Sensual Surrender

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Sensual Surrender Page 7

by Katie Reus

  Chapter 8

  Kevin grinned at the sight of Ellie’s car engulfed in flames. As Tadeo turned the corner, leaving her street, he faced forward. Some neighbors had come out of their homes and he didn’t want to be seen paying too much attention to the car.

  “That’ll get her to call me back.” She’d been ignoring his calls and texts all day. He hadn’t cared much before his meeting with De Luca because he’d thought he’d had time. Not two days to get a plan together to rob the Serafina. Not the actual casino of course. Anyone stupid enough to try to rob a casino vault deserved to get a bullet to the head.

  “You better hope so, mano.” Tadeo shook his head. “I’d have never told De Luca you had a plan before you locked your girl down. Why didn’t you tell me she wasn’t solid?”

  “She’s not my girl.” The words were automatic. And if they planned on killing her after the job—he hadn’t decided if he was going to let that happen yet or not—he wanted to keep his distance from her.

  “You know what I mean.” Tadeo rolled his eyes as he took another turn down a quiet dead end street still in the same nice neighborhood and parked.

  They were driving one of De Luca’s cars, a light gray minivan that looked like something a soccer mom would drive. Which was exactly the point. They had to blend in. And this place was higher middle class. Definitely on the high end. And she’d gotten here because she’d used his money. For school probably, knowing her. She’d always been so brainy, which was actually hot. “It’s not a big deal. I’ll lock her in with the plan. She just needs some persuasion. Besides, all we need is a clean exit after we grab those jewels. She’s Christiansen’s personal assistant. She can make it happen.”

  “Maybe.” Tadeo didn’t sound sure, which annoyed Kevin, but he let it roll off his back.

  For now. He was in control of this heist and it was just the beginning before he created his empire. It would take time, but he was patient. He hadn’t gotten out of prison early by dumb luck. Tadeo didn’t know it, but Kevin had flipped on a couple guys on the inside. That’s what people got for bragging about their crimes. They deserved everything that came their way for their pure stupidity.

  “Not maybe. Now that we’ve scared her she’ll contact me. All she’s gotta do is give me a little information and we’re golden. I know how to convince her so don’t worry about it.” She’d created a cushy little life for herself and she wouldn’t want her friends and boyfriend to know how she’d gotten there. He’d just make her see things his way.

  “I have to worry. If this deal falls through it looks bad on me too. De Luca doesn’t forgive easy.” There was raw fear in Tadeo’s voice that Kevin had never heard before.

  Even though Kevin was afraid of that bastard too, he shrugged. He wasn’t going to show his fear. That’s what made him different than Tadeo. Besides, he had a backup plan. He’d just run with the money he’d taken years ago if it came down to it. Hell, he couldn’t believe Ellie still had most of it. He wouldn’t have saved it for anyone. Which told him that she must still care about him a little. Maybe he could use that to his advantage too.

  Threaten her, scare her, break her down, then build her up again. He’d seen that in prison too many times to count. First he needed to find out more about this boyfriend though. He couldn’t see Ellie settling down with some pussy, but maybe this suit was all part of her new lifestyle. The guy was big yeah, but that didn’t mean shit.

  Multiple cop cars and a fire truck flew by, heading toward Ellie’s place, their sirens blaring. “I need more information on Christiansen’s main guard.” The file De Luca had on the man was pathetic. In fact, the files he had on Christiansen were slim too. Apparently De Luca hated the man enough to have files on him, which Kevin found interesting. But it wouldn’t do him any good without more details.

  Tadeo snorted. “You mean your girl’s live-in boyfriend? Man, I’ll see what I can do, but De Luca has tried to get as much as he can on all Christiansen’s inner circle and it’s damn near impossible. They’ve all got top secret files or some shit.”

  “Top secret? Like with the government?”

  He just shrugged. “Man, how would I know? De Luca doesn’t tell me that shit.”

  “Why does De Luca have a hard-on for Christiansen anyway?” He had to, otherwise he wouldn’t want to target the man’s casino.

