Triple Treat: Back for Seconds (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Triple Treat: Back for Seconds (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 3

by Berengaria Brown

  Morgan hoped that would be true. Surreptitiously he crossed his fingers. The work might take a little longer than they anticipated, he supposed, but really, what could go wrong?

  Chapter Three

  “At last.” Xonra dropped backward onto the bed, heaving a huge sigh of relief. She heard the front door slam shut behind the last of the workmen and let her arms flop at her sides and her body sink into the mattress.

  Glenn took her purse out of her nerveless fingers, and then pulled her shoes off. “The day was that bad, huh?”

  “It wasn’t the day so much, it’s all this having to be up and dressed before seven to let the workers in. I like to start my mornings a little more slowly than that.”

  “Another week and you can,” Glenn said soothingly.

  Xonra heard running feet in the hallway and lifted her head an inch to look at the door. Morgan came running into the room, yelled, “Geronimo!” and leaped onto the bed beside her and Glenn.

  “Party time,” he said as he landed.

  There was a loud crash, and Xonra screamed as both men fell on top of her. Her upper body tilted down so her head was on the floor surrounded by the broken wooden slats from the bed. It was all too ridiculous for words. She started to giggle, and then to laugh. By the time Morgan and Glenn hauled themselves out of the wrecked bed, and off her, and then extricated her from the mess, she was laughing too hard to stand up.

  “Morgan, you idiot,” she wheezed.

  “Hey, it’s not a problem. Our old bed is in the other room, we’ll sleep there instead,” said Glenn.

  Xonra coughed, gasped, and laughed some more. “It’s just as well I wasn’t madly in love with that bed,” she said turning on still wobbly legs to look at it.

  Practical Glenn was already pulling the blanket off the bed and shaking bits of wood and dust out of it. “Likely the bedding will be fine,” he said in a placating tone.

  “The bed, not so much,” she replied, and began laughing again.

  “How was I to know the bed wasn’t strong enough to take it? I used to run down the hallway and jump onto my bed all the time when I was a kid.”

  “You were probably a lot lighter back then. Or maybe didn’t pack so much punch into your jumps,” said Xonra, shaking her head at her poor bed. It was now not much use for anything except as the basis for a bonfire. She patted the bedpost. “Rest in peace, you poor thing.”

  Xonra changed into sweat pants and a T-shirt, then checked the rest of the bedding carefully for stray wood splinters, while the men dismantled what was left of her bed and dragged the wood into the living room, adding it to the pile of trash the workmen had left from the kitchen remodel. The head of the renovating crew had promised that they’d take away all the mess at the end of the project, so the broken bed could go then. Likely the entire crew would be laughing at them though, imagining they broke it with boisterous sex, not with a jump from mad Morgan.

  The spare bedroom was a much smaller room than the master bedroom, and as well as Glenn and Morgan’s big bed, it still contained her desk, chair, and office set up, plus some of the men’s things that they hadn’t wanted to give away, but weren’t exactly sure what to do with yet. Not to mention her TV, which the men had replaced with their much bigger one. It was currently resting on the bed. Xonra groaned and made a space for it on her desk. It looked as though she wouldn’t be using her desk any time soon now. Still there was no way she’d sleep on the floor so it would have to do.

  Fucking Morgan. What ever had he been thinking of?

  When she returned to the living room, Glenn was setting out coffee on the rug in front of the fire. Not that the fire was switched on, but more that there wasn’t a whole lot of space right now for them to sit anywhere else. The dining chairs were stacked on top of the dining table which had been pushed against the back of the couch, so the workmen had a bigger space to saw lumber and so on.

  “I’ve ordered pizza and garlic bread,” said Morgan. “I’m sorry about your bed, love,” he added giving her a hug.

  “That’s okay. We’ve still got yours we can use.”

  “Tomorrow after work we’ll move it into the master bedroom, after we’ve vacuumed the bedroom carefully to make sure there are no splinters. None of us wants to get one in our bare feet,” said Glenn.

