Falling for the Jerk

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Falling for the Jerk Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No, I don’t forgive you. I don’t want to listen to this. I just want to do my job. Please, don’t make this hard,” she said.

  He held his hands up. “I’m sorry.”

  Max left the bakery and paused on his way toward the tattoo parlor. He had a spare key, and he let himself in. Sitting down in the reception area, he wiped the tears from his eyes. It was the first time he’d ever been called out for his actions.

  He’d hurt Aria, and he needed for her to forgive him.

  Chapter Seven

  Molly opened her eyes, and as she did she became aware of a very male arm around her middle. Staring at the tribal ink that Dale got in high school, she smiled, snuggling against him.

  “Morning, baby,” Dale said.

  She turned toward him, and saw that his head lay on his hand, and he smiled down at her.

  “You’re up already?”

  “I’ve been watching you sleep for nearly an hour.”

  “What time is it?”

  “A little after seven.” His thumb stroked beneath her breast.

  She lifted up the blanket, covering her mouth. Last night had been amazing. He’d made love to her, and had only stopped when hunger had gotten in the way. They’d made themselves some grilled cheese before coming back to bed and picking up where they left off.

  “You’re worried about morning breath?”

  “It’s a thing, you know,” she said, laughing.

  “I don’t care.” He pulled the blanket from her hand and took possession of her lips.

  She didn’t fight him. The moment his lips were on hers, all fight left her and she melted against him.

  He pulled away, and she opened his eyes. “So what do you want to do today?” she asked.

  “I was thinking we could head on out. Go see some of the town. Maybe pick up a gift for our kids.”

  “I like that idea. I could use a shower.” She didn’t get to have one last night. By the time they collapsed on the bed, she’d been too tired to do anything.

  Dale pulled the blanket back, picked her up, and carried her through to the bathroom. “We can shower together. We’re saving the environment that way.”

  She giggled, and cried out as the cold water hit her flesh. He trapped her against the wall, the cold water hitting his back as he kissed her again.

  “I’m addicted to your lips,” he said.

  She curled her fingers into the hair at the base of his neck, kissing him back, moaning as he consumed her. “We have to stop.”

  “Why? This is our week, Molly. Our week to catch up on everything we’ve missed. For me to get to know you.” He lifted her up, and she gasped as he filled her once again, sliding his cock deep inside her.

  Closing her eyes, she felt his lips against her neck and just let go. Dale fucked her hard as water cascaded all around them. His lips were everywhere on her, and she basked in his attention.

  By the time the water was hot, they were panting out their orgasm. Dale washed her body, taking charge as he finished in the shower. He left first, holding a towel out to her, which she took, drying her body.

  Following him into the bedroom, they changed, sharing lingering looks and touches. When her cell phone rang, he answered it. She listened as he talked to the kids and then he handed her the phone.

  “I’ll go and make us breakfast.”

  She was walking on cloud nine by the time she put her cell phone to her ear. She talked with Sasha, then Luke, and listened as they told her about the movie day they had with Uncle Max, which made her smile. He’d always been helpful to her.

  “June wants to talk to you,” Luke said.

  She heard some shuffling as the phones were changed over. “How is it going?” June asked.

  Molly glanced toward the door, touching her lips. The scent of bacon filled the air as he cooked breakfast. “It’s going … great. We’re about to head into that small town you talked about.”

  “That sounds like fun.”


  “How are you and Dale? I know you’ve said that you two struggle when you’re in the same room. Tensions rise. Bad words were said, and all that.”

  She licked her lips thinking about the past couple of hours. “I … everything is going great.”

  “Okay, why don’t you sound happy about that?”

  “I am happy. I’m thrilled. We’ve got a lot of history, but I think it’s time for us to put that behind us, you know.”

  “What, so you both get the chance to have a fresh start?”

  “Yes, I’d love to just have a fresh start. You know, no … looking back. Where we can finally just focus on each other, and the potential for a future.” The more she thought about it, the more she felt that it could be possible. What was to stop them having a future together? “What do you think?”

  “I think that every time you and Dale look at each other, there’s fire. Not the kind that everyone has to escape from. No, this is the kind of fire that catches between two people. It’s like you both are drawn to one another, and that’s a pretty amazing thing.”

  “So a fresh start it is,” she said, smiling.

  “I think it’s more than that. I really hope you both find each other this week, and put whatever problems you’ve both had away. Not just for the kids, but for you as well, Molly. I’ve seen how sad you’ve become, and I know it’s because of him. I understand and get it, but you’ve got to find some happiness in life.”

  She talked a little longer with her friend before finally hanging up. The scent of bacon was too much to ignore, and she made her way into the kitchen just as Dale served up.

  “Is everything okay?” he asked.

  “Everything is perfect.”

  Molly poured them both coffee, taking a seat at the opposite end of the table. Dale put a plate in front of her, and it looked delicious. Her stomach chose that moment to be heard, and she groaned.

  He chuckled. “Dive in, sweetheart.”

  Picking up her fork, she took a bite of bacon and closed her eyes. “I had no idea you could cook.”

