Gem of Gravane (The Northern Knights)

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Gem of Gravane (The Northern Knights) Page 15

by Amber Dane

  When she leaned up to plant a tender kiss against his lips, his release took him by surprise. Aric groaned feeling as if he’d died and gone to heaven as she rose up and down on his hard shaft. His shattering release lasted for what seemed forever until he was drained.

  He sagged against her, one arm supporting her and the other supporting his weight against the tree. Never had he needed to be a part of someone as he needed in that moment he saw her riding across the ridge towards him. Her blue gown, only added to the alluring warmth that came from her. The sight had aroused him beyond anything he’d ever imagined and he was glad to feel and know she had been as hot for him as he’d been for her. The change in her today did not go unnoticed by him. Her shyness had all but banished because of her jealousy and her ardor, and in the way she’d responded to his fierce lovemaking confirmed it.

  “Forgive me, Danielle. Are you alright?” He asked as he lowered her legs, mindful of her knee. She went limp and he caught her, almost angry with himself for not being more careful, but then she surprised him again when she spoke.

  “Yea. I fear that I would not have been had you not touched me, Aric.” Danielle clamped her hand over her mouth. Had she said that out loud? Yea, for his wide infectious grin told her thus.

  They shared a laugh.

  He pulled her close once more before mounting Thunder.

  He said little on the short ride back to the manor. Along the way Balwain seemed to appear out of nowhere and the look he gave her caused Danielle to avert her gaze for she suddenly felt flush.

  Surely the man did not know what she and her husband had just done. She avoided looking at him even when Aric helped her dismount when they reached the stables. Harvey came out to attend the horses. Danielle said nothing even though she wondered where he’d been earlier. Her husband and Balwain barely glanced at the stable master.

  Aric turned to her. “Are you truly well?”

  Danielle looked up at him. Her cheeks warming. “Yea. Yea, I am fine.”

  He was looking at her with an odd expression on his face. Then he simple said. “Good. Come, I need first discuss a few things with Balwain. Then we shall talk more on that other matter, orders and while we’re at it, a discussion on cursing is in order.” His heated gaze told Danielle he was not just talking about the talk of the villagers and her blasphemous mouth.

  Danielle could barely sit still and finish her meal as Aric spoke at length with Balwain as she sat beside him at the lord’s table. She pushed away her half of the trencher and watched Aric’s eyes move to it, then her. She turned away and looked over the hall. She wished he would hurry. She was ready to burst sitting there, aching for his attention.

  Aric had to fight the smile that was trying to force its way through. His wife had no patience. He knew she wanted him and he was reveling in the pleasure he was deriving from knowing that fact. He could feel the heat coming from her as she sat there. She did not know that he could feel her squirming next to him. Just as she did not know how stimulated he was by her passion. He’d just tasted her back there in the woods and now he wanted her again. This time he wanted to take it slow. He wanted to enjoy every inch of her naked and luscious curves. He cleared his throat and squirmed himself as he gave his attention back to Balwain.

  After what seemed another long hour, Danielle breathed a sigh of relief when Aric finally made ready for their leave to retire. Pulling her arm through his, he patted her hand. Danielle slid her arm free and took his hand in hers instead, tightening her hold and waited for his reaction. He didn’t look down at her as they left the hall, nor did he remove his hand from hers.

  When they reached their chamber, the two guards were posted there. She smiled at the one that had followed her earlier. The young soldier blushed. Her husband dismissed them.

  Danielle watched Aric as he removed his scabbard and sword to undress.

  Aric glanced at her, savoring the sight of her face flushed with passion and taking his slow sweet time to undress. Her face glowed and she was looking at him as a lion did its prey. He grew to full erection and turned his back to her.

  Danielle felt herself growing annoyed. He was taking way too long. She had undressed swiftly and wore nothing. Now he had his back to her. “Aric? Do you need help?”

  He was quiet. She approached him and saw his shoulders shaking. Concern marred her face, as she reached a hand out to him. “Aric?”

