Heart's Home

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Heart's Home Page 5

by E. Davies

  But had it been better, sweeter than the victory they had celebrated together, spontaneously and without reservation? It was Logan's victory, too, so long as Hunter kept to his word. Assuming nothing came up from Charlie, he intended to keep his word. He wanted to hear what the asshole had to say for himself first.

  Perhaps it was all just chemistry, the way Logan smelled like fresh-cut grass, earth, or something woodsy and tempting, and his green eyes glinted when he was issuing a challenge or calling Hunter out on his bullshit, or an attraction to the rippling muscles under Logan's shirt and his beautiful, round ass.

  Hunter told himself that was the reason he wanted a chance with him – to tempt him into bed again and again, with a deeper connection each time. One that would facilitate a few naughtier things in bed... things he was dying to try on that beautiful body.

  He couldn't wait to hear Logan speak with passion and conviction once more at the Green Hearts meeting on Wednesday evening. Surely that was all sexual chemistry, too. It had to be.

  His phone rang, disturbing him from his thoughts as he sprawled on the couch in the living room where he'd enjoyed such pleasure with Logan.

  The caller ID read Charlie. He grimaced.

  “Hello,” Hunter answered flatly, not even pretending to be happy to hear from him.

  “Oh, Hunter, you flatter me. I'm well, thank you--” Charlie started.

  “Tell me what you want.”

  “I want the property. I'm going to pay you handsomely for it, and I'll even throw in a few unexpected bonuses.”

  Hunter grimaced. “Why should I give it to you when you'll build a block, destroy my view, and get me in trouble for the next land sale?”

  “Oh, a favor for an old friend?”

  Hunter snorted derisively. “Some friend.”

  “You're not stellar yourself, you know. Was the fuck that good?”

  “You know what?” Hunter snapped. “Piss off.” He nearly hung up.

  “You can't even take him out.”

  Hunter ground his teeth. Charlie was right, as much as it pissed him off.

  “He'll dump you when he realizes that.”

  Fuck you. Hunter still stayed silent.

  Charlie added, “Meet me. We'll text and set up a restaurant and a time. I'll make an offer. We'll work something out. You know what the consequences are if you don't. It's best for everyone.”

  He hung up and tossed his phone on the couch, letting a quiet growl escape. Charlie had nothing on him. He was going to go on that goddamn date, and he was going to set it up at the same time as Charlie wanted to meet him, and he was going to make sure Charlie saw him romancing Logan with every bit of attention he deserved.

  Then, perhaps, he'd have revenge.

  Chapter 7


  Hunter wasn't just a distraction for Logan. With him there, the Green Hearts meeting was out of the ordinary.

  Even though the sexy man was sitting quietly in a chair near the corner of the table letting them discuss their business, everyone was more distracted and excited than usual. For his part, Logan was in a button-down shirt and nice trousers because their guest was there, but that had more to do with what he hoped they'd get up to after the meeting.

  Amidst the celebrations about the land purchase once Hunter and Logan relayed the plan, Logan noticed Juan watching him particularly closely. He recognized Hunter from the club.

  Logan didn't want to encourage them to get their hopes up as far as what they could persuade Hunter to do, but then, he tried not to be too cynical. Maybe Hunter was interested in their ideals. If “sustainable” to him meant taking three planes a month instead of four... starting small was still something.

  Logan tried to keep their attention as he spoke. “So, the cobbing will go just fine. I did a soil test and the brick held up well.”

  “Have you built others?” Hunter inquired.

  Logan nodded. “Not solo. This is the first project I'll be doing mostly on my own, but I've helped with three others.”

  “How are we handling the zoning committee?” Juan asked.

  Logan licked his lips. “Build first, ask permission later. I'm pretty sure they'll deny me – us,” he revised, glancing at Hunter, “if we try immediately.”

  “Yep,” Juan agreed. “What about other plans? The forest garden?”

  Logan rubbed his chin. “I still want to go ahead with the garden. I'd rather start slow on that, though. I need to be out of my place by the end of June. The greenhouse would be an obvious first choice once I map out the current ecosystem and figure out what I'm building.”

