The Summer Cottage

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The Summer Cottage Page 3

by Susan Kietzman

  “Nothing,” said Helen. “It just feels good to be back, doesn’t it?”

  “Very good,” said Claire, taking the bait. “I love it here.”

  “We all do.”

  When the phone rang, fracturing the easy silence that had fallen between them, Helen started, spilling tea in her lap. “Rats!” she said, setting the mug down on the cork coaster on the table next to her before walking to the corner of the living room, where the white Princess phone that hung on the wall continued to ring loudly.

  It was her husband, Charles, calling from the campground pay phone in the Adirondacks. He and their sons, Todd and Ned, were having a successful fishing trip, and he wanted to know if they could stay another couple days. And, even though he had been hesitant when the boys suggested he leave his cell phone in the locked glove compartment of the car, Charles had not missed the stream of phone calls from his insurance agency. He told his seven employees before he left that this was a real vacation, and that if they had an emergency, they could call his wife who would be able to find him. He had never done that before, and didn’t know if he would ever do it again. But he was grateful for the quiet, for the uninterrupted time with his boys. “The boys are getting along so well.”

  “They always do.”

  “You know that’s not true, and you know what I mean,” said Charles. “Maybe there really is something to your fresh-air theory.” Helen laughed. “How is everything going there?”

  “Fine,” said Helen, wishing as she had since her teenage years that there was another phone in the house, one she could talk on without everyone within earshot listening in. It was Claire who insisted that the phone be installed in a central location. It’s easier to get to, she had said, also noting that no one in their family needed to keep secrets. They had not had a phone in the house at all until 1970, when John finally convinced his wife, after a fire in the Heights destroyed three cottages, that emergencies really did happen.

  “Have you heard from Thomas?”


  “He’ll come, Helen. He’s almost as competitive as your mother. There’s no way he’ll leave the house and the rest of her estate to the three of you—even if he doesn’t need the money.”

  “I agree.”

  “Is Pammy still coming tomorrow, and Charlotte on Thursday? How about the boys and I show up on Friday, so you girls can have some fun together before our arrival?”

  Helen smiled at the phone. “Okay. But you will owe me.”

  “That I can handle,” said Charles. “Add it to my tab.”

  “Bring us some fish.”

  “You can count on it,” he said. “And Helen? You’re a good egg.”

  “Yeah,” she said. “So I’ve heard. Give the boys my love.”

  “They send theirs, honey.”

  “We’ll see you Friday then?”

  “Yes. And I’m serious about that fish.”

  “You better be.”

  “Love you,” he said.

  “I know you do,” said Helen, uncomfortable still to confess her love for Charles in front of her mother.

  “Say it,” he said, kidding her.

  “It,” said Helen, hanging up the phone.

  “Delayed?” her mother asked, unable to keep up with the gist of the conversation.

  “By choice.” Helen returned to her seat and picked up her mug. “The fish are biting, and they can’t bear to leave.”

  “That’s too bad,” said Claire, the corners of her droopy mouth sinking lower.

  “I think it’s great. Now we can have a slumber party. No boys allowed.”



  Another session of prolific crabbing behind her, Helen returned her bucket and line to the dirt-floor garage and ran into the cottage to change into her suit. “Hi, parents!” she called on her way up the stairs, as Thomas did when he walked into the house at dinnertime. Claire and John were sitting on the porch, drinking coffee and reading the newspaper, her mother The New York Times and her father The Wall Street Journal. They both lifted their hands in greeting, but knew better than to attempt conversation with Helen, who was very busy in the morning. Dressed in the floral Speedo her mother had selected for her at Bell’s Department Store, she bolted out the door and sprinted to the clothesline. She pulled at her saltwater-stiff beach towel, sending the wood clothespins fastened to its corners flying into the air and onto the damp grass. She then flew across the street and leaped off the seawall onto the sand. Just past nine o’clock, the beach was still deserted, save for the group of young swimmers struggling to backstroke out to the raft. “Keep your heads down!” yelled their instructor, Art, who had taught classes at the beach the last three summers. “You’ve got to relax. Kick, now, and pull with those arms!”

