Wicked Neighbor

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Wicked Neighbor Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “Fuck, baby. I’m so close.” He didn’t stop, pounding inside her until with a final thrust, he grunted, filling the condom.

  When it was over, he didn’t wait around. He pulled out of her, dropping to his knees. Opening her thighs wide, he started to suck on her clit.

  Thrusting two fingers inside her, he sucked, flicked, and stroked her pussy. She was already so close to the peak. It didn’t take much more to have her crashing over the edge into orgasm. He held her throughout it, licking the cream that spilled from her lips.

  “I’m already addicted to your sweet taste, Charlotte.” He pressed a single kiss to her clit, watching her shudder at the smallest contact.

  Bryan stood, picking her up into his arms, and carrying her upstairs.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “I’m taking you to my bedroom, Charlotte. I’m not letting you go home.”

  “Wait a moment. I’ve not said if I’m going to be doing anything like this.” She tensed up in his arms, but he didn’t let her go. Charlotte could tense up all she wanted.

  “We’re going to do this. We can work out the finer points while we’re fucking.”

  He watched her gritting her teeth.

  Kicking open his door, he smiled when Charlotte stilled in his arms, taking in his room.

  “What the fuck?”

  “This is where I get my kicks, baby. I hope you like it.” He had two playrooms, the spare room and his bedroom, but the truth was his entire house was a playroom to him.

  She was staring up at the ceiling as he placed her at the bottom of the bed. He knew exactly what she was looking at.

  Screwed securely into his ceiling were several hooks with rope looped through them. “Do you like what you see?” he asked.

  “What is it?” She licked her lips, clearly unable to look away.

  “Why don’t I show you?”

  Charlotte looked a little unsure, but he also saw the curiosity blazing in her eyes. She nodded.

  “Stand up,” he said.

  She stood up without hesitation. He left her to take the rope that he’d wrapped around one of the posters of his bed. Grabbing the rope, he went back to her hands, placing them in front of her. He bound her hands together, wrapping the rope around her wrists before looping it through until she was secure. Bryan walked back to the other piece and lifted her hands until they were above her head. There wasn’t any give. He’d designed it for his own pleasure. Bryan wouldn’t hurt her or any woman to where they couldn’t stand it. He liked to play, not harm them. The pain he inflicted was the kind of pain they liked to receive.

  “Ah, you can’t get away from me now.”

  She was taking deep breaths as he turned around her. Nothing stood in his way. Placing his hand on her stomach, he circled around her waist.

  “So, Charlotte, you don’t want to play with me?” he asked.

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “What did you say then?” He rested his hand on her ass so the threat was there, but he didn’t raise his hand to spank her.

  “I said I didn’t know if I wanted to continue playing.”


  “You’re confusing me, Bryan. One moment you don’t do relationships and now you’re telling me you are. I’ve not made any demands from you. This is the first time I’ve been in your house.”

  “I can promise you, Charlotte, this isn’t the first time that I’ve imagined you here like this.” He ran his hand around her body, watching her gasp, moan, and writhe on the spot from his touch. “I’ll do a hell of a lot more to your body than you’ll even realize. You’ll have me begging to touch you.”

  He rounded her body until he stared into her pretty brown eyes.

  “What do you say, Charlotte? Do you want to share this with me?”

  She licked her lips. The simple action had his cock twitching, begging to be inside her.

  “Yes, I want to try it.”

  Moving to his beside cabinet, he pulled out another condom. “You’ll be making a doctor’s appointment, won’t you?”


  “I’m clean.”

  “So am I.”

  He didn’t doubt it. Bryan liked his sexy dirty, but he wasn’t willing to risk his health for a fuck. He got regular checkups and never fucked a woman without a condom.

  Rolling the latex over his cock, he moved toward her. In one quick movement he lifted her up. She was heavier than a lot of the women he fucked, but he liked it. He liked her curves and softness more than he thought possible. Sliding her on his dick, he watched her fight the restraints keeping her arms above her head. There was a slight bit of give in her arms but not enough for her to touch him.

  She whimpered, and he refused to give in.

  Bryan lost himself to the woman in his arms.

  Chapter Six

  “I should go home,” Charlotte said several hours later. She raised her wrists in front of her face to see the red lines from the rope. Bryan had fucked her, taking her weight as she’d been held in place by the rope. He’d not finished with her after that. Once he’d found release he’d untied her only to place her on the bed and tie her wrists once again, this time with silk.

  “You don’t have to go home.” He ran a hand down her stomach, circling her stomach.

  “I’m hungry.”

  “I’ve got food here. I eat as well as fuck.”

  She turned to look at him, smiling. “I have no doubt.” Charlotte caressed over her wrists amazed that she was aroused rather than scared of what it meant to her.

  “Did you know you liked being tied up?” he asked.

  “I didn’t know I liked being ordered around. I’m so confused right now, and it has nothing to do with you. I’m confused by myself, my reactions to things.” She bit her lip in an effort to keep quiet.

  “You’ve never tried to explore this?” He pinched her nipple as he spoke.