  “Or even worse, our bare ass,” added Morgan, smiling again.

  Xonra just shook her head. These two were irrepressible, but damn, she loved them anyway. “You’re both mad. Stark, staring, looney tunes.”

  “But you love us anyway,” said Glenn giving her a hug as the doorbell rang.

  Morgan hurried to collect their pizza and Xonra sat on the rug and picked up her coffee. One thing was certain. Life with these two men would never be boring. Crazy? Maybe. Boring? Never.

  * * * *

  Morgan felt guilty about smashing her bed. It had been a nice solid piece of furniture. He was still somewhat shocked that it had fallen apart so easily, but likely he shouldn’t have jumped on it. He did recall his mom yelling at him not to jump on his bed. And eventually he’d stopped doing it, too. But it was fun to run down the hallway and launch himself onto the soft mattress. And it’d been fun doing that again today, with the added bonus of Xonra lying there ready to hug him.

  The good news was that she’d laughed when it’d happened instead of abusing him, or worse still, being badly frightened and going hysterical. He never wanted to frighten or hurt her. But she’d taken the episode well. Glenn wasn’t bitching at him either, and Glenn was the one who was going to have to help him pull apart their bed and reassemble it in the master bedroom. But he’d clean the room himself first, and clean it thoroughly. He was serious when he said he didn’t fancy a splinter in his bare ass. Imagine having to explain that to the paramedics!

  He paid the delivery kid and hurried into the living room with their meal. Someone had set a roll of paper towels beside the fire, which was good. They didn’t need plates for pizza. Fingers were so much better.

  The next half hour was bliss. They talked about their day at work, and about what the next few days might hold for each of them. Afterward, they walked into the partially renovated kitchen and he drooled over the long counter which offered endless space for his creative activities. Xonra smiled at all the shelves and drawers. “All that stuff in boxes will have a proper home of its own soon.”

  “And once I get my oven, I’ll cook you a nice meal,” he added.

  “Oh, I don’t know. Pizza is pretty good,” Glenn teased him.

  He punched his friend on the arm and laughed. This was the life he wanted. This was being a family at last.

  “If I promise not to jump, will you both come to bed with me now?” he asked.

  * * * *

  Fucking her men would be the perfect end to Xonra’s day. Work was hectic, and the apartment was a mess. Falling through the bed, while funny in retrospect, hadn’t exactly been how she’d planned to spend her evening either. But going to bed with Morgan and Glenn? Hell yes. That would be the ideal. She was totally onboard with that plan.

  When she’d first known them, every time she’d gotten undressed she’d been self-conscious of the slight flabbiness on her belly and upper thighs. She’s wasn’t fat exactly, but she could certainly stand to lose ten pounds. Maybe even twenty pounds. But no matter how hard she tried, the weight just didn’t come off. The contrast between her and the men’s bodies was noticeable. Glenn was more muscular and Morgan a leaner, wirier build, but both had rock-hard abs and taut thighs.

  Yet they constantly embraced her softness and difference from them. Xonra sighed and accepted the sheer delight in being with two bisexual men. They got all the firm flesh they needed from each other and relished her softer, rounder form. That was good news indeed for her.

  Xonra undressed and slid into Glenn and Morgan’s bed. It was strange being in their bed in her apartment, but she knew she’d get used to it quite quickly, especially when they moved it out of her office and into her
bedroom. She was already used to watching their widescreen TV and sitting into their deep velvet armchairs. That was another amazing thing. Their furniture and hers, while different on the surface, actually worked well together. They’d chosen similar colors and styles, and while their home together was never going to be featured in Better Homes and Gardens, the pieces did blend together well and formed a more or less unified whole. They thought enough alike and preferred sufficiently similar things that their belongings meshed into an identity that was them. The three of them. A family.

  Xonra smiled and curled onto her side as Morgan climbed in front of her and Glenn slipped in behind her, gently pushing her into the middle of the bed. Oh, yes. It looked as if she was going to be the middle of the sandwich tonight. Any sex with these men was awesome, but double penetration was special and always made her feel extra precious and cherished.

