Immortal Truths: A Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance (An Angel and Her Demons Book 2)

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Immortal Truths: A Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance (An Angel and Her Demons Book 2) Page 11

by Lacey Carter Andersen

  Shoving her hands into her pockets, she didn’t look at the people she passed. She felt… lost. Maybe it was because their strange behavior came after the Immortal who didn’t want to trust her for being an angel, but she was angry. Maybe she didn’t have her memory. Maybe she was still kind of an angel. But she was also Surcy, the woman they’d fought so hard to prove she could trust them, to get her to love them.

  Freezing in the street, she stared across a little park squeezed in-between buildings. Multicolored leaves drifted from the trees, their orange and red leaves beautiful as they drifted in the wind. But her mind seemed to be frozen on them. Frozen on a thought.

  Did she say she loved her demons?

  Her heart squeezed. She did!

  Searching her feeling, her hands slid out of her pockets. She did love them. Each of them.

  She wasn’t sure how it happened, or when it happened, but it had. Suddenly she couldn’t imagine a life without them, and that had a significance that made her legs feel weak.

  Waiting until a car passed, she sprinted across the street until she reached the park and sat down. She loved demons! She no longer had wings. She still didn’t remember being human, or her time with the demons before, but she somehow felt that the time she did have with them was enough.

  If she never remembered anything else… she might be okay.

  She thought of their mission and about rescuing the Immortals. There were still three remaining, somewhere out there. Once they rescued them, they could overthrow Caine. Yes, there would be a war between the realms like nothing that had been seen before, but after that, the world would be the way it was always meant to be.

  Even though she was a wingless angel, she would be part of the force that changes everything.

  She smiled and stood. She didn’t know what the hell was going on with her demons, but they’d been through a lot. She could put aside her hurt feelings and fix things between them.

  And she knew exactly how to do it.

  Rushing home, she ignored the fact that Mark and Daniel stopped talking at the table when she walked past. She went to her room and took a long shower, scrubbing every inch of her body. When she was done, she looked in her mirror. She didn’t have makeup, or a hair dryer, so she brushed her hair until it didn’t look like a wet dog, and then went to her closet.

  There was nothing sexy. Not. One. Single. Thing.

  But she saw one of Tristan’s simple white shirts and put it on. Going back to the mirror, she felt a wave of nervousness. The shirt was see-through. It might be too much… but then, she was going for sexy. They’d find this sexy, right? Taking a deep breath, she went to her bed and slid between the sheets. Lying down, she stared at the ceiling. Did she just, call them? How exactly did a woman coax three sexy men into bed with her?

  She kind of wished she could just make them start things.

  Curling her hands around the covers, she gritted her teeth. Nope, she could be brave. She could show them that she loved them and wanted to be with them. And that she didn’t care if things were strained between them, she just wanted them.

  She cleared her throat. Then, said nothing.

  I feel stupid.

  Climbing out of bed, she stood in the center of the room, still uncertain what to do. Calling, “come sex me up, boys,” sounds wrong, somehow.

  She stared hopelessly at her open door, striving for something that didn’t make her sound like an idiot.

  But to her relief, she didn’t have to say a thing. The three men suddenly appeared at her door, Mark knocking awkwardly on the frame of the door. When his gaze rose and landed on her, it widened, then slid over her.

  “Come in,” she said, her voice no louder than a whisper.

  They entered. There was tension in their shoulders, even in their expressions, but when they saw her, the air changed.

  A shiver went through her body. Daniel was staring at her as if she truly wore nothing at all. His gaze moved to her breasts, where she knew her nipples were clearly visible, then down to the junction between her thighs. Mark, on the other hand, looked like he’d been smacked. His mouth hung slightly open, and his gaze was fixed on her body.

  Tristan stood frozen. His hands curled into fists. “Surcy—“ His deep voice was a groan of warning.

  “I want you. All of you,” she said, forcing the words past her lips.

  He started to shake his head, “I told you—“

  “I love you.”

  His face seemed to pale.

  “It hit me today, that I do. And that I don’t care about anything else. I just want all of you.”

  He crossed the room and touched her cheek, his fingers feather light. For a minute he seemed lost for words and she hung on the air, waiting. Finally, he cleared his throat. “We need to talk to you first.”

  Willing herself to be bold, she stood up on her tiptoes and pulled him down into a kiss. Instantly, he melted against her, his lips desperate. When their kiss finally broke, she reached for his shirt and began to pull it up, revealing his mouthwatering stomach. Her fingers instantly brushed the muscles, glorying in the fact that she got to touch them, loving the way her body heated up as she stroked his flesh.

  He caught her wrists, breathing hard, eyes closed. “We need to talk first.”

  She shook her head. “No. It can wait.”

  When he opened his mouth, she let her hands slide down to the button on his jeans. Flicking it open, she drew down the zipper, then pulled off his pants. His words died, and his eyes popped open as she knelt down and slid his boxers down.

  And she stared. And stared.

  It was like she was seeing him for the first time. So big, so hard, and all hers.

  Running her finger slowly along the length of him, she was satisfied when his cock jerked.

  “Surcy,” her name was ripped from his lips, the sound of a man being tortured.