  The flailing, sputtering children, half-submerged at any point in time, slowly wiggled their bodies toward the raft. When Art stopped talking and resumed swimming, some of the stragglers flipped over onto their stomachs and swam freestyle for a few yards in an effort to catch up with the others. No longer a participant in swim classes, Helen was happy to watch from the beach. She had been in Art’s class the previous summer, and had graduated, he said, with flying colors. Helen’s mother had thrown her into the ocean when she was two, and she had been comfortable in the water since. Her mother told her she wanted Helen to be confident and able if she fell off a boat in deep water, but Helen knew her mother really wanted her to follow in her aquatic footsteps, or, at the very least, to be “the best she could be,” Claire’s goal for all her children. Helen overheard her mother one day proudly telling her father that Helen could swim circles around most of the kids on the beach.

  Helen spread her towel on the sand and lay upon it, letting the sun warm her back and legs. Minutes later, she flipped. Restless and uninterested in sunbathing, Helen got up off her towel and walked down to the water. She walked in up to the middle of her calves, then stopped. It was still a little early for a swim. She waded out onto the hard, damp sand closest to the water and began walking at a slow pace down the beach, with her head down and her eyes focused on the tiny, iridescent stones that lined the shore. Amongst them, the carefully trained beachcomber could find sea glass, the coveted treasure Helen and Pammy collected with a passion.

  “Did you find any yet?” It was Pammy, yelling from the top of the cement stairs that led down to the beach.

  “Tons!” Helen yelled back.

  Pammy skittered down the stairs and jogged the beach to catch up to her sister. “You’re a liar, Helen Thompson,” said Pammy, stopping next to Helen, breathing hard. “Let me see.”

  Helen held out her closed fist, turned it over, and opened her fingers. There, in her damp palm were three beer-bottle brown pieces of sea glass, the most plebian variety. “You believed me for a second though, didn’t you?”

  “Not really. Where did you start?”

  “Johansons’ steps.” Helen was again slowly walking, her gaze downward, searching.

  “I call the other direction—Johansons’ steps to Tetreaus’ steps,” Pammy said, arms across her training bra.

  “You better start now then,” said Helen, “because I’m heading there next.”

  “But I just called it, Helen.”

  “Yeah, but you won’t do any serious searching today. You know who just came down to the beach.”

  Pammy glanced back over her shoulder and saw Michael sitting on the bottom step of the cement stairs that led from his waterside cottage to the beach. “Who cares?” Pammy shrugged one shoulder. “He was snotty to me at the docks yesterday. Charlotte told me to ignore him.”

  “I’ll bet you my ice cream truck money that you can’t do that.”

  Pammy hesitated. “What do I have to do to get your quarter?”

  “Not talk to him when we pass by.”

  Pammy bit her lower lip. “Done,” she said, holding out her hand for Helen to shake. Their brother Thomas told them that a handshake was the only universally accep
ted deal sealer.

  “Let’s go then,” said Helen, now walking in the opposite direction. Pammy fell into step beside her, eyes locked to the ground. The only way she was going to win this bet was to avoid eye contact with Michael. If she looked at him, if her brown eyes met his green eyes, she was toast.

  “Rats,” said Helen. Pammy looked up. “He’s going up.” Together they watched Michael’s tanned torso ascend the steps, cross over the short stretch of grass in front of the house, and disappear into their screened-in porch. Pammy grinned.

  “I think I’m going to have a Chocolate Éclair after lunch and a Strawberry Shortcake after dinner.”

