The Revenge of Excalibur

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The Revenge of Excalibur Page 8

by Sahara Foley

  Pam's stomach turned queasy as Olso's eyes lit up with lust. She was talking about the Shalit as if he were a piece of meat. How is he reacting to this whole absurd situation? Maybe he has the same mind-set as the Calens. She peered back over her shoulder, seeing his breathtaking face staring at Olso in revulsion. Good, at least we have that in common.

  “Please, whatever your name is, can you put THAT away?” Pam asked, waving her hand toward his genitals. “You might poke someone's eye out with it.”

  “My name is Excalibur,” his deep voice rumbled, causing shivers to race up and down Pam's spine. “I apologize if I have offended you. This is not my normal breeding form, and I do not understand why I feel this need to bond with you.” He looked down at his erect member. “Though I am enjoying this body immensely. Pardon me while I convert to my true form.” With a flash of bright, silver lightning, he was gone.

  Pam gave a huge sigh of relief, as her craving to slowly lick every inch of Excalibur's hot, hard body disappeared. “Emeara, is there any way to reverse these unwanted side effects? And having sex with an alien is out of the question.” She glared at Olso, who rolled her eyes.

  “You must pardon my mother. During her reign as Queen of Calen, inter-species copulation was encouraged, especially by the scientific community. Their inter-species experimentations resulted in the birth of The One.” Emeara bowed her head, looking contrite. “Unfortunately, using your blood to break Excalibur's prison has caused, um, a slight bond between the two of you.”

  “Slight? Slight! When he's around, I can barely keep my hands to myself.”

  Emeara's pale checks flushed pink. “Now that he is gone, how do you feel?”

  Pam looked down at her feet, picking at the cuticles on her right hand. “I feel like myself again. Well, almost.” Except for the aching hole in the pit of my stomach. And, that feeling of 'home' she'd felt while peering into his fascinating silver eyes had been replaced with a deep loneliness. She sighed. I've dealt with loneliness before. I'll deal with it again. Unfortunately, it had never felt this profound, like she was the only person left in the Universe.

  “Do not fear, Pamela. Once we have rescued your father, you will never see Excalibur again.”

  “Good. The sooner we get this over, the better.” Pam knew she was lying. The few men she'd had relationships with on Earth never made her feel this passionate, this lustful, or this alive. She doubted any ever would either. She sighed again. Time to find the nearest monastery and lock myself away. She shook her head, upset with herself. A monastery wasn't any different from hiding in her bedroom. When did I start giving up on myself?

  A bolt of silver flashed, causing Pam to jump as Excalibur appeared next to her. She backed up a few steps, not trusting herself to be too close. She peered at him sideways. He adjusted his form. He still had that I-want-to-jump-your-bones-right-now appeal, but he wasn't as perfect. He had a scar over his right cheekbone, his chin was more rounded than square and there were moles scattered around his body. At least the areas she noticed. She swallowed the lump in her throat. He actually looked even more handsome with the flaws, if that were possible. Oh great. Did he do that on purpose? To torment me?

  “Weesa, I am ready to free my mate. Take us to the prison,” Excalibur demanded.

  “Wait a minute,” Pam said, hands on hips. “Shouldn't we have a plan? We can't just go storming the prison, can we? I don't even know what it looks like.”

  An image of a large, four-storied, foreboding building appeared on one of the screens. The prison sat in a large, flat field, surrounded on all sides by steep mountains. It doesn't look like any prison I've ever seen, Pam thought. Where are the guard towers and barbed-wire fencing? As she studied the picture, she saw several guards patrolling the perimeter, and more guards exiting a set of massive doors in the front.

  “Where is the prison located, and who runs it?” Pam asked.

  “Bindkall Prison is located in a remote, mountainous region on Calen. One of the prominent leaders of the rebellion, General Mayo, runs the facility. When Arthur dispatched the Council of Twelve, he made some dangerous enemies. Those enemies have increased over the years. They haven't executed Arthur yet, as they are trying to ascertain how his powers work, and why he is different than them. Once they tire of their game of torture, or he succumbs to his mistreatment, they will reclaim the government of Calen. Those will be dark days indeed, as Calen will revert back to the cruelty that Council Member Cobia propagated. There are many Calens who feel we are a superior race, and we should be allowed to dominant all planets under our jurisdiction. Arthur was in the process of installing a 'Democratic Government,' I believe he called it, but these types of changes take time.”