  Xonra rubbed her hands down over Morgan’s chest. His muscles were rock hard and she could feel every defined one of them as she petted his chest. She let her hands slide lower, curving around his side and following the pattern of his hip bone. From there, she wiggled a little closer to him and stroked up his back, feeling the muscles even there, before rubbing her way up to his shoulders again.

  Morgan was lean but not skinny. His body was longer, his muscles more wiry, but there were plenty of them everywhere she touched. Both men were seriously fit for people who worked an indoor, desk-job lifestyle. At first, she’d assumed they must spend a lot of time in the gym or play sport seriously, but although they both ran sometimes, and they did have a rowing machine, they weren’t fitness fanatics at all.

  Likely they should all go walking or running more often. Maybe that way she could get those annoying ten pounds off her own body.

  Her mapping of Morgan’s body came to a halt as Glenn’s slippery fingers began teasing around her back door. Xonra smiled and pushed back onto his hands, welcoming his touch there. No matter where they touched her, it always aroused her so high she was ready to explode with lust far too soon. Glenn’s hands massaging gel into her ass were particularly delicious though. She closed her eyes and rested her head back on his shoulders as he pressed deeper inside her, softening the walls to make a pathway for his cock.

  Morgan’s lips circled one of her nipples as she breathed deeply. “Hell yes,” she murmured.

  “Hell yes here?” asked Glenn, pressing a second finger into her ass.

  “Or here?” asked Morgan, licking a line across her chest and sucking her other nipple.

  “Hell yes to both. I like two of everything,” she teased them.

  “Of course you do,” Morgan said, gripping both her breasts in his hands and tweaking her nipples. He rubbed them and stretched them, twisting and nipping at them as Glenn pushed his fingers deeper into her ass until her cream was dripping onto her thighs and her mouth was dry with need.

  Glenn dropped the lube onto the nightstand and threw the comforter off them all, handing her two condoms.

  “Time for you to do the honors,” he said.

  The condoms he handed her were a lurid yellow-green. “Oh, are these the glow-in-the dark ones?” she asked.

  As soon as she’d put his condom on, Morgan rolled out of bed and turned off the light. It was lucky she’d almost finished gloving Glenn because for a minute her eyes were blind and she couldn’t see anything at all. Then the condom began to glow and she watched Morgan’s pale body and glowing cock make his way back to the bed.


  Glenn slid off the bed as well, and he and Morgan paraded around the room, their cocks leading the way, bobbing and dancing in the dim light. “Oh my goodness, we must do this for Halloween,” said Morgan.

  “Wearing pumpkin masks,” added Glenn.

  Xonra just stared at them, bemused by the thought of her men running around the streets naked but for glow in the dark condoms and Halloween masks. Then she realized they were teasing her and she joined in the game.

  “Hmm. Let me think. I could be naked except for a transparent sheet. Maybe with some glow in the dark body paint on strategic areas to shine through the sheet. That might make an effective ghost.”

  “And chains to clank and scare people.”

  “Or maybe a recording on my cell phone of someone wailing in a particularly spooky way.”

  “No, eerie music would be better.”

  Xonra leaned back and laughed as the two men outdid each other in mad suggestions, until Glenn flipped the lights back on again and they came to bed.

  “That was foreplay. Why are you laughing?” asked Glenn.

  One glance at his dancing chocolate eyes told her he was still teasing her. “Oh, were you?” She stretched her arms up and faked a big yawn.

  “Wicked woman.” Glenn pulled her back into their arms and together they laid her down on top of Morgan. She sat up and stroked his chest again, this time pinching his nipples just as he’d tweaked hers so recently.

  His cock was standing straight up and her cunt was so wet she couldn’t resist holding him to her pussy entry and letting him push his way inside. He filled and stretched her wide open and slid deep inside her until his balls were pressed hard against her flesh.

  “Damn that feels good. You always fill me so perfectly.”

  “You’re pretty fine, too. So hot, and wet, and welcoming. A man could lose himself in your depths very easily.”

