Gem of Gravane (The Northern Knights)

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Gem of Gravane (The Northern Knights) Page 18

by Amber Dane

  “Does that hurt you?” She tightened her hold.

  Her teasing tone drove him mad with want and need. He was going to lose this game. Her touch was hot, silky on his flesh. On a strangled breath, he said, “Nay.”

  She slid her hand down. “That?”

  “Nay.” He growled through clenched teeth.

  “Good.” Danielle slid her hand up and down a few more times and all Aric could do was lay there and tremble. It felt so good. But as her fingers circled the head of his shaft sending ripples of rapture though him, he knew if she continued her ministrations, he would certainly spill his seed in her hands.

  “Danielle.” He roared and flipped her onto her back. He heard her laugh and he slid his cheek against her face and soft hair. “Vixen,” he murmured near her ear.

  Danielle heard the smile in his voice and fisting her hands in his hair, she spread her thighs eagerly. “Now, Aric. I am ready.”

  “Are you?”

  Aric slid his tongue down the side of her neck to her chest, taking a nipple into his mouth. She arched into him. He lifted his head after a moment.

  She was panting and answered. “Yea. Now.”

  He smiled at her impatient tone. “Let me see.” He watched her eyes widen with confusion then ecstasy when his fingers slid along her wet folds. Aye, she was quite ready. He held her gaze as he found her swollen center.

  “Aric!” Danielle exclaimed moving against him. Her hands pulled at him. “Now, please. I beg you stop teasing me so!”

  “As you wish.”

  Aric moved over her and was all too ready himself to be inside her. She welcomed him and he lay there with his head pressed against her forehead for a moment as he fought to control his breathing. Her tremors were going to undo him. Her gasps and fast panting fanned his face and he raised his head.

  “Are you alright?”

  “Aye.” Danielle licked her lips. “Don’t stop. Please don’t-Oh- that’s it.”

  Aric marveled as he thrust and she writhed beneath him in the throes of pleasure as the first wave took her. Watching her soon sent him over the edge into a shattering and pleasurable release. His plan had been to wear her out, but he found it was the opposite.

  He was truly worn when it seemed only just moments ago that he’d closed his eyes and pulled her sleeping, sated form against his when the light incessant nose Balwain was wreaking roused him. Aric woke fully when the tenth rock fell closer to the foot of the bed. He rose and after a quick gaze out the chamber window to his second-in-command below, he gazed back at Danielle’s sleeping form. If he was not careful, she truly would be the death of him yet.

  Balwain knew better than to say anything as he scanned his lord’s tired and weary face. But it did not stop him from giving Aric a raised brow of knowing. Aric in turn gave him a dark glare. Balwain’s mouth split into a grin by the time they entered the thick forest with their steeds and he had to use his arm to muffle the hearty guffaws that were choking him. All the while ignoring his lord’s ever darkening glare. The soldiers that followed looked on with baffled expressions as they followed behind the two giant warriors deeper into the dark and thick marshes.

  Chapter 25

  Morning light woke Danielle and she groaned. She did not want to get up just yet, her body spent. She rolled over to bury her face in Aric’s chest. She met nothing. Her eyes opened.

  He had already risen. Sitting up, rubbing away the sleep, her tired eyes scanned the room. His sword was gone.

  She may as well get up. She got out of bed with a glare at the half covered window. One side of the window covering hung free from its wooden peg. The other lay on the stone floor.

  She bent to retrieve it and something dug into her arch. She looked down and saw a stone. Picking it up, Danielle ran her fingers over the smooth piece. It looked like a part of the stones from the yard below.

  She hefted herself up and peered out of the window. Something niggled at the back of her neck. The courtyard below was not quite busy yet. There were a few early risers beginning their chores and the soldiers were at their posts. She looked below the window.

  How had the stone from there got up here?

  She turned back and her gaze swept the floor. A feeling in her grew and she barely brushed her hair out when she dressed and flung open the chamber door.