  “Okay, so now I understand their motives, but how do we take them down?” Waving toward the sex god next to her, she continued, “And how is he supposed to help?”

  “As we told you,” Olso said, a sneer marring her porcelain face, “the prison has a PSI nullifier, which we will be able to destroy with our Ultilears. What we cannot combat is the brain called The One. It is too powerful. This is why we need the Shalit Excalibur. He is strong enough to either control the brain, or destroy it.”

  “I will not destroy another Shalit,” Excalibur admonished.

  His arms were crossed as he stared intently at the two Calen females. He shifted sideways, and Pam saw the silver sword hanging from a thong on his back. He looked menacing and irresistible. He definitely has the 'bad boy' attitude down pat. The only thing missing are tattoos. Pam's mouth fell open as large, silver, lightning bolt tattoos appeared on his tanned, bulging biceps. He turned toward her, and winked.

  Pam shook her head, trying to stay focused on what they were saying. “Wait, that thing in the basement, the one that's been torturing my father, is a Shalit?”

  “No, not yet. If he had been allowed to complete his transformation, instead of being imprisoned in Husken Silver, he would have evolved into one of us. The other Rem brains encased in silver faced the same fate. They were not allowed to complete their metamorphosis.” Excalibur scowled at the two Calen women, who had the decency to look embarrassed under his intense gaze. “He is a victim himself. He does not enjoy torturing and devouring the life essence from the prisoners. He has no choice.”

  Pam narrowed her eyes, scrutinizing his impassive face. Can I trust the Shalit? Is he telling the truth? As hard as she tried, she couldn't read his thoughts. It felt as though he'd placed a barrier around his mind. She huffed in frustration. She'd always been able to read people's minds. Not being able to probe his thoughts made her feel, well, ordinary. Make up your mind, she scolded herself. You complain about being different, and now you're complaining because you're not. Still, if he didn't have anything to hide, why would he block his thoughts?

  She hated the fact her life was in his hands. Her gaze dropped to where he slowly stroked his beard, his lips turned up in a sensual smile, appearing to enjoy the sensation. She nervously licked her lips. She'd give anything to have those big, strong hands touching her body. She gulped, as the image of them entwined together started her heart racing. Get a grip, girl! You're here to save your father, not have a love fest.

  “Do not worry, little one, I will protect you.” His full lips curved into a smile as he stared down at her. She swore he was laughing at her.

  “What? You're reading my mind? How dare you!” Pam stood glaring at him, hands on hips, face burning with embarrassment again.

  “Enough of this,” snapped Olso. “We need to save our King and Queen. We are here.”

  “No! Wait, we don't have a plan,” Pam protested, eyes wide with fright, as her and Excalibur disappeared.

  Chapter Ten

  Pam found herself standing in a large meadow, surrounded by rugged, snow-capped mountains. Bindkall Prison sat at the other end of the field, with a dirt road leading to the compound. The road ended at a gate with a guard shack. Peering nervously around, she saw the Shalit standing next to her, holding the swor
d Excalibur across his broad shoulder.

  “What are you doing, Weesa? Trying to get me killed? I have no idea what to do. I've never been in a fight before.” Pam's eyes were wide with fear and uncertainty. She crept behind Excalibur, trying to hide behind his massive back. She peered around his shoulder, staring at the shouting guards as they hurried out of the shack. What the hell do they expect me to do?

  *Pamela,* the twin voices of Weesa said in her mind, *other than the Shalit, you are the most powerful being here. You are the only one who can save your father, and all these other hapless prisoners. Trust yourself.*

  “Do not worry, little one.” The Shalit-man turned toward her, laying a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “I have fought many battles as the sword Excalibur, and I do have a plan. We need to disarm and eliminate as many guards as possible. Even with my powers dampened down by their nullifier, I have been able to detect an arms room right inside the main doors. I believe I can teleport us there. Once we enter the building, The One will alert General Mayo to our location. He will send guards to capture, or kill, us. That is when we shall take action.”