  He turned and Danielle felt her mouth fall open. She could not help herself from smiling at his contained laughter. “What might I ask is so funny?” She stood straight with her hands on her naked hips.

  Aric tried to speak around his laugh. “Danielle. You have got to learn to be patient. You were moving the table with your squirming and nearly pulled free the cloth. ‘Twas bad enough all in the hall watched us. ‘Twould have been hard to explain.”

  Danielle tilted her head and slid her hand down his belly to right above his bulge. His laughter stopped. He looked so handsome standing so rigidly in front of her. ‘Twas her turn to laugh. “I seem to lack patience when it comes to you. Was I so horrible and obvious?” She asked as he pulled her close. His words when they came sounded painful.

  “Nay, only to me. I jest about the others.”

  Aric kissed her cheek and set her away and quickly freed himself of the rest of his clothing. He was so pleased that she stood there proudly in front of him naked, even though she trembled. He was not sure if she trembled out of any lingering shyness or from her passion for him. Either way, he was pleased and hungry for her.

  Taking her by the hand he pulled her down onto his lap as he sat on the edge of the bed. He wanted their talk over and done with as quickly as possible so he could get on to more pleasant things to share.

  They spoke on her behaving like a baroness and his orders. When she did not argue, he did not question it for the look in her eyes drove him wild.

  “You will promise me to work on being more patient, Danielle.”

  She nodded and he was not so sure that she was listening for her eyes were on his mouth now. He grinned, continuing. “Will you join me on my ride to Egway and Gent?” He wished he’d not spoken of it from the immediate stiffening of her back.

  “I-I am not sure. But if that is what you wish.”

  “It is.” Aric said. He smoothed his hands down over her back, and then dipped one hand between her thighs. “I will never leave your side while we are there. Trust in me, Danielle.” He took her mouth just as his fingers slid inside her. She melted and shuddered against him.

  “Aric.” Danielle breathed as he freed her lips.

  “Aye, Danielle.” He kissed her throat as he laid her back on the bed, his fingers still moving between her thighs. “There is much more to discuss, but I need to be inside you now. I promise to go slower after, but I need to have you now.”

  She cupped his face as he covered her body with his. “Who needs to learn patience now, Aric?”

  Her laugh turned to a moan when he surged into her, filling her and causing heat to flood her sheath.

  “I will be patient in a moment. Now give me what I seek and let me hear you scream.” He growled with a grin as his deft fingers slid between them and touched her swollen heat. Danielle screamed against him as the first wave took her. From far away she heard his laugh as he thrust deliciously into her again and again.

  Chapter 22

  Danielle waited patiently, staring at Aric’s back as she stood in the woods whilst he spoke to his men with Balwain at his side. The sun did not shine down on Gravane today. Another storm was brewing, the dark clouds above their heads said as much. It would bring the mist she no longer needed. She would always be protected now and that protector stood right there in front of her. He’d made it clear last night he’d been well aware of her activity. Danielle smiled now. For now she knew what that niggling sensation had been at the back of her neck the last few times. It had been him following behind her. The man moved like a ghost.

  Aric had indeed won ove
r her home, its men, the village and now, with the tears burning behind her lids, even her. He’d done so easily and that had happened that first night in the garden. Only she’d not know it then.

  Carried by the ill winds kicking up, Aric’s booming voice brought Danielle back from her musings and she moved closer from her hiding place behind the thicket of bushes. Looking down to make sure she stepped on nothing to give her presence away, she braved another step. His words came more clearly, but it mattered not for she was too focused on drinking in the sight of him. His hair tied back at his nape with a strip of leather, lay flat against his strong neck. His cloak billowed out around him as he stood there in front of the fleet of soldiers in that intimidating war stance. Something crept up her spine, but she ignored it.

  Danielle wiped a wisp of hair from her face, peering with longing at Aric. Fierce warrior and ready to do battle. But he was not off to battle, just preparing the men for their trip to visit the other holdings.

