Filthy Rich Vampire Playboys

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Filthy Rich Vampire Playboys Page 8

by Gisele St. Claire

  So she could have done it. She could have given birth to Smith Henderson out of the glare of the public eye. Fuck, was this actually possible? That one of the most rock solid couples in the US had actually been rocked by an affair where Linda had gotten pregnant by Bill Henderson?

  My expose here just seemed to be building to be better and better. Holy hot fuck. How was I going to investigate this? To test my theory and attempt to get proof?

  I didn’t yet know and I also needed to wait for the office to send me their findings. One thing I did know was there was no way I would sleep tonight. I was far too buzzed about the whole thing. Which gave me an idea. It was eleven pm, and I felt like hitting some bars. I didn’t know which around here were the best, but I knew a man who did.

  I found his cell number.

  Serena: Party boy. I openly admit I got your number from The Dream’s records but I need a drink and to dance. Where’s the best place to go?

  The phone buzzed back within thirty seconds.

  Smith: My house. Party happening as we speak. You’re more than welcome.

  Serena: Be there in thirty.

  It was time for a quick shower and then off to Smith’s I went. Perfect. I could have a snoop around, and see what I could find out about him. I’d be tired at work tomorrow, but who cared? It wasn’t my real job anyhow.

  I searched through my wardrobe for my most revealing outfit, pulling out a tight red dress with cutaways at the waist. Perfect.

  I showered and then dried off, applying a moisturizer that made my skin gleam. Smoothing down my dress, I checked my reflection out. I’d developed a slight golden tan, just enough that combined with the body lotion it made my long legs gleam. Next, I trailed the curling iron through my hair giving myself beach style waves. A few coats of mascara and a smack of lip-gloss and I was ready to go. I grabbed my jacket and purse, slipped into my shoes and left the hotel. As I walked to the rear of the hotel, a car horn made me startle and I clutched my hand to my chest looking up. There was a bright red Porsche parked in the hotel’s car lot, Smith’s blond head in the driver's seat window, easily recognizable from this distance. I sauntered over toward him, taking time to sashay up to him, to let him catch the swing of my hips, my nonchalance.

  “Hey. I wasn’t expecting a ride.”

  “That’s the thing with me, babe. Expect the unexpected. It’s too far for a pretty lady to walk, especially in those shoes. Mine’s the last house on the beach.”

  “Thanks for coming then. Though I’m sure cabs come to the hotel.”

  “My party, my rules.” He said. “You getting in, or we gonna talk out here all night? Only my place is much more exciting, and I thought that's what you were after?”

  I opened the passenger door and sat next to him.

  “Come on, party boy. Show me how you play.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  I had Ted checking out Serena’s employment references. After her text I decided I’d check out her.

  I’d been waiting. She had a surf date with Carter, a meal out with Jayden, a photography session with Flynn.

  But I wasn’t chasing Serena. She needed to come to me.

  If she wanted to play in my kingdom, she could come right in. But like I said, it was my party, my rules. Let’s see how far Miss Ripley—if that was her real name, and I sincerely doubted it—was prepared to take it.

  Without alcohol to buzz through my veins, I got off on the scent of a woman’s arousal. A vampire’s sense of smell was acute, and her scent flowed through the air like honey flowed from a hive.

  She’d dressed to kill in a tight red dress.

  I drove the few houses down the Pacific Highway, pulling into the private parking garage underneath the house.

  Serena exited the car, her body looking elegant on exit, not a gangly mess like the coked-up models I usually played with. She followed me up and around the front of the house, her eyes wide as she took everything in, her senses no doubt assaulted by the sheer opulence of everything.

  The pool was filled with champagne. A singer so famous I didn’t need to tell Serena who she was, was singing her hits on a stage on the far end of the patio. Drink flowed freely.

  “I thought you were an alcoholic?”

  “I have a problem if I drink, but I’m not an alcoholic. Also, why ruin other people’s fun? I like to watch people enjoying themselves, Serena. I hear you do too?”

