There were a lot more photos after that. By the time Jasper was satisfied that the newspaper had taken enough, Skylark was twitching with impatience and Jess felt as though her smile was stuck to her face.
“Thank goodness that’s over,” Jess’s mother whispered in her ear when at last the final picture had been taken and they had waved Penny off. “Most of those photos won’t end up in the paper at all, but Jasper Carlisle was very insistent wasn’t he?”
“I didn’t realize that Vrai Vert Cosmetics and Rychester Stables were owned by the same person,” Jess whispered back as she watched Jasper Carlisle disappear into the office.
“Oh, Jasper Carlisle’s quite well-known around here,” her mother said. “He’s a renowned business man, but there’s no reason why you should have known that. Still, he seems keen on animals doesn’t he? This lovely stables, and his cosmetics are very natural – no animal testing I believe. Maybe you’ll be able to get me some free samples, Jess? I love their Mango Miracle Shampoo.” Her mother smiled at her.
“Honestly Mum!” Jess groaned. “I’ve got more important things to think about. Like getting Skylark settled for starters.”
“Yes, I suppose I should leave you with your pony for a while,” her mother said, glancing at her watch. “Will two hours be long enough? I’ll pick you up then.”
“Thanks Mum, that would be perfect,” Jess replied quickly.
Seeing Mrs. Adams about to leave, Amy hurried across to Jess.
“Shall I take you over to Skylark’s stable now? I’ll show you where you can keep her tack and everything and explain a bit about the routine here,” she offered. “Then maybe you could ride her for a little while, Jess. How about trying her in the indoor school? It’s warm and quiet and you can get used to her paces in there. And she can get used to you.”
“Oh yes!” Jess’s eyes shone with delight. In all the excitement of Skylark’s arrival, she had almost forgotten that she could actually ride her…that she was going to be able to ride her whenever she wanted. She couldn’t wait to see if the pony was as perfect as she looked.
Half an hour later, tacked and mounted, Skylark circled the indoor school. Jess pushed her gently through her paces, from a walk to a rising trot to a collected canter. To her delight, the pony was responsive and alert. Her rhythm was fluid and she even changed pace effortlessly. She really was a dream to ride.
“She looks good, Jess,” Amy called from the side of the school. “You’ve really got a lovely rhythm there.”
“It’s all Skylark,” Jess said. “She knows just what to do.”
“You’re a pretty good rider too, Jess. You must remember it’s not just the horse,” a male voice boomed across the school. “There’s no room for modest riders in my stables.”
Jess brought Skylark to a halt and looked around to see who had spoken. There stood Jasper Carlisle, leaning against the rail and watching her closely. Jess blushed with pride. With Skylark going so well, Jasper must think she was a really good rider. Had Nick ever paid her a compliment like that? If he had, she couldn’t remember it. Jasper went on. “You might think about using a stick on her. She’s a bit slow around the corners. Still, this pony looks like she’s got spirit. Why don’t you try her over a few jumps. See how she goes?”
“I’ll put the poles out,” Amy volunteered.
“Poles?” Jasper laughed. “That’s far too tame. I bet this pony can really jump. Try her on the four footers in the outdoor field.”
Did Jasper really mean four foot jumps? Jess tingled nervously.
“Hang on a minute.” Amy’s voice was steady but concerned. “Jess has only just got this pony, Jasper. She’s not really familiar with her. Besides, Skylark’s probably tired with everything that’s happened today. She really needs rest. And the ground outside is very hard still…”
Jess heard Amy’s words and knew she was right, but now Jasper was talking again. “Nonsense, she’ll be fine,” he said. “And if Jess is willing, then I say let her jump. I’m sure she can get the pony round the course.”
Jess looked from one face to the other.
“We could just try one,” she volunteered, anxious to please.
Amy gave a deep sigh. “Don’t feel you have to do everything today Jess. It’s exciting having a new pony, but she’ll still be here tomorrow.”
“Come on,” Jasper said. “Follow me to the outdoor school.”