  Her thoughts pulled forth what he’d done to her last night and she flushed hotly. Straightening her back and with a smile on her face, she turned away and headed back toward the river and the manor.

  Aric was glad Danielle had turned and left. As he continued to instruct his fleet on their planned route to Egway and Gent, her presence so close had him speed through and hasten his speech to the end. She disturbed his concentration. The wind had carried her scent to him along with the sound of broken twigs that she surely thought she’d not made a sound as she hid watching him. He’d known she was there within seconds.

  A half smile came to his lips as he dismissed the troops. Turning, his eyes fell upon the bush that had hidden her. She was probably close to the river now. No matter, he’d still catch her.

  “I’ll be along shortly, Balwain.” Aric’s light tone caused his second to look at him in question and Aric continued. “’Tis alright, Balwain. I have to see to a little rabbit that was in the underbrush.”

  A smile split Balwain’s face and he clasped a hand on Aric’s shoulder before turning away.

  Within moments Danielle’s scent had Aric behind her just as she broke into the clearing and reached the stream’s bank. She walked to a large stone before sitting down on it with relief.

  Aric paused in the thicket of woods to take in the sight of her for a moment.

  She limped badly today. The sign of rain always seemed to cause it, make it more noticeable than the hurt and pain he’d caused her. He didn’t flinch over the revelation. He’d noticed the difference each time. Danielle was brave.

  He watched as she turned her face up to the darkening sky, her lips pursed as though she were trying to kiss the clouds. Her fingers reached into her hair and she unraveled the thick braid. Aric caught his breath when those lush waves enveloped her body. Her lavender gown hugged all of her. His loins stirred and he moved closer, stealthily.

  Danielle let out a sigh as the wind picked up and caressed her face and hair. Her thoughts were on Aric’s loving last night. His hands on her skin. She shivered from the memory of it and hugged herself, then let out a shriek. She jumped up and spun around to face him.

  “Aric!” She breathed, her chest heaving. His beautiful smile caused her heart to skip a beat.

  “I did not mean to frighten you.” He pulled her against his chest and pressed his lips to her neck, kissing the fast pulse that beat there. Danielle clutched his cloak.

  Aric pulled back, his eyes almost as dark as the clouds, mesmerized by her. “You are beautiful, Danielle.” He was pleased to see her blush over the praise. “The rain will be here soon. I can smell it. We should get back to the manor before it starts.”

  Danielle heard him and was watching his mouth. He had known she was there. She should have known. It was very hard to sneak up on this man. She smiled and reaching her hand up to place it at the back of his neck, she brought his head down to her.

  She kissed him.

  The heat of the kiss engulfed them both and Aric molded her body to his taking over the sweet offering and delved deeply into her moist hot mouth. His hands were all over her and Danielle melted against him as her legs buckled.

  He swung her up into his arms and continued to stroke her tongue with his as his one hand stroked her breast, pinching her nipples through her gown. By the time he set her back on the stone, Danielle was trembling with need.

  When he pulled his mouth away from hers, he knelt at her feet and his hands slid up and under her gown. Danielle shivered when he reached her knees. His warm hands felt so good over her skin. She felt moisture between her thighs. “Aric.” She reached down for him. His eyes met hers. His smile was driving her crazy.

  “Danielle.” He cupped her scarred knee and bent his head to plant a hot kiss there. She jumped under his caress. “Sweet Danielle, tell me what caused it.”

  His sensual massage was driving her insane as he continued to kiss her there with his tongue licking the scar. Danielle’s leg ached as did her center with pleasure and want. She did not wish to talk right now; she wanted to escape in the distraction of his expert mouth and tongue from the painful memory.

  “Tell me.”

  His warm breath against her skin caused a shiver to rock through her. She reached for him again with her hands in his hair, pulling it free of the leather strip. But he did not move.

