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Exposed Page 10

by Sapphire Knight

  “Ah! Here is my expert on the few items we were discussing. I had him package up a few samples for each of you. Cameron, starting from the left, this is Ares, then Twist, Cain, 2 Piece and Capone. Gentleman, this is Cameron, he can tell you what everything is and if you have questions, hopefully he can answer them,” Konstantin tells them with his formal Russian accent. Even being in the States for so long he still sounds like he just got here a week ago. I paste on my smile and nod, looking around the table at each of them.

  “Nice to meet you all,” I say and wince, my good manners were drilled into me and they show even in awkward situations.

  “Tell us what you have here, Cameron,” the giant says and I try not to swallow too hard. This guy could eat me for lunch if I pissed him off enough. I pass out one of each package in front of each guy around the table. It’s probably best to give them a brief description of each item. I take a deep breath and begin my spiel.

  “Okay, you each have two eight-balls of White Angel blow. The pills are twenty of each: Percocet, X, and Ritalin; totaling sixty pills per person,” I answer and another one pipes up.

  “What is the quality of the powder?” I think he is the one called Twist. The quality is probably the best you’ve ever seen, idiot.

  “It’s pure white blow almost completely uncut. You only need a small bump versus a rail or multiple lines.” I watch him to gauge his reaction. His eyes widen a little and he nods like he’s impressed. He looks to the one at the end of the table they called Capone and nods. Capone then nods to the giant seated the closest to Konstantin. It must be private conversation day or something, but it’s irritating. I’ve had my fill of the random nods and strange looks. The huge guy turns to Konstantin and relaxes a little. He holds his phone in front of him and then looks up at Konstantin after sending a quick message.

  “Thanks for the hospitality and show of good faith, Gizya. I’m sure my Prez will be cool with this arrangement. I’ll talk to him and let ya know what he says.” Konstantin smiles a large smile at Ares and laughs, he sounds kind of evil.

  “Fantastic, Ares! Shall we have a line and get some entertainment going to celebrate? I brought a few girls to show you gentlemen a good time.” He motions to a few of his men and they step forward with a stack of ten one hundred dollar bills, mirrors and small razor blades. They set the first down in front of Konstantin and he begins to roll his bill up into a straw to test the coke. The men continue passing out the items in front of each person. Ares clears his throat loudly and pushes the items away from directly in front of him.

  “We don’t do much of the drug scene; the few brothers who enjoy it are at the clubhouse back home.” I’m pretty sure he’s lying because the one who asked about the quality seemed very eager for a taste when he heard what it was.

  “Very well then, how about the entertainment. Hans, show the girls in so our guests can see what else we have to offer.” Hans opens the doors and about ten sexy women walk in the room. One with curly brunette hair and red painted lips walks straight to me and starts rubbing her hands all over my chest and smiles a sexy smile at me. The biker in the middle looks irritated when a few women head toward them and leans over to talk to Ares for a few seconds. Ares nods at him and then he then stands up. He looks to Konstantin to address him.

  “Gizya, thank you for the party favors, but I need to go.” Konstantin looks confused for a moment, like he doesn’t understand why someone would want to leave a party he’s hosting.

  “Ah, Cain, you do not care for women? I have a few men if you prefer,” Konstantin offers Cain easily. The bikers sitting at the table all snicker and Cain glares at each one of them. He sighs loudly and rolls his eyes at the bikers then turns back to Konstantin to reply quickly.

  “No, I love pussy, but I’m visiting a friend in town who’s giving me plenty of it. So, I’m gonna get gone if this meeting is good.”

  “Yes, I believe the meeting has been a great success. You should bring your friend out to one of my clubs for a night out. Have a good time and if I can do anything for you while you are in town, please contact one of my men.” Cain leans over and shakes Konstantin’s hand.

  “Thanks, Gizya, I appreciate it. Boys, enjoy yourselves.” Cain smiles at the ladies and walks out of the room. The guys all put their bags of product inside their cuts and pull a woman to sit on their lap. Konstantin has one of his men turn on some music and sends two of the girls up on the small stage to dance and strip.

