The chassis hadn’t changed much. The engine was of similar design to the old one, but put out an extra fifty horsepower. That was all to the good, because the new barrel was heavier, and needed the extra muscle to shove it around.
Almost all the weight gain came from the new turret. It was bigger than the old one. Its armor was thicker and better sloped. And it had been upgunned. Instead of a 37mm gun-an inch and a half to a gunner-it now carried a 60mm piece-a little less than two and a half inches. That still didn’t match the three-inch monster the new Confederate barrels used, but it was big enough to make any enemy barrel say uncle, where you had to be damn good or damn lucky to hurt the new C.S. machine with the 37mm cannon.
And the 60mm gun was absolutely the biggest one that would fit on the turret ring of the old chassis. A new, improved body took a lot longer to turn out than a reworked turret. The Confederates must have been planning their Mark 2 while the Mark 1 was just starting production. The USA hadn’t done that. And so, instead of a proper Mark 2, the United States had to make do with Mark 1.5, more or less.
“Ugly beast,” Pound said, laying a hand on its armored flank. He didn’t see how anybody could argue with that. The new turret went with the old chassis about the way a rhino’s head went with a cow’s body. Everything on the Confederates’ new barrels fit together with everything else. They had a grim, functional beauty. The Mark 1.5 was just grim.
“Well, Sergeant, Featherston’s fuckers will think it’s ugly, too, especially after it bites them a few times.” That was Cecil Bergman, Pound’s new loader. He was a skinny little guy, which helped him do his job-even though the new turret was bigger on the outside, it had even less room within than the old one.
“That’s a fact. The new gun will make them sit up and take notice. About time, too,” Pound said. “Maybe we have a chance of holding them out of Pittsburgh now. Maybe.” He sounded anything but convinced.
He sounded that way because he was unconvinced. The U.S. Army hadn’t been able to stop the latest Confederate push, any more than it had been able to stop the Confederate drive up through Ohio the summer before. If you couldn’t stop the enemy, how the devil were you supposed to win the war? Pound saw no way.
He could have elaborated on the many failings of the U.S. War Department, but Bergman hissed at him and jerked a thumb off to the left. “Here comes the lieutenant,” he warned.
Second Lieutenant Don Griffiths was typical of the breed. He was young, he didn’t know much, and one of the things he didn’t know was how much he didn’t know. He had blond hair and freckles and couldn’t possibly have bought a drink without proving to the bartender that he was over twenty-one.
Sergeant Pound and PFC Bergman saluted him. He returned the gesture. “Men, we have our orders,” he said.
He sounded full of enthusiasm. It was too early in the morning for Pound to feel enthusiasm or much of anything else except a deep longing for another cup of coffee. But Griffiths stood there waiting expectantly, so Pound did what he was supposed to do: he asked, “What are they, sir?”
“We are going to drive the enemy out of Pennsylvania,” the lieutenant said grandly.
“What? All by ourselves?” Pound said.
Don Griffiths wagged a finger in his face. “I’ve heard about you, Sergeant-don’t think I haven’t,” he said. “You haven’t got the right attitude.”
“Probably not, sir,” Pound agreed politely. “I do object to being killed for no good reason.”
“Don’t get smart with me, either.” Griffiths’ voice didn’t break the way the late Lieutenant Poffenberger’s had, but he still sounded like a kid. “I’ll bust you down to private faster than you can say Jack Robinson.”
“Go ahead, sir,” Pound answered, politely still. “I’ll never get rich on Army pay no matter what my rank is, and if I’m a private again I’ll get out from under you. Besides, how likely is either one of us to live through the war? Why should I get excited about whether my sleeve has stripes on it?”
Lieutenant Griffiths gaped at him. The gold bar Griffiths wore on each shoulder strap was the only thing he had going for him. He couldn’t imagine anybody who didn’t care about rank. In fact, Pound did, very much, but the best way to hang on to what he had and be able to mouth off the way he wanted to was to pretend indifference. “You are insubordinate,” Griffiths spluttered.