  “The rich guy bought up a bunch of property he wanted and Christiansen’s made it known what he thinks of De Luca. I think it’s a pride thing. Pride and money. Those jewels are worth like, millions.”

  Kevin resisted snorting. Sometimes he forgot how uneducated Tadeo was. In prison Kevin had taken advantage of the system and gotten his bachelor’s and he read everything he could get his hands on. “They’re priceless.” Which meant De Luca could net anything on the black market if he put them up for auction. Christiansen had them on loan from a German museum as part of a bigger display showcasing and celebrating art from all over the world. And those jewels were considered art they were so beautiful. Even Kevin could appreciate them.

  “Whatever, mano. They’re worth a lot of money.” When another cop car cruised past, Tadeo started the engine and pulled out onto the main street that would lead them out of the neighborhood.

  Kevin frowned. “What are you doing?” They were supposed to stay and wait to follow Ellie and her boyfriend after she left.

  “There’re too many cops. I don’t like the way this feels so I’m not staying.”

  For a moment Kevin started to argue, but then he nodded. “Yeah, all right.” He wouldn’t question Tadeo’s gut. After going to prison, he knew better. That was all right, he wasn’t letting Ellie get away from him that easily.

  * * * * *

  Ellie wrapped her arms around herself, shivering in the passenger seat as Jay drove them to the Serafina. But it wasn’t from the cold. Someone, she was ninety-nine percent sure it was Kevin, had blown up her car. But to what end? To scare her into cooperating? It did scare her, but more than anything it pissed her off.

  Taking her by surprise because of his almost distant attitude when they’d been at the police station, Jay reached out and squeezed her knee once, never taking his gaze from the road. “We’re going to be very safe soon.”

  “I know, I just don’t like that you’ve been dragged into this mess.” When he frowned, she hurried on. “Not because I don’t think you can’t handle yourself.” She realized, belatedly, that earlier she’d likely insulted him in a way she hadn’t thought of. She knew he was capable. The man was trained and deadly, but she was still terrified of him getting caught in the crossfire. “And I don’t like that we lied to the police.” Jay had instructed her not to mention Kevin’s calls.

  “We didn’t lie. You just omitted some information.”

  She sighed, staring out the window at the bright lights as they cruised down the main strip. They were only minutes from the Serafina. “I know and I know why we did, it just felt weird.” If she told them about Kevin, they might eventually learn about that money. Of course, De Luca had never reported it stolen because he’d likely laundered or stolen it himself. But Jay didn’t want her tied to Kevin at all.

  “Trust me, this will work out.” He sounded so confident and sure that it would.

  She just wished she could believe it. When her phone buzzed in her purse, she pulled it out. Her stomach dropped the moment she saw the message. “He just texted me again.”

  Jay shot her a sharp look as he turned down the quiet side street that would lead to one of the private employee parking garages at the back of the casino. “What did he say?”

  “He asked if I was ready to talk now.”

  “Now that he’s blown up your car?” Jay muttered as he slowed at the private gate and punched in his employee code.

  “I should call him back now.” She needed to hear exactly what he wanted from her. Maybe she could convince Kevin that the money would be enough.

  “Just wait ten more minutes.” Jay had been cryptic about
his plan and she hadn’t wanted to push him. He was already on edge and she had to trust him. He was definitely more trained for negotiations than her. And she assumed that’s what he wanted to do.

  After they parked, they used one of the private elevators and stopped when they reached the sixtieth floor. She’d been up here when she was given a tour of the place and once after when escorting a big client for Wyatt. Occasionally Wyatt opened it up to the Serafina’s high rollers, but the ten floors above this one were where the whales usually stayed. No, this one was for non-gambling and non-casino related clients. Wyatt’s businesses were so diverse and he kept this floor for his personal use.

  “Is this where we’re staying?” she asked as they exited into a tiled area with real gold trim around each piece of tile.

  “Yeah.” He nodded at the hallway where a long carpet runner reached from one set of elevators to the others on the opposite side.

