Quadruplet Babies for my Billionaire Boss (A Billionaire's Baby Story)

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Quadruplet Babies for my Billionaire Boss (A Billionaire's Baby Story) Page 6

by Lia Lee

  hesitated before I hit Send, suddenly nervous. This was a big step. But so was dressing seductively at work, leaving my panties on his desk, and letting him fuck me in his office.

  How much worse was this, really?

  I hit Send before I could change my mind and closed my laptop as if leaving it open would make a difference. I put my laptop away and dropped the robe. I crawled naked under the cover, feeling the sheets on my bare skin, and I closed my eyes. I smiled, excitement mixed with nerves bunching in my stomach. I was playing a dangerous game, and I loved it. I loved it because it was new and different, and it was with Brent.

  When I had dressed to get Brent’s attention last week, I had dreamed of something like this happening, but I never thought it would be this intense. I thought a quick fuck in a closet would do the trick. But Brent was serious and dramatic, and he knew exactly what he wanted. And what he wanted was me in compromising positions. He wanted only me, and he wanted me hard and fast.

  All of it was amazing. It made my stomach twist and my toes tingle, and I was constantly aroused. I felt beautiful, sexy, desirable. And I wanted more.

  Chapter 10


  After our meetings yesterday, I hadn’t had a lot of time to check my emails. We had gone from one meeting to the next. Day meetings had turned into dinner meetings followed by drinks afterward to schmooze with the right people. By the time we had finished, it was past midnight and I was sufficiently buzzed, the alcohol singing in my veins and the world spinning around me. I crawled into my hotel bed and passed out without taking off my collared shirt or socks.

  When I woke up the next morning, my head ached dully and I was uncomfortable after sleeping in my work shirt and boxers. I peeled the clothes off me and walked to the shower naked, getting in under a lukewarm spray that did nothing for my head.

  After I nursed my hangover with a bottle of water from the mini fridge and dressed in a suit for the day’s meetings, I opened my laptop. I had to meet Joe in about an hour, but I wanted to see if Rena had replied.

  An email from Rena waited in my inbox, and when I opened it, it had four attachments. I opened them and gasped.

  These weren’t only nudes. They were naked photos of her masturbating. And fuck, they were hot. There were only four of them, but they were stunning. She was baring it all, and the expression on her face suggested it was all real. She had taken these while she had been getting herself off. The last photo was one where she was in the middle of an orgasm. I knew it was because I’d seen that face on her before and it was sexy as fuck.

  I glanced at the time. I wished I had more time to study the photos in depth, to rub my dick to them, to imagine being there with her and causing her to make that face again. I wanted to fuck her so badly, and my dick was hard, aching for a release. The photos had managed to drive away the hangover I had, for now replacing it with raw need.

  There wasn’t enough time. I closed the laptop and put it away. I had to meet Joe for breakfast, and God knows I had to get greasy food into my system if I was going to make it through the day. But knowing that Rena had responded to my email and sent me photos that were better than anything I could have imagined was plenty to pull me through until I could get some alone time to jack myself off.

  I met Joe at the hotel restaurant for the breakfast buffet, and we loaded our plates with eggs and bacon. Joe looked as rough as I felt, and we sat in near silence, eating our food and drinking coffee.

  “I love these business trips,” Joe said when we both went back for seconds.

  “Is it all the food?”

  “It’s all the alcohol.”

  “Would be great without the hangover,” I said.

  Joe chuckled. “What’s pleasure without pain?”

  “You talk so much shit, even when you’re practically out for the count.”

  Joe shrugged. I liked how light he always kept things through his jokes. My mind jumped to Rena and the photos she had sent me. I wanted to get back to the hotel room and study those photos properly. I wanted to stay in bed all day. Naked. I wanted to get myself off and then sleep for a few more hours before repeating the process.

  But we had to see someone about a product launch. I couldn’t fuck that up. Product launches made or broke my revenue stream, and right now I needed it to run as smoothly as possible.

  “Ready to go?” I asked when Joe pushed away his plate.

  “Ready,” he said.