“Not me, sir. Bergman is my witness,” Pound said. “Have I been disrespectful? Have I been discourteous? Have I been disobedient?” He knew he hadn’t. He could be much more annoying when he stayed within the rules.
Griffiths proved it by spinning on his heel and storming away. PFC Bergman chuckled nervously. “He’s gonna get you in Dutch, Sarge,” Bergman predicted.
“What can he do to me? Throw me in the stockade?” Pound laughed at the idea. “I hope he does. I’ll be warm and safe in a nice cell back of the line, three square meals a day, while he’s stuck up here with unfriendly strangers trying to shoot his ass off. The worst thing he could do to me is leave me right where I am.”
Bergman shook his head. “Worst he could do is bust you and leave you where you’re at.”
Pound grunted. That, unfortunately, was true. He didn’t think Lieutenant Griffiths had the imagination to see it; if he’d had that kind of imagination, he would have been a real officer, not a lowly shavetail. Pound proved right. The next time Griffiths had anything to do with him, the barrel commander pretended their last exchange hadn’t happened. Pound played along. He watched the way Griffiths eyed him: like a man watching a bear that might or might not be ready to charge.
Their barrel moved out the next morning. Several platoons of the new machines rumbled north and west from the classically named town of Tarentum. Tarentum lay northeast of Pittsburgh; the barrels wanted to knock in the head of the Confederate column sweeping past the industrial center. Another enemy column was pushing up from the southwest. If they met, they would put Pittsburgh in a pocket. That had happened to Columbus the summer before. If the Confederates brought it off here, they could smash up the U.S. defenders in the pocket at their leisure.
Pittsburgh was the most important iron and steel town in the United States. If it fell, how could the country go on with the war? If it fell, would the country have the heart to go on with the war? Those were interesting questions. Michael Pound hoped he-and the USA-didn’t find out the answers to them.
“This is pretty good barrel country, sir,” he remarked to Lieutenant Griffiths after they’d been rolling along for a while.
“It is?” Griffiths sounded suspicious, as if he feared Pound was pulling his leg. “I thought you wanted wide-open spaces for barrels, not all these trees and houses and other obstructions.”
Anyone who used a word like obstructions in a sentence was bound to have other things wrong with him, too. “You do, sir, if you’re on the attack,” Pound said patiently. “But if you want to defend, if the enemy’s coming at you, having enough cover to shoot from ambush is nice.”
“Oh.” The lieutenant weighed that. “Yes, I see what you mean.”
“I’m glad, sir.” Now Pound sounded-and was-dead serious. “Because the point of the whole business is to kill the other guys and not get killed ourselves. That’s the long and short of it.”
Griffiths didn’t disagree with him. The young officer opened the cupola and stood up in the turret to see what he could see. Pound just got glimpses through the gunsight-which was also improved from the one in the earlier turret. The Confederates hadn’t got here yet, so the landscape wasn’t too badly battered. That didn’t mean he would have wanted to live here even if no one had ever heard of war. Coal mines, tailings from coal mines-he’d heard the locals call the stuff red dog-and factories dealing with coal and steel and aluminum dotted the landscape. Some of the factories belched white or gray or black or yellowish smoke into the sky even though the enemy was only a few miles away. They were going to keep operating till the Confederates overran them.
l Pound scowled. When they shut down, all the workers would try to get away at once. He’d seen that before. They’d clog the roads, U.S. troops would have trouble going around them or through them, and the Confederates would have a high old time bombing them and shooting them from the air.
Not five minutes after that thought crossed his mind, the barrel slowed and then stopped. Lieutenant Griffiths shouted from the cupola: “You people! Clear the road at once! At once, I tell you! You’re impeding the war effort!” Pound wouldn’t have moved for anybody who told him he was impeding anything. This crowd didn’t, either.
And they paid for not moving. No Asskickers screamed down out of the sky to pummel them, but they were in range of Confederate artillery. So were the advancing U.S. barrels. That didn’t worry Pound very much-except for the rare unlucky direct hit, long-range bombardment wouldn’t hurt them. He did tug on Griffiths’ trouser leg and call, “Better get down, sir. Fragments aren’t healthy.”
