Opposites Attract

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Opposites Attract Page 8

by Jayce Carter

  Tabby met his gaze. Those eyes of hers large and bright, before she slipped her thumbs into the waist of her panties and tugged them down her legs.

  He was on her a heartbeat later. It was too teasing a sight to resist, and he took her lips in a punishing kiss.

  She spread her legs around him, letting him fall into the heaven between them. He braced his weight on one arm while he slid his other between their bodies until he found the heat of her pussy.

  The first real brush of his fingers against her wet slit drew that same gasping breath from her, the one that implied she was discovering all sorts of things she hadn’t expected.

  Good. I want to show it all to her.

  Gray teased her clit with light strokes, even as her hips rolled, wanting more. That ratcheted his desire impossibly higher.

  Keep it in check, asshole. Gray reminded himself of the end game. He wasn’t going to let this be another reason for the girl to think sex wasn’t that good or important. Nope. He was going to take her apart before he ever got close to sliding his dick into her.

  At that thought, he groaned, biting softly at her bottom lip when the idea of how tight she’d grip him made him shudder.

  Her cunt squeezed down when he pressed two fingers into her in a shallow thrust, as he continued to tease her clit with his thumb. Her knees hit his sides as if the bold touch surprised her.

  He paused, though he still brushed his lips to hers as he waited for her to decide.

  Too much?

  After a moment, Tabby rolled her hips again, seeking more.

  Gray grinned into the kiss before rocking his hand forward, taking inch by inch of her tightness. He cursed the last idiot who hadn’t done this right, who had managed to make her think she didn’t care for sex.

  Tabby’s foot dug into his ass as her luscious body went rigid. Fuck, he loved seeing a woman come. There was something downright magical about it, about the way they went still, the sounds they made as their body was thrown into an all-consuming chaos.

  Tabby was no different, her head back and mouth open on a soundless gasp.

  Gray saw her through it, his fingers buried deep, enjoying the way her body clutched him in tight waves. He stroked around her clit to ease her through the sensations, to help her come down from it slowly.

  When the tension broke, when she gasped and lay back against the bed, it took another second for her to gather herself.

  As soon as she had, uncertainty crept into the shadows of her eyes.

  “Ain’t got to go any further,” he pointed out. There was time later, and if he spent his night just like this? Enjoying her sexy little body without ever getting his dick involved? Well, it was more than worth the cold showers he’d have to take.

  Except, Tabby didn’t say no. She didn’t even hide. She slipped her fingers to the back of his neck then pulled him down for another passionate kiss before whispering, that same shy tone to her voice, “I want to.”

  And that was the best thing he’d ever heard.

  Gray pulling away drew a shiver through Tabby. The cold air struck her without the warmth of his large body against her, and it made her remember exactly how naked she was.

  Which was completely naked.

  Is he saying no? Is he walking away? Does he realize I don’t live up to— A sting on her thigh drew her focus back to Gray and his frowning face.

  “Knock it off,” he told her before he shifted to the left of the bed and opened a drawer. “I ain’t going anywhere. I just can’t fuck you without protection.”

  Tabby’s cheeks heated, not just at the crude phrase—which she refused to admit was as hot as it was—but at her own stupidity.

  How many times had she’d lectured Becky about safe sex? And there she’d been, ready to throw caution to the wind just because she’d been horny?

  Gray chuckled, bringing the foil-wrapped condom back with him as he settled onto the bed. “Don’t beat yourself up. Everyone loses their head after an orgasm like that.” He added a wink to the end of his statement—something cheesy enough to be almost endearing.

  “It wasn’t that good,” she muttered. The lie so big she worried she might choke on it.

  “So you’re not just a liar, but a mean one?” His tone didn’t seem offended at all as he tore the foil open then pulled the condom free. When he dropped his hand to his cock, Tabby’s attention went with it.

  Her mouth watered at the sight, at how thick he was. He hadn’t gone down at all, as if everything that had happened had been as much a turn on as actually touching him had been. She hadn’t expected that, recalling her last time where the boy had cared little about her pleasure.