  She gasped, arching her back toward him.

  “No.” She no longer sounded like herself. “Sex was always so boring. The men I’ve been with, they’d try, but nothing seemed to work. I figured I was too weird or something.” She shrugged.

  “They didn’t care to find out what you wanted.”

  “How did you know?” she asked.

  “I didn’t know. Lillian, she had a hunch about you. She said that you would love to be dominated.”

  Charlotte snorted.

  “Then I took a risk when you were leaning against the restaurant wall.”

  “So you didn’t really know.”

  This time he shrugged. “I took a chance. A good chance.”

  She went back to looking at her wrists. They were red from the rope and silk. She wrapped her fingers around each wrist remembering the tightness of the material on her flesh.

  “I’ve never been like this before.”

  “It’s not some kind of illness. It’s who you are.”

  Charlotte nodded. “I really should go home.” She needed space right now, a chance to put some distance between them.

  “You don’t have to go.”

  She turned to look at him. “I’m, erm, I need some of my own space.”


  She moved away, climbing off the bed. Charlotte didn’t wait for him to stop her. Walking downstairs, she grabbed her clothes sensing him behind her. Charlotte got dressed without lingering. She moved toward the door, stopping as he started to talk.

  “You’re not going to kiss me?” he asked.

  Glancing over her shoulder, she smiled. “You’re rather strange, you know that?”


  “I took you for a player. Everything you’re doing is contradicting that.” She held onto the door handle, tempted to leave without kissing him.

  One kiss.

  Bryan was getting under her skin, making him dangerous.

  She stepped away from the door. He was completely naked and his cock already rock hard.

  “You’re going to leave me
in this state?”

  “Yes. I’m sure you can figure out a way to relieve yourself.” Running her hands up his chest, she went to her tiptoes pressing her lips to his. His hands landed on her ass, squeezing tightly. He didn’t rub his cock against her but kept his distance.

  She tried to pull away only to be stopped by his touch.

  “Tomorrow night, I want you to come around here. The moment you enter my house I want you to strip.”

  “What if you’ve got company?”

  “You strip. My rules and you’ll follow them.”

  There was no way in hell she was going to visit him. She wouldn’t risk anyone seeing her naked.

  “I’m going now.” She was hungry, and distance, she needed it between them.

  Without looking back, she left his kitchen, going from his backyard to her own. She let herself into her kitchen. Charlotte didn’t give herself the chance to think about what she’d done. She grabbed the pasta salad from the fridge, walking toward her office.

  Turning on a couple of lights on her way to her computer, she sat down. Opening up the tub, she took a bite, moaning at the fresh herb flavors.

  Firing up her email she saw another from Lillian waiting in her inbox. She’d answered the first email in accepting a meeting, but she was working on a couple of book covers, and hadn’t been able to make anything soon. She saw there were three more emails waiting for her. Charlotte had already sent her designs to Lillian, even though she hadn’t wanted to accept work from a friend of Bryan’s.

  Biting her lip, she hovered the mouse over the email. What harm would it do to open it? She didn’t have a problem designing websites, and Lillian was like every other client.

  She’s friends with Bryan.


  What the fuck just happened?

  Sitting back in her chair she replayed the sex in his kitchen before thinking about his bedroom.

  Take a chance.

  What chance?

  They were having sex. There was no chance or much risk, beside the sexual kind, in just plain dirty sex.

  She chewed on some more of her pasta before clicking on the email. It was a standard email requesting her for a possible meeting. The outline in the email was for the specifics of the website.

  For several minutes she ate her lunch while also staring at the email. Closing her eyes she saw Bryan pulling out of her before he released the bonds that held her arms. He’d taken her to the bed, keeping her open for his personal pleasure.

  Clicking “reply” she sat back and wondered what the hell she could put. Lillian had been Bryan’s date.

  Deciding to just go with her gut, she arranged a meeting for Monday morning at nine. She could get there early before anyone saw her. She’d have to go out on Monday anyway to get some groceries. There was no way she’d last on noodles alone.

  Once she finished with her email she sent it back, closing her account then shutting down her computer. Her appetite had long gone.

  Walking around her house she wondered if there was something for her to clean. Her house was spick and span.

  No work, the last person she wanted to speak to was Susan and Michael. She didn’t have anything to do.

  It was now dark out. Running fingers through her hair, she frowned when her doorbell sounded.

  Leaving her sitting room, she opened the door without looking to see who was waiting. Bryan stood there with his hands inside his pockets.

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “I could ask you the same thing.”

  She frowned, looking behind him. “I’m not really sure what’s going on.”

  “Come with me.”

  “I left you to spend the night alone.”

  “I know. Well, I want to take you out somewhere.”

  She stared at the hand he offered her.

  If you take that hand there’s no turning back.

  “Do you have a guy waiting in there?”


  “Then what’s stopping you from coming with me?”

  “Nothing.” She slapped her hand across her mouth.

  “Come with me.”

  Just go with him.

  You’ve fucked him.

