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Filthy Rich Vampire Playboys

Page 6

by Gisele St. Claire

  “Not for yours.” I snipped.

  “But maybe for the others. Oooh you little raver you.”

  I scowled.

  He elbowed me. “You know you love me, everyone loves me. Would you like another drink, Serena? I see you’re standing with an empty glass which is completely unacceptable. Unless you're me and avoiding alcohol. Your suitors want firing. He whisked a glass as a waiter and tray passed him. “There you go. Now, Carter. Do you have anything for me, or do I have to go to the faucet?”

  “There’s soda in the refrigerator.”

  “Thanks.” He flagged down a waiter. “Soda, please.”

  “You couldn’t walk to the refrigerator? It’s only there.” I pointed.

  “No, because then I would have had to leave your side and I’m not going to do that.”

  “Is he always this annoying?” I asked the others.

  “Yes.” They all said in unison.

  Smith looked offended, and I laughed.

  While they chatted, I watched the four of them. Half the time they didn’t even finish their sentences. They were so in tune, all four of them. Totally like close siblings. I envied their friendship. I’d never been part of any clique, never had a large group of friends. You could see they had each other’s backs, something very rare for a place full of money, power, lies, and deceit. But for all of their conversations, they kept including me. There would always be one of them talking to me. I don’t even think they noticed. I felt wanted.

  Then someone jumped in the pool and it broke up their conversation. “Whoop, I’m going in. Anyone joining me?” Smith was off, and Jayden followed.

  “The party boys.” Carter said.

  “Are you not going in?”

  “No. I prefer the sea.”

  Carter and Flynn introduced me to some other residents of Carbon Beach. Some were friendly, others barely gave me a cursory glance. I didn't care, I had no interest in most of them either. They left me talking to a couple who were celebrity Interior Designers who seemed nice.

  As it got later, and the sky darkened, the house was illuminated with so many different lights, and the mood changed. Anyone who wasn’t a party-type left, with the exception of Flynn, who took a seat on a couch and sat nursing a beer. Heavy drinking occurred. I would hazard a guess that if I went to one of the other rooms, there’d be lines being inhaled. Clothes came off and people were jumping naked into the pool.

  I walked over to Flynn.

  “Do you want me to take you home?” he said.

  “No. I’m fine. I’m not ready to leave yet anyway.”

  “Seriously? I’m only here to make sure Smith and Jayden don’t do anything they’ll regret.”

  “Are you always the father figure?” I asked him. “Because you’re not their father. Maybe you should let them fuck up. It might help them grow up.”

  “Yeah. I did that once. Didn’t end well.” Flynn’s face darkened. “I’m going to get another drink. You want one?”

  “No.” I replied. “I want two.”

  Later while Flynn was waylaid by two women asking how much he charged for his photography, I decided to do a little reconnaissance and slipped back upstairs. Sure enough there were people doing lines in the office, and one of them was Cynthia. I snuck my cell phone from my purse and snapped a few pictures for when I was no longer undercover. They were all too high to notice.

  Then I walked over to a bedroom, the door of which was now closed, with just a couple of inches of space.

  I placed my face at the edge and peeked inside. What I saw made me gasp but the naked people inside, currently writhing on the bed didn’t notice. They were far too busy.

  A brunette was on all fours on the bed with Jayden’s cock in her mouth while Smith pounded into her from behind. I wanted to look away, to walk away. I hadn’t expected this here tonight. Flynn was supposed to be watching them, right? But Flynn had got distracted by the people asking him about his photography.

  I realized I had to stay. To stay and watch—and take pictures. I took my cell back out of my purse only to note that the battery had died. Fuck! Rookie mistake to not have brought my portable charger.

  As a journalist, I’d trained myself to miss nothing and so I stood in the doorway, my senses being attacked in overdrive. There was no reticence here, all three of them were lost in the moment, loud groans and moans escaping them. I focused on Jayden first. He was more stocky than the others. Pure beef. His pectorals glistened with sweat and the eight-pack of his abdomen undulated as he thrust into the woman’s eager mouth. Drool ran down from her lips. It would appear her mouth was certainly full.

