything up for the day.

  I was nowhere near finished with everything, but most of it doesn’t have to be done immediately. I set my own expectations of when I like to have certain tasks completed. Rarely do I allow anyone to distract me. Even Max knows better.

  Oh well, why the hell not? I finished posting some Q&A on the site and closed it out for the day. I called Johnny and we agreed to meet downtown. I pulled up next to his car. My phone beeped with a text message.

  JOHNNY: Inside Mickey’s. Got us a table.

  I walked inside and nodded at Eric behind the bar.

  “He already ordered you a daiquiri.”

  “Thanks, Eric. How’s Taylor?” She was having some morning sickness this week.

  He shook his head. “This morning sickness is about to get to her. She’s been sick all day just about every day this week. The doctor gave her some medicine yesterday to help, but so far, it seems to make her sleepy and nauseous.” Eric rubbed his hand over his face.

  Poor Taylor! Eric looked so helpless. Knowing him as well as I do, he wishes he could do more and hates the fact he can’t do anything more than try to make her comfortable.

  I leaned across the bar and patted his shoulder. “It’ll be alright, Eric. My brother’s wife was sick during her first pregnancy and it took a few days before the medicine helped her. Make sure you keep saltine crackers and ginger ale. I’ve been told that is all some women can hold down.”

  He nodded. “She tried crackers and Sprite, but they came back up.”

  “Have her try ginger ale instead. Ginger helps with nausea.”

  “Okay, I’ll pick some up before I go home. Thanks, Becky.” Poor guy looked so grateful for any advice.

  “No problem. I’ll visit her tomorrow.” I patted him one more time on the shoulder.

  “She’d like that.” Eric turned his attention to one of the customers who walked up to the bar.

  I walked over to where Johnny was sitting. He was sipping on his margarita. I sat down in the chair he pulled out for me.

  “Pulling my chair out for me? I’m flattered, Johnny.” I laughed when he glared at me.

  I took a sip of my strawberry daiquiri. I sighed.

  “I can be a gentleman…sometimes.” He placed his hand on his chest in his usual dramatic flair.

  Okay. Anytime Johnny calls himself a gentleman something is up. He NEVER calls himself that. He’s the one who says he has a vagina. He doesn’t…yes, I looked. Hey! I’m a curious girl. He caught me, though. I almost pissed on myself when he said I couldn’t handle what he had. I mean…what do you say to that?

  After I took another drink, I looked very carefully at my friend. Hmm… He looked at me from over his glass.

  He laughed. “What is it, sister? You have a funny look on your face.” He took another drink before putting it on the table.

  “I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me what’s up?”

  He raised his eyebrows in question. I pointed my finger at him.

  “No way, Johnny. You don’t get to do that. Spill it, now.” I know him too well. This innocent act is not getting it.

  He smiled broadly. I gave him time to gather his thoughts. This included taking another drink of his margarita.

  “Antonio is back.”

  Shit! I should’ve known it was something like that. Johnny and Antonio dated for a few months last year. Antonio is a nature photographer and travels often. They had a great relationship, but Johnny’s insecurity played the biggest part in their breakup. He was too busy wondering if Antonio was hooking up with somebody while he was in location, to appreciate what they had. On one of Antonio’s return trips, Johnny ended their relationship. To say Antonio was shocked is a vast understatement. He was devastated. We haven’t seen him since.

  Johnny has been filled with regret. He was never given a reason to distrust Antonio, but it all seemed to be going too well for him believe it was real.

  I reached across the table and touched Johnny’s hand in reassurance.

  “Has he contacted you?”

  Johnny nodded.

  “He says he wants to talk. I don’t know why he would want to talk to me now.”

  I looked at him like he was crazy.

  “Come on, Johnny. He really cared about you, just as you cared for him. I know you still have feelings no matter what you try to say. The way your face lit up when you said Antonio is back…wow! There’s something still there. Just don’t be a pussy this time.”

  Johnny had just taken a drink and started coughing at my comment. I reached over and hit his back a couple times.

  “I love it when I get you to say pussy.”

  I sat back down in my chair and rolled my eyes at him. “Asshole.”

  He just laughed and finished his drink.

  “When are you supposed to see him?” I asked Johnny after we gave our order for another drink.

  “Tomorrow. We’re meeting at Culley’s Crab Shack in Daphne. Can you believe it? That’s where we met.”

  I smiled. Johnny is lit up brighter than any light bulb could ever be. I have never seen him look so excited and…nervous. What I wouldn’t give to be a fly on the wall when they meet up tomorrow!

  Johnny promised to give me a call with all the details after he and Antonio have dinner. I am keeping my fingers crossed things work for them both. I walked out to my car when I heard my phone start ringing.

  I glanced at it. My brother, Trevor. I wonder why he is calling. We keep in touch on a regular basis, but most of the time he calls when our mama is driving him crazy. Usually it’s about me. You’d think she would be too busy with her grandbabi
es to worry about what I’m doing and with whom I doing it with. I know she drives Trevor crazy, too. It’s different for him, though. He’s always been the favorite child. You know, star athlete. Star child. Married with kids. Your worst nightmare as a sibling. He had the audacity to be nice to me so I could never hate him like normal siblings do. Trevor always stood up for me where our mother was concerned.

  Damn! I don’t live close to my mama anymore and she still drives me crazy. Well, I guess I need to see what she’s said this time.

  “Hey, Trev.” I opened the door to my car and got in my seat to buckle up.

  “Wow, sis! I got you before it went to voicemail this time.” I could hear the surprise in his voice.

  I grimaced. Okay…I might’ve ignored a call or two. Maybe more. Well, can you blame me? If my mother has called me and gone on and on about me never coming home, then I know the call from Trevor will be him bitching about her call to him. I don’t want to hear it! Shit! If I wanted to go back there, I would.

  I’m just not ready yet.

  “Ha-ha. What is it this time? Mama hasn’t called me in a few days.” I pulled out onto the street and drove to my apartment.

  Trevor sighed. “I’m not calling about that today.”

  I felt instant relief. Thank goodness! I finally get a break.

  “Oh, well good. How’s Claire and the kids?” I pulled into my parking space and got out of the car.

  “They’re doing great.” He paused. “Are you busy right now? I thought I heard the car door close.”

  I smiled. Always courteous. Well, as much as brother is willing to be.

  “I just got back to my apartment. Give me a minute to walk up the steps and get inside.”

  “Okay. No problem.”

  I walked to my apartment door and unlocked it. I walked inside and tossed my purse on the coffee table. I locked my door before sitting down in my comfy chair.

  “So, what’s up?” I asked as nonchalantly as possible.

  “Not much here. You were on my mind today and I wanted to touch base with you.”

  Okay…my sister Spidey senses are going off here.

  “Aww! I’m touched, Trevor.”

  He laughed. “You should be.”


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