The Omni Towers Boxed Set (Books 4-6): A Dystopian Fantasy Series

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The Omni Towers Boxed Set (Books 4-6): A Dystopian Fantasy Series Page 25

by Jamie A. Waters

  He handed it to her, and she poured it over the soil, feeling the moisture permeate the roots beneath the surface. When it had enough, she placed the hydrating pack beside her and moved her hands over the vegetable again. Wiping her brow with her elbow, she sent out more energy. She needed to hurry. Her remaining strength was dwindling too quickly. The sprouting plant reached outward, breaking through the surface and forming small leaves. Underneath, the roots were becoming even more established. The growing excitement from Pavel and the woman were overpowering, and Ariana slumped forward, barely catching herself before she fell.

  Pavel's expression was smug. “I told you, Sofia. She will be of great use to us and easy to manage.”

  “Well done,” the woman declared. “It appears Pavel was correct. We may keep you for a while.” She motioned toward the plant. “Pavel, come. I want our scientists to look at our new plant.”

  Pavel moved forward and refastened the bindings tightly on her wrists. She winced as the metal once again bit into her skin, but she didn't object. He retrieved the plant and followed the woman out the door.

  Ariana's eyes fluttered closed, unable to find the strength to even try to pick up the abandoned hydrating pack beside her.

  Alec closed his eyes and inhaled sharply. He kept repeating Ariana's words over again in his head. Pavel, Coalition Camp, Prisoner. Underneath, he could sense her exhaustion and pain. What the fuck were they doing to her? He pressed his hands against his desk, reaching out to her again and cursing himself for not solidifying their bond. So much for noble intentions. If he'd bonded with her, he'd be able to share his energy with her. As it was, he only had a dim sense of her—just enough to know she was still alive.

  They'd all returned to Alec's office as a central base to organize their efforts to locate Ariana. Jason had joined them and was now sitting in a nearby chair, resting his head in his hands. Ariana's brother was picking up on some of her emotions, too, but so far hadn't been able to locate her. He was still trying, but Alec didn't have much hope he would be successful.

  At least he'd convinced Ariana's father to lead the investigation searching the construction tower for any trace of Ariana. Devan had been a whirlwind of icy fury when he learned Ariana had been taken. He'd demanded they launch an immediate attack against the Coalition and only reconsidered after someone pointed out that an attack against them might put Ariana's life in even more danger. If they didn't find her soon, Alec was tempted to launch the attack himself. Someone had to know something.

  “The drones are in the air,” Brant advised. “We've employed the new devices to track energy manipulation, but they're still not completely reliable. Hopefully, Ariana's still emitting her usual low-level energy current.”

  “She's exhausted.” Alec curled his hands into fists. “She can't keep this up much longer. I want several squads on standby. As soon as we find something, I want them ready to move out.”

  Brant nodded. “We have an aircraft already waiting for you. Kayla's on the surface at the underground river location, and she's trying to find Ariana based on the description of the clothing you provided her. Her ability to locate objects is still unpredictable, but she wants to try.”

  Alec started pacing. It wasn't enough. There had to be something else they could do. He couldn't just sit here and wait while Ariana was out there suffering. He glanced over at Sergei, who was arguing hotly via commlink with someone in his native language. Lars was hunched over a digital map of the surrounding area and occasionally interjected a comment in the same language.

  Sergei ended the call and tossed his commlink on the table in disgust before leaning over to view the screen in front of Lars. “Pavel is not in Grigory's camp either, but he will thoroughly question his people to be sure.”

  Lars grimaced as though the idea of Grigory's version of questioning was something decidedly uncomfortable. He pressed a few buttons, graying out part of the map.

  Alec stepped over to view the map, wondering if there was another way to go about this. So far, none of Sergei's people had admitted to seeing Pavel that day.

  “Perhaps we're asking the wrong questions. If they're holding Ariana in one of the camps and there's no trace of Pavel, it's likely he's working with someone.” Alec looked over at Sergei. “Which of your people would be willing to risk harboring him?”

  Sergei was quiet for several minutes and then said, “Few would risk my wrath, but desperation may make them bold.” He picked up a tablet and entered a few commands. A list of over two dozen names appeared on the screen. “I am releasing these people from service soon. If they suspected I intended to release them, any of them may be tempted to betray me, especially for a prize such as Ariana. My superiors still do not believe in your energy, but Pavel may wish to use her to prove these claims.”