  The guard was not at his post. Heaviness in her heart sent Danielle’s legs flying down the stone steps. Sounds from the hall and kitchen wafted through as servants moved about doing their chores. But it was the lack of the other guard’s presence at the bottom of the stairs that caused Danielle to continue on to the manor doors. There she saw five of her husband’s trained soldiers with their backs to her.

  “You there.” She called out, surprised to hear the tremble in her voice.

  The men turned, their expressions full of worry, but the look was quickly masked. However, too late. She’d already seen it. Something was wrong and Danielle faltered in her step as she came outside.

  “Milady!” A young knight from the group stepped forward to block her path. “You need to remain indoors.”

  Those words caused Danielle to freeze mid-step and the unease within her to blossom. She looked down at the knight. He was about a foot shorter than she. She knew even before she asked what the answer would be. Yet, she needed to hear it.

  “I take it, by my husband’s orders? Hmmm?”

  “Aye, milady.” The knight swallowed and Danielle watched his Adam’s apple bob within his neck as he glanced nervously over his shoulder to his fellow comrades. All of them seemed anxious and uncomfortable under the glare she was giving them.

  Where was Aric? What was going on?

  “Where is my lord, then, young man?” She demanded.

  “My orders, milady, was to hold guard. He will be back shortly.”

  She knew Balwain would be at Aric’s side. Still it did not stop the sick feeling from thickening in her gut. Perhaps it was the odd behavior of this group of his men. They knew more than what they were telling or could tell her. Danielle could feel it in her bones. She wanted to drill the knight further, but what good would it do. He was just doing as Aric had bid.

  Perhaps it was she who was overreacting.

  Aric probably was just out searching the perimeters again for Thomas and would indeed return shortly. He had probably thought not to wake her with the knowledge. After all they had been up most of the night.

  She wanted to believe that.

  Yet the strange feelings inside of her weren’t cooperating. Something was not right.

  “Where are the guards inside the manor, outside my chamber and hall?” She questioned the knight. His demeanor and reddening face confirmed something was indeed afoot. She could see the thoughts run over his reddening face as he considered what to voice next.

  “Milady. I beg you, milord is due back shortly.”

  “Oh!” Danielle screeched and the knight flinched. She gazed around the inner courtyard and all appeared normal. She wished that she felt that way.

  Entering the hall, the servants were moving about doing their daily chores. Even here all appeared normal.

  By noon with still no word or sight of Aric, that foreboding feeling only had grown stronger and Danielle was ready to go. She peeked out the great doors and turned away. His group of men were still gathered there.

  She turned and made her way through the manor, only having to stop once when she spied Edie and the page coming from the lower level with a skinned fowl in each of their hands.

  In no time, she made it to the stables undetected and seeing the new stable master the feeling of dread churned her stomach anew.

  Where was Harvey?

  To her relief the new stable master was out front chatting with a few soldiers.

  She clucked to her mare and drew the animal out through the rear of the building. Just as she mounted it a bit away from the back of the stables near the woods out of sight, she felt thunder under her feet.

  The ground
shook as the sound came closer.

  Riders and they were coming hard and fast.

  Danielle froze and held the reins tighter in her grip as the first rider burst through the clearing on the side in front of the manor. It was one of Aric’s men, soon followed by a group of more soldiers and Balwain. Her sigh of relief died in her throat.

  Two large knights she did not recognize, dressed in chain mail, rode with him. Danielle did not know that she moved the mare closer.

  She saw that the larger of the two knights had a pallet of some sort attached to his giant black warhorse. The twine tied to its pommel and around the giant rider’s waist and fist that pulled it behind him with a figure on it. But ‘twas not that that held Danielle’s attention. It was the prone figure on the pallet.

  The feeling she had been plagued with all day slammed into her gut and Danielle found herself galloping over behind the men with her hair loose, flying out behind her. The soldiers in the rear spotted her first and gave way to allow her to the front. Danielle reached the front of the group just as Balwain and the two large knights dismounted and to see her husband’s men carrying the pallet into the manor.