  Morgan pulled her down over him and held her hair in both hands as he kissed her eyebrows, her nose, her chin, her jawline, and finally her lips.

  Xonra sighed with happiness, relaxing into his arms and tasting his mouth. The spices from the pizza were still there, and a hint of coffee, but mostly he tasted of himself and pure man. Morgan ran his tongue along the insides of her cheeks, and then over the roof of her mouth, and she copied him. Finally he sucked on her tongue until she had to pull away and fill her lungs with fresh air.

  Glenn’s hand was pressing down on her lower back as he placed his cock at her back door. He pushed firmly and his cock pressed against the tight muscle ring of her rosette, and then popped inside her ass. Glenn wiggled, rocked, and pushed his way deeper inside her, spreading her tissues wide, making space for himself. His cock was huge and hard, stretching her fully open, filling her completely.

  Her body was already at capacity with Morgan in her cunt, yet somehow there was room for Glenn in her ass as well. Her tissues expanded and adjusted themselves around the men, making space for them both, accepting them both, uniting them both inside her, making the three of them a united triad, a family.

  Heaven. Perfection. Bliss. This was Xonra’s happy place, held between her two men, loved, cherished, belonging to them both as they all belonged to each other.

  Xonra closed her eyes and breathed in the heady scent of man. Already she could smell their sweat, their need, and her own arousal. It was an aphrodisiac. Knowing she aroused them as much as they aroused her was special to her. It was just another way that made the three of them one.

  Then the men pulled out of her, leaving her body almost empty. This happened every time, but it was always a shock. The extreme change from stretched wide and much too full, to vacant, was a complete abandonment and emotionally draining. Fortunately they only held that position for a heartbeat, before pushing back inside her again, stretching her, completing her. Only to withdraw, and then return.

  Very quickly, she adjusted to the changes, but it never ceased to amaze her that the first time, every time, was so emotional. Her head knew that until they withdrew they couldn’t reenter her. But her heart and her body felt rejected until the pattern was clearly established.

  Xonra reached her arms behind her and gripped Glenn’s waist, while she lay her head on Morgan’s shoulder. Now she was completely united with them and could relax and appreciate the steady thrust and retreat of the fucking. They did it so well, in a slow, measured pace that cranked up the heat and tension until she had to grit her teeth so she didn’t scream with the need to come. />
  In and out they pumped, never slowing down, never going any faster, until her body was aching for more. As if they could read her thoughts, the two men slammed in faster now, harder, deeper, until she was groaning with the desperate need for release. Xonra waited until they were both deep inside her and clenched her inner cunt and ass muscles, gripping their cocks hard. Now it was Glenn and Morgan who groaned, but the effect was just as intense for her as well. After a few more strokes, she knew she couldn’t wait any longer. Xonra held on tightly to them both as the climax raced up through her body and exploded her into a million bright lights.

  Once again Morgan and Glenn groaned in unison and they slammed into her faster than before until she felt their releases as heat bursts deep inside her.

  Smiling, she let her body go limp between them both. She unlocked her jaw and whispered, “Thank you. That was amazing.”

  Both men kissed her, Morgan claiming her lips and Glenn nuzzling along her neck.

  “It felt pretty amazing from here, too,” Glenn replied.


  Glenn went to turn the shower on, and Xonra scrambled off the bed to follow him. They were all completely naked and she frowned.

  “In the movies, why does the heroine always wrap herself in a bed sheet after sex, when she goes for a shower? They’ve been fucking like bunnies for hours, the hero has seen every inch of her body over and over again, but next morning she demurely wraps the sheet around her to walk to the shower. It doesn’t make any sense at all.”

  Morgan just stared at her. “You’re right, it doesn’t make sense.”

  “I have no idea why they do it either. It must be one of those romance movie conventions. Everyone always does it, simply because everyone always does it,” said Glenn.

  “They’re mad.” Xonra stepped into the shower and relaxed under the hot water. Actually Morgan and Glenn were mad, too, but their madness she liked.


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