Lifting Tail for the Alpha

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Lifting Tail for the Alpha Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  “No fucking way am I going to let you go.” The words just tumbled out of Xav, and the sigh that left his mate was long and powerful. Had Arsen actually thought he would or could walk away from this? Yeah, Xav’s worries were real and tangible. But Tabitha’s reaction had showed Xav that he couldn’t let anyone or anything come between him and his mate. Arsen was willing to fight for him, and Xav would do it, too, with his last fucking breath.


  Arsen stood before his father, David, and the rest of the pack council. Tabitha was beside her father, the head of security and David’s second-in-command. Apparently she had thought telling everyone what had happened would have made her seem like some kind of betrayed female, but in reality she looked like a jealous, petty bitch, especially since she had caught him with his mate.

  “I won’t argue this, and I won’t defend my actions,” said Arsen. Xav stood beside him, and the dominance in the other male came through clearly. Xav might be more on the reserved side, but he was strong and had an alpha bobcat inside of him. “Tabitha saw the aftereffects of our claiming, and decided to come to you and the council with accusations of me being unfaithful. She and I are not a couple, are not married, and sure as fuck are not mates.” He reached out, grabbed Xav’s hand, and pulled him closer to the side of his body. “I am not looking for anyone’s acceptance of the fact my mate is a bobcat shifter and a male. It is what it is, and if anyone wants to challenge me on the fact, I am game.” He gave everyone a predatory glare, hoping for a challenge because he wanted a little blood to be spilled over this and the trouble Tabitha was causing. “Fuck anyone that wants to go against my lifestyle, one that I have hidden quite well it seems. I am attracted to men, having clearly mated with one, and therefore am not about to lose the only person that has ever made me feel grounded and whole. I also don’t give a fuck that he isn’t of our species. Xavier has been a part of this pack for as long as I have.”

  After Tabitha had left last night Arsen had put her out of his mind and taken his mate back to his home. Once back at Arsen’s they had fucked until neither could walk and exhaustion had finally taken control of them. The next morning he and Xav had gone straight to talk with his father and the council, because no way in hell was Tabitha going to go above them in this. But apparently she had already done that.

  Now, here they stood, his father seated at the head of the large, carved oak table, and his councilmen lined on each side of him.

  “So, you have found your mate, and in a male bobcat no less.” His father didn’t phrase it as a question, and there was no accusation or disapproval on the matter. But Arsen had known his father wouldn’t try to stop this from happening, nor would the council go against him being with his mate. In the end, the only one who did look like a fool was Tabitha, and by the unsure expression on her face, she had come to realize that as well. “Never would I go against another being with their mate. Species and sexual orientation are no grounds for punishment, and especially not when it concerns a shifter’s other half.” The alpha turned a lethal glare on Tabitha, and the scent of how uncomfortable she was filled the vast room. “Henry, your daughter came to us today with the accusation that my son had broken the contract of their arranged marriage.” Henry nodded once, and there was no mistaking he was annoyed over his daughter’s actions. “Everyone in this pack knows that a mate trumps all others.” There was a collective murmur of agreement from the council. David stood and addressed each and every council member as if they were the only ones in the room. “Now, is there anyone here that wants to challenge the right my son has to his mate?” The silence stretched for a suspended moment, and finally David gave a tight nod before seating himself again. “Henry, your daughter owes an apology to my son, his mate, and everyone in this room for wasting our time, and disgracing the rights of mates.” The sound of Tabitha swallowing filled the room.

  When she didn’t apologize right away Henry said, “You’ll apologize for embarrassing yourself and our family by your accusations.” There was barely controlled anger in her father’s voice.

  Once she said what she had to say she was dismissed, along with the rest of the council. Arsen stood straighter and held onto Xav’s hand tighter. His father stepped up to them, eyed Xavier, and then held his hand out. Xav looked over at Arsen for only a second, but he didn’t miss the surprise that flared in his mate’s eyes. He turned back to the alpha, lowered his head in respect, and took the offered hand.