  “Want to touch?” That and his lifted eyebrow made Tabby blush, but hell, she probably wouldn’t have this chance again, right?

  She risked making a fool of herself by coming forward. Except when she went to reach out, her nerves got the best of her and she froze.

  Gray huffed a laugh before grasping her hand in his and bringing it to his cock.

  He was impossibly hot, the skin softer than she’d expected. Beneath the skin, though, he was rigid, solid through. He released her hand, and Tabby took over. She stroked him, suddenly not caring if she was doing it right. Instead, she focused on how much she enjoyed it. She traced the veins, explored the head of his cock, the thick area of skin just below it, all the way down the sensitive underside to the weight of his balls. All of it was so much better than she’d ever thought it would be.

  His groan was deep, masculine and so full of want, she shivered at the feeling.

  He made her feel powerful, though. When she’d first met him, she thought he’d make her feel weak and small. She’d thought his size and his strength and his attitude would make her feel even less of a woman than she normally did.

  Instead, her hand around his shaft, his hungry gaze on her, gave her a rush she’d never felt before. She reached over and took the condom from him, tired of waiting, and slipped it onto his cock.

  When she did it right, she sent up an apology for all the times she’d rolled her eyes at the whole putting condoms on a banana thing in her sex ed class. It had turned out to be time well spent.

  As soon as she’d finished, she found herself on her back again, Gray’s demanding lips against hers.

  The head of his cock teased her slit for only a moment before he pressed into her. Between her own wetness and the lube on the condom, he had no problem sinking deep into her drenched cunt.

  The stretch didn’t hurt. It was amazing, a slight burn as he took up every inch of space inside her, but she reveled in it.

  He breathed hard against her parted lips. “You okay, there?”

  She was so much more than okay. His thick cock caused more shuddering aftershocks in her already wound-up body, so she wrapped her legs around him again and used the action to roll her hips.

  He let out a feral sound, something between desire and surprise. “Anyone who ever called you an ice queen is a fucking idiot.” He shifted his hips back then snapped them forward, plunging deep into her waiting body.

  He took her hard, and all Tabby could do was hold on. It was as though he planned to make up, right then, for all the years she’d resisted sex. To prove to her that she’d been mistaken or it had been a huge mistake.

  Which she so already knew. Each time his hard dick slammed into her, it stole her breath. It teased so many nerve endings inside her she hadn’t even known she’d got. Worse? It was as if he’d somehow made her entire body an erogenous zone. Her nipples brushed teasingly against his firm chest. His pelvis stroked her clit when he plunged deep. His breath blew down over her lips, her neck, and it all added together to push her toward another orgasm.

  Which, honestly, seemed greedy, but she didn’t care. After her long dry spell, she’d take all the orgasms Gray wanted to hand out.

  When she came again, she cried out at the intensity of it, at the way it felt so much better with his cock filling her. Her pussy tightened around his
thick shaft, gripping him. He paused after thrusting in as deep as possible, then tensed above her. His breath was harsh, his forehead dropping to hers.

  Gray groaned when her body tightened around him again before he grasped the condom at the base of his cock and pulled out. He slid the condom off and tied it, then tossed it into the trash.

  The bed moved as he stretched out beside her, their heavy breathing loud in the small closed-off room.

  The music from the bar was so quiet, she could hardly make it out.

  What now? All the old fears hit her. Would he tell her, ‘thanks for the fun, I’ll call you a cab’? Is this the end game?

  She wasn’t looking for more, she guessed, but suddenly the idea of her being just another hook-up for a man who’d had more than a few of those seemed too painful. All her armor was gone, as though he’d stripped her not only of her clothing but of the defenses that usually warded off the barbs of others.

  Just him and her sweat-soaked, overworked body and raw emotions.

  Gray rolled onto his side, leaning up enough to hold his head with his hand. He shook his head with a chuckle. “You are a piece of work, ain’t you?”