  “Let’s swap.”

  Jayden popped his dick from down her throat and I saw just how impressive his cock was. Dark and erect, it must have been a good ten inches. No wonder she’d drooled.

  Then my gaze turned to Smith whose cock had vacated the woman’s pussy. His looked even larger. Jesus! What did they feed them in Malibu?

  “Let’s DP. I’m ready.” Smith ordered.

  They pulled the woman up onto her knees and turned her toward Jayden. Then Smith whispered something in Jayden’s ear that I couldn’t make out.

  “Are you ready for us, Madelyn?” Jayden asked.

  “Yes.” She gasped. “So, so, ready.”

  Smith nodded at Jayden and he grabbed hold of his dick and pushed inside her heat, making her legs tremble.

  “Oh my fucking God, yes!”

  I felt my own panties dampen. This may be my investigation, but boy could these guys put on a show. I needed to get home to get myself off.

  Smith ran his hands through Madelyn’s wetness and rubbed her juices around her asshole. She moaned throughout. Then lining himself up he pushed slowly inside her tight hole. Bringing a hand around to her breast he said, “Relax, Madelyn. Enjoy. Feel all the sensations of ecstasy as they come together.”

  And she did. Smith pushed further inside her and both the men’s thrusts built as they held the woman between them and fucked her senseless.

  I could tell she was close, her pants were coming in shorter gasps and she started begging, “Fuck me, fuck me. Oh yes.”

  And then something happened that took my brain too long to compute. They both lifted her hair, leaned to either side of her neck and bit down.

  The woman came so hard I could see the tremors from where I stood and her shrieks were nothing but pleasure. No indication of pain. My mind burned with confused thoughts because it looked like she’d just been attacked, blood trickled down either side of her neck, but how? A love bite didn’t do that.

  Then Jayden tipped his head back, and I saw his descended canines, his tongue swept around his teeth. They licked up the woman’s neck. “Oh my God, I’ve never come so hard in my life. But what did you do?”

  Jayden stared directly into her eyes. “When you wake you’ll not remember the bite. You’ll remember all the glorious sex, but not the bite. Sleep now.” The woman closed her eyes, and they laid her back on the bed. I tried to peer closer. It seemed they’d licked any blood from her neck. What the hell was going on? Some kind of sexual homage to vampires with fake teeth and fake blood? Hypnotism?

  Things had sure just gotten a whole lot more interesting.

  “Hmmm, didn’t have you down as the voyeur type. Just shows you can’t go on first impressions.” Flynn’s voice came from behind me. “So, what did my friends do while I wasn’t looking?”

  Chapter Ten


  I startled at his voice and stood in front of him knowing my expression could show nothing but guilt. I’d been caught watching. Best I played along.

  “It was just so hot. I couldn’t help watching them. It was quite a show. Do you often bring fantasy play into it?”

  “I’m sorry, what?” A crease showed between Flynn's brows.

  “They had teeth, like vampires, and bit down on her neck. It looked so realistic.”

  Flynn cleared his throat. “Well, it’s amazing, the quality of
products these days, especially if you have the money the people here have.”

  “They wore the woman completely out.” I stood away from the door so that Flynn could look through.

  He peeked and then turned back to me. Those piercing blue eyes seemed to penetrate my soul.

  “Serena. You will remember nothing of what you saw here. Nothing further than being downstairs and us talking on the couch. In a moment I will escort you back to the hotel. The fact you thought you saw fangs will be gone from your mind.”

  It was like he was trying to hypnotize me, but I guessed it was a warning that what went down in the house stayed in the house.

  “I understand.” I said.

  “Wait downstairs.”

  I turned toward the stairs.

  But now my thoughts bombarded me further. Once a journalist, always a journalist. Why did I have to forget? There was nothing wrong with fantasy role play. What were they hiding?

  Flynn met me back in the living room after a few minutes.

