Wicked Neighbor

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Wicked Neighbor Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  Wrapping his fingers around the base, he stepped closer to her.

  “Look at my cock,” he said.

  She did as he asked, staring at him. Her eyes went wide, and he got a thrill knowing she’d not seen anyone bigger than him before.

  “Do you want this in your pussy?”


  “Tell me, Charlotte. Are you a virgin?”

  “No. I’m not.”

  He believed her. “Good. I don’t want to fuck a virgin. I like my pussy to know a good cock.”

  Bryan knew she’d not had a good cock though. Charlotte had had bad cock that didn’t show its appreciation to the pussy that belonged to it.

  Taking her hand in his, he placed her fingers around his cock. Working from the base up to the root, he set a pace that he liked. When he was satisfied with her movements, he reached out, touching her body.

  She wasn’t fighting him, and he loved how she was submitting to him, not fighting what her body actually wanted.

  Cupping her tits, he stroked over the peaks with his thumb. She moaned, squeezing his dick a little tighter.

  Pushing her hand away, he moved her back to the sofa. He shoved her hard so that she fell to the sofa. Going between her thighs, he opened her wide, dragging her to the edge of the sofa.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m going to taste this pretty pussy and listen as you scream out my name as you come.”

  She was biting her lip once again.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “I’m not good when it comes to an orgasm. Please, don’t be angry at me if I don’t come.”

  Sitting back on his ankles, he stared at her. She was being genuine in her nervousness.

  “Charlotte, you’re going to come. I’m going to have you screaming, panting, and jerking around at my touch. You’re not going to know where to turn to or what to do.” He’d have her dripping with her juices coating his chin.

  She looked doubtful, and all he did was smile.

  “Don’t you worry about a thing.” He glided his hands up her thighs to her pussy. Opening the lips of her sex, he stared at her swollen clit.

  No one had been able to give this woman an orgasm. He was going to be the first.

  Biting her inner thigh, he nibbled his way up to her pussy. Sucking her clit inside, he bit down on the little nub.

  She jerked within his arms. He didn’t stop, making her take his touch without backing down.

  Flicking her clit, he moved down to her cunt, slamming his tongue in deep. Her walls squeezed him tight, and he drank down her cream, loving the taste.

  He alternated between sucking on her clit and fucking her pussy with his tongue. Bryan wasn’t rushing his movements either, wanting her to enjoy his touch.

  Sliding a finger inside her, he turned it toward him, stroking over her G-spot. Charlotte came apart in his arms, screaming as he sucked on her clit. He didn’t let up, pumping a finger inside her, going as deep as he could.

  “Bryan, stop, it’s too much.”

  He wanted her soaking, wanton, and begging.

  She shook in his arms, but still, he didn’t give up. Only when she found a second orgasm did he land a kiss to her clit.

  Leaning back, he brought his fingers up, showing her the evidence of her orgasm. “I believe a thanks is in order. I’ve just given you your first orgasm.” He smiled, licking the delightful cream off his fingers. “Now, let’s see what else I can give you.”

  Chapter Four

  Bryan had blown her world, tilting it on its axis, confusing and delighting her at the same time. Staring at him, Charlotte panted for breath. He’d given her two orgasms. The whole of her life she had believed it was because of her that she’d not gotten that kind of pleasure.

  There wasn’t anything wrong with her.


  “Baby, your body is like a book. All a guy has to do is read it.”

  Tears filled her eyes, and she jerked away from him. Climbing off the sofa, she tried to get away from him.

  He stopped her from leaving by wrapping his arms around her and holding her close. “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “I need to have a moment.”

  “I know you’re not a virgin, but a woman experiencing their first orgasm can be a shock to anyone.”

  “You don’t understand.”

  “Yes, I do, baby. I’m the one who gave it to you.”

  She closed her eyes, relaxing in his hold. What was the point in fighting? Bryan knew her body better than she knew it herself.

  “No man has ever taken the time to bring me to orgasm.”

  “They’ve never cared enough. Believe it or not, some men are assholes.”

  “This coming from a man,” she said.

  “I’m not an asshole.”

  “You’ve got a revolving door.”

  “And all of the women I fuck know the score.”

  Charlotte licked her lips. His cock was still rock hard even though they were talking and not fucking. “What score?” They’d not talked about scores or what the rules were. Bryan had walked into her backdoor and obliterated her mind.

  “I don’t do relationships. I never have, and that’s not going to change now.”

  She stared up at him. “I don’t want a relationship,” she said. “I like my life the way it is.”

  “Okay, so don’t expect anything from me. I don’t do scenes. I don’t do love. I like to fuck, and that’s all you’re going to get.”

  It didn’t hurt her for him to say that, far from it.

  “Just fucking? Sex? Nothing else?” She wanted to make sure that she knew the score.

  “Yes. If you want more than that, like hearts and flowers, then we’re stopping now. I’m not going to get you shit for Valentine’s Day, nor am I going to hold your hand as we walk down the street. I like to fuck, and I like it dirty. I don’t want to listen to my women who are scared to make a sound. I want you to scream, to scratch, and to beg me to make it hurt just a little bit more.”