  A server comes in the room and gets our drink orders. I’m only having a Courvoisier on the rocks, maybe hooking up with this chick then going back home. I have to get caught up on the school work I’ve neglected the past three days since I’ve been moping around not doing much but drinking and fucking random chicks. I need to talk to Konstantin about what to do with London before I leave also.

  Me – It’s been 5 days London. Don’t you have your next appointment soon? Call me. I at least want to know what this Dr. says. I can send you to a private OB/GYN if you want, that way you can have an ultrasound for each appointment.


  Chapter 9

  Oh my God, Cameron is going to drive me crazy. He has been calling and texting practically non-stop. I’m glad he wants to know what’s going on, but it seems like he’s doing it because he feels obligated, not because he’s actually interested. Maybe if I just answer him he will leave me alone for a while.

  Me – Yes my appointment is today. Sorry I didn’t text you back a few days ago when you texted about the appointment and the ultrasound. I’m going to my Dr. later but I might take you up on the offer for the private OB, just depends how today goes.

  Cameron – Jesus it’s been 7 days! I had to ask Emily if she had talked to you, just to make sure you were still alive! Can I go to the appointment with you today?

  Me – I’m fine. I’m not really ready for that, but maybe you can for the next one. I’ll let you know what they say later.

  Cameron – Okay thanks for texting me back. I miss you...

  Me – TTYL.

  He misses me? That ass wipe can’t possibly be missing me when he was just with someone else the other night. I may not be in love with him but I still cared about him, he’s my baby’s father for Christ’s sake. If he missed me then he wouldn’t be sleeping with random chicks in the parking lots of bars. I put my phone in my pocket and start to fold clean clothes. I feel a pair of muscular arms wrap around me.

  “Hey, baby, whatcha doin?” Cain says as he buries his face in my neck and it tickles me when he breathes onto my skin between my neck and shoulder. I shiver a little and get goose bumps. I let out a little sigh.

  “I’m just getting this laundry folded since you only brought a couple of clothing items with you.” Stubborn man, if I hadn’t washed his clothes already he wouldn’t have had anything to wear. His whiskers from his short beard tickle me when he talks.

  “Aww, you’re good to me, sweet cheeks. I could go buy a few more things and then just leave them here for you to sleep in if ya want?” He’s so sweet, doing little things for me to make me happy.

  “Yes, that sounds like a great idea! I still have your boxers I stole before. I sleep in them all the time,” I admit and can feel my cheeks heat up.

  “That’s so fuckin’ sexy, babe.” I start shifting from foot to foot.

  “Yeah, you think so?” I say and he looks down at my feet.

  “Yeah, I do. What’s wrong with your foot?”

  “Oh, they are just a little swollen and sore.” He looks closer and notices my feet are swollen and a little pinkish. Ugh, my feet feel like they are on fire and going to explode. My ankles hurt and are so tired. Geez, I’ve barely done anything all day on them.

  “Damn, London, come lie on the couch for a minute and take a break.” I can’t believe my feet are already swelling, it’s way too early for this. I sit on the couch and lay back against the throw pillows. Cain follows me into the living room and sits beside me. He pulls my feet onto his lap and st
arts to massage each one. His hands are warm and rough from working with them and fighting.

  “God, Cain, that is heaven! Geez, you are so good at that, it feels amazing!” I say in a moan and close my eyes. I’m such a dickhead for keeping this pregnancy from him, especially since we’ve been intimate with each other. Wow! He definitely knows how to use his hands in many ways. The massage is making me sleepy; I didn’t realize how tired I am.

  I wake up and jump up to see what time it is. Shit! I didn’t mean to fall asleep. What time is it? 2:26 p.m., fuck! I have to get to my appointment. I look around in each of the rooms but don’t find Cain anywhere, so I write him a note and tell him I had to run to an appointment but will be back soon. I leave the note in the middle of the coffee table so he will see it next to his clean clothes. I grab my coat, zip it up super-fast and throw my beanie on. I race to my car, amazingly I don’t slip on any ice. I’m supposed to be fifteen minutes early and I doubt that’s going to happen. Shit, shit, shit!

