
Home > Romance > Exposed > Page 1
Exposed Page 1

by Sapphire Knight


  Warning: This content contains material that may be offensive to some readers, including graphic language, dangerous and adult situations. Some situations may be hotspots for some readers.

  Dedicated to my sons

  Jr- For thinking I’m some famous Author. When in reality I’m just another little fish, swimming in a great big ocean.

  Jay- For always getting Momma her laptop and another soda. You have no idea just how important your job really is.


  My husband- Thank you for helping me plot when I get stuck. We make a great team. I love you.

  My gorgeous boys- Thank you for eating cereal for dinner when I was writing like a maniac. I love you both.

  My good friends Tina and Karen- Thank you for pushing me to just do it and write. Without you two, I probably would not be typing this right now. Thank you for all the awesome lunches we’ve had over the years. I love you two!

  My Beta readers -Thank you Kath, Morello, and Lillian. You are always ready for more whenever I throw it at you! It’s the biggest compliment when you fall in love with my characters and then ask me to please write additional books! XOXO

  My Cover Designer and Photographer Sara Eirew- Thank you for such a beautiful cover. You have such amazing talent and I am lucky to have you in my corner. Your images adorn every screen on every device I own!

  My Editor Amanda L. Pederick- Thank you so much. I absolutely love reading your comments. You are fantastic at what you do and have a great sense of humor! Xxx

  My PA Chloe- Without you, I would be lost. You have helped so much with everything and I will be forever grateful!

  Louisa my technical genius- You rock woman!

  Sapphires Secret Squad- Thank you ladies for everything you do to help promote my work. Also, for all of your support and encouragement. You make me want to write even more!

  Sassy Kiwi Book Blog, Not Anothor Damn Blog-Blog, Write Way PR- Thank you for continuously helping me with my cover reveals, release blitzs, thunderclaps, etc…

  My readers- Thank you for making this possible for me. I wish I could hug each one of you!


  Chapter 1

  Six Months Ago…

  Fuck, I’m hung-over. I have to quit doing this to myself. Having a shower helped a little, but a shot of Jack and some aspirin should make the fucking pounding chill out. I make my way out of my room and down the hall to the bar area. I look around and take in the bar of the clubhouse. Man, this place is trashed. There are empty beer bottles and full ashtrays covering every surface. The shiny bar is the only clean piece of furniture in the room. It calls to me like a beacon. I walk toward it and kick trash and what looks like a few pairs of panties out of the way.

  “Yo, Cain, you beat that pussy up last night, man?” I look over and see 2 Piece sitting in the corner of the room in a booth.

  “Damn, man, I didn’t see you. Yeah, I hit that shit then sent her ass packin’. Why? You hit it after me?” I grab a glass and a lemon from the bar and make my way over to him. He’s already got a bottle of Jack in front of him. Guess he had the same idea.

  “Fuck, no, man, I had that crazy red head stripper grindin’ on my shit all night. Not bad pussy either,” he says and takes a big gulp of Jack. I sit down across from him and pour myself a double. Just enough for me to chase this shit outta my head but not enough to make me wanna puke.

  “You chasing the beast, too, brother? My fuckin’ head is killin’ me today.” I take a drink and suck on my lemon.

  “Yep. You a nasty fucker, eatin’ that shit after a nice sip of whiskey.” He looks at my lemon with distaste and I chuckle a little. They never believe me when I tell them that lemon has Vitamin C and helps you bounce back quicker. They all give me shit for it, but whatever, I’m always feeling better quicker than they do. I finish my whiskey and stand up. I stretch my muscles out. Shit. I’m sore all over.

  “I’m out, man, I’ll be back later.” I chin nod at 2 Piece and walk toward the door.

  “Later, brother, don’t forget you fight tonight,” he calls after me. Fuck. I forgot.

  “Yeah, I’ll be ready,” I say and roll my eyes. Geez, I gotta wake up some more.

  “You better be, fucker, if I lose my money bettin’ on your ass, I’m gonna kick it after you’re done.”

