Rebel Lies: An Angel Reverse Harem Romance (Mates of the Realms: Immortals Book 2)

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Rebel Lies: An Angel Reverse Harem Romance (Mates of the Realms: Immortals Book 2) Page 9

by Lacey Carter Andersen

  She looked between the angels trying pathetically to use their swords on Daniel, but flying back every time they got too close. “I don’t know how you have so much faith that this insane situation is going to work out, but he can’t control his addiction.”

  Mark closed his eyes. “Spoken like a person who knows nothing about addiction. I’m sorry, Surcy, but angels he can fight. Himself? Well, he might not be strong enough. Especially without you at his side.”

  “I’m on his side,” she said, feeling prickly. Hadn’t she just been talked to by Tristan about this?

  In answer, the Immortal known as Spring spoke. “If we could shift, we could help end this. But we can’t. It’s like our bodies forgot that side of ourselves after so long.”

  Surcy turned to the blonde, and her emotions changed. The three Immortals looked so weak and so sickly. Their backup plan couldn’t be that they’d shift and save them all.

  It’s our job to protect them.

  No, not ours. Mine.

  Mark was exhausted from using the God Finder. These people were suffering. She was the only one who could help Daniel. But how?

  And then, it hit her. A completely insane plan. But one she knew could work.

  “What do you think the chances are that the angels will find you here?” she asked.

  Spring answered with certainty. “They won’t. They’ll either assume we already escaped or that we’re in the tunnels.”

  She nodded, feeling more certain with every passing second. “Mark, keep them hidden here. We’ll be back.”


  Rising, she slowly and cautiously made her way out of the cave, sliding along the outside of the larger cave until she reached the entrance. Daniel was still surrounded by fire. The angels were no longer attacking, but staying just out of his reach.

  Let’s do this!

  “Daniel!” she shouted.

  He turned, his eyes widening in shock.

  As one, the angels turned to her too.

  “Get rid of the fire!” she shouted, then, taking a deep breath, she ran towards him.

  His jaw tensed, and the fire around him suddenly leapt from the earth, latching onto the white-winged angels. Screams surrounded them as their wings burned, and sparks of fire fell down from the sky like rain.

  She didn’t slow, even when she felt the sting of the embers on her skin. She just continued toward Daniel. His arms were outstretched as he forced all the fire from her path. And from him.

  But as he did, he took several steps back, the sand and rocks at the edge of the mountain tumbled over the edge as he neared it. And yet, he seemed unaware of how close he was to falling to his death.

  She sped up, her muscles burning as she sought to reach him in time. When she drew closer, his gaze moved back to her. She saw the moment he realized she wasn’t going to slow. He put his hands out as if to stop her, but she was going too fast.

  Her arms wrapped around him. For an instant, she tried to flap her wings, her instincts going against all logic. And then, they plummeted over the edge, tangled together.

  The wind whistled around them. Daniel wrapped himself around her, as if doing so could protect her from the fall. And when she felt the tingle that told her she’d passed through the barrier surrounding the mountain top, she teleported.

  They hit the ground, her on top of Daniel. Their breathing was hard, his strong arms wrapped around her. For a long minute, they just held each other, too relieved to do anything else. Her eyes squeezed shut, and she inhaled his smoky scent. It was familiar, any yet, unexpected.

  “What were you thinking?” he whispered. “I had a plan.”

  What was I thinking? “I needed to keep you safe.”


  She pulled back and stared at him as his arms dropped to his side. “You have to know I care about you.”

  The look of absolute pain that ran over his face made her heart stop. He didn’t know. He actually didn’t know.


  He shook his head, closing his eyes.

  “I care about you. I know things are different now, but—“

  “You have absolutely no reason to care about me. I’m an asshole. I don’t know how I got you to love me the first time, but you’re not going to be that dumb again.”

  She couldn’t breathe as she leaned down and brushed a light kiss against his lips.

  His eyes opened, two dark pools of anguish.

  “You’re not an asshole... you’re wings.”

  “Wings?” he repeated, raising a brow.

  “Yes,” she felt more certain now. “When wings are curled up, they look like nothing. Maybe even ugly piles of feathers... but when they open up, everything changes. They’re beautiful. Not just beautiful, but capable of amazing things! Some people are wings. And you’re wings. There’s nothing wrong with the fact that it takes you longer to open up to people. And there’s nothing wrong with the fact that that’s the time where they see who you really are.”

  “I’m wings,” he said, and the slightest smile touched his lips.

  She gave him another gentle kiss. “And wings are absolutely loveable.”

  Her words seemed to break something inside of him. His arms wrapped around her, pulling her tightly against her. His mouth sought hers, and then, they were kissing. Not their hard normal kisses, but this time it felt different. Less rushed.

  When he broke the kiss, they were both breathing hard, staring at each other. And then, his gaze moved away from her and widened.

  “Where did you teleport us to?”

  She glanced around. They were in a cabin of some kind. There was a mustiness in the air, and the curtains were drawn, but it was still a strangely comforting place, with a tiny kitchen, living room, and a massive bed in the back. They were lying on a rug in front of a dark fireplace.

