The House of Grey- Volume 6

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The House of Grey- Volume 6 Page 12

by Earl, Collin

  “Thy importance…thy importance is too great to be risked. Thou canst not perish here. I will not allow it.”

  “I’m not going to run!” Monson strained and his Kei reacted, his own power fighting against the one holding him captive. “And if I am so important then why isn’t Gibson after me? Why does he want Cyann?”

  “It does not matter! As long as thou art safe—”

  “It matters to me!” yelled Monson. “Listen, I don’t know who you are but if you don’t let me go, I’m going to make you regret it horribly.”

  The voice responded and Monson stopped struggling as a sadness touched him, one of incredible depth and magnitude. Monson recognized the voice. He just could not remember from where….

  Please…please, Master Grey…could thou not listen…just this once?

  Another emotion came across strongly…it was fear…fear of losing a loved one…the concern of a mother for her daughter, a father for his son, a brother for his sister, and maybe even…a lover mourning the one already lost….

  If you care about me…, Monson said in his head. You will…let…me…go. He waited a moment. Please….

  The magic impeding Monson released him. He smiled. Thank you, he thought.

  “The Eighth Tower—the truth can be found in the Eighth Tower.”

  Monson paused. What truth?

  “I do not know. Thou must find it for us both. Only then will our questions be answered.”

  You don’t even know? Then why must I find it? And how am I supposed to find the answer to a question that I don’t know?

  “Only then will the ultimate question be answered….”

  The ultimate question? What ultimate question? Stop being so damned cryptic!

  No answer…the presence was gone. Monson felt despair as emptiness filled the spot where the presence had been. it felt like a piece of himself had been torn out of his heart. Like the voice, the feeling was intense and again familiar…like this was not the first time it had happened.

  A scream brought him back to the present. Monson watched as a blade swung upwards in slow motion and Aaron Gibson’s blade slashed Cyann Harrison’s right arm. Cyann fell to the ground. Gibson raised his blade–

  Monson bellowed like an enraged bull, feeling his body and blade react to his wrath. Any and all remaining soldiers quickly cleared a path as he dove at Gibson and Cyann. Monson was still airborne when his first strike fell. he was lucky he caught Gibson off guard, as it would have been hard to counter in midair. Monson’s blade crashed down on the golden one, the force of the blow throwing Gibson back several yards. Despite the impact, Gibson maintained his form and balance. Monson landed less than gracefully and barked at Casey and Artorius. “Get her out of here!”

  The two friends did not argue. They moved in behind Monson, who was following Gibson’s every move. Gibson leaned forward, his body going tense.

  “You sure are a meddlesome youth. Like I said, Monson Grey, your time is not yet here. You still have a role to fulfill before your sudden and untimely death.”

  “I’ve had enough of the theatrics. If you’re not going to explain yourself then SHUT UP!”

  Monson’s anger flared as a sweat-like sensation caused silver Kei to push out from every part of his body, the energy accumulating at his hands and rippling up the Breath of the Dragon, momentarily drenching the sword in silver light.

  A flicker, a mere flicker of Gibson’s eyes, did not go unnoticed by Monson. It was perhaps a pause of indecision, Monson was not sure, but he did not loosen his grip on his sword.

  Gibson’s eyes narrowed. “You are too dangerous. I don’t know why the Master lets you—”

  Monson bridged the gap between them, slashing forward with another blistering overhead strike. Gibson met his move with one of his own, blocking and countering. Another burst of silver Kei shot up and down the length of Monson’s sword, making him feel more alert and alive, and dare he say…more powerful.

  Gibson lurched back. “The Natural Man is already starting to take over, Monson Grey. If you do not pull back soon he will consume and destroy you.”

  Monson scripted an earth-moving spell that caused the ground to shake itself into gravel, sand, and loose dirt. Gibson attempted to pivot but lost his footing. He tilted off balance ever so slightly and created a small opening for Monson, who stepped forward, his thrusting blade going in for a decisive blow. But Gibson was one step ahead, already finishing the final runes of a scripted spell. Monson rolled to his left, twirling his blade in a desperate attempt to block the spell. Gibson’s spell did not hit him, nor was it meant to. the fire spell streamed past Monson’s head, heading directly for–

  “Casey! Artorius! Duck!”

