The Outlaws: Jess

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The Outlaws: Jess Page 25

by Connie Mason

  "Is that the only reason you want to marry me? To keep me out of trouble?"

  Jess looked deeply into her eyes. They glowed like emeralds in the moonlight; he'd never seen a more beautiful sight. "I want to marry you because I love you, sweetheart."

  "Oh, Jess, you don't know how badly I wanted to hear that. You've forgiven me then for...for everything? Everything I've done has been for your sake."

  "I know. I was a fool to fight the inevitable. I was afraid to love. I felt you deserved better than a fugitive from the law. I have nothing to offer you. I might be returning to Dodge only to end up behind bars. There's but one thing I am sure of in this life. I love you, Meg Lincoln. I can no longer deny it or push it away." He grasped her shoulders. "I love you, Meg, do you hear me?"

  "I hear you, Jess. I've loved you for a very long time. Please kiss me. Show me this isn't a dream."

  "This is no dream, love. Come what may, you'll always have my love."

  He kissed her then, putting his heart and soul into the kiss, showing her without words how very much she meant to him.

  "You're exhausted," Jess said when he broke off the kiss. "We can share my bedroll and get an early start tomorrow."

  "What about...them?" Meg said, motioning toward the cabin.

  "We'll take the Calders back to town with us. Sheriff Durant can take care of the bodies and fill out the papers for your reward. You can stop by to pick it up on your way back to Cheyenne."

  "I'm not going to leave Dodge without you, Jess Gentry. Once those false bank robbery charges are dismissed, we can return together. Do you plan on settling in Cheyenne?"

  Jess didn't want to burst Meg's bubble. There was a very good chance he'd end up behind bars for a very long time. "I have a good practice there."

  "The citizens of Cheyenne don't like me. If it weren't for Zach, I wouldn't mind settling elsewhere."

  "I'll make them like you," Jess said fiercely. "I'll not separate you from your...father."

  "My father," Meg sighed. "Zach is all that and more."

  Jess held her for a few minutes more until he felt her go limp and realized she had fallen asleep. Then he rose and carefully placed her on a bed of soft leaves while he went to prepare his bedroll.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Jess awakened early, intending to take care of an unpleasant task before Meg woke. After seeing to his personal needs and washing up in the stream, he returned to the cabin. The stench of death was strong but he'd grown use to it during the war, and he went about his task with stoic determination. He returned outside and located the outlaws' bedrolls lying beside their saddles.

  He slanted a glance at Meg to make sure she was sleeping and reentered the cabin when she showed no signs of awakening. Then he quickly wrapped the dead bodies in a blanket and dragged them separately to where their horses were tethered. He hefted both bodies aboard one horse and tied them in place with a rope. Then he returned to the stream and washed thoroughly with strong lye soap he kept in his medical bag.

  Meg was just beginning to stir when he returned to his pallet. He crouched beside her so she'd see him as soon as she opened her eyes. He didn't want her to be startled or become frightened once she awakened.

  She looked up at him and smiled. "Jess. I thought I was dreaming." She shuddered. "Or dead."

  "You're not dreaming, sweetheart, and you're very much alive."

  He cupped his chin and lifted it so he could look into her face. What he saw made his eyes darken with fury and his expression harden. "Damn! I didn't see the full extent of your injuries last night. Those bastards! Their deaths were too easy, they should have suffered for what they did to you." He rose abruptly. "Lie still. I'll get my medical bag and clean the bruises with disinfectant. There's a nasty cut on your cheek."

  Then he noticed the blood encrusted bandana around her neck and he wanted to howl in outrage. Had he missed something? "Where did that blood come from?"

  Meg's hand went to her throat and a groan slipped past her lips. Jess was on his knees beside her instantly. "What is it? What did they do to you?"

  Meg merely stared at him. Gently Jess removed her hands from her throat and slowly unwound the bandana. When her wound was fully revealed he sat back on his heels, his hands clenched at his sides.

  "My God! Which one of those beasts did this to you? Another quarter inch and he could have severed your juggler."