  I arrive at the doctor’s office and it’s ten minutes before my appointment, that’s pretty perfect. I’m so nervous about seeing the doctor and having an ultrasound done, I feel like I’m going to puke. I look down at my phone and open up my messages folder. Hmm, looks like Cameron texted me again; I must have been asleep when I checked it.

  Cameron – Good luck with the ultrasound today!

  “Yes, ma’am, can I help you?” I’m interrupted and look up at the lady sitting behind the counter.

  “Oh! Sorry, yes, ma’am, you can. I need to check-in please, my name is London Traverson and I have an appointment at 2:40 with Dr. Baker.” She looks at her computer for a second, typing a few random keys.

  “Ahh, yes, London, I have you here and checked in. Please fill out this paperwork and bring it to the desk when you have completed as much as you can to the best of your knowledge. One of the nurses will call you back shortly when they have a room open for you.” She highlights a few things on the paperwork and sets it on the counter.

  “Okay, thank you very much.” I take the clipboard and a pen and sit in one of the ugly, light purple, uncomfortable chairs to fill it all out. The time passes quickly while I’m filling out a million questions.

  “Miss London Traverson?” Shit. I’m not even half-way done filling out this damn book of information they ask you for. I look up and offer her a shaky smile. I probably look like a scatter brain right now.

  “Hi, that’s me, but I’m not done with this. Is that okay?” I ask the little brunette nurse. She smiles kindly and holds her hand out for the clipboard.

  “Oh yes, sweetie, you can fill it out while you wait for Dr. Baker to come into the room, okay? Come on, we will be taking you to exam room five.”

  “Great, thanks.” I sit in the little exam room and fill out the questionnaire. We do a brief check up with my weight, blood pressure, smoking and drinking habits. After the nurse is done and leaves, Dr. Baker walks in. She’s a tall, rail thin lady, mid-forties with strawberry blonde hair. She reminds me of Pepper Potts in Iron Man. I wonder if she’d get mad if I called her Mrs. Potts instead?

  “Hello, Miss Traverson, may I call you London?” She offers me a small smile and I have to refrain myself from asking if she likes Iron Man. Tony Stark would totally chase after her.

  “Yes, ma’am, you may,” I reply and smile at her.

  “Alright, I see last time you had a urine test done, a general questionnaire, a cervical/pap completed and submitted your first set of blood samples. Looks like we can do your vaginal ultrasound today to get a more accurate idea of how far along you are, we can listen to your baby’s heartbeat and I can give you some information on the pregnancy for where you are in your first trimester.”

  “Okay, awesome!” I lay back on the exam table with the sheet over my pelvic area and she gets all the equipment ready.

  “Alright, London, this wand is going to be uncomfortable but this will give us the best picture of the baby.” I nod my head and she sticks the probe up my who-ha.

  “Woah, Doc! You didn’t even buy me dinner!” I giggle at my dorky comment and she smirks at me. Her eyes grow big for a split second before she schools her features.

  “Wow, umm, how far along did you think you are again?” She squints at the screen and then looks at me curiously. I look at the screen but have no clue what I’m looking at. I’m getting a grainy image with a little blob in the middle of it. I study the image hard for a second, nope, I’ve got nothing. I turn to the doctor and shrug.

  “I don’t really know. My period has always been irregular and with the pill it just messed it up more. Sometimes I have a period and sometimes I don’t. But that’s been pretty normal for me growing up. I just started getting really sick about two weeks ago. That should go away within a few months, right?”

  “Well, sweetie, it’s very impressive that you haven’t been sick very much. You see this, here and here?” She points to a few places on the screen. I squint my eyes and move my head closer.


  “That’s the baby’s arms, legs and head. Would you like to know what the sex of the baby is?” she asks and smiles really big. Holy shit! That’s so awesome! I can actually see my kid on the screen now God, how did I not notice that stuff before? Wait, find out what I’m having already?

  “Wait, I don’t know much about pregnancy, just what I’ve read recently, but I thought you had to be further along to know what you’re having?”

  “Yes, you are absolutely correct. You, Miss London, are measuring at around four and a half months along. You will be hitting your five month mark soon and should be able to feel the baby flutter around inside soon after.” OH MY FUCKING GOD! I’m having this kid way sooner than I thought. Crap, I have so much I have to do to get ready. I must not have heard her correctly.