  Monson’s two best friends looked up just in time to be on the receiving end of a nasty combat spell. Monson could feel his anger starting to take over. he knew that there was no chance of survival.

  “NO!” he screamed. he was prepared; he was going to call upon all of it. all of whatever it was that was in him. he was going to stop it; he would will this spell to stop.

  Something moved into his line of sight or maybe it was in his mind’s eye. he did not know, but for a fraction of a moment the only thing visible was long, tousled black hair and wild silver eyes.

  Monson came back to himself right as the spell connected. his two friends were going to be killed right in front of him.

  The fire exploded, colliding with something in midair and creating a heavy curtain of that same unnatural steam Monson had experienced earlier in the locker room with Damion. When the mist cleared, Casey and Artorius stood tall—shell-shocked but seemingly unharmed. Monson took one look at them and knew immediately that an ice spell had had blocked the fire spell.

  He put his wonder aside as more gunfire peppered the air. This time Monson was able to ascertain the source of the noise. To his amazement, he saw Kylie Coremack and Taris Green standing at the front of a large group of Legionnaires, each girl holding a giant, shiny hand cannon. Many of the Legionnaires were sporting wounds in the form of lost limbs or giant holes in their bodies. They did not seem to mind, however, as they were far more interested in the weaponry they were now pointing in Gibson’s direction.

  Taris barked out a rough command. “Ready…fire!”

  Elemental phenomena of every kind flashed, all aimed directly at Gibson. Fire, earth, wind, water and lighting cruised towards their target while Gibson struggled to script a spell. Darkness formed on his hands; it was a blackness similar to the Midday Darkness but at the same time, Monson felt it was more primal.

  The palm-centered darkness quickly grew to the size of watermelons and he threw them to the ground. the blackness shifted, vibrating violently until shapes formed from the balls of blackness. The silhouettes hastily took a human form, only to be blasted into rocky pieces a second later. Taris and Kylie again took aim and were just about to fire when Gibson called out.

  “Serin, hear thy master’s call. Come and take shape.” Gibson spread his arms out wide as he called out one final word. “Obey!”

  Red Kei rippled out from Gibson in a concussive wave of intense energy. the push of power was so great, it knocked most of the onlookers off their feet. The roaring of the fight pounded in their ears affecting their equilibrium and caused Monson and his friends to very slowly rise to their feet. Many of the rock soldiers remained on the ground.

  While relieved that none of his friends was harmed, Monson instantly saw the desperate nature of their situation.

  The person he had known as Aaron Gibson was gone. In his place stood a nightmare, complete with blotchy gray skin, ruby red eyes, and liquid black hair. His clothes were tattered and ripped. The whole freakish package was wrapped in a Kei shroud that pulsated scarlet. The Kei shroud and devastation of the transformation clung to the creature except for a shimmering golden bracelet that appeared completely untouched. Gibson jerked forward; he was there and then he was gone. When Monson again tracked him down, Casey and Artorius had be
en tossed aside and freshly formed red and black Kei replications were wreaking havoc upon Kylie and Taris.

  Monson scripted a spell, forcing as much energy as possible into its construct. Flame-woven rope stretched from his hand as he flung it, lassoing Gibson and jerking back hard. The flaming rope caused Gibson’s sword to fly upwards and away. Monson readied his own sword, anticipating Gibson’s call to the blade and the mad dash to fall upon him. Gibson did not move, however, but rather looked over his shoulder and addressed Monson.

  “Your ability with the low-level combat spells is impressive. Fire, earth and wind. Three out of the five elements, all with an unusually high Grip Rate. You are either very in control of your emotions and mental state, or your power level exceeds even my expectations.”

  Monson tightened his grip on the flame rope, jabbing down slightly so Gibson felt the pull. “I like the new look. gray skin and red eyes. you’ll start a new fashion trend for Halloween.”