Quickly, Jasper led the way out of the covered arena and into a white fenced enclosure. A course of ten huge jumps stood in the afternoon light. Skylark shifted and danced on the spot. Jess looked at Amy’s quietly troubled face. I can’t back out now, Jess thought to herself.
“Come on Jess, you don’t need to do the whole course. Just take her over the parallel bars and the brush. Let’s see what this little beauty can do,” Jasper was calling now.
Jess turned Skylark determinedly towards the first parallel and shortened the reins. Skylark’s step was light and quick as Jess leaned forward in the saddle and urged her on. Now they were approaching the first parallel, steady, not too fast. Skylark’s hooves thudded over the hard ground and Jess counted her point of take-off. One, two, three and they were soaring through the air, then they had landed again. Then it was on to the next parallel. They sailed over that with inches to spare and Jess couldn’t help grinning madly. Jasper was right – Skylark was a superb jumper. What’s more, she really seemed to be enjoying herself, flicking her tail playfully and giving little dancing, kicking steps. Jess was enjoying herself too. The feeling was marvellous. Now they only had the brush left. Jess turned Skylark swiftly and they pounded towards it. Within seconds they were suspended in mid-air and Jess’s spirits soared with delight.
After that everything seemed to happen in slow-motion. Skylark’s forelegs met the ground and hit a patch of frozen ground directly at landing point. There was nothing to grip on to and her legs splayed out in front of her while her hind legs followed. Jess didn’t know much after that – just that she was thrown to the ground and Skylark lay a little way ahead of her, lifeless where she had fallen.
“No…” someone was screaming. As Jess scrambled to her feet she realized the voice was her own.
“Oh no!” Amy cried simultaneously and both girls rushed over to where the horse lay. As Jess drew nearer she saw that Skylark’s flanks were heaving and she was panting heavily. Suddenly, with a supreme effort, the little grey pony raised her head and stumbled her way up to a standing position.
“Skylark,” Jess cried.
“Stand back.” Jasper’s voice was stern, but he looked worried. “She just seems a bit winded that’s all,” he said briefly. “Probably knocked her knees. Amy, bring her back to her stable and get her untacked.”
“No…I want to do it!” Jess cried in anguish.
Jasper put his hands up in surprise. “Fair enough,” he said. “Amy, call the vet, just to be on the safe side. I want this pony seen quickly. Her picture and Rychester will be all over the Daily Advertiser tomorrow. We can’t let anything happen to her.” And with that, he marched off.
Jess was only dimly aware of this conversation, she was so worried about Skylark. She could kick herself for having been so stupid.
“She will be all right, won’t she?” Jess asked Amy fearfully.
“She’ll be fine.” Amy’s voice was soothing. “Come on, let’s get Skylark to her stable.”
“She’ll need total rest for three days. It’s just a nasty knock to the knees,” the vet said, smiling kindly. She snapped her bag shut and walked back to her car, green boots crunching along the gravel on the ground.
Jess watched her go and then turned back to Skylark’s stable. Once inside, she flung her arms around the little pony’s neck and buried her face into the soft mane.
“Everything’s going to be all right, Skylark,” she said.
Jess felt inconsolable. She shouldn
’t have jumped Skylark straight away. It was a miracle that she was all right.
“Is everything OK?” A voice roused Jess from her thoughts and she turned to see Camilla regarding her from the yard. Jess groaned inwardly. The last thing she needed at that moment was any of Camilla’s advice. But strangely, Camilla was being nice. “I heard about the accident,” she continued. “It was bad luck. Daddy said you and Skylark were jumping well.”
The words ‘jumping well’ registered immediately with Jess and were enough to ignite a small flicker of pride, but it was what Camilla said first that she didn’t understand.
“Daddy?” She repeated the words slowly.
“Yes,” Camilla said. “He was watching you.”
“But only Amy and Jasper were there,” Jess said in confusion. Had someone else been watching her jump as well?
“Jess, are you being deliberately dense?” Camilla shook her head. “Jasper is my father. I’m Camilla Carlisle. Didn’t anyone tell you that? Surely Amy must have mentioned it.”
“No,” Jess said slowly. “No, she didn’t.”
