Sensual Surrender

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Sensual Surrender Page 10

by Katie Reus

  Her office was attached to Wyatt’s and she could hear him shouting next door. And it was only six-thirty in the morning. The noise level was unusual so she had a feeling she knew who he was talking to. Dropping her purse onto her seat, she didn’t wait for a response before heading to the connecting door he almost always kept open. Since he’d gotten married, he’d more or less made his office at the Serafina his main base of operations. They’d moved offices a year ago, not long after the hotel had opened, and Ellie much more preferred this location. Probably because she was friends with so many of the staff.

  When she paused in the doorway, Wyatt looked up from his desk, his expression dark. “I’ll call you back,” he gritted out before slamming the phone down. “That Brit drives me insane.”

  Ellie bit back a smile, knowing who he was referring to. Rhys Martin Maxwell IV, a man Wyatt had had business dealings with in the past, but usually they just tried to outbid each other at auctions. It was a strange, semi-friendly rivalry that Ellie didn’t quite understand. “So this isn’t business related then.”

  “Bastard said he was going to sell the painting to me, but this morning he changed his mind. Said since I’m already married to the most beautiful woman I didn’t need any more beauty in my life. I want to throttle him.”

  Ellie laughed. “I don’t know why you’re surprised. He’s never going to sell.” The painting in question was a starkly beautiful image of the aurora borealis. Having seen it in person once, she could attest that it was truly breathtaking. It had been the very first thing the two men had bid on against each other. It had also been the birth of their rivalry and sort-of friendship. “If he does, I think it would be akin to admitting defeat in this weird rivalry you two have.”


  “It’s not normal, Wyatt.” Now she didn’t hide her grin.

  Wyatt’s expression softened as he leaned back in his custom-made ergonomic chair. “It’s good to see you smile.”

  She wrapped her arms around herself as she stepped into his office. It was the first time she’d ever truly felt nervous around him. “Thank you. For everything. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you and Jay and everyone for…just thank you.”

  “You quit because you didn’t want to be in a position to have to steal from me. That alone shows me how loyal you are, Ellie. I don’t want your thanks. I just wish you’d come to me or more importantly, to Jay, instead of running.”

  She crossed the distance to his desk and sat on one of the ridiculously comfortable arm chairs. He was all about comfort and luxury. “I thought I was doing the right thing.”

  “I get it, maybe more than you think. But no more running. We’re handling this and no one’s going to bother you again.” The underlying deadly threat in his voice sent a shiver up her spine, but it wasn’t a surprise.

  “So you weren’t kidding about me still having a job? Even after Kevin is…out of the picture?” She knew Wyatt enough that she was sure he’d been serious when he spoke the words, but after everything he’d learned about her, she couldn’t fight the insecurity battling inside her.

  He snorted as if the question was ludicrous. Which made her feel a hundred times more secure. “You’ll always have a job. And right now, we’ve got to get ready for today’s appearance. My speech—”

  “Is in your inbox.” She’d sent it a week ago. “And I’ve already got a list of pre-approved questions. I’m sure you’ll get a few surprises, but you’ll be fine.” He always was under pressure. In fact, he thrived on it.

  “Good.” Back to business, they spent the next ten minutes going over the rest of the day, down to the last detail.

  Ellie was nervous about being in public after what had happened to her car, but she knew it was the only way to make things appear normal. It wasn’t as if Kevin wanted her dead. At least not yet. Because she had no doubt he’d want to get rid of her after she got him what he wanted. Thankfully the idiot needed her alive for his ridiculous plan.

  After finishing up with Wyatt she headed to her office. Roman and Logan stood when they saw her, but she shook her head. “I’m staying put for the next few hours so you two might get bored.” The floor was secure, only accessible with the right key card and the security room had constant visual access outside their offices so she wasn’t worried about a surprise attack or visit from anyone. Right now they were probably more secure than anywhere else in Vegas.