  Gibson held up a hand, displaying his gray palm, and swept away the flame rope that held him bound. “Camor and Zamile’s curse, Monson Grey. my state is the price of getting to know one’s inner demons. the price of progress, one might say. Camor and Zamile were particularly disgusted with the natural state of morals and they displayed that disdain with overwhelming forthrightness, hence my appearance. but worry not; my second form is that much more beautiful.”

  A crash and a roar prevented Monson from answering. Brian Gatt’s fire-covered bird was flying tipsily around the beast, the monster taking huge swipes at it. Anyone watching the progression of the air battle could see that something was wrong. Brian Gatt’s Kei shroud was almost completely diminished and he was performing few countermeasures against the attacks from the Midday Darkness. What was happening?

  “It is only a matter of time until he falls. inner Circle or not, no lone Magi is a match for the Aram No Abidi.” Gibson turned his rubies on Monson. “He will fall, Monson Grey, just like everyone else who is foolish enough to stand before me. So what will you do?”

  Monson gritted his teeth as he spoke. “You sound awfully cocky. if Brian and Mr. Gatt can’t beat that thing, what makes you think you can?”

  Gibson laughed the sound harsh and unforgiving. “The Aram No Abidi is a weapon, Monson Grey. a weapon of combined effort of the Arcanel and Daymonian races in the time before the Religion Wars, when this world knew more than one master and his beloved was alive and vibrant yet a thorn in his side. Like all other weapons, they have controls available for those who are compatible.”

  Gibson’s arm rose perpendicular to his frame. The golden bracelet on his arm shimmered all the more brilliantly. I have to stop him, thought Monson. it might be the only thing that can get us out of this.

  As if the bracelet itself had been listening to the conversation, the gold heated up, growing white hot. The bracelet expanded from its original shape, spinning on its axis and increasing its diameter the more it spun. Monson saw the monster’s movements become jerky, as if some invisible force was attacking it. Its thrashing became more violent but then stopped abruptly. Gibson interlocked his fingers and stretched them out, showing Monson his palms and cracking his knuckles. Overhead, the Heart of the Midday Darkness mimicked him perfectly. Two epiphanies knocked Monson so hard upside the head, the concept became almost physical. The first was that the bracelet on Gibson's arm could control the Midday Darkness. the second and much more frightening was…Gibson was controlling the Midday Darkness. They were screwed, totally screwed.

  The grin on Gibson’s face told Monson that he knew what Monson had just pieced together, and that Monson was well aware of the predicament he and his friends were facing.

  “Specialty Spell: Thousand Points of Pressure.”

  Monson heard the spell from high above his head but was unable to react. more crashing and a yelp of pain clearly indicated that Brian Gatt’s spell had found its mark on the Midday Darkness. The beast, still floating high above, staggered as if intoxicated before falling backwards away from Brian Gatt. Across its face was a hole as big as a medicine ball. The wound was dripping black tar. The beast stared out with a different expression, one that was almost…human.

  There was hope; Monson could feel it. Brian Gatt had hurt the Midday Darkness. now if Monson could just take out Gibson, who for some reason was on the ground. What had happened to him? Had the master manipulator tripped? As Gibson slowly rose, Monson caught a glimpse of a large, gaping wound on the side of his face. Monson broke into a grin as he formulated a plan.

  “Brian—Mr. Gatt,” called out Monson, doing his best to again magically magnify his voice. “Attack that thing with all you’ve got!”

  Gibson called out sounding bored, “I do not know what your plan is, Monson Grey, but it is—”

  Monson attacked and in doing so threw Gibson off balance. Without hesitation, Monson pressed him, their red and golden blades dancing spectacularly. Monson was recklessly pushing, sacrificing defense for offensive power and forcing the silver-powered Kei to amplify his attacks. Gibson was able to counter, but his moves were slow and jerky. Monson was able to inflict several small wounds without receiving any himself.

  “This is pointless, boy,” said Gibson as blood-red Kei filled and healed his wounds. “You know you do not have the ability to defeat me and you also know that you are too important for me to kill you. So why is it that you keep up this farce? Let me take the girl and I will be on my–”

  “Who said anything about me defeating you?”