  “A greenhouse? Forest garden?” Hunter interrupted.

  “As part of the food security aspect of the project.”

  Logan touched Juan's shoulder to indicate that he wanted to take over. “I don't think that would be immediate, by any stretch. The home is the first priority so I can move in as soon as it's livable.”

  “Are you talking cutting down trees, or...?”

  “No,” Logan immediately emphasized. “No, not at all. Further back, I'd terrace a good section of the hill for the greenhouse. The forest garden would be all over, integrated naturally into the land.”

  “How unsightly would it be?”

  “Do you know what a forest garden is?”

  Hunter shook his head and Logan resisted the urge to sigh at him. “It's supposed to be natural. It won't be a blight on your backyard view.”

  “I'd like that treeline between my place and yours to remain intact.”


  Juan cleared his throat. “Anyway, unsightliness is less of a concern than sustainability.”

  “I think my neighbors would beg to differ, and they're the ones with the strings to pull,” Hunter told him, folding his arms.

  Logan felt Juan bristling, so he stood up quickly.

  “That's all for now, then. I'll let you know what I need as construction begins. Keep in touch online in our usual groups, that'll be the best way to communicate. Also, planning for the next charity dinner is Juan's job since I've got this on my plate now.”

  “I got a lead on a farm with straw and pallets to offer,” another of Logan's friends, Pete, offered.

  “Oh, great, thank you!” Logan beamed, taking down the information he was offered as people murmured amongst themselves and started to leave.

  Hunter waited until Logan was done chatting with the others, then jerked his chin in greeting. “A word?” He didn't sound pleased.


  “I can't add you to the title right away,” Hunter said, getting straight into it. “My attorney won't let me.”

  Logan's heart raced. This sounded like a threat. He immediately wanted to know what was wrong. “Why not?” Hunter hesitated and Logan shook his head. “Just spit it out.”

  Hunter gestured towards the door. “How about I give you a ride to a place nearby, take you for a drink and we can talk about it?”

  Logan eyed him for a moment but nodded. “What place?”

  “Have you been to the wine bar nearby?” When Logan shook his head, Hunter grinned. “Perfect. You'll love it. Come on, follow me.”

  Logan followed Hunter through the parking lot, their footsteps crunching on gravel. The plain, cheap, or beater cars in the lot paled in comparison to the one he instantly knew was Hunter's – a smooth, slick red sports car. Oh, god, that was a beautiful sight.

  “Like it?” Hunter teased.

  Logan worked his jaw around, then nodded. No shame in admitting it. “Always wanted a ride in one,” he admitted.

  “What kind of ride are you thinking?” Hunter smirked, the innuendo back in his voice.

  “Jesus, wait until I have a few drinks in me first, at least,” Logan rolled his eyes, trying to pretend the words hadn't made a shiver of desire flush through him.

  Hunter laughed. “Gotta start early in the night so I can wear you down by the end of it,” he teased, heading to the driver's side and unlocking the doors.
  “I'm not that stubborn,” Logan snorted.

  “Says the man arguing with me right now about how stubborn he is.” Hunter climbed in.

  Logan rolled his eyes as he opened his door and sank down into the passenger seat. God, he'd never been in such a comfortable car... and it even had the new car smell still. The crisp purr of the engine as she was started made his eyes widen.

  “This is my favorite car,” Hunter told him. “Not practical at all, but do I scream practical to you?”

  Logan shrugged and glanced over. “You seem a little more practical than usual.” Hunter had dressed in fitted slacks and a simple blue collared shirt this time, few steps down from his usual attire.

  “Oh, good. I was aiming for the approachable look,” Hunter grinned.

  “It worked.”

  “And I got your eyes wandering again, you naughty man,” Hunter added so softly Logan scarcely heard him over the purr of the engine and crunch of gravel as he pulled out of the parking lot. “I know you weren't as focused as you pretended...”

  Logan tried not to get hard on the spot. “I was busy--”

  “So when you 'dropped your pen',” Hunter raised one hand from the wheel to make an air quote, “That was an accident?”