  “Living with Max, I’ve had no choice. There’s only so long you can live on frozen pizza or frozen meals. Believe me, when you look at the stuff they pack into those meals, it’s enough to take notice, and maybe take a cooking class.”

  “You took a cooking class?”

  “Yep. I exploded our microwave twice before I decided to join the local college. I took a basic cooking class. I learned a few things as well.”

  “I had no idea.”

  “You learned to cook as well. If my memory serves, you didn’t have a clue how to boil an egg in high school.”

  “Very true. I didn’t have the money to go to college though. Everything I know I got from books at the library. I’m still struggling. I nearly shattered the kids’ teeth on some brownies I made. Just to warn you, brownies are supposed to be cakey or squishy, not like bricks.”

  He began laughing, and she sat there and watched him, smiling with him. She liked seeing him laugh.


  “Yes, wow. I’m learning slowly, and I do find it a lot of fun, but it’s not something I’ve been gifted with. I have to practice all the time.”

  “Well, I’ve got no problem with you experimenting. I can teach you a few things.”

  “Oh, yeah, like what?” She loved this. The easy banter between them. It reminded her of their first date where they just talked and teased each other the entire night.

  “I can make pastry.”

  “No, you can’t.”

  “I can, and it’s melting and buttery, and oh, so good. I even got a marriage proposal out of Max. He says any woman that tries it will be completely at my mercy.” He winked at her. “So guess who is making dinner tonight?”

  “Now, I don’t think pastry will win me over that easily.”

  “You’ve got to try it though. See what all the fuss is about. I may just surprise you.”

�ve got no doubt you will.”

  “Then I’m making you a pie. A pecan one, because that’s the one that Max said would win over anyone.”

  “Have you ever cooked for anyone else?” she asked.

  “Just Max and Trey a couple of times. Other than that, just me.”

  She finished her breakfast, putting her fork down and staring at him. It was kind of surreal to her to be sitting opposite him. They’d fought so much, and now they were talking about falling for each other, and pie.

  “I’ve not been with another woman in a long time, Molly.”

  “I know,” she said. “I’m not thinking about that. I don’t want to constantly dwell on the past between us. I was thinking about something else.”

  “Oh, yes, and what was that?”

  “I was thinking about pie,” she said with a giggle.


  The walk into town took about thirty minutes, and through it all, Dale found excuse after excuse to touch Molly in some way. They’d packed walking shoes as June’s dad had warned him he’d need them. He’d asked her to pack practically.

  When she tripped over a couple of branches, he’d kept hold of her hand and refused to let it go.

  There were only a couple of shops in the small town, and they made their way to the large grocery store.

  “We’ve got lots of groceries,” she said.

  “Yeah, but we want to get something for the kids. Let’s see if they have a section that will get us what we want.”

  They walked in together, and Dale saw the reflection of them both in the mirror. It filled his heart with a great deal of joy. He loved this woman, and their history together was not the greatest.

  Each hour they spent together, he believed it was an hour where he got closer to her saying yes.

  That was what he wanted; to be married to her. To claim her so the entire town knew she belonged to him.

  She didn’t like that the townspeople were calling him names and saying shit about him not being there for her. He didn’t mind though. Molly could blame herself for denying him marriage, but he’d also stepped away from her. He’d not been by her side, helping her every single step of the way. He’d been glad for a short time that she relieved him of any duty.

  He’d washed his hands of her and left her to it, for the most part. Whenever he saw her around town, he’d often look the other way, like in high school when she started to show.

  There were times when he couldn’t look away though. Her stomach was like a beacon to his gaze, and he’d felt so much need fill him up. After her rejection, though, he’d tried to hide it and pretend that seeing her pregnant with his kid didn’t affect him. It had, and even now thinking back, there had been many times he’d just wanted to place his hand on her belly, stare into her eyes, and know that she was now his.

  So much stupid time lost, and it wasn’t like they were ever going to get it back. Yes, he had a great deal of regret when it came to her, but he wasn’t going to add to it either.

  They stopped at the children’s section of the grocery store that also sold household items and toys.

  Dale hit a complete blank. He didn’t have the first clue what to buy them, and stayed back while Molly looked at some of the toys on display.

  She held up a doll and smiled at him. “What do you think?”

  “That’s scary as fuck.”

  “You think so?” Molly turned it around to look at it.

  “That’s the kind of doll that wakes up on Halloween night and scares the shit out of you by murdering you.”

  She laughed. “Wow, you’re scared of dolls. Noted.”

  She moved toward a toy car for Luke.

  “I think he’s a little old for that,” Dale said.

  “Yes, he is.”

  “Oh, what about this?” She picked up a board game. “This way they can play together and they can play in the shop as well while I’m working.”

  “Why do you take them to the bakery all the time? Especially weekends?”

  “Child care or a babysitter cost a lot of money. I don’t have any spare cash, and if I do, I like to save for a rainy day or for Christmas. I don’t like taking out loans, or being in debt.” She shrugged. “It’s been tough. Raising a couple of kids is not cheap.”

  “No, it’s not.”