  “What are you going on about? If not you, then who?”

  Monson smiled again and pointed up with one finger. Brian Gatt came sweeping down, golden blade and golden body lighting up the entirety of the area. The cut of the blade stretched out several yards, lacerating the Heart of the Midday Darkness across its tarry body. Both the beast and Gibson let out a roar as life fluid from both fell to the ground.

  Monson attacked again, letting loose a series of violent hacks and slashes, many of which Gibson was barely able to block. up above, the Midday Darkness continued his mimicry. each time Monson or Brian Gatt landed a blow, both of their respective opponents felt the cut. The once-smug Gibson, now clearly sweating, began to grow desperate as he realized the direness of his situation.

  In one fateful crash between him and Monson, the stress of his injuries and his inability to move freely finally caught up to him; both boy and gray-skinned monster anticipated the outcome. Monson disarmed him with a heavy spin of body followed by blade. Gibson’s golden blade followed the momentum of Monson’s sword until it was pulled completely out of his hand, flying in the air and landing a good distance away. Monson leveled his blade at Gibson, wanting to strike, but hesitated.

  “Well played, Monson Grey. you are smarter than you seem. Very clever of you to coordinate your attacks to take advantage of the Controller’s symmetry. though regrettable, I really cannot complain too much. the Controller is the one item that keeps the beast under control. without it, the Aram No Abidi is a mindless machine. If let loose on this planet it would destroy the bulk of its population within a few days. a pity, really. that would be a sight to see…. All in good time, I suppose, once my master returns.”

  Monson’s anger reached its boiling point. he struck Gibson cleanly across the face with the butt of his sword. Gibson went flying, landing close to a stirring Cyann. Her movement caused Monson to breathe a sigh of relief, though Gibson was too close to her. Luckily, Damion’s River’s Serenity was also close enough to her that if she needed to, she could protect herself–assuming she had the strength to pick it up. Monson turned his attention back to Gibson, who was spitting blood.

  Monson readjusted the tip of the blade to better cover Gibson and slowly bent down to remove the bracelet. He knew that he could not trust Gibson’s words. it could be a complete farce, but if the bracelet was even a fraction as important as Gibson claimed, then Monson had to remove it. He had to take it and try to get it into more qualified hands—Brian Gatt likel
y being the best option. it might be the only real way to stop the Darkness.

  “Brian, Mr. Gatt,” yelled out Monson. “Pull back!”

  Monson was not sure how they heard him, but Brian Gatt and his flaming bird ceased their attack, though with obvious reluctance. They flew to some of the downed Dragoons and started administering to them.

  “Now, Mr. Gibson, I think it’s about time you hand that bracelet over to me.”

  “I would not if I were you, Mr. Grey. besides being protected by my own sealing magic, a curse of sorts you might say, the Aram No Abidi was created for a specific purpose. very few have the power to control it.”

  Monson narrowed his eyes. “I’ll take my chances. hand it over.”

  He again repositioned the blade, hoping to seem all the more threatening. the action had the effect he desired. Slowly Gibson’s hand found his wrist and the golden bracelet sitting upon it. His index finger hovered half an inch above the metal. Monson tried to move closer but found himself forcibly stopped as the gold glowed white, and blue runes appeared around the band. Gibson whispered a phrase.


  The bracelet split, the runes disappeared, and the gold band was now brassy and tarnished. It fell from Gibson’s outstretched arm into his other hand. he offered it to Monson, holding it just beyond his reach. “So you believe you’ve won.”

  Monson reached for the magical item before hesitating. “Don’t try anything, Gibson. I have no problem running you through.”

  “You have no problem, do you?”

  “No problem at all.”

  “We shall see.”

  A fraction of a second before Monson could grab the bracelet, Gibson flicked his wrist, sending it flying. Monson’s only reaction was a huge grin.

  “I know what you’re up to,” he said, keeping his blade trained on Gibson. “It’s not going to work. I’ll just make sure you can’t move before I go after that thing.”


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