  Let him inside your body and let him play with your ass.

  He’s tied you up.

  Putting her hand in his, Charlotte followed him to his car. He helped her inside the passenger side before closing the door behind her. She smoothed out her skirt, trying to do something with her hands to keep her mind off what was happening.

  It wasn’t that long ago that she used to watch the blondes leave his house.

  “Why me?” she asked when he started the car up.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, you’ve dated more blondes than I’ve ever counted. I just wondered what was so special about me that you want to be exclusive to me.”

  “One, I’ve not dated blondes. I’ve fucked them. Two, I don’t know what the hell is going on between us, to be honest. I don’t know what to say about us or what label to put on it. All I know, Charlotte, is that I don’t want it to end.” He didn’t glance toward her.

  She didn’t want his attention right now. Her entire self was in turmoil. Her body wanted him, yet her mind was telling her to run far from him. Bryan was a player, and she preferred a quiet life. His sudden attention had her nervous. How long was it going to last? Would she miss him when he left?

  Neither of them spoke for the remainder of the journey.

  Staring out of the window, Charlotte for the first time wondered if her neighbor was in fact safe.

  What do you know about him?

  He likes blondes.

  He likes to fuck.

  He likes rope and silk.

  There wasn’t anything else she knew about him. What did he actually do for a living? He turned down a dark alleyway that was far away from the busy city streets. There was no one else in sight.

  “Erm, Bryan, you’re not an axe murderer are you?”

  He chuckled. “No. I don’t have a dungeon of dead women or anything else of the murder kind. I like my women to be alive.”

  She didn’t know what to make of the secured parking lot. There were several cars in the lot, but they were expensive looking.

  “Am I dressed right?”

  “The club we’re visiting it won’t matter.”

  “I’m not the club kind.”

  “This isn’t just any nightclub. I figured you’d be at home wondering what the hell I was about. I thought the best way to let you know was to show you.” He parked the car, climbing out.

  She was already out of the car by the time he came around to her.

  “You’re sure a summer dress is okay?”

  “Charlotte, you’ll be overdressed in your underwear when we’re inside.”

  Frowning, she didn’t try to question him as he escorted her toward the end of the parking lot. He keyed in a number into the security pad. The doors opened, and he eased her inside.

  “Lillian was the one who got me access to this place.”

  “What do you actually do for a living?” she asked.

  “I’m an investor.”

  She turned to look at him. “Like a businessman investor.”

  “Is there any other kind?”

  The elevator started to move. She didn’t really know what direction they were moving in.

  Blowing out a breath, she stared around the darkened elevator. No one else was present. The sound of deep, humming music started to get closer.

  “Here we go.” He took her hand, locking their fingers together. The doors opened, and Charlotte gasped. His bedroom had been a surprise to her with the hooks, mirrors, and equipment. What met her eyes was straight from sin itself.

  Bodies were all over, most of them naked, and there was a lot of sex going on. Orgy sex, hot, dirty, soul-changing sex. She tightened her hold on Bryan afraid to let him go. For most of her life she’d been reserved, keeping all of her desires locked ti
ght. All of that restraint was blown away by what she saw. There was no stepping away or backing down. Her curiosity had well and truly got the better of her.


  Bryan recalled the first time he’d come to this place. Everyone knew it as Sin even though it wasn’t a real name. In this club there was no judgment, and everyone was free to explore their more lust driven side. Lillian had first brought him here after one Friday night of too many drinks.

  He’d opened up to Lillian about his desires and needs. On Saturday she’d brought him to this place as her plus one. After one night he knew he’d found a place to let off steam. He made sure to pay the fee required for regular submission. Everything was handled via codes and security checks. He liked it and wouldn’t ever forget the code that let him into heaven.

  Charlotte tightened her hold on his hand.

  “What?” she asked. Her eyes were wide as she stared all around. He’d have burst out laughing if he’d not experienced it the same time himself. The curiosity was there as was the instant hit of arousal. Charlotte was exactly like him.

  All this time she’d been right next door.

  “No judging,” he said.

  “I’m not judging. I’ve never seen anything like this.”

  He watched her lick her lips. She wouldn’t look away from the scene before them.

  They left the safety of the elevator. He wouldn’t let go of her hand. In a place like this Charlotte would be snapped up as fresh meat. She was too new, too inexperienced. With time he’d be able to release her and watch her explore. Until then he wasn’t leaving her side.

  Pulling her in front of him, he wrapped an arm around her waist. “I’m not going to let you go.”

  “Yeah, fuck me, make it burn.”

  He turned to see a woman in the corner. She was tied to a table, and her hands and feet were at all four corners of the table. Three men were taking it in turns to fuck her. He saw one man slam inside her in five easy thrusts before moving away and another man taking his place. Over and over they took turns, fucking.

  In another area six people were wrapped around each other, licking, sucking, and fucking, every single one of their holes being used. There was no holding back in this club. He escorted her toward the bar, taking a seat. There was no alcohol served. The only drinks served were tea, coffee, or water. Food was rarely available to the guests.


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