  “Haha, your ass should be payin’ me for winnin’ you that mother fuckin’ money!” I salute and make my way out. 2 Piece is cool as fuck. He’s one of the first brothers I got close to when I started to come around the club. I open the door and the heat hits me. Hotter than a nice piece of ass today. I make my way to my girl.

  “Hey, pretty girl, you ready to go for a ride?” The guys give me shit for talking to my bike, but I’ve heard a few of them talk to theirs, too. They just like giving me shit since I’m one of the youngest in the club. I’ve fought my ass off this year for my bike. She’s a 2014 Harley Davidson Custom Iron 883 with Hard Candy custom black paint and all black trim. My girl isn’t really made for long rides but I can always use my old bike if I need to. I take my small shammy towel out and lightly dust her off. I climb on and kick my kickstand up and start her up. The rumble vibrates through my muscles and it’s a feeling of comfort like a nice home cooked meal. Yeah, like I’ve had one of those recently. Speaking of food… I need to get my ass to H.E.B. before all the church freaks show up. I check my watch; 11:30. I may just make it before they swarm the grocery store.

  I pull into the H.E.B. parking lot and thankfully they don’t look busy yet. Sundays after 12 p.m. everyone seems to leave church and come straight here, it’s like a ritual or something. Then I have to deal with their judging eyes. The holier than thou seem to think I’m a menace because of my tattooed-covered arms, hands, and neck. I always wear clean clothes but it doesn’t matter when I have my Oath Keepers MC cut on. I’m automatically a hellion. I may be a brawler, in a motorcycle club, enjoy partying and ride a bike, but I’ve known some way worse people than myself. If any of you fucks had half a clue what bad really is, I’d look like a fuckin’ Saint.

  The air conditioning hits me and it’s like a drink of cool, refreshing water. Christ, it’s a hot Texas day today. I’m thinking that run up north right now might be a good idea after all. I only go on long runs when they need my strength. I usually help the Club Enforcer with his duties. It’s relaxing to weed out the fucks that need to be persuaded, found, killed, etc. I never said I am a good guy, just that I have met worse.

  I hate shopping. This is why the brothers have their regular fucks go to the store for them. I’m too picky for that shit. I like what I like and don’t need some piece of ass getting whatever she feels like. Men’s body wash – Old Spice Sport, Toothpaste – Aquafresh, Mouthwash – Colgate spearmint, and Garnier hair goop for my fauxhawk. Bitches don’t know that shit, and I don’t want any of ‘em to either. I better pick up some grub and Gatorade while I’m here too. Granola bars, Nutri-Grain bars, Honey Buns, red Gatorade and some chicken strips for my lunch – check.

  I make my way up toward the check-outs. I’m passing by the orange juice when I see the sexiest ass I think I’ve ever seen on a woman. I start to check out the rest of the package. Bitch is bangin’. Long, straight, black hair down her back, tattoos all over, hourglass figure. Baby has some thighs I could seriously see wrapped around my face. She’s got the curves you grab onto from behind while you slam into her. She’s tall but still short to my own 6’1”. Please have a good face, please have a good face, please.

  “Hey, sweet cakes, want me to get that juice for ya?” She’s reaching for the top shelf, but the juice is pushed back too far for her. She turns to face me and I’m hit with some icy blue irises in almond shaped eyes. I swear my dick convulses when I see her face, even if she is
scowling. Her expression quickly changes to surprise. There’s only one person I’ve seen with those eyes before. I blink and she comes into focus. Holy fuck, she’s grown up. London Layla Traverson, my high school crush. Boy, she was a sweet one when we were in school. I still remember the only time I ever got to hold her close. Her best friend’s mom had just died and London was a mess too. I was so happy I got to hold her, but I don’t know if she even realized it was me that day. Those beautiful blue eyes blink up at me a few times and I smirk. You aren’t the only one who’s changed.

  “Hey, hot stuff, that’d be great,” she says sassily and winks at me. Oh, sweet cakes, you have no clue what you just did. I’m gonna get a taste of you this time. I rest one hand on her hip as I reach past her and grab the juice. I squeeze my fingers a little and I hear her suck in her breath. That’s right, baby. I hand her the juice and give her my panty-dropper grin. Works every time.