  “I’m sorry, did you just say four and a half months?” She nods excitedly.

  “Yes, I did.” She smiles and winks at me. EEEK!

  “Wow, game changer. Okay, yes, please tell me what my baby is.” She does a little shoulder shake thingy and claps her hands.

  “Yaay! I love this part! Okay, this little area here, is a wee wee! You are having a little boy! And, wait a second…You hear that? That really fast thumping noise is his tiny heart beating.” I lose it and start to cry. I’m so happy and so nervous, and just a wreck right now. I can’t believe that little thing on the screen is my little guy inside my tummy! And his tiny heart is going so fast!

  “It’s okay; everyone gets emotional at this part. I’ll print you some pictures and burn it on a disc that you can take with you. Then you will always remember this visit.” I just nod and mumble okay and continue to silently cry. I thank her about thirty times and make my way out of the exam room. Then I set up my follow-up appointment in four weeks and promise to call if I have any issues or questions before then.

  I get in my ugly little car and drive back to the apartment. I cannot believe it, four and a half months makes this little baby boy, Cain’s baby. That’s right around the time we stopped using condoms and started using just birth control pills. This is crazy. I never would have expected this in a million years. The pill has like a ninety-seven percent success rate or something crazy. I guess it was just meant to be if it still happened. I wonder what he will say. Thank God, I can tell Cameron it’s not his baby.

  As soon as I pull into the parking lot I text Cameron before I even get out of the car. The poor guy, I put him through hell and it’s not even his baby. He should be happy now, he got what he wanted. I am so happy this is not his baby, at this point I don’t even want to talk to him ever again. He gets to wait to be a father and not be forced to get married. Hopefully it makes him open his eyes to what he really wants now.

  Me – Just had my appointment. I’m further along than expected. I’m four and a half months pregnant. Looks like it happened in Texas before I came here. It’s not your kid, you’re off the hook.

  I see Cain’s bike in the parking lot and it
makes my tummy do a little flip. That’s right, baby, that’s your daddy. I turn off my phone and walk to the apartment. I open the door and I’m met with the smell of spaghetti. He must have gone to buy stuff for dinner earlier. I see him at the stove and he looks sexy in his sweat pants, t-shirt and bare feet. He’s perfect.

  “Wow, hot stuff, you should do that only wearing an apron!” He turns around and grins his panty-dropping grin at me. It makes me want to jump him, I grin back at him and he chuckles.

  “Ha! You got jokes, huh? You’re the one who should be in here barefoot and cookin’! I got stuff for spaghetti for dinner and also got a few new clothes earlier when you were sleeping. I wanted you to go with me, but you looked so exhausted I let you sleep instead.” He walks to me and gives me a big hug. I tip my face up to his and his expression changes from joyful to worried.

  “Hey, baby, what’s up? You look like you were cryin’. I saw your note, are you feelin’ sick or something?” He leans down and kisses me softly again and starts rubbing his hands up and down my arms. I melt inside; he’s so sweet to me. God, I hope he’s happy and doesn’t take it like Cameron did.

  “I was a little freaked out about something I found out and it made me cry. I’m actually really happy and excited inside about it. I have to tell you about my appointment I just had.” He turns the sauce on low then pulls me to sit next to him on the couch.

  “Okay, sweet cheeks, shoot.” He takes my hand and sits back to listen to my news.


  “Don’t say anything until I’m finished, please, I want you to hear it all,” London says and I nod at her to keep going. She has me worried; I hope nothing’s seriously wrong with her. Poor baby.

  “So I had my doctor’s appointment today. Last week I found out I was pregnant and had an ultrasound today so it could tell me how far along I am. I got a huge surprise when the doctor told me I’m four and a half months along. That means my news involves you now! I was crying because I was so happy to hear the baby belongs to you, but I was also crying because I am so nervous as to how you are going to take the news.” What? Did I just hear that correctly or did I imagine her telling me she’s pregnant with my child? I blink my eyes a few times and squint at her a little.


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