  She licked her lips. Her pussy was soaking wet, and his words were only making it wetter for her.

  “I like my life exactly the way it is, Bryan. I don’t want you to start sleeping over or giving me flowers. The last thing I want in my life right now is a guy to date. I like being single.”

  “So you’re happy with this arrangement?”

  “Yes, I’m happy. I know it probably makes no sense to you, but I’d rather have this than something that’s fake with expectations.” He’d made her orgasm, and right now she wasn’t ready to give that feeling up.

  He moved to sit on the sofa, gripping the base of his cock. “Grab my pants. You’ll find a condom waiting for me in my pocket.”

  She didn’t question his condom. Bending down, she found the single square foil packet.

  “Tear it open.”

  Bryan liked to give out the orders, but then she loved to hear them. Tearing open the foil packet she took out the latex, stretching her arm out to give him the condom.

  “I don’t want it, baby. You want it. You’re going to roll that over my dick.”

  Charlotte put the foil onto the cabinet before crawling between his legs. He held onto his dick while she slowly aligned the condom over his shaft. Licking her dry lips, she guided the latex over his rock hard, yet soft flesh. He was large, thick, and the tip was already coated in his dripping cream.

  When she was finished, he slapped his thighs. “Climb on top, baby.”

  There was no time for a bed. She straddled his waist, lifting herself up as he placed the tip of his cock at her entrance.

  “Right, now slide down my dick, baby.”

  With just the tip inside her he stretched her more than any boyfriend she’d had previously.

  “Fuck, baby, you’re so fucking tight.” He released his cock, and his hands went to her hips.

  She screamed as he dragged her down his length, slamming up inside her at the same time, making her t
ake the whole length of him. He groaned, and she fell forward so her neck was against his lips.

  “Yeah, that’s it. I can feel how tight you are.”

  Panting for breath, she closed her eyes. Her pussy was on fire from the pain and the pleasure this man was creating.

  He ran his hands over her ass and down her hips. She leaned back as he pulled her ass cheeks apart, sliding a finger down the crease of her ass until he got to his dick that was embedded so deep within her.

  “I’m going to move, baby. You better be ready for me.”

  “I’m ready.” He’d given her more pleasure in the last half an hour than she’d ever had in the whole of her life.

  Placing her hands on his shoulders, she stared into his eyes as he started to ease her up on his shaft. Unexpectedly, when only half of his cock was inside her, he tugged her back down harder this time.

  Crying out, she tried her hardest to hold on tight to him. He was so deep that it was almost painful.

  “Do you feel that, baby? My dick is so deep in your cunt, which is squeezing me tightly.”

  “Please, Bryan.”

  “What do you want? Do you want my cock?”

  “I’ve got your cock.”

  “You want me to fuck you like a real man? This pussy hasn’t known what a real man is like.”

  She whimpered as he swiveled his hips, hitting something deep within her. Biting her lip, she tried to contain her noise.

  One of his hands left her hips to grab her hair. He gripped her hair tightly, pulling the length back.

  “I said I want to hear those screams. You keep them quiet and you’ll be punished even more, baby.”

  The other hand on her hip moved to her ass, squeezing her flesh roughly. There would be bruises on her ass and hips in the morning.

  He stayed still within her, sitting up. His lips landed on her neck, sucking on her exposed skin.

  “I’m going to mark your neck so the whole neighborhood will know you’ve been fucked so good. They won’t know who it is, Charlotte, but they’ll know you’ve been with someone who knows how to fuck.”

  “Please.” She ground herself on his cock, hoping to relieve the pleasure that he was building up inside her.

  “No, I’ve got all night. I’ve got no one waiting for me at home, and I want to play.” He pulled her off his cock, landing her over his knee so that her ass was up in the air. Charlotte cried out as his fingers slid into her pussy. “I didn’t like that asshole trying to touch you tonight.” He spoke in such quiet whispers that it was hard for her to make sense of it.

  “Why?” He didn’t want a relationship or to have anything between them, yet he was being jealous? Possessive? His actions made absolutely no sense to her.

  “I don’t know. I watched him trying to make a play for you, and I just knew that you were going to be mine by the end of the night. The way you responded to me on the patio of the restaurant, that confirmed it.”

  He pumped his fingers into her cunt, and she tensed up as he drew those digits back to her ass. “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m going to have this ass. You’re going to have to get ready for me to claim you here.” He pressed ever so lightly just to let her know that he meant business.

  Biting her lips, she gasped as he pressed an entire digit within her ass. Closing her eyes, she panted as the pain mixed with the pleasure to create an unusual experience at his hands.

  “This ass knows that it wants me.”

  “I want you,” she said.


  Slowly, he pumped in and out of her ass, building the pleasure to imaginable heights. Charlotte struggled to focus on anything else other than pleasure. He drove all sensible thought out of her mind.

  I’ve got my very sexy neighbor’s fingers in my ass.

  This couldn’t be happening, and yet it was.

  “You’re still dripping. Do you like my finger in your ass?”

  “Yes.” She screamed the word out.

  He landed a slap to her ass. “Don’t yell at me.”



  Two more swats landed on her ass creating a delightful burn.