  “Thank you, what a true gentleman.” She hits me back with a little smirk.

  “Baby, there ain’t nothin’ gentle about me.” I reach out and tuck a piece of her silky black hair behind her ear. She chuckles a little and shakes her head like I just told her something cute.

  “See ya around, baby.” She says ‘baby’ sarcastically and starts to walk off. Grrrr. I’m so gonna smack that ass when I get her on all fours.

  “Wait a sec, you left without asking for my number.” She turns back and rolls her eyes at me.

  “Why would I give you my number if you call me ‘baby’? Real original. Clearly I’m not like every ‘baby’ out there. I’m colorful, at least try a little harder next time.” She starts to walk to the front to a cash register. Well fuck, apparently she’s grown into a ball buster too. That’s too bad; she used to be so sweet in school. Then again, the last time I saw her I was in seventh grade. It’s been what, like ten years?

  She was a year younger than me but I used to go to her math class and help some of the students with math questions they had. She would always smile real sweet and ask me to help her. I thought she might have had a little crush on me but I was shy back then. I ended up moving away. Well, my dad went to jail so I didn’t have a place to live anymore. I guess you call that ‘moving’.

  I check out and head to the bike. I guess I had more shit than London because she comes walking out as I’m stuffing my purchases in my big backpack. She’s parked one row over and there aren’t many people here yet so the lot’s pretty empty.

  “Hey, Layla!” I holler at her and she looks around the parking lot before her eyes come to rest on mine. She looks at me, puzzled, probably wondering how I know her middle name.

  “The only other thing I’ve ever called ‘Baby’ is my bike. So take it as a huge compliment, sugar tits.” I start my bike and rev the engine. She says something but I can’t hear her over my pipes. I give her a two finger salute and ride out of the parking lot.

  I keep checking my mirrors and London is right behind me. Not too close or anything, but enough so I can tell it’s her. She can’t live out here unless she lives out of town. The compound is outside Georgetown about twenty minutes to the east. Maybe she’s in school up at College Station? I make my turn to the compound. Bye, baby, glad I got to see you grown. I give the sign to the prospect at the gate. Shit, what’s his name again? I’m supposed to pay attention if he’s doing okay so I can eventually vote him in. Ah fuck it, I’ll ask Ares later. He’s the Enforcer and knows everything about everybody.

  I park and shut off my bike as I’m climbing off; a car parks next to me. I look up. Shit, he let London through the gate?! She climbs out of her little silver Honda Civic.


  “What’s up?” Maybe she decided to give me her number after all. She rounds the front of her car and comes to stand in front of me.

  “Why did you call me Layla?” She has her forehead scrunched up and she looks adorable.

  “It’s your name, right?” I ask her seriously. I know it used to drive her crazy when people would call her Layla because someone would always end up singing the song with it.

  “Yo, Cain! You just comin’ back from town?” I look over and Ares is walking toward me. Ares is a big motherfucker, I’m talking 6’6” and built like a brick house.

  “Yeah, man, just hit up H.E.B., why?” I check him over, he doesn’t seem to be pissed about anything. Yet I’m one of the few he actually lets see him get pissed. He likes to blank out on anyone else if something bothers him.

  “Nothin’, bro, just need some smokes. I’ll ride in, get some gas too.” He gives me a chin lift and sits on his bike.

  “I thought you quit, man? Your ass is gonna get cancer with all the road fumes!” Yes, I am conscious about health, I may not make great decisions but I do try to take care of myself when I’m not partying. The only time I touch any drugs is before I brawl. Hence my name – Cain. I like a little cocaine before my fight, it helps get me hyped up and ready to rip a fucker apart.

  “When did you grow a pussy? I left my momma a long time ago, but if you wanna do some dishes, go on in and let Candy know. She’ll be happy to let you help her clean up.”

  “Fuck you, man, we both know my dick’s bigger than yours! Don’t say I didn’t warn your ass, when you’re hacking up like an old fucker.” He starts laughing and flips me off at the dick comment. We’ve both fucked bitches out in the bar so he knows my dick is bigger. I turn back to London. Shit. I got sidetracked.