  He saw Meg's throat work painfully and red hot fury shot through him. He would have given his own life to prevent the anguish Meg had suffered. His throat was clogged with tears and he couldn't speak, he could only feel her pain as if it were his own.

  Meg sent him a wobbly smile, raised her hand to his face and stroked his cheek. "It's not as bad as it looks."

  Jess finally found his voice. "This needs tending. I'll be right back."

  Jess returned moments later with his medical bag. "This is going to sting," he said as he poured a generous amount of disinfectant on a clean white cloth and applied it to her throat.

  "I can take it," Meg said, gritting her teeth against the pain.

  Though Jess was as gentle as humanly possible, he knew he was hurting Meg, but she persevered with courage, just like she faced everything else in life. His Meg was no lily-livered weakling. She was brave, courageous, and spunky as hell. And she was his.

  After he tended her cut neck and various bruises, he helped her undress so he could inspect her body for further damage. He found a livid purple bruise where Jay had kicked her and bruises on her breasts from Lucky's heavy hand. Other than the wounds he had already treated, she had miraculously escaped serious bodily harm. And she hadn't suffered the degradation of rape. He fervently thanked God for all of the above.

  "I'd like to wash in the pool before we leave," Meg said as Jess handed her clothing to her. "Do you mind?"

  "No, not at all. I'll join you. The Calders aren't going anywhere."

  Meg's gaze flickered briefly to the horse carrying the bodies and returned immediately to Jess. "When did you do that?"

  "While you were sleeping. Shall we find that pool?"

  Jess produced a bar of soap from his bag and tenderly bathed Meg, gently laving her bruises and washing her hair. When Meg offered to reciprocate, Jess refused. He didn't think he could stand her hands on him. He wanted her too badly and she was in no condition to make love. She needed time to heal, both in body and mind, and he intended to give her as much time as she needed. Though he ached to hold her, to love her, the sight of her bruised and battered body gave him the strength to control his raging need for the woman he loved.

  Later, after Jess had fixed them a decent meal from food he found inside the cabin, he and Meg prepared to leave. Meg didn't glance back once they rode away. Jess knew she wanted to take no memories of her ordeal with her and he couldn't blame her.

  "Let's get out of here," Jess said, grasping the reins of the horse carrying the dead bodies as he fell in beside her.

  "Gladly," Meg concurred. "I want to forget everything associated with this place."

  They rode throughout the day, stopping often for Meg's benefit. Jess wasn't taking any chances with Meg's health. There was no hurry to reach town.

  At sundown Jess suggested they camp for the night beside a stream flanked by a few stunted trees that would provide cover from the elements. He was stunned when Meg suddenly paled and suggested they ride on a ways before stopping. Jess didn't question her as they continued on, but he vowed to learn the reason for her sudden skittishness.

  Jess built a fire and prepared a makeshift meal from the food he'd carried away from the cabin. After they ate, Meg wandered down to the stream while Jess laid out their bedroll. Then he walked to the stream to find Meg. He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

  He pulled aside her hair and kissed the back of her neck. "Would you care for a swim? It's a warm night, the water will be refreshing after the dusty trail."

  She shuddered. "I feel as though I'll never be clean again a
fter being touched by Jay and Lucky."

  "Why didn't you want to stop earlier?"

  "I couldn't bear to sleep in the same place the Calders used as their campsite. It brought back to many painful memories."

  "I'm sorry, love. I want to erase those memories forever if you let me."

  "Yes, oh, yes," Meg cried passionately.

  Jess smiled. "Let's have our swim. I'll fetch everything we need. I won't be long."

  When Jess returned he found Meg standing at the edge of the stream, her naked body clothed in silver and gold moonlight. His admiring gaze drank in the sight of silken black hair cascading down the elegant curve of her back. The beauty of her face and form was utterly, temptingly mesmerizing, and he quickly undressed and joined her. She heard him approach and smiled up at him. His body turned instantly hard. He wanted to hold her against his heat, kiss her senseless, and love her until they were both too exhausted to move. But he feared she was still too emotionally fragile to suffer his loving and forced himself to do nothing more than hold her.