  She heard a scream and would have turned to see who had cried out when she saw that all eyes were on her. The cry of despair had come from her when she recognized Aric’s still form on the pallet. Danielle’s heart exploded and got her feet running.

  Ignoring all, she was at the side of the makeshift pallet pulling Aric’s still hand into hers. She pressed it tight to her rapidly beating heart. The warmth that clung to his skin sent a ripple of relief through her. A good sign.

  He was not dead, although spots of blood soaked down into the side of his tunic.

  She turned her teary gaze upon Balwain, seeing the two large knights next to him. She opened her mouth but words failed her. Balwain’s brows creased as he came to her side and she saw his concern, his hands fisted at his sides.

  His words were gentle. “Milady.”

  Danielle turned her gaze from him back to Aric. His shallow breathing did little to raise his large chest. She uttered a single word. “Thomas?”

  Balwain’s angry voice drilled into her back. “Nay, milady. He was thrown from Thunder’s back.”

  Danielle’s head whipped back to him at that, her brows wrinkled in confusion. Her husband was an expert rider. “That does not make sense.”

  “Aye. True. This is what we found under the saddle, milady.” Balwain pressed something cold and hard into her outstretched hand.

  Danielle looked down to see a white and gray sharp peg with a roughhewn and sharpened tip. Stains of blood lay in the grooving. Aric’s blood or Thunder’s. The object looked like a mini dagger fashioned from animal bone.

  Lifting her gaze back to Balwain, he read her questions there.

  “’Twas placed well against the horse’s skin so that were the lord to move a certain way, ‘twould cause the beast real pain. It did. The other bit sunk deeply into milord’s thigh. Unfortunately, it happened when we’d reached the top of a high ridge. When Thunder reared, milord was too close to the edge and took a hard hit to his skull when he fell.” Balwain lowered his head.

  Danielle closed her fist around the piece, before slipping it within the folds of her girdle and bit out with knowing. “Harvey.”

  “’Tis what we have suspected, milady.” He nodded and moved to the hall’s entranceway.

  She heard him say something to the two large knights standing there, their fixed gazes locked on her. Danielle let her fingers glide over the material wrapped tightly around Aric’s right thigh. A spot of blood had made its way to the surface. This wound would not kill him. ‘Twas what had him locked away from her in deep sleep that worried her most.

  Something soft touched her shoulder and she turned, seeing Edie’s small hand and she was glad for her support.

  Balwain’s strong voice turned her back to face him and the two knights. “These are the men that helped us retrieve milord, your husband, from the ravine, milady. “

  Danielle did not want to leave her husband’s side, but she knew she had to swallow her own distress for him at the moment and address the two giants.

  She gave the order for Aric to be carried up to their chamber, and then she sent Edie to retrieve the items she would need to see to his head wound. She straightened her back, blinked back her tears and after another quick glance at her husband, she walked over to the men.

  Her step faltered as she drew closer and really looked at them.

  She thought Aric and Balwain were the largest men she’d ever seen and Aric the most beautiful. But she would have to say the men in front of her gave challenge to that. They were both as large, but the one in the middle was taller than any and his pleasant features were close to those of Aric’s, right down to his scowling. Her brows furrowed.

  Guess scowling was part of the Norman warriors training or the way of it, Danielle thought, because they all seemed to wear that same fierce look. It worked she was sure on their enemies, for she found her knees wobbling as the taller one held her stare until she was right in front of him.

  A thick wooden and steel bracketed pole of some sort stuck up behind his right shoulder, strapped to his back by some type of black harness. Carved into the handle of it were deep grooves for a large hand to fit. A chill slid over Danielle. Yet, she lifted her chin and shifted her gaze from the intimidating weapon back to his.

  She was surprised to see the handsome knight move his lips. A hint of a smile, one had to squint to see, but it was there nonetheless and in his eyes. She found herself warming to it and she smiled herself. His eyes changed and the smile became more pronounced.