  “What kind of action?” Pam asked in a small voice, trying to resist the rush of heat his mere touch caused. “Do you mean we have to kill people? I don't think I can do that. I'm not that type of person.”

  *You must hurry,* Weesa chimed in. *You must not be discovered until you enter the arms room.*

  “Trust me. I will do what is necessary. Now, prepare yourself.”

  Pam reappeared inside a room with an assortment of different types of weapons. Most of them looked like they came out of a sci-fi movie. In the distance, she heard a bloodcurdling scream, sending gooseflesh down her arms.

  Oh my God. What am I doing here? Her knees were shaking so bad she could barely stand.

  *We have just been probed by The One,* Weesa told them, as alarms began blaring. *He knows we are external, but he knows you are not. We will withdraw for now. Hurry. You must save our King and Queen.*

  Pam felt her heart pounding in her throat as her palms started sweating. What are we supposed to do? She turned to Excalibur for help. His face was set in concentration, as an outpouring of tremendous power flowed around her, making her take a step away from him. What kind of being is he? He has more power than the Sun. I'm supposed to be almost as powerful? No way.

  With a loud crash, the arms room door flew inward. In rushed ten guards, with General Mayo right behind them, yelling at his men to shoot to kill. Pam stood there, petrified, while Excalibur turned and winked at her, a smile playing on his luscious lips. In a blink, he disappeared, along with the General and his men.

  Pam looked around, stunned. What just happened? Where did they go? She stared at the open door. I might as well be a duck in a shooting gallery. Reaching to close the door, she nearly jumped into the hallway when Excalibur reappeared by her side.

  “Where did you go?” she yelled at him. “You left me. I thought you were supposed to protect me.” She was panting, her heart fluttering in her chest. Am I reacting this way from fright, or seeing him again? Damn, I need to get my emotions under control.

  “I am sorry, little one,” the god-like man told her, looking down at her with a quirked brow. “I had to act quickly. I have taken them to the Planet Lear, where they will either kill each other, or die. Neither of which concerns me. Before you can rescue your father, we must remove the brain. Now, concentrate on him. Feel where he is located.”

  Hand at her throat, trying to calm her racing heart, Pam took a couple of deep breaths. After her heart slowed to where she didn't feel as if she were having a heart attack, she nodded, then closed her eyes, mentally probing with her mind. When she felt her mind being scanned back, her eyes popped open. It was alien, confused, and powerful, and she felt as though she were being squeezed in a giant, mental bear hug. She started to panic when she couldn't break the link.

  “You are doing fine, little one. Hold him, and focus on the Planet Lear. Take him to Lear with you.”

  Hold him! she screamed in her mind. I'm trying to get away from him.

  Excalibur turned her to face him, gently placing his hands on her shoulders. “Focus, Pam,” he encouraged in his deep, smooth voice. “You can do this. Focus on him and the Planet Lear. I will do the rest.”

  Pam concentrated harder, eyes squeezed tightly shut, knowing the connection between her and the brain was not of her own doing, which terrified her. The One felt so alien and powerful, reminding her of the first time she encountered Excalibur in his Human shape. She started trembling, sweat trickling down her forehead, as she pictured the cave and waterfall on Lear. A gigantic psychic power surge overtook her, causing her to step backwards. The mental contact was violently ripped from her brain, making her shake her head at the sudden emptiness in her mind.

  Sensing the warm, fuzzy feeling she associated with Lear, Pam opened her eyes, finding herself next to the cave with Excalibur, and Weesa in the background. Pam leaned over, bracing herself with her hands on her knees, taking a few deep breaths. That had been a hell of a trip. Straightening up, she noticed a huge, ugly, pink slug thing lying on the ground next to Excalibur's sandals. It was pulsating, with flickers of light dancing across the surface. Yuck. Her stomach did a few flip flops, so she quickly turned away.