  She turned in his arms, pressing her body against his. Jess froze. If she continued enticing him like this, his control would vanish like dark before the dawn. Did she realize what she was doing to him?

  "You're trembling," Meg whispered against this lips.

  "I want you so badly I'm shaking from the effort to control myself. My lust is the last thing you need right now."

  "Are you sure?" Meg asked. "Maybe it's exactly what I need."


  "No, Jess, don't say anything."

  She stretched on her tiptoes and pressed her lips against his. He groaned, his arms tightening around her. Breast to breast, thigh to thigh, her body branded his, making him burn to be inside her again, to possess her.

  "The bath can wait," he whispered against her lips. "Don't move," he ordered as he left her for a brief moment.

  He returned almost immediately with a blanket and spread it on the ground.

  Meg stared at him. The sleek, masculine beauty of his body made her throat constrict. He was long and lean, his form forged in iron. The length of his arms and legs were sinuously sculpted with muscles. A dark netting of fur covered his chest and the ridged hardness of his belly. She gazed at him in admiration, unaware that he was watching her.

  Her gaze slid downward, where his staff stood boldly erect, framed in the coarse dark curls covering his groin. The breath left her throat as her gaze returned to his face. The cad was smiling at her, as if he knew exactly what she was thinking.

  Reaching for her, he grasped her hips and brought her against him. Meg gasped. His skin was pure fire, making her burn. The eyes that bored into her were brighter than any flame. His fingers caressed her cheek, then twisted in her hair, turning her face up to his. His mouth took hers, stealing her breath and filling her throat with his own heated breath.

  His kiss went on and on, his tongue dancing against hers, swirling deeper then drawing away in teasing little strokes. She went limp in his arms. He lowered her to the blanket and followed her down, keeping the chill away with the heat of his body.

  She breathed in his scent. His hand closed possessively over her breast. "Mine, all mine," he groaned into her ear. It was a deep, primal sound that sent shafts of raw pleasssure clear down to the heart of her womanhood.

  "Yes, yours. Always," Meg answered, cupping his cheek and caressing the length of his strong neck. His skin was warm, his jaw hard, the stubble of his beard raspy beneath her fingertips.

  Her hand slid downward and stopped over his heart. It was beating hard and strong, just like hers. Then his mouth covered hers and she was lost in the thrusting rhythm of his deep kiss. She nearly lost what breath she had left when he gripped her bottom, lifted her, and rocked his hips slowly against her loins. Then a new sensation battered her as he lowered his head and suckled her breasts. That heated place between her legs throbbed; she felt her nipples harden and the ache inside her quickened with need.

  She gave a ragged cry. "Jess, please!"

  "Hush." His voice was hoarse, his breathing labored as he slipped a hand between their bodies and his fingers found the core of her. He plied his magic, touching, stroking, playing with her heated center until her body wept pearly tears.

  Something inside her shimmered and grew. She welcomed it, losing herself in the glowing tide of passion pushing her into the tumbling waves of pleasure. Then suddenly he removed his fingers and the building pressure subsided. She wanted to scream in frustration, but uttered a sigh of relief instead when she felt the blunt tip of his shaft penetrate the dewy lips of her pulsating center.

  One hard thrust took him all the way home, filling her with his strength, his heat, the very essence of him. Then he began to move, and all coherent thought ceased as she soared beyond herself, searching for that exalted place where sensation ruled. Delicious pleasure burst upon her when she found it, and she clung to sanity with a desperation that left her hanging by a slim thread. When the thread broke she went tumbling into an abyss of raw sensation. Jess followed her by scant seconds. His body stiffened and poured himself into her, shouting his pleasure.

  Meg was scarcely aware when Jess arose and placed a blanket over their flushed bodies. When she regained her wits a cozy warmth enveloped her, and she burrowed into the heat of Jess's body.

  "Are you awake, sweetheart?" Jess asked when she stirred in his arms.


  "Are you ready for that bath now?"

  "I suppose," she muttered, preferring sleep to a bath.

  "Come on," he said, pulling her to her feet. "I have the soap."

  Reluctantly Meg stepped into the water. It was cool and she would have pulled back had not Jess been behind her, urging her into the shallow stream.