“Oh. Right.” The lieutenant even remembered to close the cupola hatch after himself. He was faintly green, or more than faintly. “My God!” He gulped. “What shellfire does to civilians out in the open… It’s a slaughterhouse out there.”
“Yes, sir,” Pound said, as gently as he could. “I’ve seen it before.” He’d got glimpses through the gunsight here, too, and was glad he’d had no more than glimpses. Shrapnel clattered off the sides and front of the barrel. There were times when sitting in a thick armored box wasn’t so bad, even if it was too damn hot and nobody in there with you had bathed anytime lately.
Griffiths spoke to the driver over the intercom: “If you can go forward without smashing people, do it.” The barrel moved ahead in low gear. Pound didn’t like to think about what it was running over, so he resolutely didn’t. The lieutenant peered through the periscope: a far cry from sticking your head out and looking around, but nobody would have done that under this kind of shellfire. Well, maybe Irving Morrell would have, but officers like him didn’t come along every day.
Suddenly, Griffiths let out an indignant squawk. “What is it, sir?” Pound asked.
“Our men,” Griffiths answered. “Our soldiers-retreating!”
Pound got a brief look at them, too, and liked none of what he saw. “We’d better find an ambush position pretty quick, then, sir,” he said. “We’re going to have company.”
Griffiths didn’t get it right away. When he did, he nodded. A stone wall that hid the bottom half of the barrel wasn’t perfect cover, but it was a lot better than nothing.
“Have an AP round ready,” Pound told Bergman. The loader tapped him on the leg to show he’d heard.
“There’s one!” Griffiths squeaked with excitement. “Uh, front, I mean!”
“Identified,” Pound confirmed. “Range six hundred yards.” He added, “Armor-piercing.” Bergman slammed the round into the breech. With quick, fussy precision, Pound lined up the sights on the target: one of the new-model C.S. barrels. Now to see what this new gun could do. He nudged Lieutenant Griffiths. “Ready, sir.”
“Fire!” Griffiths said, and the cannon spoke.
Here in the turret, the report wasn’t too loud. The empty casing leaped from the breech and clattered down onto the deck. Cordite fumes made Pound cough. But he whooped at the same time, for fire spurted from the enemy barrel. “Hit!” he shouted, and Griffiths with him. The old gun wouldn’t have pierced that armor at that range.
“Front!” Griffiths said again, more businesslike this time. “About ten o’clock.”
“Identified,” Pound replied. He scored another hit. Whatever the Confederates wanted today, they weren’t going to buy it cheap.
Out of the line. Armstrong Grimes knew only one thing besides relief: resentment that he’d have to go back when his regiment’s turn in reserve was up. For the time being, though, nobody would be shooting at him. He wouldn’t be ducking screaming meemies. He wouldn’t wonder if the stranger in a green-gray uniform was really a U.S. soldier, and worry that that unfamiliar face might belong to a Mormon intent on cutting his throat or stabbing him in the back and then sneaking away.
He turned to Sergeant Rex Stowe, who tramped along beside him down what had been a highway and was now mostly shell holes. “Ain’t this fun?”
“Oh, yeah. Now tell me another one.” Stowe needed a shave. His helmet was on crooked. A cigarette dangled from the corner of his mouth. He looked like most of the other U.S. soldiers trudging through the wreckage that had been Provo.
“Anybody figure this fight would take so long when it started?” Armstrong persisted. “We’ve been here forever, and we’re still not in Salt Lake City.” He was no lovelier than his sergeant, and had no doubt he smelled as bad, too.
“We’re doing it on the cheap,” Yossel Reisen complained. “We could end this mess in a hurry if we’d put enough men and barrels and bombers into it.”
“Write your Congresswoman,” Stowe said-a joke that had grown old in the company.
But Reisen answered, “I’ve done it. Aunt Flora says the Confederates and now Canada are taking away what we need.”
Sergeant Stowe didn’t seem to know what to say to that. Neither did Armstrong. They both outranked Yossel, but when it came to clout… Armstrong had none, and as far as he knew Stowe didn’t either. Yossel Reisen, on the other hand, had all the clout in the world-and didn’t want to use any of it.