  “Lord of Westlan, Rourke Thorsson and his man Goran. May I present milady, the Baroness Danielle of Gravane.” Balwain announced.

  Both men greeted her in unison. The one called Rourke Thorsson was the taller knight and he reminded her so much of Aric. Except for the fact his long hair was blonde and he had the most vibrant green eyes she’d ever seen. Those eyes sparkled as he smiled down at her.

  Danielle said. “Milords. Welcome to Gravane manor. I thank you for helping Balwain and seeing their route home safely. Would you not care to stay the night for rest, food and drink?”

  Balwain beamed, his expression showed that he hoped the two knights would accept.

  “Although we would like to partake in such a warm invite, milady, I fear we cannot. I am a few days late from my own mission. But, perhaps another time.” Rourke smiled at her and Danielle knew his words were true. His man Goran looked as though he wished they could still accept however.

  “Milord, I am sorry. I hope this unfortunate incident with my husband was not the cause for your delay.”

  “Nay, milady.” His gaze slid sideways for a brief second; if she’d blinked she would have missed it.

  His man Goran stood with his hands clasped behind his back and clearing his throat, he kept his gaze on Danielle although she saw the defiance in the man’s gaze. The two men reminded her of the silent interaction between her husband and Balwain. These two were very close also.

  Balwain cleared his throat over the awkward second.

  Danielle tried again. “My husband, when he wakes would be most pleased to find you still here and would wish to thank you himself.” She itched to flee their sight to get back to Aric’s side. She watched the blonde knight think her words over for quick a moment.

  He shared a look with his man again before he turned his green gaze back upon her. He was indeed as handsome as Aric.

  “I suppose one more day will not change my mission. And it is Rourke, milady if you please. A hot meal and a night of rest would give our weary bones a bit more vigor. Thank you, milady.”

  Danielle felt her cheeks warm at the look he gave her. He was a charmer just like Aric. She was pleased that he had accepted the invite. Aric would wish to speak to the man himself. His man Goran relaxed and smiled at her too. Both men bowed to her and Danielle found herself blushing f

  She saw a kind man behind that fierce visage of Rourke’s countenance and something else she’d come to know in her husband’s gaze. Deep secrets. But she clasped her hands in front of her. She could not stand here any longer.

  “Balwain will show you where you are to make yourselves more comfortable and if you will forgive me, I must now tend to my husband.”

  “Of course.” Rourke nodded.

  Balwain and the two giants quit the hall. Danielle was already halfway up the stairs.

  Chapter 26

  Danielle’s hands shook as she cleaned away the last droplets of blood from Aric’s neck. He lay still lost in another world with no signs of waking up. His only movement had been a flinch here and there while she’d worked on the deep cut at the back of his skull. She’d sighed with a moment of relief after it was cleansed and she could see it better. The wound did not need to be cauterized nor was it as dire as the amount of blood would have one think. Still, it was serious enough for him to stay abed a few days. This she knew he would not like.

  Balwain had been right, the fall he’d taken had split the back of his skull near his neck and she had to shave off a lot of his hair. He would not be pleased with that either. But it had to be done.

  The puncture on his leg was not deep, but she packed it all the same to ward off infection. Edie assisted her through it all.

  But Danielle was still concerned. She wished he’d wake.

  Dipping the cloth back in the bowl of boiled water and marigold, she wrung it free and laid it across his forehead. She wiped the back of her hand across her own forehead before resting both hands on her knees as she let out a hard breath and stared at his face.

  Edie’s soft pat on her shoulder barely penetrated her thoughts. “He will be well, milady. You’ve done what you could. Come. You must eat or drink something.”

  “Nay, Edie. I will be along in a minute. Please make sure our guests are served a hearty meal and their comforts lack naught. I will be down to tell all that their lord fares well.” Danielle blinked rapidly, her voice sounded as though it belonged to another.


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