  Logan blushed. It had been, but yeah, he'd had a little look at Hunter under the table while he was at it.

  “Mmm, I thought not. Normally, I'd spank my lover a little for being so cheeky,” Hunter grinned. “But, of course, you're not interested in a continuing relationship...”

  Logan bit his tongue and looked out the window. Don't get hard. Don't get hard, he told himself, shifting slightly. He had the feeling Hunter was the type to park the car and go to town on him if he saw the slightest sign of weakness, and getting chained to his seat sounded way too fucking hot right now. He wasn't in his right mind. God, he wanted a drink. If he ended up in Hunter's bed again afterwards, so much the better.

  “Here we are,” Hunter announced as they pulled up to a parking spot along the street. The wine bar sign already looked fancier than anything Logan would be able to afford.

  “Oh, but you won't be able to drink--”

  “I'll only have a glass or two,” Hunter promised. “If I have any more, we'll call a taxi. I don't have less sense than money, despite popular opinion.”

  Logan nodded. “If you say so.” He climbed out, closed the door, and waited for the quiet chirp that meant Hunter had locked the car. He didn't expect Hunter to put a hand on his shoulder and steer him into the restaurant, but he didn't complain about it, either.

  Hunter nodded at the waiter, who immediately seated them at the most private table for two, off in its own corner with a flower vase on the table and a parchment wine menu on a plush velvet stand.

  “God,” Logan murmured after the waiter left, glancing around the place. The rich red tones of the environment made Hunter stand out – had he planned his outfit around the occasion? Logan wouldn't be surprised if he had.

  “This is one of my favorite places, but I haven't had anyone to take here in... well, a while.”

  Is he talking about his dating life now? Logan folded his arms. “Since Charles?” he guessed, throwing the name of the land developer out there to see if he got a reaction.

  Hunter stiffened for a moment, then nodded, his eyes falling to the menu as he slid it towards himself and glanced through the wines. “You're a fan of local food, right? There's a local selection at the top.” He turned the menu towards Logan, but Logan didn't recognize any of the names. “I like the rosé at the top of the list.”

  “Okay,” Logan agreed.

  Hunter signaled the waiter and asked for a bottle of the wine, plus “the usual” snacks, which turned out to mean a gourmet assortment of cheeses, crackers, and a crusty loaf with freshly-churned butter.

  “Wow,” Logan murmured, eyeing the food as soon as it was delivered. Their wine arrived moments later, along with glasses.

  Once the wine was poured and the waiter excused himself, Hunter raised his glass to clink gently against Logan's. “To our thwarting Charlie.” He took a few sips, then set down his glass.

  When Logan sipped, he was surprised at the light berry taste that washed over his palate. He might instantly be addicted. He'd never had such a light, delicious wine. It didn't taste too fruity and sweet, but neither was it dry and boring.

  “You're right. I did bring Charlie here back when we dated,” Hunter told him. “And others, but I've had few serious relationships apart from that.”

  “You playboy,” Logan retorted. “No, me neither, though. I'm not judging.”

  “Okay. Sometimes people...” Hunter hesitated, glancing between Logan's eyes for a moment as if searching something out before he decided to finish his sentence. “Sometimes, I think people wonder what's wrong with me. You know, billionaire bachelor, something's gotta be wrong, right?”

  “I don't think so. I mean, there's lonely singles all through society.” Logan realized what he'd said and swallowed hard. “Er. Not to imply you're lonely,” he quickly added.

  Hunter chuckled. “I wouldn't say it's untrue.” He chose a piece of cheese. “Try this one.”

  The snack melted in Logan's mouth with the sips of wine he was taking. Oh, this was incredible. He tried to memorize the tastes, positive that he was never going to get the chance to spend this much money on himself in the future.

  They weren't all that different now and then, Logan mused as he watched Hunter taking pleasure in these same tastes and suggesting different pairings. Sure, he strongly disliked the system that had put Hunter a thousand miles ahead of him in life, but that wasn't Hunter's fault. The billionaire seemed willing to make some small changes. He'd already spent several partial days getting to know Logan. Something more had to be going on.

