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by Michelle Hoppe

  Eugene continued his assault on her body. Pumping hard, he gave her no time to recover from one peak before the next one started. He’d found her pleasure point and drove his cock with deliberate precision until she could feel it contracting, as cum shot out in a continual stream of hot fluid.

  “Are you ready, Mary?” Eugene’s voice was deep, sensual, and demanding.

  “Yes,” she gasped.

  “Ready to soar above the earth and sky?”

  “Yesss!” The word tore from her lungs as another rush of pleasure quivered through her body.

  “Only me!” Eugene shouted, his cock driving deep.

  Mary’s ass lifted off the bed, slamming her hips into his, her clit vibrating, juice flowing from her pussy as Eugene joined her in ecstasy. Their bodies hung, as if frozen in time, his still-hard penis imbedded in her folds, her hips pressed tight against his. Small sounds of contentment echoed around the room.

  Eugene relaxed his arms, allowing his body to rest on hers, their sweat mingling, his cock slipping from between her folds. “Only me, Mary.”

  “Yes, Eugene. Only you.”

  Rolling on his side, he positioned her back against his chest and dropped his lips to her shoulder. Planting small kisses on her skin, he let his fingers play of her nipples. “Happy?”

  “Extremely.” Mary responded.


  “For now.”

  Eugene laughed and pulled her tighter, molding her body to his. “Perhaps a quick nap before I set out on the next journey.”

  Mary wasn’t sure she understood his meaning. “Journey?”

  “More an exploration.”

  “Exploration of what?”

  “Your pussy, babe. I’ve only discovered two of your six pleasure points.

  “Oh.” Mary smiled to herself. “I shall pray for your journey to be swift and successful.”

  “You can count on it.” Eugene kissed her neck, buried his face in her hair and drifted off to sleep.

  Mary heard the steady rhythm of his breath. Her body snuggled next to him and she closed her eyes.

  I told you I didn’t need your help. She waited for the voice to respond.

  Hey, are you there? She tried again.

  Still nothing.

  She drifted off to sleep, a happy smile touching her lips.

  Chapter 6

  Eugene walked into the kitchen to start the coffee. It no longer felt strange to him, the taste of food and drink. Gone was the need to remind himself to perform the daily tasks necessary for the upkeep of his body. He now accepted without question the emotions associated with being human and found it hard to remember a time before Mary. He sat down at the table to wait for the coffee to finish brewing while his thoughts turned to last night. He’d enjoyed every minute spent with Mary. Even when she was teasing him, he felt excited. There was something about her. The complete package all wrapped up in a neat little body and for some reason she wanted him. Eugene hadn’t experienced sex like that in a very, very long time. Her body responded to his every touch and he’d lost count of the number of orgasms she’d had. It would take a lifetime to figure her out and for the first time in a long time, Eugene wanted to.

  Wait, don’t be stupid. What the hell are you thinking?

  Reality crashed in and he realized this situation had disaster written all over it. His job was to find Mary a boyfriend and restore true love to earth. The council was going to be pissed as hell and he would most likely be hearing from George anytime now.

  With a freshly poured cup of coffee in his hand, Eugene walked to the living room, still trying to sort out his feelings, and stopped short when he saw God sitting on the couch. “Sir?”

  “Sit down, Cupid,” He commanded.

  Eugene moved into the room and took a seat in the chair on the other side of the coffee table. “Why are you here?”

  “Because, my boy, it’s time you stopped worrying about disappointing me or the council and started thinking about the lovely young woman sleeping in the other room.”

  “But, Sir, I can’t. You sent me here to restore true love and I’ve managed to mess everything up. I didn’t even try to find Mary a boyfriend.”

  “And a good thing too!”

  “What?” Eugene didn’t understand what He was saying.

  “The girl’s falling in love with you.”

  “No she’s not, Sir. I mean, she likes me and all, but we haven’t known each other long enough for her to fall in love with me.”

  “You never did believe in love at first sight, did you?” God looked a little sad.

  Eugene couldn’t help it. He’d spent centuries trying to understand how humans could confuse lust with love. “Not really, lust at first sight for sure. Love takes longer.”

  “Not always, Cupid. Not always.”

  “Sir. Honestly, I don’t think it’s love she feels.”

  “It doesn’t matter. The important question is, what are you feeling for her?”

  “I don’t know. She’s a lot of fun to be with and she’s great in bed.” Eugene felt his face flush for forgetting it was God for moment. “Sorry, Sir.”

  “Don’t apologize. It’s important for the sex to work if the relationship is going to last for the long haul.”

  “What relationship?”

  “Yours and Mary’s.”

  “Sir, we don’t have a relationship. I have a job to do. The council has to give me another chance. Pick another woman. I promise I’ll get it right next time.

  “Cupid, stop. You don’t need another chance. Your job is done.”

  “How can that be?”

  “Because the reason we sent you here was to experience true love, not restore it.”


  “No buts. You can’t succeed at something if you don’t understand it and you haven’t understood love in more years than I can remember. It was time, Cupid, time for you to again taste the heavenly joy of love.”