  “I don’t know.”

  His gaze moved back to her. “You don’t?”

  She shook her head.

  He seemed to be choosing his words with care. “This is another hideout we have. A cabin we used to go to when we wanted to be alone.”

  I’ve been here before?

  Her heart raced. “I don’t remember it, but I took us here, so... so I must still have my memories somewhere inside of me!”

  He smiled, making her insides tremble.

  “What if I could remember? Then everything could go back to the way things were! I could be me again!”

  His brows drew together, and his smile vanished. “Listen, I know we’ve all been walking around like a pack of heartbroken animals, but your lost memories don’t mean you’re not yourself anymore.”

  “Daniel, come on.”

  “I mean it. You’re still you. And you have to know that even if your memories do come back, you won’t be the same.”

  Her stomach pitched. “Do you not want me to remember?”

  He smirked. “I’m just saying I don’t care either way. You’re Surcy, no matter what.”

  The strangest realization hit her in that moment. Daniel meant it. He really didn’t care whether she remembered or not.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pressed her face against his throat and tried to hold back the tears. She’d felt such pressure since the moment she’d met these demons to remember who she was and to become the woman they loved. The idea that they could love her just the way she was made her feel relieved in a way she could never explain.

  “It’s okay,” he whispered against her head, and his hand went to her temple. Slowly, he began to rub circles into her skin, and she melted with a slight moan. “See, you love it when I do this, now and then.”

  She relaxed more deeply against him. “How long do you think it’ll take for the angels to leave and for us to go back?”

  “Maybe we’ll check back right before nightfall.”

  That would probably give the angels enough time to sniff around, but also time for them to climb down where she could teleport them safely away.

>   “Do you think Tristan is okay?”

  Daniel laughed. “Of course. Tristan can handle himself.”

  She closed her eyes. It was nice to feel the rumble of Daniel’s laugh through his chest. This man was strangely comfortable to lie on. Even though they’d slept together many times before, she’d never felt closer to him than she did in that moment.

  “What should we do until then?” she asked, not really caring.

  “I have an idea.”

  She didn’t know what to expect at the slight teasing note in his voice, but she never expected what happened. They played cards at the table. A game he assured her they both loved. And as soon as she got the hang of it, became an absolute blast, because she kicked his ass every time.

  Daniel was not a good loser.

  She was not a good winner.

  So the game was more fun than she ever imagined. He swore. She danced obnoxiously every time she won, and they ate popcorn and drank soda.

  When it came time for them to go again, she felt strangely sad. “It was nice to pretend that everything is normal for a little while.”

  He looked up from where he was still seated at the table, putting the cards away. “One day we’ll be able to enjoy things like this all the time. When we’ve defeated Caine, and we’re sure you’re safe from him.”

  “And that his angels can never drag the three of you back to the demon-realm,” she added with force.

  He smiled. “That too.”

  Rising, she watched as he moved toward her. His blond hair was messy after all they’d been through, sticking up in random spots. His face was neatly shaved, as always, showing the incredible lines of his face.

  It was hard to breathe as he got closer. Daniel was truly a beautiful man. He didn’t have the ruggedness than Tristan had, or the nerdy-hotness that Mark had. He had something else. A confident spirit hiding a softer side. Like wings.

  He took her hands with a shyness she hadn’t expected. “Shall we go?”

  She nodded, but didn’t teleport them. “Thanks... for the cards.”

  He smiled, his genuine smile. The one that seemed uncertain. “You’re welcome.”

  But still, she hesitated. “Are you staying away from fire?”

  His eyes widened, and she saw it in his face.


  “I’m working on it.”

  Her entire chest ached. “You kicked it once. You’ll kick it again, because we’re here for you. We won’t let you fall down that path.”

  He nodded, but his expression was troubled.

  “Is it when you go for walks?”

  His gaze met hers again. “Yes.”

  Her hands tightened on his. “Then, for now on we go for walks together.”

  He let out a breath that seemed to shake his whole chest. “I’d like that. I’ve just been so lonely, and—“

  She released his hands and shot into his arms. I’m such a freaking idiot. Of course he’s lonely. I’ve been using him for sex and not caring about him. Tristan was right to scold me. I deserved it!

  “From now on you’re not going to be lonely. You’re going to be annoyed, because we’re going to stick to you like glue.”

  He laughed, that rumbling laugh she loved. “All right.”

  When she drew back, she caught his hands again. “Ready?”


  Taking a deep breath, she transported them back to the edge just beyond the barrier around the mountaintop, praying the angels were gone. And praying Mark and the Immortals were safe.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Mark stood on legs that shook and leaned heavily against the cave wall, wincing and wrapping an arm around his stomach. He didn’t want to tell the others, they’d already been through so much, but he felt like he was going to throw up. His entire body felt wrong. Weak. And it scared him.

  I need to protect these frightened prisoners. Not lay in a corner puking. Damn it!

  The worst part of it all—this was his fault. He’d known he was pushing himself too hard. He just didn’t realize he was making himself fucking useless in the process.