“Well that was very slack of her. Anyway, I’m just about to take Apollo out for a ride. There’s some really good galloping along the coast. Why don’t you come with me?”
“But – Skylark,” Jess indicated her pony. “The vet said she must rest for at least three days.”
Camilla gave an impatient toss of her head. “Honestly Jess, there’s nothing really wrong with her.”
“The vet said she had to rest. I’m not going to risk it.” Jess was quiet but firm.
Camilla pursed her lips and raised her eyebrows. “Well if you feel like that,” she said at last. “Then I’ll get Amy to tack up Dido instead. She’s not being ridden at the moment.”
“Well, I don’t know, I sort of thought I would stay and look after Skylark,” Jess said.
“Oh come on, Jess,” Camilla said. “Don’t be so wet. It’ll be fun. Skylark will be fine here. Amy’ll keep an eye on her.”
Jess looked from Skylark to Camilla. She was furious that Camilla had called her wet. She would show her. Besides, it was a marvellous day for a ride.
“All right,” she said finally. “But I’ll tack up Dido.”
Camilla shrugged. “Amy’s supposed to do that kind of stuff. It’s what she’s paid for.”
“It’s what I’m used to,” Jess said firmly.
“Suit yourself,” Camilla said as she headed off to find Apollo.
Jess turned to Skylark again. “I’ll be back soon,” she promised, checking the pony’s haynet was full. “You take it easy here. It won’t be long before we’re riding together again.”
Mounted on Dido, Jess met up with Camilla in the yard. “All ready?” Camilla called over her shoulder. “Let’s go.”
She walked Apollo a little way in front of Jess and Dido as they made their way out of the stables and along the country lanes that wound away from Rychester.
Behind her, Jess tried to adjust herself to Dido’s rhythm, and settle into the saddle. She was nervous about riding a new pony, especially one as impressive as Dido. Her apprehension wasn’t helped when she saw the nonchalant way Camilla rode Apollo. Jess could see that the palomino was skittish. She pirouetted and skipped along the road, spooking at every moving twig. But Camilla didn’t seem bothered at all. She controlled the nervous pony with off-hand grace, even turning around to chat to Jess about nothing in particular. Her apparent ease helped to calm Jess, and soon she began to enjoy Dido’s regular pace. As they turned the ponies into a field, Jess brought Dido level with Apollo.
“We’re heading towards my stables,” she told Camilla. “I mean, the stables I used to ride at – Sandy Lane.”
“Never heard of it,” Camilla shrugged.
“Well it’s a lot smaller than Rychester,” Jess said. “But it’s a lovely place.”
“I’ll take your word for it,” Camilla said. “Of course nowhere could be as great as Rychester. It was my love of horses that inspired Daddy to set it up. He’s a business man really, but he adores animals and with the profits from his cosmetics company he started Rychester. Now he’s got a stable full of winning horses!”
“There are some lovely horses at Rychester,” Jess agreed with a slight pang of envy. Fancy having a dad who was willing to set up a riding stables just because his daughter loved horses.
“We only have the best, Jess.” Camilla flashed a wide grin. “And now we’ve got Skylark too. She’s going to do really well for Rychester, you just see if she doesn’t. Come on, let’s gallop!”
And with that Camilla turned Apollo to the open grass and spurred him on with her heels. In the next moment they had raced the length of the field. Jess was so astonished at this abrupt departure that she wasn’t able to check Dido, who danced excitedly beneath her and then was off, charging after Apollo like a streak of lightning. Jess didn’t have time to think, and in the next moment she had settled into the gallop with elation, the wind whistling through her hair. As Dido came to a halt beside Apollo, Camilla grinned at Jess.
“That was brilliant, wasn’t it?” she cried. “Bet I surprised you.”
Jess, catching her breath, could only smile back and nod.
The first thing Jess did after the ride was over and she had untacked and stabled Dido, was to run around and check on Skylark. As she drew nearer to the pony’s box she saw Jasper leaning against the door. Jess’s heart sank. Had something happened to Skylark? Then she saw that he was talking to someone, and that the someone was Penny Webster from the Daily Advertiser. What was she doing back so soon? Skylark stood looking out over her stable door.