  “Let us know if you need anything,” Logan said before nodding at Roman. “We’ll be standing guard outside.”

  “Thanks, I will.” Once she had her office to herself, she got to work catching up on over a hundred emails, over two dozen phone calls around the world to various business interests of Wyatt’s, and some tedious filing that needed to be done. Pretty soon she’d need an assistant of her own. Something she needed to talk to Wyatt about, but that could wait a few weeks.

  Even as she embroiled herself in work, her mind was never far from thoughts of Jay. She was surprised he hadn’t wanted to guard her himself, but she figured he was doing something for part of their mysterious plan to bring Kevin down. Pulling out her cell phone, she texted him.

  Thanks for having breakfast sent up. Wish you’d woken me last night.

  A moment later, her phone pinged with a return text. No prob. You looked like you needed sleep.

  She bit her bottom lip and eyed her phone. They didn’t text much since they saw each other so often so she hoped he was up for a little text-flirting. I needed you inside me more.

  There was a long pause this time. Are you trying to kill me?

  She grinned at his response. Right now I’m wearing that gray skirt suit you like so much. The knee-length pencil skirt and matching tailored jacket were perfectly respectable, but every time she wore the skirt Jay couldn’t get inside her fast enough. She had no idea why either. He just went crazy when she wore it, taking her as soon as they got home or in one instance in one of the hotel bathrooms he’d cleared out.

  Jay: You look like a naughty librarian in that thing.

  Ellie: That’s why you like it so much?

  Jay: I thought you knew.

  Ellie: Tonight I’ll wear just the skirt and jacket. Meaning no blouse, bra or panties underneath. Something she didn’t need to spell out.

  Jay: You are trying to kill me.

  Ellie: Too bad I’ve got guards today or we could do it in my office.

  Jay: You’ll pay for this teasing.

  Ellie: I hope so.

  Jay: Gotta run, xo

  Ellie: K, xo

  She grinned at Jay’s xo symbol. Yeah, he was definitely a man worth fighting for.

  Chapter 12

  Ellie stood a couple feet back and to the side of Wyatt’s podium as he was asked another question. This time it was about his fairly new marriage instead of the new property he’d recently bought—which was what the media questionnaire was supposed to be about today. Not Wyatt’s personal life. The room went silent, the more seasoned reporters looking at the idiot newbie with pity.

  Wyatt didn’t mind making appearances and was very approachable about all things business. But no one asked him about Iris. It was an unwritten rule. His wife was off-limits as a topic. Always.

  “Next question. Ridley?” Ellie said, ignoring the man who would soon find himself on Ellie’s little black list of media personnel she didn’t invite or allow at these things.

  Thankfully Ridley didn’t miss a beat as he asked about the potential revenue the city could expect with this newest construction effort. And neither did Wyatt as he answered.

  Ellie glanced over at Jay, who was standing on the other side of Wyatt. Tall, imposing and he might as well have been carved from stone as he scanned the small crowd. Always in battle mode during these things. Which just made her want him even more. Something she shouldn’t be thinking about right now. She saw that he’d increased the security today, but not so much that it would seem odd. Ellie had two guards on her and so did Wyatt, not including Jay.
Plus there were a few of the hotel security members sitting among the crowd, blending in perfectly.

  As everything started to wind down, relief threaded through Ellie. Wyatt had moved this meeting to the end of the day instead of its originally scheduled time right after noon, and her stomach had started to make low, growling noises because she’d missed lunch. Her cell buzzed in her pocket, indicating a text. Still on the clock and knowing the text could be important, she fished it out while Wyatt smoothly answered another question.

  She swiped her finger across the screen, typing in her security code. As she read the incoming text, the bottom of her stomach dropped out. Green is a good color on you. The clock is ticking, bitch. Get me what I want or that suit is dead.