  Next time he looked for Immortals, he would take more breaks from the God Finder. Because this time he’d plunged forward, every time he saw a glimpse of an Immortal in a vision, and was shot back out of the vision, he pressed back in. He’d done it over and over again for weeks, determined to pull all the pieces together enough to see where to find them.

  Because of that feeling.

  When his stomach calmed, he peered out of the cave entrance. The angels seemed to have vanished an hour earlier, but he could never be sure about the slimy little creatures. As weak as he felt, he couldn’t risk giving away their hiding place. If they found them, and he was unable to fight, everything they’d done would be for nothing.

  And yet, he couldn’t escape the nagging feeling he’d had the last few weeks. The one that said their time was drawing to an end. That the battle between the realms would rage soon, and without the Immortals, they’d lose.

  He wanted to believe the feeling was nothing more than anxiety, but he knew better. His druid’s staff might have been broken, still lying on pieces in the sanctuary, but his powers still lay within him. And they screamed that he needed to keep pushing himself, no matter the price, or all would be lost.

  But I won’t be useful to them if I can’t help.

  As the sun set, its rays painting the top of the burnt mountaintop, Surcy and Daniel came over the edge. He moved without thinking, walking out to greet them. Surcy ran into his arms, holding him tightly, and Daniel patted his back, with a smile. He sensed a change within them. They seemed... closer.

  It made him happy. When he died, they’d need each other.

  “So, what’s the plan now?” he asked, forcing the words past his tired lips.

  “We take them to the sanctuary,” Surcy said, no doubt in her voice. “Do you think they’re strong enough to climb down a little?”

  I know I’m not.


  She nodded. “Then, I hope they aren’t afraid of heights, because I can teleport them after they jump.”

  “We aren’t,” Spring emerged from the cave, followed by the other Immortals. “But we can’t go to the sanctuary first.”

  Surcy frowned. “Why?”

  “We need to go to our sacred island to regain our strength.”

  “You’ll be exposed to Caine and the angels. They could take you back at any moment.”

  Spring smiled. “It’s the only way we can regain our strength, and we’re certain it’s where the gargoyle will take Summer.”

  Surcy looked like she wanted to keep arguing.

  But Daniel answered. “Alright, we can take you there, but we need to leave as quickly as possible.”

  Spring nodded.

  Autumn and Winter came to stand at their sides, looking as if they might collapse at any moment.

  “Show me where you need me to teleport you,” Surcy said, moving toward them. “And I can take you one at a time over the edge.”

  Autumn stiffened and moved in front of Spring. “You can teleport?” His eyes narrowed. “Are you an angel?”

  Surcy paled. “I was an angel. I turned my back on Caine.”

  Instantly tension sang through the air. Mark looked between the Immortals and Surcy.

  Uh oh.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Surcy stared at the Immortals. They looked... upset. Her stomach churned, and for some reason, she felt ashamed.

  I didn’t choose to be an angel. They can’t possibly hold it against me. Could they?

  “I’m no longer serving Caine because I have to; I’m serving a cause I believe in.”

  “Which explains your missing wings.” Spring reached out and touched her back lightly.

  Surcy winced and nodded.

  Autumn crossed his arms over his chest. “And we’re really just supposed to accept that?”

  She didn’t know what to say. It was almost surreal
. She’d lost so much when she lost her wings, and yet, she was still seen as an enemy by these Immortals. Is that how the rest of her life would be? The thought made the weight on her shoulders feel heavier.

  “You can always stay here,” Daniel said, indicating the mountain. His tone dripping with sarcasm. “I mean, sure we risked our lives to save all of you, but if the fact that she’s an angel bothers you that much, stay here. Keep wasting away. Keep starving. Why the fuck should we care?”

  Winter held out her hands. “Enough! Apologize, Autumn.”

  Autumn glared.

  “Apologize you angry old, shifter!” Daniel ordered.

  Autumn kept glaring, but mumbled out an apology.

  Winter nodded. “Sorry, he gets cranky when he doesn’t eat. And he’s been hungry for a long time.”

  Surcy tried to push away the hurt his words had brought, but they lingered. At least you have Daniel here to defend you. Glancing back at his angry expression made her sadness ease. It was actually kind of nice to see his temper directed at someone else.

  A little laugh exploded from her lips.

  His gaze jerked to her. “What?”

  “Nothing,” but she couldn’t keep the smile from her face.

  Like a force of nature, he came to her, sweeping her hair back from her neck and kissing her until her knees went weak. When he pulled back, she clung to the front of his shirt.


  “Maybe that’ll teach you not to laugh at me.”

  Unable to help herself, she slid her hands down his chest. “Or maybe I’ll tease you more.”

  Suddenly, arms wrapped around them. She turned to find Mark grinning like mad. “You two made up!”

  “We weren’t fighting!” Surcy protested.

  Daniel reached out and ruffled Mark’s hair. “Yeah, we made up.”

  Mark kissed Surcy’s neck in just the right spot to send tingles through her body. “Good.”

  “We might want to continue this when everyone is safe,” Daniel said, but there was humor in his voice.


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