Gem of Gravane (The Northern Knights)

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Gem of Gravane (The Northern Knights) Page 23

by Amber Dane

  “You please me so much that it drives me mad at times and I find I cannot keep a sane thought in my head. When I am away from your side, I can only think of how quickly I can rush back. No matter what it is that I am doing. I love you, Danielle.”

  He felt her gasp and stiffen next to him and he pulled back to search her face for a reaction.

  Danielle felt as if her heart would leap right out of her chest. She could hear the loud roar of it in her ears.

  “Wh-what did you say?”

  “I said you plea-“

  She cut him off hurriedly. “Nay, after that.”

  Aric smiled. Her wide, water filled eyes searched his face.

  “I said, I love you, Danielle. I think I have loved you since that day we kissed in the garden.”

  She did cry then, hard. She sobbed heartily and for a moment Aric thought he’d not said the right thing after all.

  “I say I love you and you cry? Are these your happy tears?” he queried, although his tone was light.

  Danielle smiled and cupping his cheek in her hand, she said as her body shook with joy. “Beyond happy. These are joyful tears, Aric. Oh, very joyful tears.”

  “Then I am glad my words brought you joy and back to me.” He went to duck his head to capture her rosy mouth, but she pulled back.


  He met her gaze. What he saw in them stole his breath away. Her husky voice was full of raw emotion as she gazed longingly up at him.

  “I will always love you.”

  He kissed her then, long. She whispered something against his mouth when he let her breathe and so lost in the passion she fired in him, it took a moment for him to hear her words. She repeated them again in the crook of his neck. Aric stiffened. He pulled back, his eyes dark and stormy.

  “What was that?”

  Danielle smiled at him; he looked so incredibly handsome and afraid. She had thought to wait, but after his words, she could not. She took one of his large trembling hands in hers and placed it over her curved stomach. “I am with child.”

  She was not prepared for his excited cry or his sudden movement as he hauled her up and over his body to lie on top of him.

  “My God, Danielle. A baby?”

  “Our baby, Aric.”

  Danielle was shocked to see his dark eyes fill with moisture and her heart bloomed even more if that was at all possible. She caressed his cheek.

  “I love you, Danielle. I love you.” Aric said, his eyes locked on hers.

  “And I love you right back, Aric, my Norman lord.” Danielle spoke clearly against his mouth before she kissed him.


  “Oh Aric, it’s going to be a magnificent celebration.” Danielle exclaimed as she watched the scenery pass them by through the slits of the heavy cloth of the hooded carriage. Aric leaned across the velvet cushioned seat and pulled her from the window. He kissed her cheek and pressed her head gently against his chest.

  “Indeed it will, Danielle. Indeed it will.”

  Danielle was ready to burst. She was so excited and tired at the same time. The sound of the men and horse’s riding alongside them was pulling her into a slumber like mood. She yawned against Aric’s chest. It was just mid-day and they were en route to visit his sister Liza.

  They had just ended their month long visit at Egway and Gent.

  Aric’s men rode in the front and at the rear of the horse drawn carriage. A man on each side rode alongside them.

  Albeit the horse, Aric’s new brown destrier that she had Balwain acquire for him and had been waiting for him at Egway, was without its rider. For when she had first poked her head out through the cloth, Aric had brought their entourage to a halt so he could see to her well-being.

  Danielle smiled. She had seen the devilish glint in his dark eyes as he’d climbed down into the small carriage with her. She had said naught for she was ecstatic and wanted him inside with her. Now, she snuggled closer to him content.

  “You think she will like me?” Danielle asked, unable to keep the anxious sound out of her tone.

  “How can she not? I like you.”

  “You do?” She gazed up at him with a teasing smile.

  “Aye, very much, Danielle. Oh. I love you too.”

  Danielle’s laugh was smothered by his hard kiss. When she could breathe again she declared, “I love you too, Aric.”

  Aric held her stare then slid a hand down over her protruding belly. “And I love you too, son or daughter.”

  She drew his face back down to hers and kissed him.

  Had he truly believed if allowed himself to want more than his heir would make him any less of a man? Make him weak? He’d been so wrong.

  Their union made him stronger. Her love for him and his for her had changed them both and made them all the stronger. And he, a better man. Aric felt it down to his very soul.

  She was dressed in a deep burgundy gown that she had made from the fine cloth. Her beauty stole his breath each time he looked at her.

  Aric’s hand dropped down further until his fingers brushed against the top of her mound. Danielle’s head shot back up.

  “What is it that you think you are doing?”

  “I told you, I do not like to see you distressed. I can feel the tightness in you. ‘Tis not good for the babe.”

  His hand palmed her and he smiled wider at her sharp intake of breath.

  “I am fine, Aric.” Danielle tried to affect a serious tone, but failed.

  “Hmm. Then why do you tremble so?” He nuzzled her neck and she squirmed against him. His other hand pulled up her dress.

  “Will you- stop. Stop that.” She slapped at his hands, with little effort.

  Danielle dropped her head back on his broad shoulder as his fingers sank into her heat. She bit her lip to stifle the moan as he expertly massaged her quivering flesh. She was on fire.

  “Mayhap I said that rather hastily. You are right. I do seem to be a mite nervous.” She managed to gasp out before the first ripple of pleasure jolted through her.

  Aric laughed against her cheek, happy to oblige her and leaned down to cover her scream of fulfillment just as he slid a finger inside her to share the sweet release of her nerves.



  Look for > Rourke’s story: The Merciless knight is conquered by the hellion he weds.




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