  Pam felt Excalibur release his mental control over The One. He squatted next to it. “Relax, and absorb the life-giving radiation, my young friend,” he said in a soothing voice. “I promised you were being born, and so you shall. Soon, you will shed your bulky body, and transform into an energy being. I, hereby, name you Treas, brother Shalit.”

  White sparks started jumping off the brain as it pulsated faster and faster, seeming to grow bigger with each fluctuation. Fascinated, Pam stared at it, curious to see the metamorphosis happen. Just as the sparks started turning silver, she found herself standing outside the main guarded gate. Excalibur had teleported them back to Calen.

  “Hey. You could've at least given me some warning,” Pam scolded. She didn't like being tossed around from place-to-place, like a piece of luggage.

  “Sorry,” the handsome Shalit said, grinning down at her, making her knees quiver. She could tell he wasn't sorry at all, as his eyes twinkled with amusement. He was toying with her. As she stood there fuming, he said, “Little one, it is time for you to save your father. I will assist, if needed, but you must do this on your own.”

  Pam was about to make a sarcastic remark, when two guards by the shack opened fire on Excalibur. The two Ultilear beams hit Excalibur, passing harmlessly through his body, unnoticed, and hitting Weesa. One of the beams ricocheted up into the Calen sky, while the other one went downward, burning a hole through the planet.

  Pam almost laughed out loud at the comical expressions on their faces. They trained their weapons on her, firing at the same time. She watched in panic, the two white beams flying towards her, knowing there wasn't enough time to BLIP! away. One hit her in the chest, the other her stomach, and they both ricocheted into the sky.

  “Ouch!” she yelled, smelling burnt clothing and flesh, afraid to look at the damage. She'd never been shot at before, especially by alien weapons. Am I hurt? I'm too scared to look. Bottom lip clamped between her teeth, she peered down, seeing one partially bared breast and her stomach. There were two ugly red welts where the beams had hit and bounced off.

  Picking at the tattered remains of her favorite sapphire blouse, Pam began to get angry. It had taken her months to find a shirt matching the color of her eyes. She looked up, staring daggers at the two guards.

  Psychic energy she never felt before started crackling through her body, making her hair stand on end. The fear for her father, the fear for her safety, and the fear of her feelings for the alien entity known as Excalibur coalesced into a raging inferno inside her. She turned that raging inferno toward the guards who had just shot her.

  “You, bastards,” Pam hissed through clenched teeth, “This was my favorite blouse.” Concentrating o
n the guard shack, it blew up in an intense ball of white fire. The fire so hot, it burned itself out in only a few minutes, leaving behind a large pile of ash, and black smoke drifting into the cold, mountain air.

  Seeing movement out of the corner of her eye, she noticed several more guards standing by the massive double doors leading into the building. They had weapons drawn, but weren't aiming them at her, yet. They looked dazed, with their mouths wide open.

  Pam stomped up to the gate. “As of now, this prison is CLOSED! You have two minutes to evacuate the guards. Anyone I find inside, who isn't a prisoner, will end up toast.”

  Pam watched in amazement as two of the guards were foolish enough to aim their weapons, ready to fire. Suddenly, from behind, a large, white beam shot across Pam's shoulder making her duck. Weesa had fired one of her six Ultilears. The double-doors exploded inward, pieces of wood flying in every direction.

  In horror, Pam stared at the gaping, smoking hole. The Ultilear beam burnt its way through the whole building, out the back wall, and into the small mountain behind it. The firepower she just witnessed made the weapons on Earth seem like toys by comparison. Earth would be no match against a Calen invasion.

  Before Pam could react to Weesa's attack on the prison, she again heard a thrumming noise, signifying the ship was about to fire another beam. Ducking down, she watched as the second floor disappeared in a large explosion of glass, rocks, and plastic, leaving behind a large, round, smoking hole.

  Pam spun around, lips tightly pressed, noticing Weesa hovering above the ground. “Damn, Weesa!” she shouted, fanning the dust out of the air so she could breath. “You almost brought down the building. Don't forget we're here to save the prisoners, not kill them. That includes my father.”

  *We have waited a million years to use our Ultilears against an enemy, other than a Shalit. It felt wonderful,* Weesa said mentally, not even attempting to sound apologetic.


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