“Is everything all right?” Jess asked anxiously, nodding at Skylark.
“Absolutely,” Jasper replied quickly. “Penny and I were just sorting out a bit more publicity for you and this pony here. Just a few informal pictures, that’s all.”
“Along with the rest of the team.” Penny smiled.
“Team? What team?” Jess was puzzled. What was Penny talking about?
“Look, I’ll ring you in the week, Jasper.” Penny turned to go. “Oh, look out for Tuesday’s Daily Advertiser,” she said to Jess as she went. “The picture of you and Skylark will be on the second page.” And then she was gone.
Jasper turned to Jess. “Look Jess,” he said. “I didn’t tell Penny about Skylark’s little accident. Didn’t see much point really. After all, the vet said she’d be better in a day or two. Anyway there’s something more important I want to discuss with you.”
Jess wondered fleetingly what could be more important than Skylark’s health. But now Jasper was talking again and what he said made her gasp.
“That team Penny mentioned,” Jasper explained. “It’s for the Ash Hill show. I’m relying on you and Skylark to do well in the open-jumping. If you do, your score would count towards a team medal for Rychester. We need five riders. Camilla will be entering too, and then there’ll be another three Rychester riders.”
“The Ash Hill show?” Jess echoed slowly, her heart beginning to beat faster with excitement. “But do you think I’ll be ready, Jasper? I’ve hardly ridden Skylark at all yet. I wanted to take things slowly. Get to know her first.”
“That’s very admirable, Jess,” Jasper said. “But I think you’re being rather overcautious. You and Skylark will be fine. I’ve seen you ride. Ash Hill’s a month and a half away after all, and Skylark has had excellent training. She should do well for us. And so will you – with some Rychester tuition.”
“But I can’t afford lessons–”
“Don’t worry,” Jasper said, holding his hand up in the air. “I’ll take care of all that. But don’t forget that I pay for the best and I expect the best from Rychester teachers and pupils alike.”
And that it seemed was that. As Jasper walked away, Jess was left reeling with excitement and shock. She turned to Skylark.
“Everything’s happening so quickly, Skylark,” she whispered into the pony’s ear. “Not so long
ago I didn’t even have a pony and I had to muck out in return for my rides. Now I’ve got a pony of my own, I’m part of this smart stables and I’m going to jump at Ash Hill too.”
Skylark turned away and began pulling at her haynet. As Jess slid back the bolt on the door, she was interrupted again by Camilla’s voice. This time she was calling to her from across the stable yard.
“Jess, would you like to come and have some tea at my house? I want to show you something.”
Jess thought hard. She ought to go, especially if they were to be part of a team together. Jess gave Skylark a final check and, deciding the pony was all right, hurried out of the stable to follow Camilla.
“Come on,” Camilla said, leading Jess to the grand, gabled house she’d seen the day she’d first visited Rychester. So this was where Camilla lived. It was a far cry from her own, rather shabby cottage. As she walked through the front door of Camilla’s house, Jess looked around in awe at the cool marbled entrance hall.
“Is that you Camilla darling?” A shrill voice echoed into the hallway and soon a taller version of Camilla, dressed in smart pale trousers and a long jacket, emerged in the hallway.
“Hi Mum, we’re starving,” Camilla announced loudly.
“Oh, are you?” Camilla’s mother seemed perplexed. “I’m just off out, darling. You’ll have to forage in the kitchen I’m afraid.”
“OK,” Camilla replied. “This is Jess by the way. She won the pony – you know, Dad’s competition.”
“How lovely,” Camilla’s mother smiled with brief distraction at Jess, who smiled shyly back. “See you later darlings,” she said, and with that she was gone.
“Come on,” Camilla said to Jess.
She led the way into a vast kitchen. Stainless steel cupboards lined the walls, spotless and gleaming. Camilla delved into one of them and drew out a tin. “Chocolate digestives,” she announced triumphantly. “We’ll take these up to my room.”
Camilla marched up the stairs and down a long corridor, past several closed doors. Finally she stopped outside one of them.
Dream Pony Page 4