  "Stand still," Jess said. "Let me wash your back.

  Jess plied the soap to her back first, then moved on until he'd washed every curve and crevice of her body. When he finished, he handed her the soap so she could reciprocate. By the time they had washed and dried each other, they were both eager to make love again.

  This time Jess lay down on the blanket and pulled Meg on top of him, letting her lead the way. By no means shy, Meg explored, kissed and teased every inch of his body, until he was trembling and groaning uncontrollably.

  "Enough!" he cried as he grasped her waist and tucked her beneath him. Then he used his hands and mouth to torment her in the same way she had tormented him. Thrusting her legs apart, he lowered his head and sipped greedily from her nectar. When he felt her body stiffen, he entered her quickly and took them both to paradise.

  They rested awhile, then returned to the stream to wash away the residue of their lovemaking. They returned to their campsite sated and exhausted. Jess built up the fire and joined Meg on the bedroll she had laid out for them to share. Sleep came swiftly, and so did morning.

  Meg all but ignored the two stiffening bodies draped over the spare horse tagging behind them. She didn't feel the least sympathy for them, not after what they tried to do to her. In fact, she'd brought in more than one dead outlaw in the same position during her bounty hunting career.

  They reached the small border town of Wilson late that afternoon. They rode directly to the sheriff's office to drop off the bodies. Sheriff Durant looked up from the newspaper he was perusing as Meg and Jess walked through the door.

  "I see you've brought her back," Durant said, smiling at Meg. "Good work, Gentry." He sent Meg a sharp look. "Looks like they weren't too gentle with you. Are you hurt badly?"

  "Nothing that won't heal," Meg assured him.

  "Sorry I couldn't lend a hand, Gentry. Sheriff Crowley over at Goodland couldn't send the help I requested. He was getting his own posse together to hunt down a cattle rustler. Said he'd send someone up to lend a hand as soon as he returned. I just didn't have the manpower here to pursue the Calders on my own. Any idea where I can find them when help arrives?"

  "A posse won't be necessary, sheriff," Jess saod. "Miss Lincoln an
d I brought the Calders back with us. They're both dead. The reward is to go to Miss Lincoln."

  Durant let out a low whistle and tipped his hat to the back of his head. "You brought got them both? I'll be damned. Excuse me, ma'am," he apologized to Meg. "I reckon your reputation's not exaggerated. I'll see that you get your reward. Just tell me where to send it when it arrives."

  "Send it to Cheyenne, in care of general delivery," Meg returned.

  "You'll find the bodies draped over the horse outside your door," Jess said. "We'll be on our way. Got pressing business south of here."

  Suddenly the sheriff's expression hardened. "Sorry, Gentry, but you're not going nowhere. I thought you looked familiar the first time we met and finally remembered where it was I saw you. It was on a wanted poster I received some weeks back. I got it out and sure enough there you were, along with your brothers. You're under arrest for bank robbery. I've got to put you in jail."

  Meg paled. "No! Jess is a doctor, not a bank robber. Those charges are false. We were on our way to Dodge to clear up the matter when our stagecoach was held up."

  "I'm only doing my duty, Miss Lincoln. If the charges are false, Sheriff Diller over at Dodge will clear the matter up. I'll wire him, but I still have to put Gentry behind bars."

  "You can't..."

  "Meg, it's all right," Jess said in an effort to calm her. "I'll probably be sent back to Dodge, where I wanted to go in the first place. Don't worry, sweetheart."

  Still not satisfied, Meg sent Durant a pleading look. "Don't put Jess in jail, sheriff. Let him remain free while you contact Sheriff Diller. He won't go anywhere, I promise."

  "Sorry, Miss Lincoln, I've got to do my duty. Hand over your guns, Gentry."

  For one crazy minute, Jess considered drawing on the sheriff and fleeing. But he soon realized that following his inclination would make him the outlaw that the law proclaimed him. Accepting an unjust fate meekly, however, went against everything he believed in. But it wasn't Jess who drew his gun, it was Meg.

  "Sorry, sheriff, we can't stick around. How can Jess prove his innocence if he's rotting in jail?"


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