  Falling in step with Jay, she tried to calm the nerves dancing in her belly, but it was no use. She wanted to know what Jay’s plan was and more than anything, she wanted this nightmare behind her and all the people she cared about safe.

  As they reached the halfway point in the hallway, Jay slowed and the door opened to reveal Hayden. He must have been watching for them. Or maybe Jay had texted him that they’d arrived.

  Hayden took one of the rolling suitcases and Jay wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Is everyone here?” he asked, pulling her tight against him.

  She was thankful for the small show of support. She didn’t know what to expect right then and was glad that despite his annoyance and anger with her, Jay was showing her that she could count on him.

  “Yeah.” Hayden nodded and gave Ellie a half-smile before stepping back so they could come in.

  Jay left the other bag near the front door as Hayden shut it and locked it behind them. Ellie could hear the low hum of voices as they strode down the short interior hallway to the living room. The room was decorated with a simplistic style, but there were splashes of vibrant color in all the accent pieces. She wasn’t surprised to see the long drapes covering the 12 foot windows pulled closed. She was surprised, however, to see Iris and Vadim there waiting with Wyatt. Jay hadn’t said much on the drive over, and she wondered if he knew they’d be here.

  Unfortunately one quick glance at his hard expression didn’t reveal anything. Since the explosion he’d been in what she called battle mode. The man didn’t reveal anything.

  “Hey hon, how’re you feeling?” Iris asked, the woman’s uncharacteristically soft voice and expression taking Ellie off guard.

  Throat tight, she nodded, touched by Iris’s concern. “Good…okay, that’s a lie. I’m terrified.” That being an understatement.

  Jay squeezed her shoulders again and she leaned into him. The man was an absolute rock. Her rock, if she’d let him be. Iris murmured understanding as Jay nodded at the living room. “Let’s sit.”

  Ellie made her way to the plush, bright pink chaise that should have been a ridiculous color but somehow fit with the rest of the room. A sparkly chandelier hung high in the middle of the room, its soft glow illuminating everything while creating a peaceful atmosphere. As Jay sat next to her, she cuddled up next to him.

  He jerked a little as if surprised, but immediately pulled her into the safety of his arms, wrapping both of them around her. “It’s going to be okay,” he murmured quietly against the top of her head, for her ears only.

  Wyatt—who Ellie had been avoiding eye contact with since she’d entered—sat next to Iris on a longer couch, and Vadim and Hayden sat on two single chairs angled toward the glass coffee table.

  “We’re going to take care of this,” Wyatt said, his voice steady and determined.

  Ellie met his gaze to find no censure there. The relief that slid through her was potent. “I’m sorry I—”

  Wyatt just shook his head. “I understand why you ran. You wanted to protect those you care about and I can respect that. Just don’t do it again. I’m already losing my mind without you and…” He trailed off as Iris nudged him. “Anyway, do you know a Tadeo Bejar?”

  She shook her head. With how many people she dealt with daily, she was very good at names and faces and that wasn’t familiar. “No, should I?”

  “He’s the owner of the phone your ex called you from. They both did time together, and got out of prison around the same time. So, they’re in on whatever scheme they’re running together.”


  “Bejar is part of Carlo De Luca’s crew.” Wyatt watched her carefully as he spoke, as if looking for a reaction.

  All she felt was pure shock. “What? Kevin rob…” She shot a quick glance at Jay who just nodded that yes, he’d told Wyatt everything. He hadn’t told her all the details he’d covered with their boss and she wanted to make sure. She looked back at everyone, feeling uncomfortable being in the spotlight. “That doesn’t make sense. Kevin robbed De Luca before he went to prison, but as far as I know De Luca doesn’t know.” It had been years ago, back before De Luca had the crew he did now. He’d still been dangerous, but his reputation was even worse now. And she knew it was one based on truth.

  Wyatt was silent for a long moment. “And he wants his money back.” Not a question.

  “Yeah. And before you ask, it’s somewhere safe.” Even Jay hadn’t asked her where it was and she didn’t plan on sharing that information even with him. Not because she didn’t trust him, or any of them, but because if she told them the location, they’d become even more involved than they needed to be.