  She risked meeting his gaze. “Should I get my stuff and go?”

  His chuckle turned into a full laugh that made her feel foolish. All that power she’d felt when touching him had dissipated.

  Just when she was ready for him to tell her yes, that she was stupid and should leave, he grasped her hip and pulled her closer. “If you left, how could I fuck you a few more times tonight? Because, Tabby, I ain’t nowhere near done with you.”

  Which sounded like a plan Tabby could get behind.

  * * * *

  Tabby paced her living room, trying to ignore the unfamiliar ache in her pussy. As it turned out, sex was like any other work-out. It caused sore muscles if someone wasn’t used to it.

  She hadn’t dared face Gray yet. Being the coward she was, she’d snuck out that morning before he woke. She’d taken one look at him lying there, undressed and relaxed, and all those fears of hers had come racing back. What was she thinking? There was no way he’d want her.

  Tabby had thought about the awkward morning-after talk and couldn’t sit and wait for it. Gray never had girls spend the night. He always kicked them out before the sun rose. She didn’t want to hear his explanations about why she wasn’t his type, about why it was fun but over, why she needed to leave.

  So she’d snuck out the back door, while he slept, and had Becky pick her up.

  Talk about a walk of shame, not that Becky hadn’t been thoroughly amused by it.

  At least someone is.

  Tabby had tried to distract herself with work all day. A few text messages had passed between them through the day, but Gray hadn’t actually tried to come over.

  Maybe he realized how precarious her feelings were.

  He’d asked to see her again. It sparked a slight hope in her chest, especially as she grinned, looking down at the phone like an idiot. Without being naked and in a room that smelled like them, Tabby could think. The fears couldn’t grab hold quite so tightly and she could almost think that she and Gray might work.

  So now she paced, dressed in her normal wear. Gray had arrived home a few hours before, his motorcycle loud enough to have alerted her.

  He hadn’t stopped by, and she hated how much that disappointed her. She knew he was giving her space, trying to let her make her own choices, but it still stung.

  Finally, around eleven at night, Tabby talked herself into going over.

  She made two cups of hot tea, ready to face him. For what reason, she wasn’t sure. She still couldn’t quite believe this was anything, yet each time she looked down at his texts, she grinned.

  That had to mean something, right? No other man had ever made her feel stupid like this, made her feel like some giddy teenager with a crush.

  And Gray was so the sort of man girls were not supposed to have crushes on. Would it end up biting her in the ass? Was she going to learn why he was the type woman warned their daughters away from?

  Stop trying to talk yourself out of it. Tabby took a deep breath then risked it all. She carried the two cups of tea outside, having no real idea of what she’d say. She didn’t like not having a plan, but she couldn’t come up with a single good thing to say.

  She left her porch, trying to rehearse something in her head, something that wouldn’t make her sound like an idiot.

  And nearly ran right into someone in the shared driveway.


  The beautiful blonde looked amazing—as always—with that effortless beauty Tabby had never managed. It was as if she could toss on anything and look stunning.

  Her lipstick was smeared, the only thing out of place on her.

  Haylee looked at Tabby, her lips curling into a smile that wasn’t nice. More amused. “What’s that?” She nodded at the cups.

  “Tea,” Tabby said, her voice weak.

  Haylee snorted softly. “Tea? Oh, honey, let me save you some embarrassment. Gray isn’t the sort of man you bring tea to. I don’t know what kind of fantasies you’ve been having but this”—she waved at Tabby—“isn’t going to happen.”

  “Last night—”

  “Last night he was still trying to get into those very boring stretchy pants of yours. Now that he has? Some tea isn’t going to cut it.”

  Tabby straightened her back, wanting to argue the point. He’d been sending her messages all day. That had to mean something.