  “I am pleased to have you a part of my family, Xavier.” There was pride in David’s voice, and that had Arsen smiling. The alpha looked between them, and his grin grew. “This is a good match, and one that was a long time in coming.” He’d had no doubts that his father would have approved of his claiming a male bobcat shifter, because the fates gave a person who fit them best. And fuck, Xav fit him perfectly in every way. “Yes, this is a very good match.”

  Arsen looked over at his mate, and couldn’t have put it better himself.


  Five years later

  Xavier growled low in his throat as he looked at his mate and alpha, Arsen. He was on the couch, his feet kicked out and resting on the coffee table, and a smug ass smile on his face. “You are such a cocky asshole.” Arsen’s smile grew.

  “Yeah, but you like that I am so cocky. It turns you the fuck on.” Xavier growled again, because Arsen was right, but that wasn’t the point. “I don’t know why you’re so upset. All I did show a little PDA with my mate.”

  “Arsen, you all but gave me a hand job at the bar. I am all about giving you love, but fuck, you had me all hard in front of the entire pack. You’re the damn alpha. You can’t be doing that kind of shit out in the open.” Arsen threw his head back and laughed.

  “Baby, it’s because I am the alpha that I can, and will, do that shit with the male I love out in the open.”

  “That’s your problem. Now you think you can do whatever the fuck you like.” It was true to an extent. David had stepped down as alpha last year, and Arsen led their pack with an iron fist. He was gentle but fierce, but that also meant he had a touch of arrogance. A lot had changed in the last five years. They had mated fully, combined their life forces so there was no breaking their bond. After Tabitha had caused the ruckus about them being together, she had only stayed in the pack for another year. Last Xav had heard she was living in town with a human male.

  Arsen was off the couch and in front of Xav in a matter of seconds. He had his hand wrapped loosely around his throat in a display of ownership, but Xav wasn’t having any of that shit. He used his strength, one that matched his mate’s, and spun him around so he was pressed against the counter and Xav was the one in control. Arsen chuckled, but it wasn’t just filled with amusement, but with arousal as well.

  “So, what, you want to top tonight, baby?” Arsen leaned in and nipped his bottom lip. Xav felt the sting of pain and then smelled his blood when his mate broke the skin. “You want me to suck your cock?”

  “Mmm.” Xav leaned in and took possession of his mouth. “Yeah, in fact, I want you on your fucking knees with my cock in your mouth.” Arsen groaned against his mouth, but complied. His mate might be alpha and dominant in all things, but there were times like this, ones where his alpha surrendered to him and only him. It was these times Xav reveled in, cherished, and got fucking hot and bothered for. Arsen was on his knees with his blue eyes staring right up at Xav. “Go on mate, fucking suck it like you are starving for it.” He grinned down at the wolf, using the same line he had told Xav all those years ago.

  It wasn’t just about the incredible sex, but the connection and emotion that went into everything they did for each other. Every time he touched Arsen, kissed him, or they just held each other, it was always like that very first night they realized they were mates. And Xav knew it always would feel this way.

  But it wasn’t just about them any longer. They were due to talk to Annalisa, the one who had graciously offered to be their surrogate, and go over the deta
ils on what was the next step. Even years later they were still as close as ever, and Xav loved her like a sister. Three years ago Anna had found her mate in a female wolf shifter from a nearby pack, and they now had two children together. A few months back Anna had sat down with them and explained that she wanted to help them have a child, and to carry on Arsen’s alpha line. Xav wanted a baby with the male he loved, wanted to raise the child and love it because it would be theirs together, and so they had accepted her gracious offer. They were old enough, and stable enough in their lives that they could take this next step. It had been something they had been talking about for the past year, the next step in their lives, and now they were making it a reality. It was frightening to an extent, but so very exciting, and Xav looked forward to doing it every step of the way with his mate right beside him.

  The End

  Other Books by Jenika Snow:

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