  The meeting went well. It dragged on a little, but with a hangover, everything felt like it was dragging on. I struggled to concentrate. My mind was fuzzy after drinking, and I had Rena running around my thoughts, naked and incredible. I liked fantasizing about her, picturing her body and thinking of all the things I wanted to do to her.

  When the meeting was over, Joe pulled me aside.

  “What do you think?” he asked.

  I had to admit I hadn’t paid much attention at all.

  “I don’t know,” I said, hoping it was the right answer.

  “I think we should do it,” Joe said. “It’s new and different, but it might be exactly what we need.”

  I nodded. “I think we should go with our gut on this one.” I still had no idea what it was about. We had discussed a launch strategy, but that was all I knew.

  “Okay,” Joe said, nodding. “I’ll set it up that way, then. I’ll have them send you the paperwork like before so we have it on file.”

  Thank God. If Joe did that, I could read what it was all about and not be left in the dark. I was faking it, but it had worked.

  “That sounds like a plan.”

  Joe nodded, satisfied. “Let’s get this shit done. I miss Shannon. I want to go home.”

  That wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. Not today, at any rate. But I didn’t say it out loud. Shannon and Joe were practically joined at the hip. He always looked sort of wilted when he was away from her. He always acted like he didn’t need his woman, until he did need her, and then the truth came out. If I ever considered finding love, I wanted a love that looked like theirs. It wasn’t clingy and annoying, and it was a two-way thing. Joe was happy, and it wasn’t because he had chosen to submit. It was a partnership.

  I wanted that if I ever settled down. Not that I was going to settle down, but there it was.

  We handled another two meetings before heading back to the hotel.

  “I’m happy with what we did today,” Joe said. “We’re signing that contract soon for the new launch, and we settled a lot of things. I feel like you might not even need me here anymore.”

  I chuckled. I knew Joe wanted to get back to Shannon.

  “Why don’t you go?” I asked.

  “Go where?”

  “Home,” I said. “To your wife.”

  “Really?” Joe asked, his face lighting up. “You’re sure you can handle it?”

  I nodded. “I think I can figure something out. It’s only a few more meetings, and if you’re really needed I can Skype you into the meeting.”

  “I like that idea,” Joe said.

  We headed to our separate rooms. I opened my laptop as soon as I was locked in my room and looked at Rena’s photos again.

  Fuck, she was so damn hot. I didn’t know what it was about her, but I had to have her. The photos were fantastic, but it was still nothing compared to the real deal. I pulled down my pants and palmed my dick, sliding my hand up and down my shaft. I stared at her photos as I pumped my fist until I orgasmed.

  I groaned and pulled up my pants before washing my hands in the sink. A self-inflicted orgasm was great, but I wanted Rena. I wanted her in person, here with me.

  That gave me an idea. If I had Rena here, I could fuck her as hard and as long as I wanted with minimum risk. It wouldn’t be at the office where I could get caught. I just had to play it right.

  I walked to Joe’s room and knocked on the door. He opened a moment later.

  “I was thinking,” I said. “If you’re flying back, let me fly Rena out. That
way if I need help, she can cover me. You can run the office at home, and you get to be with Shannon.”

  Joe nodded without thinking about it. “That sounds great,” he said. “Rena has a good head on her shoulders.”

  She had other assets, too, I thought.

  “I’ll book the tickets,” Joe said. “I’ll book Rena’s, too. You can send for her when she lands, and everything will be grand.”

  “Right,” I said.

  When I walked back to my own room, I grinned to myself. Joe’s mind had been on getting back to Shannon. It hadn’t been suspicious that I wanted Rena here because she was my secretary. I couldn’t wait to see the woman naked in person. I wouldn’t have to rely on photos to jack myself off to. I would be able to stick my dick into her personally, to lick and taste and suck every inch of her body.

  My dick twitched again despite the recent orgasm I’d had.

  I would fuck her here, far away from where we could get in trouble, and it would be the best sex ever because there would be no reason to hide. I loved it when my plans came together.