If he had wanted to use it, he would have been anywhere but here. Provo looked as if God had dropped a cigarette here and then ground it out with a hobnailed boot. The city had fallen weeks ago, but smoke still rose here and there. The smell of death lingered, too. By the urgent insistence it took on every now and then, some of the dead were a lot more recent than the fall of the town.
As Armstrong and his buddies slogged south, other soldiers came north. They were cleaner and better barbered, but their faded uniforms and hard, watchful faces said this wasn’t the first time they were heading up to the front. “What’s new?” one of them called in Armstrong’s general direction.
“You know about the fucking spigot mortar?” he replied.
“Sure do.” The soldier going the other way nodded. “Ka-boom! They had that the last time I went up.”
“Yeah, but now they’ve started loading the screaming meemies with mustard gas. They can carry a lot of it, too.”
“Well, shit,” the other soldier said bitterly. “If it’s not one goddamn thing, it’s another. If I have to put on that rubber gear, the heat’ll kill me.”
It was probably somewhere in the upper nineties. That wasn’t so dreadful as it would have been back in Washington or Philadelphia. As people from out West never got tired of saying, it was a dry heat. That didn’t mean it wasn’t hot, though. And when you wore full antigas gear, you cooked in your own juices. Who needed humidity then?
A little blond girl came out of the ruins to stare at Armstrong. She was about eight years old, and would have been pretty if she weren’t scrawny and filthy and wearing what looked like a torn burlap bag for a dress. The stony hatred on her face didn’t help, either.
“Jesus!” He wanted to make the sign of the cross to ward off that look, and he wasn’t even Catholic. “She’ll shoot at us in the next go-round, and her kid’ll pick up a gun in the one after that.”
“We oughta just shoot all of these bastards and start over here,” Stowe said. “Treat ’em like the Confederates treat their niggers. Then we could do this place right.”
“You think Featherston’s fuckers really are doing that shit?” Armstrong said. “Seems hard to believe.”
“You’d better believe it-it’s true,” Yossel Reisen said. “My aunt knows more about that stuff than she ever wanted to find out. They’re filthy down there, really filthy.”
His aunt was likely to know if anybody did. Armstrong said, “Still seems crazy to me. Why would anybody want to do that to somebody else just on account of what he looks like? I mean, I’ve got no use for niggers, God knows, but I don’t want to k
ill ’em all.” He had no idea how many oversimplifications and unexamined ideas he’d packed into that, and was probably lucky he didn’t.
“People do it all the time,” Yossel said. “You’re not Jewish, that’s for sure.”
“Nope, not me.” Armstrong might have had more to say on the subject of Jews, too, but not where his buddy could hear it. You didn’t do things like that. Life at the front was tough enough as is. If you pissed off somebody who might save your ass one day soon, you only made it worse.
A sign led to the trucks that would take them back to the R and R center at Thistle. Before long, they’d have to leave again, but Armstrong looked forward to getting clean, getting deloused, and eating real food and sleeping on a real mattress.
As happened too often in the Army, somebody’d screwed up. There were far more soldiers than trucks to take them to Thistle or anywhere else. The men milled around, waiting for something to happen. A lot of Army life was like that. A captain climbed up on what was left of a brick wall and shouted that more trucks would be along in an hour or so. The cheers he drew were distinctly sarcastic. The catcalls, on the other hand, came from the heart. The captain turned red and got down in a hurry.
Armstrong didn’t know what drew his eye to the woman who walked toward the crowd of soldiers. Maybe it was just that she was a woman. Most of the ones he’d seen lately wore dungarees and carried rifles and wanted to kill him. He returned the favor the best way he knew how.
This one had on a dress, a baggy dress that reached almost to her ankles. Her face was pinched and pale. Maybe that was what kept Armstrong’s eye on her-not her good looks, though she wasn’t half bad, but her absolute determination. An alarm bell went off in his mind. He nudged Rex Stowe. “Sergeant, something’s wrong with that broad.” He pointed.
“Yeah?” Stowe didn’t see it for a second. Then he did. “Yeah.” He took a step toward her, and started to take another one-
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