  Haylee let out a mean-spirited chuckle. “Oh, this is just sad. Look, I’ve known Gray a long time. He likes the chase, the game, and he likes easy. You? You’re easy. I mean, you’re right next door. He doesn’t even have to get on his bike for a fuck, so of course he’d string you along. But, honey, that’s all it is. I mean, if he actually gave a damn, would he have been fucking me just now? I’m not saying this to be mean. I just don’t want to see you get hurt going after someone you aren’t ever going to get.”

  Any fight Tabby had—and there hadn’t been much to start with—drained away at Haylee’s words.

  She and Gray had had sex?

  And if Tabby had shown up ten minutes later, if she’d have missed Haylee leaving, would Gray have slept with her, too?

  Haylee offered one more unkind smile before walking past Tabby, leaving her standing in the driveway like an idiot.

  Haylee was lying. She had to be. Gray wouldn’t do that, would he?

  Then again, Tabby and he weren’t anything serious. They’d had sex one night, in the back of a bar. That wasn’t some great love story. He hadn’t promised her a future, hadn’t given her reason to think there was anything else between them.

  She stood in the driveway long enough that the tea cooled and her hand cramped. She set the cups on top of her trash can, her feet frozen.

  She should go back inside, right? Pretend the whole mess never happened?

  Gray’s door creaked open. The light switched on, flooding the driveway and making Tabby blink against it.

  “Tabby?” His voice was familiar, and that seemed strange. After what Haylee had said, she’d felt like she didn’t know him anymore, like he’d changed, yet he sounded exactly the same. “What’re you doing out here? Trying to decide if you were going to work up the courage to come see me?”

  See, Haylee is a liar. Don’t let her in your head.

  Tabby walked over, her eyes finally adjusting so she could see him.

  Where she spotted red lipstick. A smudge at his throat and another near his lip. The same red that had been on Haylee’s lips.

  Everything crumbled inside of Tabby as she had to admit… Haylee wasn’t lying.

  “No,” Tabby said, taking a step backward when Gray reached for her. She kept her face blank, not showing the hurt and not wanting him to touch her. “I just thought that I should do this face to face.”

  “Do what?”

  “Last night was a mistake. It can’t happen again.”

p; “A mistake? Didn’t feel much like a mistake when you were digging those nails of yours into my back. What’s rattled you this time?” Even as he asked, he had the tone of a man sure her hysterics would settle down.

  Tabby swallowed down the truth. The last thing she needed was to act like a scorned lover—they weren’t even lovers. They were fuck buddies at best. She would not mention Haylee, because doing so would let him know how hurt she was.

  “I didn’t say I didn’t enjoy it. I said it was a mistake.”

  “So if you had fun, what makes it a mistake?”

  “We aren’t compatible.”

  His expression sobered. “Fuck that. You had fun with my friends. You gotta stop thinking you ain’t enough for me, that you ain’t my type.”

  Tabby let her temper slip. “You’re not my type.” She regretted the words as soon as they came out. They were too harsh and not altogether true. Not all untrue, either. She’d come to appreciate him for what he was, but the fact he thought it was fine to use her just for sex said they really weren’t on the same page. Still, his startled silence let her continue. “I shouldn’t have let this go as far as it did, but now it’s over. I need to find someone who fits me better, someone who is the sort of man I should be with.”

  Gray’s mouth hung open at her statement.. After a moment, he snapped it shut, tension running through him. Even so, he crossed his arms and answered, “So this is it, huh? Just like that, you’re gonna fucking toss me aside?”

  Tabby rubbed her hands over the front of her shirt, trying to fix it as if that would make her feel in control of the mess she’d made. “Yeah, that’s it. We both knew this wasn’t going to last. I’m just the one who said it first.”

  Gray narrowed his eyes, and if she didn’t know better, she’d swear hurt rested behind the anger. “Well, you’re fucking welcome for the orgasms, huh?”

  He turned, and Tabby broke. “Gray—”

  “Fuck off,” he snapped before the slam of his door ended the conversation.

  Tabby stood in the dark again, even more confused and more hurt than before.

  Although she knew she’d done the right thing, some tiny part of her felt as if she’d just made the biggest mistake of her life.


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