  “How are they all?”

  “All asleep wrapped up together like babies. Sometimes I get sick of watching out for them, you know? They take no responsibility for their actions.”

  “It was only a little harmless role play.”

  Flynn's eyes widened. “Pardon?”

  “The vamp thing. Looked quite hot actually. You should have seen how she came when they fake bit her. Now I know you said not to say anything, to forget about it, so I’ll not mention it again, but don’t be too hard on them. She wasn’t complaining.”

  He stared at me again, but strangely, like I’d just spoken in a foreign language.

  “Let’s get you home.” He said.

  Chapter Eleven


  It was the morning after the night before and like we’d agreed we’d called a meeting to discuss our ‘situation’. Now we were also discussing Smith and Jayden’s behavior.

  “The press expect a story on us having parties and hot sex.” Smith said. “I don’t see the big deal. You compelled Serena, so she doesn’t know what she saw. So problem solved.”

  “Except I don’t think it took.”

  That stopped him. I’d never seen Smith mute before, but he looked at me like I’d shot him with a stun gun.

  “What do you mean, ‘you don’t think it took’?”

  “I compelled her, sent her downstairs and then afterward she carried on talking about everything she saw. Like I’d never done it.”

  “Did you try it again?”

  “No, because she’s under the impression it’s some kind of role play game and your teeth and the blood are false. So I left it. Maybe if you go see her it will work better coming from you, seeing as you were the one who did something she needs to forget.”

  “Anyone can compel. You know that.” Carter said, slow and measured.

  “Yeah, well, I’m gonna call my mom today and see what she knows about failure to compel.”

  “Okay.” Carter nodded. “You do that and let me know if I need to help. You guys.” He pointed to the others, currently splayed on his couch. “You need to grow the fuck up. Enough’s enough now. Here’s where we decide, right now. We pursue Serena, or we quit. You two go get all the pussy you like, but without us at your backs.” He glared at Jayden. “You were wasted. Not cool in front of Smith, who obviously gets drunk on pussy juice alone.”

  Smith smiled. “Sure do.”

  “The issue is I’m not sure one woman shared between us is going to be enough for you two.” I said to them. “Now, I’m fine with it. I think Serena’s a lovely woman and I’m looking forward to getting to know her better. Carter is too. But I don’t know what you want.”

  “There’s something about that chick, doesn’t add up. I like her, but I don’t trust her.” Smith announced, his eyes narrowing.

  “Where’s this come from?” Carter snapped.

  “She was hanging around the spa trying to speak to me. Her behavior was suspicious. And she pretended not to know me.”

  “Oooh, sounds like someone’s pride is hurt.” I elbowed him in the side.

  Jayden spoke. “I don’t know her, but I do know I need someone with a sense of adventure. 'Cause I don’t wanna get bored, dudes. I didn’t get to know her very well, other than giving her a tour of your place, but she was hot, I’ll give her that. Seemed nice enough. So what’s next?”

  “Next it’s time to take her on a date. Jayden, I think you should go first.”

  “Okay, man. You got it. One hot exciting date coming up for Miss Serena Ripley.”

  “We done? I’m going back to bed.” Smith announced as he stood and left the room.

  “I’m gonna take off too. Catch ya laters.” Jayden stood, grabbed his jacket, and the door banged closed behind him.

  Carter sighed. “What’s going off with those two?”

  “They’re bored. We’re only in our late twenties, Carter. How are they going to survive a vampire’s lifetime?”

  “I guess we just have to hope that as time passes, they mature.”

  “I really do like Serena.” I confessed. “I would try to pursue dating her, even if our hoped-for arrangement didn’t work out.”

  “I feel the same. She’s a great woman.” He patted my shoulder. “Let’s see what happens, but maybe one of us will get lucky and find love, hey? And she seems to accept the fact that the four of us are good buddies which is more than Rose ever did.”

  I nodded but felt my jaw tighten. Rose was the name not usually mentioned, the one thing that had almost broken our quartet up.