  Continuing her light exploration of him, her gaze was glued to the precum that shone at his tip. Unable to help herself, she leaned forward and licked him.

  He groaned, his entire body spasming.

  If he likes that…

  Parting her lips, she took him inside of her hot mouth. The gargoyle shuddered, and his hands went lightly to the back of her hair. As she slid him in and out, Tristan bucked into her mouth, a man trying desperately to keep his control.

  But she wanted to make him lose all control. She wanted to reward him for his patience with her and show him just how much he meant to her.

  She cupped his balls, squeezing them softly, as she sucked harder and harder.

  His movements became more rushed, wilder, but she knew the moment he snapped.

  He roared, a sound that was all demon. His hands dug into the back of her hair, and he began to thrust into her mouth as if he owned her. Each time his cock hit the back of her throat, she gagged around him, but didn’t stop. She wanted to taste him when he released. She wanted to know she’d been the one to make him lose control.

  When her name tore from his lips, and a shudder went through his body, he exploded. She continued to suck him as he fucked her mouth wildly. Until he slowed. Until he stopped, holding her hair lightly, keeping himself inside of her.

  Looking up slowly, she met his hooded gaze.

  “I love you,” he said, drawing himself out of her.

  She felt herself tremble and her nipples harden. “I love you too.”

  When Mark and Daniel moved to her sides, Mark helped her rise. Daniel’s warm hands caught the bottom of her shirt and drew it up, letting his knuckles drag against her exposed flesh. It made goose bumps erupt over her skin. It made her clench her teeth to keep her moan inside.

  At last she stood before them, naked, and yet, it didn’t feel strange at all. It felt… right. Instead of being exposed, she was being freed.

  Mark let his hand slide lightly over her back, circling around the scars. Instead of the reminder bringing her to tears, she felt… okay. If she had her wings, she couldn’t have her d

  She’d trade her wings for her demons any day.

  His lips followed the tail of his hands, pressing light kisses on her shoulders, then her back, and then cautiously, onto her scars.

  It was like her soul smiled. Maybe the angels hated her. Maybe other beings might not accept her. But her demons always would.

  Tristan made a small sound of contentment and lay back on the bed. He watched them with hooded eyes, his gaze never leaving their actions. Daniel moved closer, kissing her softly, his hands resting on her hips.

  She moved without thinking, unbuttoning his shirt and pulling it off his broad shoulders. For a second she was overwhelmed by him. He was so good-looking. So impossibly beautiful.

  Her hands slid down the hard muscles of his chest, past his stomach, and began to work the button on his pants. Daniel moved closer.

  “You know what you’re in for, sweetheart?”

  She didn’t look up at him as she nodded and yanked his pants down.

  His boxers and pants came off as one, and then she was left staring at his proud erection.

  “I’ve seen you naked before,” she said, hating the husky quality to her words.

  He leaned closer and nipped her ear, causing her breath to rush out. “I mean, are you ready to have three big dicks in you?”

  She shuddered. “Yes.”

  “Good,” he bit her ear again. “Because I can’t wait to sink into that glorious asshole of yours again.”

  She felt her cheeks heat and her nipples tighten.

  “Now, undress Mark.”

  He spun her around.

  With shaking hands, she undressed her demon. He watched her every move as she undid the buttons on his shirt and slid the material off his broad, delicious shoulders. He shuddered when she trailed her lips across his throat as she took off his pants, sinking to her knees to remove them.

  And when she rose, she wasn’t surprised when Mark pulled her into his arms, lifting her off the ground. Her legs wrapped around his back, and his cock sat hard between them. Reaching down with one hand, she took him in her grip and used his length to slowly slide against. She didn’t let him enter her, just rubbed herself back and forth along him, feeling herself grow wetter with each stroke.

  When he cursed, she almost smiled, if it weren’t for the heat uncurling in her belly.

  Instead, she pressed his tip at her entrance and took him deeper and deeper into her tight channel. Her breathing hitched as her body squeezed around him, and when she reached his hilt, she dropped his length and wrapped her arms around his neck, breathing hard.

  When Daniel grasped her breasts from behind, she moaned. His fingers teased her nipples, and he moved closer until he was firmly pressed against her… until she was practically sitting on his cock. Then, he reached one hand down and steered his length—in and out of her juices.

  The word fuck became a chant behind him as he continued to coat himself, and then, he withdrew, growing silent. Holding her breath, she clamped her teeth together, waiting. But she didn’t have to wait long.

  Like a familiar lover, he spread her ass from behind and eased himself into her. With each inch, her body squeezed him in protest, but he took his time, teasing her nipple with his free hand each time she stiffened.

  Mark didn’t move inside her, but he pressed like kisses along her neck and shoulder, murmuring words of love that she didn’t quite understand, yet felt.

  When both men were inside her, she sat between them, breathing hard, shocked by the strange sensation. She’d never felt so full. So surrounded. It was—

  And then they moved.

  “Damn it!” Her nails dug into Mark’s shoulder, and she felt her eyes widen in shock.

  Every nerve was alive, screaming in pleasure. She couldn’t catch her breath. She couldn’t draw in a single thought. They continued to move, sliding in and out with slow, careful movements.