  Helen stopped and pouted. She had made her bed that morning, and last night set the table and dried all the family dinner dishes for that quarter. Her father had carefully extracted it from his pocket after the last pot was put away in the dish pantry and handed it to her with ceremony, commending her effort. Nice work, Helen, he had said, adding that her ice cream the following day would taste better because she’d earned it. “That’s not fair,” she said. “He isn’t even here to ignore.”

  “The bet was to not talk to him when we passed by. You said nothing about his presence.”

  “It’s still not fair.”

  “Life isn’t fair,” said Pammy, repeating something their mother often told them. “Get used to it.” Helen resumed walking. “Look,” said Pammy, knowing what it felt like to lose a quarter because Charlotte routinely tricked Pammy out of hers. Charlotte didn’t even need the money, since she had a job or a boyfriend who would pay her way. She did it for sport. “Mom asked me to organize the garage today. I’ll let you do it, and you can earn another quarter.”

  Helen smiled. “Yeah?”


  “Okay, thanks, Pammy.”

  Together they walked down the beach, quietly searching for more glass that had been shaped and smoothed by the sea. Even though Pammy was three years older than Helen, she rarely made Helen feel like a kid, and hardly ever told her to get lost. Their older sister Charlotte had little time for either of them. Seventeen and consumed with boys, she slept late, often until noon, enervated from the previous night’s party or marathon kissing session on the beach. When she finally arose, she simply could not speak to anyone until she’d had a cigarette and a Coke. Knowing the delicacy of her older sister’s stomach, Helen, who was often making herself lunch when Charlotte first walked into the kitchen, would offer her older sister a bite of her sandwich, which was either egg or tuna salad, whatever Claire had prepared and stored in the fridge. Charlotte, inured to her sister’s antics, would merely sneer and brush Helen off with a flick of her hand, as if coaxing a fruit fly to move on.

  “Look,” said Pammy, bending down to pick up a flat, royal blue piece. “I haven’t seen this color in years.” She held it up for Helen’s inspection.

  “Noxzema jar,” said Helen, with authority.


  “That’s what I call that color. Noxzema jar.”

  “You mean that blue jar of white stuff Charlotte washes her face with?”


  “I think you’re right, Helen,” said Pammy, holding the glass up to the sun. “In fact, I think there’s a little bit of Noxzema still on here.”

  “Where?” said Helen, moving closer to Pammy.

  “Made you look,” said Pammy, triumphant.

  Helen hesitated for a moment, then tagged her sister. “You’re it!” she said, suddenly breaking into a run. Pammy pursued her, but couldn’t catch Helen, who was not only faster, but also a master at running through sand. Fifty yards down the beach, Helen slowed to a jog and then collapsed at Shallow End. There, a sandbar stretched from the shore to Pearson’s private dock, where the land suddenly dropped off twenty feet, enabling Old Man Pearson to sail his boat almost to his doorstep. A privilege, Helen was told, that was enormously important to him. Helen was only interested in Shallow End at low tide, when she could walk out into the water for what felt like a half mile and not wet the bottom of her bathing suit.

  Within a minute, Pammy reached her sister and sat down next to her in the sand. For another minute, they both were silent, Pammy breathing hard still. Then she said, “Do you really think this piece came from a Noxzema jar?” Pammy held the blue glass to the sun for further analysis.

  “No,” said Helen. “Nobody but Charlotte uses that stuff. That huge, gross jar has been sitting on her bureau since last summer.”

  “What else is this color?”

  “I don’t know, Pammy. It’s probably some kind of industrial glass?”

  “Industrial glass?” asked Pammy, smiling.

  “Glass used in industry,” said Helen, pedantically.

  “You are a dope.” Pammy stood and brushed the sand off her legs.