  “So, what are your plans for the day?” Carter asked me. “Fancy catching some waves?”

  “Usually, I’d say hell yeah. But I want to go speak to my mom. This compulsion thing weirded me out. It’s never not worked before.”

  “Your loss.” He smirked standing up and staring out of his window at the ocean. “Because it sure looks beautiful out there today.”

  If it were possible, I don’t think Carter would ever come out of the ocean. It was a good thing that we weren’t like vampires portrayed in folklore—only able to come out at night. There were only small differences between us and humans, apart from feeding on blood and the compulsion. We could make people believe what we wanted. Put glamor's on so that people thought they saw something different to reality. We convinced people they didn’t see us feed, or that we didn’t feed from them. That they needed to have a little sleep, and they’d feel better in a couple hours. Madelyn had left Carter's house fresh as a daisy and none the wiser, other than sore between her legs from the hard fuck she’d been given.

  I went back over my compelling of Serena. I did nothing wrong. It should have worked. So why hadn’t it?

  “You’re absolutely sure you did it properly?” My mom’s authoritarian voice came down the line.


  “Well then, darling. Either she’s got vampire running in her own veins, or she’s your one true love.”

  “What did you just say?”

  “You know, once we are turned we’re unable to be compelled. There are some who say that if a human can’t be compelled it's because they are destined to become one of us.”

  “Sounds like a crock of shit.”

  “You asked for my advice, I’m telling you what I know. What’s this woman like anyway? Do you like her?”

  “Yeah, Mom. I do. But she’s only a friend right now.”

  “Well, maybe she’s meant to be something more, Flynn. When are you seeing her again?”

  “Monday. I’m meeting her to discuss work.”

  “Maybe you should discuss pleasure too, but that’s all I’m saying. Now, when are you going to come to see me?”

  “Soon, Mom. I’ll make arrangements soon.”

  “Okay, my darling. Speak soon.”

  She ended the call.

  I sat back on my couch, still feeling perplexed. Maybe it had just had a delayed reaction? There was a chance that she’d woken up unable to re
member anything. I pressed the number I’d been given for her business cell.

  “Serena Ripley.”

  “Hey there, it’s Flynn.”

  “I know, your name comes up on my screen.”

  “Yeah, well I like to be polite. I just wondered how you were?”

  “My head’s still sore, although several coffees have helped. Unfortunately for me though, I had to work, so what can I do for you? Or is that all you wanted, to check on my welfare?”

  “Yeah, that’s all. Oh, did you make me an appointment to come see you Monday with the photos?”

  “Shoot. I forgot. Give me a second.” I heard her type into her laptop.

  “11am, Monday.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you then.”



  “I said I wouldn’t say anything about the role play and I meant it, if that’s what you’re really ringing for.”


  “No, I trust you. I was just calling to check on your welfare. Only I kinda like you. You’re growing on me.”

  “You’re growing on me too.”

  “See you Monday then.” My voice had dropped an octave.

  “Monday at 11am.”

  The line went dead.

  Chapter Twelve


  Me and Smith had fucked up last night, literally. I might not have the same problem as Smith, but I think the mix of sex and alcohol was something I found too hard to resist. Maybe I needed to go cold turkey like my friend had. Though the four of us were close, it had always been me and Smith, the wild boys, versus Carter and Flynn, the more sensible of the two.

  It was hardly surprising I was how I was. Rather than try to keep out of the limelight, my mother had courted it. She’d been asked to be part of the reality show 'The Real Business Women of Malibu' and couldn’t resist. It meant people had watched me grow up on screen. There’d been uproar when I’d been caught having sex with my mother’s best friend at eighteen, mainly because that part hadn’t been scripted. It resulted in me and my family being thrown off the show. Mom went on to produce an Oscar winning movie which was a huge ‘fuck you’ to the producers, and it was the start of my reputation of being a wild party boy. I liked it and I kept it going. When they’d called us the Filthy Rich Playboys, I’d wanted to buy us shirts.


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