  He’d seen the cost of a baby stroller, a cot, a high chair, and other things that she would have needed. This didn’t even include diapers. He knew she didn’t have to worry about the cost of formula as she’d breastfed their babies.

  After buying them a couple of toys each, they made their way to the main grocery section where he picked up all the ingredients he’d need to make the most perfect pecan pie.

  Once they were heading back, they each carried a sack filled with goods back to the house.

  Dale walked at a slower pace as they dropped off their items, and he placed the ingredients he’d need in the fridge.

  Taking her hand, he pulled her back out of the house.

  “Where are we going?”

  “We’re going for a walk.”

  He took her hand, and they found a trail that they followed. June’s dad had told him about a rather secluded spot, which was so beautiful. All he had to do was follow the path after turning right coming out of the front door.

  For several minutes neither of them spoke, and Dale didn’t want that. This was their time to get to know each other, and he was determined to do it, minus the arguing.

  “Do you think you’ll have more kids?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. It’s not something I’ve thought about. You?”

  “Can I be honest with you?” he asked, stepping in front of her and bringing her to a stop.

  “You can be honest with me about anything.”

  “I want more kids. I want to be able to experience everything I missed with Sasha and Luke. To hold your hair back as you’re puking in the toilet. To feed you some salted crackers or rub your feet when they feel too swollen for you to do anything.” He moved behind her, placing a hand on her stomach. “I also want to be able to touch you. To feel our child moving around.”

  She leaned back against him.

  “I wanted to do that, Molly.”


  “I wanted to touch you. To feel what we’d created, and to know it made you mine.”

  She turned in his arms, but didn’t touch him. Her hands stayed firmly down. “I’m sorry. I thought … I … was doing the right thing.”

  “I know. Because you heard me say that shit, it kept you away from me. You have no idea how much I regret it.” He cupped her cheek. “I lied. When I found out you were pregnant, I wasn’t scared. At first I was shocked, and then it was like a light bulb went off, and I realized this was my chance to have the girl that everyone wanted in high school. It was my chance to show them all that you picked me, and that I loved you more than anything.”

  She shook her head. “No one wanted me in high school.”

  “Why do you think Chloe hates you so much?”

  Molly frowned at this. “Do you even know why she hated me in high school?”

  “Because all of the guys liked you, Molly.”

  “That’s not why Chloe hated me, Dale. It’s because of you she hated me.”


  “Chloe has always had a thing for you, Dale. Even when we were in high school. When you asked me out, it angered her. You were always looking at me and trying to find things to talk to me about. She saw that, and she hated me for it.”

  “No, there’s no way. I mean … Chloe was easy. She had every single guy...”

  She kept on staring at him. “She just wanted you.”

  “I didn’t want her, Mol. I only ever wanted you.”

  “I believe you, Dale. Did you know when we went out on our date she tried to get me kicked off the cheering squad?”


  “They voted against her, but obviously she got her wish when I became pregnant. It�
��s always been you for me, Dale. It’s why I’ve never dated or been with anyone else.” She tilted her head to the side, staring at him.

  Running his thumb across her lips, he felt his dick begin to harden. It didn’t take a lot for him to want her. It was a constant state whenever he was around her.

  She smiled. “Why did you think she hated me?”

  “Because you were the most beautiful girl on the entire squad.”

  She chuckled. “Hardly! I wasn’t the most beautiful girl there.”

  “To me you were. I wasn’t interested in anyone else. In fact, if any of the guys ever showed an interest in you, I’d threaten to hurt them.”


  “Yes, I don’t like sharing you.” He’d always been the one to watch her in high school. Whenever she entered a room, he’d notice. That hadn’t changed. Even now he watched and waited for her.

  She laughed. “You’ve never had to share me, and besides, you didn’t have to ever worry for long. I got pregnant, and other than Max, everyone else avoided me like the plague.”

  “Everyone wanted to know who the father was. They had no idea it was me, especially after all the shitty rumors that Chloe spread about you. I didn’t do anything about them, and that was my mistake.”

  “I’m just going to avoid her from now on. I didn’t like her back then, and I certainly don’t like her now.”

  “I would. She means nothing to either of us. Shall we?”

  They kept on moving, and came to a stop at the edge of a large waterfall. The sight was indeed beautiful. He held Molly close to him. Staring at the beauty, he made a small wish that the next time he came back, she’d be his wife.

  Chapter Eight

  Molly couldn’t believe that she sat at the counter in the kitchen at the cabin, watching Dale make pastry. He was cutting in the butter and the vegetable shortening, looking so confident as he did. There had been a few revelations today, and she wasn’t entirely comfortable with all of them.

  She’d known about Chloe’s infatuation all along, and it didn’t exactly make her feel good. Dale had never really shown Chloe any attention even back then. She could understand Chloe’s hatred, especially as she herself loved Dale with all of her heart. She also knew that hatred was because Dale picked her. The other woman always had an eye for Dale, but he’d never given her the time of day. When the gossip spread that he was taking Molly out, that was when the trouble started between her and Chloe. Not that she’d done anything about it. Whenever Chloe had said something mean or spiteful, she’d dealt with it. Mostly pushing the hurtful words to the back of her mind.


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