  “And you,” said Helen, standing, setting her sea glass down in a neat pile on the sand and casually walking toward the water, “have bird poop all over the back of your shorts.” Pammy craned her neck over her shoulder and looked down at the seat of her shorts, which was just as pink as when she put them on. “Made you look!” Helen shouted, as she took off into the water. She ran as fast as she could, not slowing until the water, now thigh-deep, pulled at her legs, forcing an end to her sprint. She leaped up one last time then dove under the surface, allowing the water to swallow her whole. The sand scraped against her stomach as she swam along the bottom. When she surfaced, she turned toward shore and saw Pammy, arms akimbo. “Come on!” Helen shouted. “It’s not cold!”

  “I can’t. I don’t have my suit on under my poop-stained shorts!”

  “Are you naked under those short?” Helen shouted.

  “You,” Pammy said, laughing, “are disgusting.”

  “Yes,” Helen said. “I can tell you’re disgusted.”

  Helen waded back to the shore, and then the two Thompson girls started a slow walk back to their section of the beach. The Thompson family didn’t own that section—no one owned the beach—but it was where they always sat, on their beach towels, in their sand chairs, under their umbrellas. Everyone had a regular spot. The cottagers that lived atop the seawall simply strolled down the steps in front of their houses and planted themselves. Those who lived across the street or down the road from the beach accessed the beach by the set of stairs closest to their houses and then camped out within fifty yards of the bottom step. Everyone knew where everyone else sat, and no one encroached on anyone else’s unofficial turf. Summer after summer, this was the case. The only aberration occurred with renters.

  They didn’t show up very often, the renters, because most people in Helen’s Little Crescent Beach neighborhood spent the summer at the shore. They packed up their shorts, T-shirts, and sandals; their bathing suits, towels, and suntan lotion; their perishable food items, and drove their station wagons out of their “city” home driveways on the last day of school and stayed at the beach until Labor Day. Every once in a while, one of the families Helen had known for as long as she could remember took a vacation elsewhere for part of the summer, or their teenagers had jobs or love interests in their hometowns. When this happened, their cottages typically sat vacant, waiting for their return. But occasionally, the cottages were rented or simply given to friends, neighbors, and coworkers. And the newcomers didn’t know any of the rules. They carted their inflatable tubes and Styrofoam surfboards to the beach in wagons, their children often riding two-wheelers behind them. And they parked themselves on the sand wherever they found a free section of beach.

  The first time Helen encountered a renter, she was taken aback and unsure how to proceed. One of the renter kids had his towel in the exact spot she usually laid her towel. Looking for advice, Helen had run back to the cottage to her parents, who were drinking coffee and reading their newspapers on the porch. “Someone’s in our spot,” she said.

  John looked up first. “Pardon me, Helen?”

  “On the beach,” Helen said. “Someone is sitting in our spot.” />
  Claire then raised her head and looked at her daughter. “Well, who is it? It is the Callahan cousins? Sometimes when they are visiting they sit wherever they darn well please.”

  “No one owns the beach, Helen,” said John, looking at Claire over his bifocals.

  “I don’t know who it is,” said Helen. “I think it might be renters.”

  Claire wrinkled her nose. “Tell them to move over.”

  “You may not tell them to move over,” said John, gently but firmly as was his manner.

  “Put your towel six inches from theirs then,” said Claire. “That should send them a message.”

  “What kind of message are you looking to send, Claire?” John asked his wife. Claire looked back down at the newspaper in her hands. “Find another spot, Helen. There is plenty of room down there, so I know you won’t have any trouble securing a portion of sand for your towel and the required ounces of saltwater for your body in which to swim.”

  Helen crossed her arms over her chest. “I don’t like it.”

  “Who does?” asked Claire from behind the sports section.

  “It’s just for one day,” said John.

  “That’s right,” said Claire, laying the paper down on her outstretched legs. “Tomorrow morning, you’re going to beat them to the beach and lay out your towel wherever you please.”

  Helen looked at her dad. “Can I do that?”

  “You can lay your towel anywhere you wish, just like they can lay their towels anywhere they wish.”

  Helen smiled. “I can definitely beat them to the beach. I’ll go down there just as soon as I wake up.”


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