  Chapter 11


  I stepped off the plane at Boston Logan International Airport and moved toward the baggage carousels. After collecting my luggage, I found a man waving a sign with my name on it like a banner. I smiled and shook my head. It was so typical of Brent to send a car for me like I was a VIP. I guess in a way I was.

  My stomach turned when I thought about why I was here. Brent had summoned me for “work” after he had told me Joe was headed back home. He needed help with the meetings. A part of me knew it was just a ploy to get me alone. What better place was there for the two of us to get down and dirty if we were far away from prying eyes and we didn’t have to hide what we were doing? I had been called for sex. This was a booty call.

  The strange thing was I didn’t mind it. I wanted it. When I’d started working for Brent, it was the one thing I had watched out for, expecting it from the gorgeous billionaire who overpaid me. Now, I was the one who had instigated it. He had stepped up to the plate only when I had asked him to. So, I was perfectly fine being his booty call.

  I had dressed for the flight in clothes that were more seductive than I would have put on if I had been traveling to someone I didn’t want to bang. I wore sexy underwear—white lace and satin—and the clothes I’d chosen were form-fitting and showed just enough of everything to draw attention, but it didn’t shout out to the world why I was here.

  I was here for work, after all. It was what Brent had said to me on the phone. That he had meant more “between the lines” was open to interpretation.

  But I wasn’t in Boston for only work and sex. Sure, being here for Brent was on my mind all the time, but there was more to it. I had done a bit of research on the private investigator Morgan Taylor and realized he was based in Boston. It was a very happy coincidence—and I figured that with his offices here, the chances that my sister was here too was very good. I had the letter in my carry-on, and I wanted to learn more, maybe even meet with Morgan Taylor if I was ready for it.

  I wasn’t sure how I would feel when the time came, but to have that option was what counted. So, I had an ulterior motive for my visit to Boston. I was nervous about meeting my sister and the PI, but I didn’t want to leave it altogether, either.

  The car took me to a grand hotel, and I walked into a gilded lobby. I could only imagine how much a night cost in a hotel like this.

  When I saw Brent stepping out of the elevator, it hit me like a punch in the gut. I had seen him almost every day for the past year, but after what we’d done, everything was so much more intense. I’d always had a crush on him, but it was pure lust now. Brent flashed a cocky grin at me and came toward me.

  “How was your flight?” he asked, leaning in to kiss my cheek. It was the only physical contact he’d ever made aside from us fucking. Electricity traveled from his lips to my cheek, and a thrill coursed through my body. Everything about him was attractive and magnetic, and I knew this was what I had come for. I had been waiting for this for so long that I couldn’t have said no to it now.

  When Brent had phoned me and asked me for help with his meetings, I had agreed right away. Being with him that first time had been amazing. I hadn’t been sure what to expect since our last encounter at the office had been so stiff and professional. Even after he’d asked me for the photos and I had sent them to him, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I had no idea how he saw me. Brent was a man of little words. But with how he looked at me now, I knew he wanted me.

  And I wanted him.

  I checked into my room, getting the key from the front desk before we headed up in the elevators. I was painfully aware of Brent next to me, so close that if I shifted only a fraction we would touch. But he was being controlled and serious, as always. He stood next to me, hands clasped behind his back as if he were here for business alone, as he had made it sound when he’d phoned me. Had I misinterpreted it? If I had come here thinking he wanted sex from me when he was already done with me, I would feel like a fool.

  Brent carried my bag for me and put it in my room. I closed the door behind us and walked in, looking at the room. It was a huge room, the size of my entire apartment. A large king-size four-poster bed stood in the middle of the room, and two love seats by the full-length windows overlooked a breathtaking view of Boston. When I turned, Brent was right in front of me. The way he looked at me made my breath hitch in my throat. His face was riddled with desire, his blue eyes dark and his pupils dilated.

  He grabbed my face with both my hands and kissed me, and I melted against him. I hadn’t misinterpreted it, after all. Brent kissed me until my knees were weak and I had been reduced to a molten puddle of lust in my panties. When he finally broke the kiss, I was breathing hard, my body ready for him.