  Ellie’s muscles tightened as she tried to keep herself from shaking. She didn’t care about the bitch comment or the time frame. The number wasn’t the same as the one Kevin had been calling her from before, but she knew it was him. And he knew what color her blouse was. Even worse, she knew the ‘suit’ mention referred to Jay. Which meant Kevin had to be here.

  But that was impossible.

  Taking a calming breath, she scanned the crowd, looking at the familiar faces. When she didn’t see him anywhere, she looked toward the back of the room but only saw security members. She had to think. Maybe he wasn’t here. But then how would he know what she was wearing? She’d gone straight from the hotel suite to her office today, then after a full day of phone calls, emails and employee issues that simply couldn’t wait, she’d come here with Wyatt and the security team. Jay had met them right outside the room, escorting them the rest of the way in.

  Battling nerves, she turned around to make sure Logan and Roman were still behind her and caught Jay’s gaze. Those electric green eyes of his missed nothing. They narrowed the tiniest fraction, but she knew she couldn’t let him know anything was bothering her. Not in full view of everyone. Especially if Kevin was in the room. If he saw her signaling to Jay then he’d know she’d told someone about his threats. Then that monster would know something was up and she was lying to him.

  Tucking her phone back into her jacket pocket, she gave Jay a half smile before facing the crowd again. As soon as they were alone she’d tell him about the text, but she couldn’t risk giving herself away before then.

  Seconds after Wyatt answered the last question, two members of the team stepped up, surrounding him on each side. One of them murmured something to him and after a nod at her, Wyatt headed out one of the back doors of the room which would take him directly to a private parking garage. She was surprised Jay wasn’t going with them.

  “Why aren’t you leaving with Wyatt?” she asked as he made his way across the raised podium toward her. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted two people waiting to talk to her. She held out a hand letting them know she’d be a moment.

  “What’s wrong?” he murmured, low enough for her ears only. “I saw your face when you looked at your phone. Did he text you?”

  “Yes, but I can’t talk about it now,” she murmured, pasting a big smile on her face. She stood on tiptoe and brushed her lips against his. “Give me sixty seconds then drag me away.”

  One of his hands reached out and clenched around her hip in that possessive way of his she adored before he nodded and let her go. But she sensed him standing behind her as she approached the two waiting individuals.

  Right on schedule Jay tapped her shoulder, no doubt exactly a minute later. He murmured something about a work emergency loud enough for the others to hear. She smiled apologetically and broke away then watched as Roman and Logan boxed her in from the front and back in perfect synch.

  “Come on. We’re getting you out of here.” Jay’s voice was low again.

  Subtly trying to scan everyone’s faces again, Ellie fell in step with the security team as they exited the room. “Don’t react, but someone texted me about the clock ticking down. A different number than before. He mentioned the color of my top, which means he might be watching. He also mentioned ‘the suit’ and I’m sure it was a reference to you, not Wyatt. He threatened you.” Her hands balled into tight fists at the thought.

  Ever the professional, Jay didn’t miss a beat as they strode past a row of slot machines on their way to the main lobby. The dings and whirs barely registered, the typical casino sounds white noise to her now. But she wondered why they were coming to the lobby instead of back toward the private elevators.

  “I’m going to kill him,” Jay murmured, a half smile on his face, as if nothing was wrong. But the deadliness rolling off him was very real.

  She slid her hand through his arm as they walked. “Jay—”

  “Forward the message to me and V. V will see what he can get from the number. Logan and Roman are going to escort you from the hotel. They’ll drive around for a while before looping back and entering through the private garage. We don’t want anyone to know you’re staying here.” Again, his voice was so low that no one could possibly hear but her.

  Her fingers dug into his forearm. “What about you?” After that text she didn’t want him out of her sight. She knew that he could take care of himself more than most, but the fear she felt for him had sunk its claws deep in her chest and wasn’t letting up anytime soon.

  “I’ve got some stuff to take care of but I’ll be in the suite in a few hours.” His tone was abrupt.


  He didn’t answer and she gritted her teeth.