  She looked up slowly and smiled. “Sometimes. Now what does a girl have to do to get a drink around here?” She asked, looking around.

  “Jump in the pool?” I challenged her.

  She hesitated a moment, looking at me, her mouth slightly open.

  “You said you were looking for a party. What was it you called me?” I loosened my tie and threw it onto the ground and then opened my shirt buttons from the top one down. Her eyes followed me until I shrugged off my shirt. Then I kicked off my shoes. As I undid the waistband of my pants, she stepped out of her shoes and lifted the hem of her dress, pulling it over her head.

  I stood in my boxers and took in the form in front of me. Serena was wearing a silvery-gray bra, her plentiful breasts spilling over the cups. As she turned to look at the pool, her perfect ass was revealed by the matching thong she wore.

  “Shall we?” I said and grabbed her hand.

  We moved to the pool’s edge. “On the count of three. One."

  “Two.” We chanted together. But I pulled her in on two, her ‘three’ hitting the air just before we crashed through the champagne water. Rising from the pool she smoothed her hair back from her face, spluttering, then laughed.

  “I should have known you’d pull that stunt, Smith Henderson.”

  “What about this one?” I said and pushing her against the pool’s edge I smashed my lips to hers.

  Her arms came around my neck, her mouth open, hungrily drinking me in. Her tongue chased around the droplets on my lips, moaning as the champagne fizzed on her tongue.

  “Fuck.” She gasped.

  “If you ask nicely.” I replied. “But not here.”

  She pulled back away from me, her breath coming in short gasps. “Then where?”

  My mind rejoiced that I’d not been rejected. So she was willing to play? Well I was all in. I’d worry about who she was after I’d fucked her every way I knew how.

  We left the pool, champagne dripping from us as we walked along the patio area, through the living room and up the stairs. Reaching the top floor, Serena looked around my bedroom with its black furniture and view of the ocean. “Hmmm. I was expecting more from you Smith to be honest.” Her green eyes glittered with mischief.

  I walked over to the bookcase pushing on a hidden lever. It swung open revealing a secret suite of rooms.

  “You need to stop underestimating me, Serena.” I told her and beckoned her to step through the doorway.

  She walked through, and I closed the doors behind me.

  This was the real me. The one no other woman had ever gotten to see. Serena looked around and gasped.

  “Still want to play?” I asked her.

  She took in the bondage equipment: the whips, the chains.

  “Where’s the role play stuff?” She asked.

  “What role play stuff?” My brow creased.

  She swung around to face me. “When I watched you with Jayden and Madelyn. You pretended to bite her. She loved it. I could see. I want that, Smith. I want to play.”

  “You’re not ready for that.” I smiled to myself.

  “Try me.”

  “Oh I’ll try you all right.” I told her, and I moved toward her and pulled a bra strap down off her shoulder.

  “Starting right now.”

  I picked her up and laid her on the bed in my playroom, stripping off her wet underwear. Then I licked the droplets of champagne off her body. It was a dangerous game. Though a minimal amount of alcohol that and the scent of her pussy threatened to send me over the edge. But I knew I’d be okay, becau
se I had my bodyguards. Serena hadn’t asked where my friends were. Rookie error, we were never far from each other's sides and they could be found through a further doorway, watching us on a camera, seeing how Serena responded to my touch.

  I peeled off my boxers and watched as her eyes feasted on my dick. “Like what you see?”

  “Ah,” she swung a hand. “I’ve seen better before.”

  I sat astride her taking the weight into my thighs. “And for that you’re gonna have to beg for it.”

  I took her mouth in mine again, our tongues tangling as our passion collided. It was like a chemical reaction between my body and hers. I’d never felt anything like it.

  My hand trailed down her side and she shivered under my touch, causing her skin to goose bump. My fingertips trailed ever further until they sought entrance to her heat, brushing her clit. I ran my fingertips up her seam and plunged two fingers straight into her juicy wetness.