  “Now, tell me, do you like my finger in your ass?”

  “Yes,” she said, trying her hardest to control her need to simply yell.

  “Good, that’s all I wanted to hear.” He kept pumping his finger into her ass, and the slight pain changed to immense bliss under his skilled hands. “Right, I think that’s enough for you.” He pulled his thumb out of her ass. “Get on your hands and knees.”

  She didn’t think to question his instruction. Getting to her hands and knees, she glanced over her shoulder. He was staring at her ass.

  Nerves took over, and she rested her head in her hands.

  Did he like what he saw?

  Recalling all of the blondes who’d left his home she knew there was no way for her to compare to any of them.

  Don’t compare yourself.

  He’d not come in tonight begging for her to go on a diet or laughing at her because she responded to his touch. Nothing horrible had happened yet, other than his demand for her to remain open and willing.

  She could do this.

  More than anything, she wanted to do this.


  Bryan stared at her weeping pussy, and his dick was hard as fucking rock. From the moment he entered her kitchen, he’d been hard. Charlotte was … perfect. There were no other words to describe her. She submitted without any kind of training. Even now, their first night together and her ass was a nice pretty shade of pink. She’d allowed him to finger her ass.

  For the past year he’d been living next door to his living, breathing, sexual fantasy, and he’d not known it. Every part of Charlotte was what he’d wanted in a woman. He skimmed his fingers over her ass. The raised skin showed the outline of his fingers on her ass. He didn’t want to wear the condom. The moment she was protected with the pill or whatever contraception she wanted, he was going bareback.

  Kneeling behind her, he gripped the base of his erect cock, and aligned the tip to her entrance. Slowly, he fed his dick into her tight little hole, relishing the squeeze of her once again.

  “Fuck, baby. Your cunt is so fucking tight.”

  She gasped as with one final thrust, he filled her to the top. With the tip of his cock, he rubbed at her cervix, feeling that little circle he was so deep.

  Charlotte whimpered but didn’t even try to fight him.

  He pushed against, trying to get deeper.

  “You’re going to visit the doctors as soon as you can and get on the pill. I want inside this pussy without anything between us. You got me?”


  “Good.” Running his hands up her back, he stared down at his cock now embedded in her tight heat. Skimming his hands down her sides, he tightened his grip on her hips.

  Pulling her off his cock, he started to fuck her with such force that he shocked himself. He didn’t let up, making Charlotte take every inch of his cock, and beg for more.

  “Take my fucking cock. Love it, Charlotte. Show me how a real woman loves dick.”

  She met him thrust for thrust, pushing back against him.

  They were in tune. With each slam of his cock within her walls, she pushed back against him. The depth and connection he had with Charlotte blew his mind. He’d never known anything like it.

  His balls tightened, drawing up ready to spunk.

  He let go of her hip long enough to start teasing her clit. Bryan wasn’t coming until Charlotte followed him into orgasm.

  “That’s it, baby. Come for me.”

  Flicking her clit, he kept up his pace, fucking her harder.

  She screamed, and her pussy exploded around him. Her cunt was like a vise, and he didn’t want to leave her.

  Bryan slammed into her twice more, erupting into the condom. He went lightheaded at the intense pleasure of the moment.

  Caressing over her ass, he cl
osed his eyes, counting to ten to try to calm himself. Nothing was happening. He’d never had an orgasm like that in his life. There were no words to describe what he was feeling in that moment.

  All this time he’d been living next door to heaven and he’d not even known it. He couldn’t stop thinking the same thing as it amazed him. Charlotte had always intrigued him, and he hadn’t known why.

  She’s what I’ve been looking for.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  He glanced up to find her staring at him over her shoulder. Her dark brown gaze trapped him in place.


  Bryan slowly eased out of her tight cunt. He didn’t want to leave her, and the very thought alone shocked him.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked.

  She moved out from under him, sitting back on her ankles. Her hands were placed on her thighs as she stared back at him.

  “Nothing. Bathroom?”

  “Down the hall.” He noticed she didn’t point him upstairs. The awkwardness had settled between them. Bryan didn’t know what to think or to believe in that moment. Closing the bathroom door, he removed the condom, tying it up and placing it in the trash bin. He washed his dick in the sink while he tried to gather his thoughts. It didn’t matter what he did, he couldn’t get Charlotte out of his mind.

  You’ve just fucked her, genius.

  Running a hand down his face, he left the bathroom, wondering if she was going to be difficult about his leaving. When he rounded the corner he was shocked to see her setting the room back in order and her in a pair of sweats that covered her body. She tucked some hair behind her ear at the same time she fluffed up a pillow with her other hand.

  “Hey, I put your clothes there.” She pointed to the chair in front of the window.

  “Thank you.”

  Okay, this was completely strange to him right now. She was plumping up some pillows after they’d just had dirty sex. There was no demand for him to stay overnight or for him to explain the rules. Grabbing his clothes, he started to get dressed.

  Charlotte didn’t even wait around for him. She cleaned without given him a single glance. He didn’t know if he liked her blasé attitude.

  What’s your problem? She’s not begging for a ring or demanding shit. Deal with it.


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