  “Sir, you don’t understand. I’m not in love with Mary. I don’t know…”

  “Yet. You’re not in love with Mary yet.”

  Eugene tried to find words to explain what he was feeling and couldn’t. “I know she makes me happy and I don’t want to be apart from her.”

  “That is why I’m here, Cupid. You don’t have to part. I want you to stay here with Mary, on earth, for as long as it takes to figure this out.”

  “What about my mission to restore true love?”

  “There is always next century. For now, I think it’s your turn to find happiness in the arms of a woman. Perhaps love will grow. Perhaps it will fade. The adventure is in the living, Cupid, and I want you to grab on with both hands and see where the journey takes you.”

  Eugene watched as God faded from sight. Unsure why He was willing to let him have a lifetime on earth to rediscover love, he decided it didn’t matter. Walking back to the bedroom, he lay down by Mary, wrapped his arms around her still-sleeping body and pulled her close. Resting his chin on her head, Eugene closed his eyes and went back to sleep. God’s words still lingered in his mind…The adventure is in the living…and Cupid planned to do just that!

  The End

  Preview another book by this author

  The Diner

  Michelle Hoppe

  Chapter 1

  May 22nd

  Late afternoon sun filtering though the stain glass window cast a kaleidoscope of color over the interior of the small church. A gentle breeze blowing off the bay drifted through the open doors, making candle flames dance, adding to the romantic setting. Lovely yellow roses adorned the end of each pew, altar, and vestibule of the wedding chapel on Van Ness Avenue in the heart of San Francisco.

  Tuxedo dressed ushers had seated over a hundred guests: the bride’s family and friends on the right, the groom’s on the left. The flower girl was walking down the aisle, yellow rose petals dropping from her fingers as she skipped toward the altar. The ring bearer, struggling to keep up, had tears running dow
n his cheeks because he’d lost sight of his mommy.

  Nicole Weston waited at the bottom of the aisle for her turn to walk before the assembled crowd. Resplendent in her pale yellow, backless, maid of honor dress, a small bouquet of yellow roses was clasped in her hands. Thank the stars in heaven it was a dress she didn’t mind wearing. Unlike the last bridesmaid dress she’d been forced to endure—lime green, big bell skirt, bows in stupid places, and shoes to match. At least Tami has taste, she thought to herself. Music flowed from overhead speakers. The magical strains of Between Now and Forever, sung with emotion by Bryan White, sent chills down her spine.

  Watching closely, she took her first step out, just as the young ring bearer’s mother gently pulled him into a pew at the front of the chapel. One step, pause, next step, pause, Nicole made her way toward the groom, soon to be her best friend’s husband. The smile on Jerry’s face lit the entire room, his happiness only exceeded by that of the bride. Nicole smiled to herself; it was amazing that in six short months, her friend Tami White had gone from nervous virgin to bride. With the rocky start their relationship endured, it was amazing they’d made it this far.

  Taking her place on the right of the minister, Nicole thought back to that first day, six months ago, and again saw the tear-streaked face of her friend.

  Chapter 2


  The lunch hour passed, the crowd thinned, and Nicole Weston sat alone in the corner booth with her lukewarm coffee and half-eaten piece of cake. She looked down at her watch, noting the time. One fifteen, she only had about ten more minutes to wait for Tami to arrive.

  She and Tami had been friends for over six years now and shared everything. Nothing escaped their conversations, including details of their sex lives. Nicole could hardly wait to hear about last evening. She knew Tami had been worried about her date with Jerry. She’d revealed yesterday her certainty about his desire to have sex. The women discussed whether Tami would be ready for the big step or not.

  The fact that Tami was a virgin at twenty-six still astonished her. With all the advice she’d been given over the years, it made no sense she didn’t date well. There was always some problem or other, and after about the second or third date the relationship would implode. This new liaison with Jerry was going on two months, and now with the possibility of sex for the first time—it was an amazing feat in and of itself.

  Nicole saw him on several occasions; he seemed nice enough, if a little nerdy. He was too short for Nicole’s taste, only about five-six and in her opinion, he needed to lose a few pounds. Hey, but what the heck, she thought, I’m not dating him and if Tami likes him she should go for it.

  After much discussion they had agreed that if Tami felt comfortable with the situation and desire struck, she would let him have his way. Nicole had done her best to give her friend some insight into what to expect.

  Glancing up from her now empty plate, Nicole watched as Tami entered the diner and walked to the table in the back to join her.

  “Hey you.”

  “Hey you, yourself.”

  “Sit, sit, and tell me all.” Nicole noticed Tami didn’t laugh. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Everything. I did it wrong.”

  “You did what wrong?”


  Pointing to the seat across the table from her, Nicole indicated Tami should get comfortable because this could take a while. Waving her hand toward the waitress at the counter, she indicated they needed some service. “Hold on a minute, let’s get you a cup of coffee and some cake, then you can tell me all about it.”