  She gave up as ecstasy hummed through her veins. “My father, in trying to teach me to ride and in his anger over how long it took for me to learn, forced me to ride an unbroken, spirited stallion when I was but nine summers. The poor creature threw me from its back and came do-down on my leg while my father stood there and watched. When it reared again…Well, I can only say, if not for Edie’s father, our blacksmith at that time, I would not be here today.” She felt him stiffen against her leg, and then his hands continued their gentle assault. “The bones in my foot healed, but the ones shattered around my knee- well, the healer did what she could. It never set correctly and I always looked at it as a reminder of how things were between father and me. The good that came out of it, was Edie. We practically grew up side by side. Always together. Her father was more of a father to me than my own.”

  Aric lifted his head and his eyes met hers. “Now I fully understand the bond between you two. I am sorry, Danielle. I cannot take the pain or aches away, but I can ease them for you.”

  She caught her lip between her teeth at the huskiness of his promise. She was so hot and wanted him right now. His soft laugh against her leg caused a moan to escape her.

  Sliding a hand to her undergarments, Aric felt her moist heat. Those unique eyes shone brightly, a dark smoky blue with her blazing desire. She looked beautiful with the black and blue sky behind her and her brown hair blowing in the wind. He would give her pleasure. The look in her eyes went right down to his heart and something warm opened in his chest.

  Her hips did a sensual dance against his fingers as he teased her, reaching deeper to the core of her heat. He smiled when she grabbed his hand to hold him there tighter against her wetness. Her breath came in heavy pants from her parted lips.

  Unable to resist, he leaned down and kissed the spatter of freckles on her face, then moved to her mouth. He kissed her again thoroughly, taking her soft moans into his mouth.

  He pulled back in time to listen to her cry of sweet surprise as she found her release against his hands fast and hard. Aric reveled in the sight as she rode the wave.

  “Sweet Danielle.” He heard the raw desire in his own voice when he spoke. He ducked his head once more and heard her whimper in delight as he tenderly made love to her with his mouth.

  Later, he held her in the crook of his arm. Her head on his chest as they lay on his cloak near the stream where he’d spread it to make love to her after the exquisite gentle torture his mouth had created upon her flesh.

  “We leave for Egway come the dawn,” he told her. She sighed and snuggled closer against him and he continued. “Now, about your blasphemous tongue.”

head came up quick just as the first fat drop of rain hit his cheek and thunder split the sky.


  Rose rolled off Harvey, satisfied and with a grunt moved away from his perspiring frame to the edge of the bed. His heavy breathing behind her churned her stomach. The man gave her what she wanted, but he was not Aric Claydon. She had given up on her plan to entice the dark lord to her bed when the man had sent for his mistress, another fat sow. Then to only send the woman away over the choice of choosing her cousin.

  Had she been given the chance, Rose told herself she would have gotten her hands on his rod. Her thoughts turned to her cousin and she smirked but a moment at the feeling of regret that washed over her at the horrible treatment she had bestowed upon Danielle over the years.

  Yea, a moment and she’d waste not another on something she could not change. Besides, it had really been all Thomas’s idea.

  Laughing, she rose naked from the bed.

  Harvey called out to her from his languid pose, “What is so amusing, milady?”

  With her back to him, Rose rolled her eyes. He did his duty, but she wanted nothing else from the stable master. Sighing with irritation, she used her fingers to comb through the tangles of her long blonde hair and forced a bite of sweetness in her tone as she answered him. “Nothing of import, Harvey.”

  A drowsy grunt was his response.

  Why could it not be Aric Claydon that lay there instead of him, Rose smirked in disgust.

  Loud voices coming from the other side of the screen reached into her inner thoughts. Recognizing one of the voices, panic rising, Rose turned and snatched up her clothing. She whispered to Harvey, frantic, “Get up you sloth!”

  “What? What-“Harvey said groggily. He was nearly asleep and slapped her bothersome hands away as she prodded him in the ribs.


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