  She thrust her hips up to meet my fingers and her own hand came around and fastened around the base of my cock. She gave me a firm pump, fisting her hand and moving up and down my cock.

  “God, you’re huge.”

  I smiled before capturing her mouth with my own again.

  My fingers left her heat and dropping my mouth from hers I placed my fingers at her lips. “Taste yourself. See how wet you are for me.”

  I felt her clench her thighs together. Someone liked it dirty.

  I sat back on my haunches. “Open yourself wide and let me watch you come.”

  She shook her head. “Not tonight, baby. You need to work harder than that to get me to play your games.”

  Challenge accepted, I moved and dipped my head between her thighs. My tongue entered her pussy, and she tightened her legs around me. I knew how to dine out at a pussy buffet, I’d had enough practice. I delved and teased until she was on the brink of her climax and then I let her go. She arched toward me. “No. Don’t stop.”

  I hovered over her, trailing my cock head against her pouring juices. “What do you want, Serena? Say it.”

  Her eyes fluttered open; they were full to the brim with lust, her lids hooded. She smiled. Why was it she was at my mercy, yet I felt like I was the underdog?

  “I want you to fuck me, Smith.”

  “How much?”

  “So, so, much. I want your cock in me, hard. Right now.” She bit her bottom lip.

  I plunged inside her, right to the hilt and she gasped. In and out I pumped losing myself in the ecstasy of her pussy. Whether it was the small drops of champagne or something else I didn’t know, but it just felt right. Like I’d been lacking oxygen, and she was the air I’d needed to breathe.

  And then out of nowhere she said. “I want to play. Bite me.”

  I could hear the faint shouts of my brothers from the other room, but I was lost, so as I fucked her I moved the hair away from her neck, my canines descended and I bit through her tender flesh.

  She came hard, clenching around my cock like she needed to milk me of every last drop. I fed from her and she came again.

  “How do you do that?” She muttered.

  I stopped and licked at her neck sealing the bite and preventing her from bleeding further.

  She looked at me in confusion.

  “What just happened? You, you seemed to really bite me.” Her eyes focused on my face, specifically on my mouth and I licked around, feeling my fangs and tasting the remnants of her blood.

  “Was there something else in that pool, other than champagne?” She said. “Only my eyes are trying to tell me that you really are a vampire.”

  She moved away from me and sat back against the headboard. I stood and grabbed a robe throwing it toward her.

  I tilted my head at her. “Which are you going to believe? Your mind or your eyes?”

  “What if they both tell me the same thing?”

  I shrugged. “Then you have to decide if you’re hallucinating or seeing the truth.”

  The door burst open and the other three men ran inside. “What are you doing, Smith?” Flynn yelled. “You always have to push it too far. You’re dangerous, you know that?”

  “She doesn’t look harmed from where I’m standing.” I wrapped a towel around my waist.

  Serena pulled her robe tighter around her. “Oh my God. Where have you come from? What’s going on?”

  Jayden sat at the side of her. “Look at me, Serena.” He said. “Right into my eyes.”

  She did, confusion mapping her features.

  “Tell me what you think of being bitten?”

  “Go fuck yourself.” She told him, and I burst into hearty laughter.

  He stared at her again. “Serena. You are going to forget what happened here tonight.”

  “Or what?” She said angrily leaping up.

  Jayden turned to Smith. “You’re right, compulsion doesn’t work on her.”

  “What’s compulsion? Are you fuckers trying to hypnotize me? Someone better start talking fast here because I’m wondering what the hell I’ve stumbled across.”

  Flynn walked across and gestured for Jayden to move. He knelt at the bed at the side of her and took Serena’s hand. She let him.

  “Do you have an open mind, Serena?”

  “Yes, so don’t treat me like some kind of child, and don’t try to hypnotize me or any other shit in your Filthy Rich repertoire. Just tell me the truth,” she yelled. “I’m a big girl.”