  “Your name’s Cain?”

  “Yeah, sweet cheeks. Why’d you follow me? You know you’re in the lion’s den coming onto the compound.” She gives me a little smile and shrugs.

  “It’s okay, darlin’, I’m not scared of cats.” Oh man, this chick is pretty fuckin’ perfect! I can’t help it, I burst out laughing. She’s in the middle of a biker compound and she’s calling us a bunch of cats. If she only knew. The prospect looks at me and I give him a chin lift so he knows she’s okay. Doesn’t matter. The douche shouldn’t have let her through the gate in the first place.

  “So how did you know my name?” She smiles at me but looks curious now. I’ve got her interested. I bet Layla was the last thing she expected to come out of my mouth.

  “We went to school together but I’m guessin’ you don’t remember me?”

  “Trust me, Cain, I would remember you if we went to school together. I’m pretty sure I would have ridden on the back of your bike a few times if you had.” She gives me a cocky grin. Yeah, I bet you were the cat’s fuckin’ meow to all those boys who had no clue how to handle someone like you.

  “Ah no, when I was in school I didn’t have my bikes or my car. I think the last time I saw those icy blue eyes I was in seventh grade. You were always a cute little thing, but I must say I’m really appreciating this grown up version of you a lot more.” She looks toward the sky like she’s thinking really hard.

  “I know a few boys who moved around that time, but I never knew a Cain. Did I ever talk to you?”

  “Yeah, actually you used to ask me to help you with your math, I don’t know why though. You were really smart, it was almost like you were just fuckin’ with me.” Her eyes light up and she slowly looks me over from head to toe.

  “I can take my clothes off if you wanna get a better look?”

  “Were you this cocky back then? 'Cause I’d definitely remember you. The boy I remember always asking for help when I was in sixth grade, he moved, and his name was not Cain.”

  “I know, sweet cheeks, my name is Brandon Meeks. I go by Cain now.” Her eyes bug out and she looks at me from head to toe again. Just to be a bastard, I reach back and start to pull the back of my shirt off at the nape of my neck.

  “Eeek! What are you doing?” she yells.

  “I told you I’d take my clothes off so you can get a better look.” I give her my panty-dropper again and she returns it with her own sexy smile.

  “Oh, you’re a bad, bad boy. You’re straight trouble now, aren’t you?” I throw my shirt in my back pack and wink
at her.

  “I don’t know what you’re talkin’ bout, I’m over here sweatin’ like a sinner in church, just tryin’ to cool off. What about you? You wanna take yours off and cool down too?” She beams a wide smile at me.

  “Oh my God! You are bad! You were so sweet and shy back then!”

  “Yeah, and you were short and didn’t have a juicy ass either. I see time’s been good to you though.” She just smiles wide and shakes her head as I try to get into her pants.

  “I gotta go, Brandon, it’s so awesome to see you though.”

  “All right, London, give me your number so we can keep in touch this time, yeah? And it’s just Cain.”

  “Alright, Cain, type your number in my phone.” I grab it and enter my digits then quickly press the call button, in case she tries to sneak off without giving me hers. My phone vibrates and I hand hers back.

  “Safe drive and text me sometime.” I lean down and kiss her right on the lips. It was chaste but she clearly was not expecting me to just go right in. I’m not a pussy, I’ll eat some, but I won’t be one.

  “Have a good one, oh and, Cain? It’s not ‘baby’,” she says as she’s getting into her car. I walk around to her window and she rolls it down. I lean on the car and put my face close to hers.

  “You’re only ‘baby’ because I think you’re as sexy as my bike. I told you, she’s the only other one I’ve ever called baby before.” I kiss her on the lips again quickly and walk toward the door to the club. Yeah, she’ll be back or text me.

  Chapter 2

  I’m getting ready for my fight the same way I always do. I do some light cardio and work on the bag for a little while to warm up my muscles. I have my earbuds in from my phone, so when it buzzes, I hear it. I stop to check, it might be Prez about the fight.

  Baby – Hey hot stuff. what are you up to?

  Me – Hey baby, not much. gttn ready 4 my fight


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