  “Why’d you keep it all these years? Especially if he wasn’t supposed to be out for another couple decades.” Iris asked.

  “Fear.” Ellie’s answer was instant. “I could be fifty when he’d gotten out and if that money wasn’t waiting for him, he’d kill me.”

  Wyatt glanced at Vadim. He gave the pale eyed man a subtle nod. Apparently that was the computer genius’s cue because he half-smiled at Ellie, though it was more of a baring of teeth. V was nice enough, but if she was being truly honest, the Russian scared her in a way she couldn’t define. She wasn’t afraid he’d hurt her and she’d seen how sweet he was with one of the waitresses who worked at Sierra’s restaurant, but something about him screamed that he was a predator—and everyone else was prey. It was unnerving to say the least.

  “We want you to call Kevin back,” he said, just the barest hint of an accent in his voice. “I’m going to record and attempt to track the call.”

  She had no clue how that was possible but she was pretty sure it was illegal. Ellie looked at Jay, who nodded and said, “This is all part of our plan. We want to find out what Kevin’s end game is and we want you to agree to help him. If V can lock onto his signal now, he’ll be able to keep better tabs on him from this point forward.”

  Her eyes widened. “You want me to agree to help him rob the casino?”

  “Depending on what he asks, yes. But you can’t seem too eager or agree right away or he’ll get suspicious.”

  “Okay, then what?”

  “Then we’ll make a decision from there,” Wyatt said.

  Even though the thought of talking to Kevin made her skin crawl, she nodded. “I’ll call him whenever you want.” She pulled her cell phone from her jacket pocket and held it out to Vadim. “How are you going to record?”

  With a practically gleeful smile, he took it. “Just give me a moment.”

  It wasn’t exactly an answer. She watched as he retrieved a small black bag, set out her cell phone, a slim black device that looked like a magnet and some other small black boxes that she had no clue what they were. He laid everything on the glass table, snapped the magnet looking thing to the back of her phone then handed it to her. Moving quickly, he typed in commands on his ultra thin computer and plugged in the boxes together and joined them to his laptop with a cord. Yeah, this definitely wasn’t legal. Finally he nodded at her.

  She wiped a damp palm on her jeans before looki
ng at Jay for support. She hated that everyone would have to hear this conversation, or at least her half of it right now, especially Jay. But there was no choice.

  “You can do this, baby.” That deep, encouraging voice of his rolled over her.

  Taking a deep breath, she called the number Kevin had called her from.

  He picked up on the first ring. “Took you long enough. You hang up on me again and you’ll lose more than just your car.”

  Just hearing his voice made fear detonate inside her. “What do you want?” she asked, sounding much braver than she actually felt, especially since he’d basically just admitted to bombing her car. The only reason she had any courage right now was because of Jay’s presence. She hated that he was hearing all this, but she was grateful for his presence.

  “My money and your help taking The Dragon Collection.” He was all arrogance, just like she remembered.

  It took a moment for his words to register. Then she started laughing, as if he was stupid. Because he was. “You’re insane!”

  The Dragon Collection was a set of eight rare green diamonds, all a little over seven carats each. When they’d first been discovered, the man who’d found them had said they looked like dragon eyes. The name had stuck. Currently the stunning display was in a very secure room at the casino as part of an international celebration of artwork. The display was open to the public for a small viewing fee and Ellie knew they’d earned a nice bit of revenue from the showing. Individually each diamond was valued at twenty million dollars. Together, they were pretty much priceless. And Kevin thought he was smart enough to steal them. That alone was enough to make her dissolve into hysterical laughter.

  But Wyatt nodded that she should agree. Steeling herself, she hoped Kevin bought what she was about to dish out.

  Before he could respond, she continued. “I’ll give you your money but I’m not helping you with some stupid scheme.”

  “If you don’t help me, the next time a car explodes, your boyfriend will be in it. Money or no money, you’ll do what I want.”


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