  “We’re vampires.” He said honestly. “All four of us are vampires. We’ve lived in Carbon Beach all of our lives and we’re looking for one woman to share who can satisfy us all. We think that woman could possibly be you.”

  “Vampires? Guys who like to drink blood? Like a fetish thing, and false sharp teeth?”

  Flynn shook his head and opening his mouth he let his fangs descend.

  “Real life vampires, Serena. But not the monsters you see portrayed on the television. Just four guys with different food requirements, looking for love.”

  “Vampires?” She pointed to each one of us in turn. “All of you?”

  “Yeah?” Flynn said.

  Serena burst out into a huge guffaw of laughter. “Well, fuck, I didn’t see that one coming.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  Had I been drugged?

  I’d fucked Smith Henderson and then the next thing I knew was this overwhelming feeling of pleasure followed by a spacing out. The only way I could describe it was like my whole being had magnetized and Smith was a shiny piece of metal.

  And the others, they’d watched the whole thing from another room? It didn’t surprise me after what Leonie had told me. It sounded like something rich playboys would do, but the vampire thing? Could it be true or was I the new potential victim of a cruel hoax?

  They were all sitting in various parts of the bedroom, with their eyes flitting from focusing on me and my reactions, to each other, as they clearly wondered what happened next.

  “How do I believe you? You know it sounds ridiculous, right?”

  Flynn nodded his head. Out of all of them he was the one I’d believe the most. The level-headed one.

  “It does sound ridiculous and there isn’t much we can do to convince you. If you choose to believe our fangs are fake, well there’s not a lot we can do about that.”

  I sat biting on my bottom lip for a moment while I considered everything.

  “I think I’m going to go back to my room now and think over everything that’s happened tonight.”

  Looks of panic crossed their faces.

  I lifted my hand, “Hey, I’m not going to say anything. It’s been an eventful evening. Without the whole you’re vampires announcement, you said you want to share me as a lover. That’s pretty heavy talk and I need time to think about your proposition.”

  “You are considering it?” Carter asked me, his eyebrows raised.

  “Yeah. I like you all. I like sex. Sounds like it has potential. I need to think abo
ut it though. I’ll have questions, like how it will work. You’re four healthy men, I fear I’d be worn out after one night.

  “You’d be worshiped,” Carter replied.

  “You get this is a lot for my brain to take in, right?”

  He nodded.

  “Could someone drive me home?” I stood up and gathered my clothes then headed for the en-suite.

  Carter agreed to take me back to the hotel.

  I got dressed quickly and stared at my neck in the mirror. There was nothing there, not one mark. I’d seen vampire movies; shouldn’t I have two puncture wounds on my neck?

  I could hear the guys murmurs through the door, mainly a lot of ‘keep your voice down’. Whatever they were saying they didn’t want me to hear.

  I emerged from the bathroom and looked over at the others. “See you later, guys. Flynn, what time shall I come around tomorrow night?”

  “You still want to meet?” The tone of his voice gave away his surprise.

  “If I might be dating you together, I think it makes sense for me to keep my separate dates with you all.”

  I walked up to Smith, rose onto my tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “Thanks for tonight. It certainly wasn’t boring.” Smith looked stunned and remained speechless. I bet that was a first.

  I left, following Carter out of the house and to his car.

  “Well, I have to say, you aren’t reacting like I thought you would.” Carter stared at me as he sat behind the steering wheel.

  “I didn’t realize there was a correct way to respond. Perhaps you could let me have a copy of the drill.”

  “Do you believe us?” His hand rested on the steering wheel.

  “I know I was bitten. I felt Smith’s teeth pierce my skin, yet there’s nothing there.” I touched the skin on my neck. “So how can that be if it’s not a trick?”

  “It’s in our saliva. An enzyme. It seals the wound and heals it.

  “Can you bite anywhere else or just necks?”

  "I can feed from your wrists." He raised an eyebrow. "I can feed from your thigh.”


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