  “Are you going to expand on that?”


  “Then maybe I won’t be wearing my—”

  He cut off what she’d been about to say with a searing kiss as they reached the valet area outside the main lobby. She nearly stumbled, clutching at his chest as he claimed her mouth. And that was what he was doing, no doubt about it. The kiss only lasted a few seconds and when he pulled back, he ran his lips along her jaw, up to her ear, nipping her lobe between his teeth.

  “You better be wearing what you said. I’ve been thinking about that all day,” he growled.

  His demanding tone sent a shiver down her spine. “We’ll see,” she whispered, though they both knew that she would be. Even though she knew it might dispel the flirty mood, she grabbed his hand and said, “Be careful.”

  Expression serious, he nodded. “Always. You know I’d be with you if I could. Roman and Logan are the best.”

  “I know. We need to seem like it’s business as usual.” Keeping Jay out of harm’s way was all that mattered so even though she wanted him with her, she understood the need for normalcy.

  After giving low-spoken instructions to Roman, Jay waited until the three of them had gotten into the already waiting company SUV. As soon as they drove away from the hotel Ellie pulled out her cell phone and texted Sierra. She needed a little help with her seduction plan tonight and Sierra was the perfect person to help her. Ellie was even more determined to fix things with Jay, to show him exactly how much she loved him.

  * * * * *

  “Lost them,” Tadeo muttered to Kevin as he slammed on the brakes to avoid ramming into the back of a Jeep.

  Kevin’s hand tightened on the arm rest. Ellie wasn’t staying at her home, which was to be expected since her car had been bombed. He’d wondered how she’d explained that to the police, but according to De Luca, who had a source at the police station, she’d claimed to have no idea who could want to hurt her in her official statement. The police were chalking it up to gang violence or an attack meant as a threat to her boss. Both were wrong, but as long as she kept her mouth shut about him, he didn’t care what she told them. “Those guys are good.”

  He figured they must be hotel security or maybe her boss’s personal guards. And they were definitely armed. Kevin hadn’t seen any weapons on either man, but it was in the way they walked, the way they carried themselves. Same with the suit Ellie was with. After seeing the giant guy move, Kevin wondered if there wasn’t more to him than he’d originally thought. Christiansen wouldn’t ha
ve anyone guarding him who wasn’t trained. Unfortunately all De Luca had been able to find out about Jay Wentworth were some basic financial records and that he’d been in the Navy. But nothing about what he’d done while he’d been in. After seeing him in person, Kevin had noticed some tats peeking past one of the sleeves of his jacket. In his experience, typical suits didn’t have tats.

  “Not surprising. What do you want to do?” Tadeo asked.

  “Head back to the hotel. I want to take some more pictures. We’ve still got half an hour before the display closes.” Even though he was still waiting for the building plans from Ellie, he and Tadeo were doing as much recon as they could. So far they had the daytime guards’ schedule down, but he knew there had to be a shift change sometime after hours. Unfortunately there was no way to find that out without a big risk of being exposed. The casino was open 24/7, but not the display area and they had no business being on that floor after a certain time. Sure, they could come up with an excuse, but it would make them memorable. Something he couldn’t risk.

  “You sure she’ll come through?”

  “Yeah.” He sounded more confident than he felt, which was good. He had to keep up appearances for Tadeo. He might like the guy but Kevin couldn’t let his guard down. Not when he knew Tadeo would always look out for number one. Not that he blamed him. It was the law of survival, something prison had grilled into him even more.

  When the phone Tadeo had given him buzzed in his pocket, he glanced at the incoming text message and didn’t hide his smile. “She’s got what we need and will give it to me tomorrow. Wants to set up a meeting at a public place.”

  “She might have backup. That big guy doesn’t seem like he’ll let her out of his sight, especially not after that car bombing. Did you see those guards on her?”

  “This’ll be a good way to test if she’s lying.” He texted back with the location of a private park and a time.


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