  Tami dropped into the seat and put her head in her hands. When the waitress arrived, Nicole ordered the coffee and dessert, asked for a refill on her coffee, and ordered a piece of pie for herself. She waited for the waitress to move out of earshot before continuing. “Okay, hon, tell me what happened.”

  “I can’t; it’s too embarrassing.”

  “What’s too embarrassing?”

  “Last night.”

  “Just start at the beginning and tell me what happened. I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s going on.”

  “You’re going to laugh at me.”

  “When have I ever laughed at you about something important?” At least out loud.

  “Never. I guess.”

  “Right, never. So stop with all the drama and get to the details. Besides it can’t be all that bad.”

  “Oh yes, it can!” Nicole noticed Tami’s voice crack. My God, what in the world could have happened that is so bad she’s about to cry?

  “Take a deep breath and tell me about it. We will decide together if it is really that bad.”

  Just when she thought Tami might start talking, the waitress showed up with their order. They waited in silence for her to place the coffee cups, desert plates, cream, and sugar on the table.

  “Can I get you anything else?” the waitress inquired.

  “That’s all for now, thanks.” Nicole just wanted her to leave so she could get Tami to tell her about last night. “Okay she is gone, give over.”

  “He picked me up at about eight and we went to that little burger shop on the corner of Franklin and Union. You know the one?”

  “Yes, I know it.” Is this an essential part of the story?

  “We had a great time. He told me about his days in high school, about college. He’s really interesting you know.”

  “If you say so.” Bor-ring!

  “I thought you liked him?”

  “I do, he’s just not my type. Doesn’t mean he’s not perfect for you.”

  “Well, after last night I don’t think I’ll get a chance to find out if he’s perfect or not.”

  Nicole was getting frustrated. She was interested in details, not a pity party. Try to remain calm. She forced a smile. “Sweetie, you are going to have to tell me what happened if you want my help.”

  “I thought that’s what I was doing,” Tami whined.

  “Okay, sorry. Go on.”

  “After dinner he invited me to his place, said he wanted to just kick back and relax. I thought it would give us some privacy, and you know, I really wanted to be available for sex if he wanted it”

  “And did he?”

  “I wasn’t sure at first. He poured us a drink, turned on the music, and we sat on the couch. I figured he would sit close and put his arm around me or something. He didn’t.”

  “Okay, so you’re sitting there drinking and not touching, what did he do?” I was right; this guy’s got no clue.

  “He told me I was beautiful.”

  “Hey, that’s a good thing.”

  “Yep, I thought so too. Then without any warning he threw himself on me.”

  “He what? How do you mean?”

  “I mean one second he was sitting there telling me I was beautiful, the next he was laying on top of me. I don’t even know how he did it.”

  “You mean he just jumped on top of you?” And, no class.

  “It was more like a lunge.” Tami moved sideways as if to demonstrate.

  “And you didn’t get any advanced warning he was about to lunge at you?”

  “None. He just landed on top of me and stuck his tongue down my throat.”

  “So he kissed you?” “How to Win a Woman’s Heart 101” I swear, they must teach this shit in high school.

  “If you could call it a kiss. It was more like him trying to see if he could find my tonsils, get past them, and slide down my throat.”

  “Honey, men’s tongues are not that long.” And, too damn bad too. I mean, imagine the possibilities. Enough, pay attention!

  “You asked.” Tami’s voice was sounding a little angry.

  Trying to keep her voice level so she didn’t upset her friend anymore, Nicole asked, “What did you do?”

  “I kept my mouth open and tried to push him off me.”

  “Did it work?”

  “Well, yes. He moved back a little and asked me what was wrong. I told him I thought we co
uld cuddle first, maybe talk a little more, before we started kissing.”

  “Did he get mad?”

  “No, he was really great about it. Said he was sorry for rushing me and maybe it would be best if we started really slowly. I told him I thought that was a good idea.”

  “So he backed off.”

  “Yes, he pulled me closer and slowly kissed me. It was nice and I enjoyed it.”

  “Slow kissing is as fun as foreplay.”

  “Yes. But you told me foreplay lasts a long time.”


  “Well, it could only have been thirty seconds before he started grabbing my breast and squeezing.”

  “So he’s a fast mover.” A bumbling fool with no idea of how to treat a lady.

  “I never realized a man could kiss, unbutton a shirt, and unhook a bra, all in fifteen seconds.”

  “Some can.” Usually the dreamy ones.

  “He had my shirt and bra off without ever letting go of my lips.”

  “Were you excited?” No, don’t answer that. You couldn’t possibly be excited by this Mr. I-don’t-know-what-romance-is.

  “Remember when you told me about that little pit, deep down inside your stomach—the one that starts to ache when you desire a man?”

  “I remember.” Oh God, she was excited.

  “Now I know what it feels like. When his fingers touched my naked skin, it tingled. After he removed my shirt, and his hands massaged my breast, I thought the heat would explode. Is it always like that?”

  “If you’re lucky.”

  A wistful look crossed Tami’s face. “If he would have just kept kissing me, maybe things would have worked out better.”

  “What happened next?”

  “He moved his head down to suck on my tit.”


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