  I wanted him to fuck me.

  Brent tore at my clothes, pulling my top over my head and roughly kneading my breasts through my bra. I unbuttoned his shirt, my fingers fumbling in my urgency. Brent walked me backward until I was against the bed, and I fell backward. He climbed onto the bed, lying on top of me with almost all his weight, pinning me down. He bucked his hips, humping me through our clothes, and I could feel the thick ridge in his pants. He was as desperate for me as I was for him.

  We stopped making out and groping long enough for me to undo Brent’s pants. I unzipped them and pushed him away from me, giving me space to sit up and pull them down. His hard cock was impressive, thick and smooth with pubic hair at the base and heavy balls hanging below it. I wrapped my fingers around his shaft, and he sucked in his breath. When I glanced up at him, he had raw desire on his face.

  I leaned forward and while maintaining eye contact, I licked his dick from halfway down the shaft all the way to the tip. Brent hissed and pushed his hand into my hair. He closed his fist, and I was caught. I loved that he was taking control. I sucked his dick into my mouth, and Brent groaned. When I glanced up again, his eyes were closed, his head tipped back a little. He thrust his hips in the same rhythm as my sucking, and I fucked him with my mouth. It was making me even wetter. I loved that I was pleasuring him.

  Brent guided me with his hand in my hair, pushing his cock deeper and deeper into my mouth, and I took him in farther and farther. I had deep-throated only once before. I wasn’t worried about gagging. I took Brent down my throat, and my throat contracted.

  “Fuck,” he bit out, and he shuddered. I reached for his balls and started massaging them while I took him into my throat. I let him pump into my throat a few times before I pulled back to breathe. His dick was right in front of my face. I looked up at him, strings of saliva stretching between his dick and my lips.

  “Jesus, Rena,” Brent said, taking a step away from me. “You’ll make me come before we do anything.” He scrubbed his face with his hand. When he turned around, the look on his face told me that my time to play was over. He was in control now, and he was going to call the shots. That was fine by me, I wanted him to fuc
k me any way he wanted. Brent took my hand, pulling me up. He made quick work of the rest of my clothes, pausing to appreciate my bra-and-panty set before he pulled that off me, too.

  Brent undressed, and I saw him naked for the first time. He was in good shape. His arms and torso were muscular as if he lifted weights, and the gray chest hair that peeked out of his shirt sometimes covered his chest. It was fucking hot because nothing about him seemed old. He only seemed exotic.

  When I looked at him, his electric-blue eyes were on me, and he was studying my body the way I was staring at his.

  He reached for a condom in his pants pocket and rolled it easily over his dick. When he was ready for me, Brent walked to me. He put his arms around me and lifted me as if I weighed nothing. I wrapped my legs around his waist. He held me up, the muscles in his arms straining. Slowly he lowered me down, and his cock poked against my pussy. I moved my hips until I guided him to my entrance, and the rest was up to gravity.

  Brent lowered me onto his cock and pushed me against the closest wall. I cried out, pinned between the wall and his body, his cock buried inside of me. He bucked his hips, fucking me. The orgasm ripped through me, leaving me gasping and limp. Brent held me up, still pounding furiously into me.

  After a while, he spun me around and walked me to the bed, still holding me up. He laid me down beneath him and started jerking his hips again, his rhythm unrelenting. I cried out as he pumped into me. When I was sure I was going to tip over the edge of a second orgasm, Brent slowed it right down. He slid into me, achingly slow, before pulling out again just as slowly. It was delicious and torture at the same time. Brent looked me in the eye while he did it, amusement on his face. He was enjoying this. Of course he was. I had to admit I was, too.

  When I was so fucking wired I was ready to beg him, Brent picked up the pace again. I cried out as he pumped into me, harder and faster, hammering his hips against mine. I orgasmed again and curled my body around his, my nails digging into his arms where I was holding on to him. He grunted and a moment later he released inside of me, pumping and jerking, and it only drew out my orgasm. It carried on forever, and I was caught in a limbo of bliss.


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