  She didn’t know what to do, her back bent. She moaned, thrashing her head. How was it possible to feel like this? To feel so good that she wanted to crawl out of her skin, or perhaps stay in it forever, she wasn’t sure which.

  Her core grew hotter, tightening like a cord. The men started to move faster. She sensed their control slipping as they didn’t just slide back into her, they pounded into her.

  To her shock, she began to move against them, rocking in tune to their thrusts. The men groaned in pleasure, and she rode them harder, loving the sounds of their arousal. Loving the feeling of being filled by them.

  When she felt a spark burst into light within her, she reached for it, moving faster and faster. Her orgasm struck her like something wild and dangerous, she tossed her head back screaming, grasping her breasts and pinching her nipples as they held her, claiming every inch of her.

  The world swam away. Time ceased to exist. Everything inside her was alight with something she’d never imagined before.

  And then, the two demons exploded into her, their groans of pleasure hoarse. Their bodies shuddering around her.

  When their thrusting finally slowed, she collapsed between them. They kissed her neck, slowly, almost drunkenly. And their grip around her tightened.

  “That was… incredible,” she whispered lamely.

  She felt Daniel smile against her neck. “That was nothing. We’ve only just begun.”

  Her head swam as Mark pulled out of her, but Daniel stayed buried inside of her, grasping her thighs to keep her from falling. He carried her across the room and laid her directly onto Tristan.

  Her eyes widened as he spread her legs, and his cock eased into her wet channel.

  “Already?” she whispered in disbelief.

  As if in answer, he began to thrust inside of her. Daniel grunted, and his cock swelled in her ass. And again, two powerful demons were riding her.

  For one minute it was too much, she’d just orgasmed. Her nerves were still screaming in pleasure! And then, to her shock, a moan slipped from her lips. She felt it again. The tingles running through her body. The goose bumps erupted on her flesh.

  “Fuck me,” she groaned.

  Tristan nipped her ear. “With pleasure, my angel.”

  When her orgasm hit again, she sobbed. It felt too damned good. Like something she’d always wanted. Like everything inside of her had wanted nothing but these demons all her life.

  Her head felt light. Her muscles tensed, and the demons exploded inside of her once more.

  They rode her like wild men for several long seconds before Daniel collapsed on top of her from behind.

  They lay like that breathing for a long time before Mark joined them on the bed, lying on his side. She opened her eyes and looked at him. He was already asleep.

  Daniel pulled out of her from behind and lay on her other side. He mumbled something she was sure she didn’t want to hear, then fell asleep too.

  When Daniel gently stroked her ass, her eyes began to close.

  “Next time, I’m going to slap this delicious ass.”

  A smile touched her lips. I hope so.


  Mark slipped out of the bed they shared and looked back at Daniel, Tristan, and Surcy. His heart raced. This is it. The God Finder hung heavy around his neck, pulsing with power. It had a vision for him. And the power it swelled with this time was overwhelming. He’d have to funnel a lot of his life-force into it to unlock the image and hold onto it.

  Perhaps more than I have left.

  Like a parasite it took from him. It didn’t take just his druid magic or just his demon strength. It took everything within him, everything that made his body work.

  I’m not going to survive much longer.

  The thought made his throat close. His fate was sealed. He knew that from the moment he began his search for the Immortals, but it was always his destiny.

  Surcy, Daniel, and Tristan were my reward. My great loves.

  The Fate’s words echoed through his mind, even after all this time. There had been times when he was a boy, alone and afr
aid in the world that he’d felt the Fate had made a mistake. That she’d chosen the wrong person.

  And when he died, he’d thought that was the end, that he had failed the realms.

  But now, he knew. Everything had happened just the way it was supposed to.

  Soon he would die again, but he’d have fulfilled his destiny this time.

  Looking at Surcy, Daniel, and Tristan again, he memorized their faces and then, slipped from the room and walked on bare feet into the living room. An instinct that crawled along his spine made him grab a pad of paper and pen off the countertop. Gathering a blanket around his naked body, he tucked it around his waist and lay down on the soft rug before the quiet fireplace, the paper and pen beside him.

  His entire body trembled, but he refused to acknowledge how frightened he was. How much he worried that tonight would be his last night on earth. Because no matter what the vision takes from me, I shouldn’t die right away. I still have too much left to do.

  The thought comforted him enough to calm his racing heart. To make him reach up. Closing his eyes, he placed one hand around The God Finder.

  What do you have to show me now?

  Immediately, he felt the power of the newest vision in a way he never had before. It drained the life-force from him like a dying vampire, drinking and drinking until his eyes rolled back in his head.

  The images came faster than ever before, and for once, began to pull into a vision more quickly than he ever imagined. Angels surrounded three people. No, not people, the Immortals. The angels flashed their swords, and the people fell to their knees.

  “Caine has given up trying to take your powers,” Frink said, his voice harsh.

  “Powers?” a woman said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Frink’s gaze narrowed. With a flick of his wrist, her head fell from her body. “Now, we’re done with games. Your souls will be eternally destroyed, and no one will stop Caine.”


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