  “So,” Hunter spoke up. “Speaking of Charlie, I don't want to attract official attention and increased scrutiny on your plans, so I'd rather not transfer the title right away. If you're uncomfortable with the arrangement, I got my attorney to draw up a contract saying that the dwelling you're constructing is your own and I can't just, you know... kick you out. It outlines your rights to build and live on this land and when the title transfer will happen.”

  Logan relaxed a little. “That's great. Okay. I didn't think you were out to fuck me over--” He held up the glass and turned his face away as a little warning to ward off the comment he was sure was coming, earning a deep laugh from Hunter. He continued, “But it's good to be certain. When would you add me?”

  “As soon as the zoning committee approves it. I'll pitch it like this: I heard your ideas for an eco-friendly vacation home that I could build for certain types of guests. I wanted to improve my... image and personal branding, of course.”

  “Of course.”

  “I hired you to build something I thought would be suitable, and invited you to live there during construction in exchange. Then we realized that since it's off-the-grid, it could be a full-time home. Once I wave a hand and get it approved as a full-time dwelling, I'll sign over the deed to the entire property to you. I doubt we'll have trouble getting it approved if I'm the one pushing for it. They won't dare cross me,” Hunter said, his chest swelling with determination.

  Logan had to admire his force of will. “You've never broken the rules like this before, have you?”

  “No,” Hunter admitted. “I always get permits first.”

  Logan nodded. “I do think it's the best strategy.”

  “I trust your judgement. You know more about... guerrilla development, I think you called it earlier. I own all conventional houses.”

  “All?” Logan questioned.

  “This is my normal residence. Then, I've got one on the east coast, and a vacation home,” Hunter told him. When Logan stared, he chuckled. “What? I rent out my east coast home at the moment, and my other investments are rental properties, too.”

  “Ah.” I can't imagine being rich enough to outright own three houses, let alone eve
n more... Logan drew a breath. He knew Hunter could buy a neighborhood without blinking. It was intimidating being around this kind of man for long, even if Hunter had a bit more depth than he'd expected. “So, you're taking a particular interest in this property rather than letting it sit dormant because... of me?”

  “Yes,” Hunter told him. “The idea is interesting. I'm not a cartoon villain out to destroy the planet for fun, you know? I'm interested in how you can do it. But it's so far outside my reality that it's...” he searched for a word.

  “A novelty,” Logan supplied. He wasn't sure how he felt about being a curiosity. The average middle- or working-class family saw him as a novelty, sure, but... a man like Hunter? It felt like being an oddity at a museum.

  Hunter nodded. “But more of an adult novelty,” he winked.

  Logan rolled his eyes and poured himself another glass of wine, then topped up Hunter's glass.

  “Oh, you have a perfect pour, too. I'm not surprised. A man of many talents,” Hunter observed simply.

  “Is this the romantic date?” Logan countered.

  Hunter's eyes widened. “No! No, I need to make reservations for that. It'll be a full evening, not one stop at a wine bar.” He sounded almost alarmed, which made Logan laugh.

  “Then stop with all that flattery,” Logan grinned.

  Hunter clicked his tongue and sat back, his arms folded and eyes narrowed. He didn't know how to react to many of the things Logan said. Maybe he wasn't used to people not being intimidated into polite, sycophantic conversation and open-mouthed awe at the sight of him. Well, that was one thing he'd never get from Logan.

  Logan had to know something first. “You seem a pretty decent guy, if pushy in the bedroom department.”

  “Dominant, Logan,” Hunter corrected with another wink.

  Logan continued, “So... why would someone like Charlie hate you so much? Is there some secret side of you I should know about? It's only fair, if you're asking me to trust you...”

  “...to tell you why he doesn't,” Hunter finished his sentence with a nod. “Very fair. Mm...” He took sips of his wine and bites of food, clearly thinking it over. “When we first got together, it was all sunshine and sex. Met at a party, hit it off instantly, great sex, started dating. It was good. Then, I tried to talk him into leaving for the east coast with me.”


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