  Lars nodded. “I recognize a few names on that list. Some of them are in a position where they could effectively hide Pavel and Ariana from the rest of the camp without raising suspicion.”

  Sergei pressed the screen, eliminating several names. When he finished, there were at least ten names still on the list. “These people have access to secure areas within our camps. I'll put them under surveillance immediately, but I will need to question them directly. I do not trust anyone else to handle their interrogation.”

  Alec leaned forward, studying the names. They didn't mean anything to him, but he didn't know any of the Coalition forces. “How well do these people know Pavel?”

  “Well enough,” Sergei replied. “Pavel has been acting as my second for several months. I have some contacts who may know more.”

  He picked up his commlink again, but before he could make a call, Jason lifted his head and demanded, “How do we know you're not behind this?”

  Sergei's expression was an unreadable mask, and he didn't respond.

  Jason stood up and snarled, “We're just going along with whatever he says, but how much do we really know about him?” He pinned Sergei with his glare. “Ariana trusted you. I warned her away from you, but she wouldn't listen. Now your people have taken her. She's out there somewhere, in pain and hurting. He's done something to her. I fucking feel it.”

  Lars stood and held up his hand. “Jason, you need to calm down. Sergei is doing everything possible to work with us to try to find her.”

  Alec wasn't overly fond of Sergei, especially given his previous interest in Ariana, but he was inclined to believe he was innocent of any wrongdoing. Right now, he was their best chance of finding her. They couldn't risk alienating him.

  Alec walked over to his desk and pressed a button signaling Sheila to come into his office. “I understand your worry, Jason, but we need you to keep trying to locate her through your bond. No one else can do what you can. We'll handle the rest of the search.”

  Sheila entered a moment later, waiting expectantly for direction. Alec gestured to Jason and said, “Sheila, can you show Jason into the conference room next door? He needs quiet to concentrate, and I'm afraid we're being a little disruptive. Be sure he has everything he needs.”

  “Of course, Master Tal'Vayr,” she replied. “Please, let me show you to the conference room, Master Alivette. Would you care for a drink?”

  Jason frowned. “I don't appreciate you trying to get rid of me, Alec, but I get it. I can't look at Sergei and not wonder. I'm not going to be much help in here as long as he's involved.” He paused and took a deep breath. “Just… do what you can to find her. I can't lose her.”

  Alec walked over to him and clasped his shoulder. A frisson of awareness went through them at the contact, and they both stared at each other.

  “Oh, fuck!” Jason cried out, jerking away from him. “You slept with my sister? What the hell, Alec?”

  Lars choked on his drink. Alec's jaw clenched, and he glanced over at Sheila, who was staring open-mouthed at them.

  Alec cleared his throat. “Sheila, I believe we're going to need another minute.”

  “Of course, Master Tal'Vayr,” she managed a
nd quickly rushed out the door.

  “I'm sure your sister will appreciate your discretion,” Alec told Jason in a dry tone.

  “Fuck discretion,” Jason retorted. “You've been courting her for all of two minutes. You drag her down to the ruins, convince her to form a connection with you, fuck her, and then let her get abducted in some Coalition powerplay? If you were any sort of potential bondmate, you would have protected her from all this shit.”

  “You're right,” Alec agreed. “I should have protected her better.”

  Jason crossed his arms over his chest and glared at him. “You're a bastard. If anything happens to my sister, I'm holding you partially responsible.” He turned his cold gaze to Sergei, letting him know without words who else he'd hold responsible.

  Lars put his drink aside and walked over to them. “How did you know Alec slept with her, Jason?”

  Jason sighed and scrubbed his face with his hands. “I felt it. When he touched me, it was like I felt Ariana through him.”

  Alec froze. He'd also had a flash and sensation of Ariana when he touched Jason, but was it possible? He frowned, wondering if the bond connection between Jason and Ariana could act as a conduit for communication. He thought back to the research he'd asked Sheila to gather on empaths and bonds. She was too far for him to reach through their shared connection, but maybe with Jason's help…

  “I need to touch you again, Jason,” Alec said.

  Jason's eyes narrowed. “Fuck you, Alec. You think I want to feel that again?”

  “Yes, if it'll help us find Ari.”

  Jason paused, his expression skeptical. “What makes you think you'll have any sort of connection with her?”

  “Because I fucking love her!” Alec shouted, at the end of his patience. “I've loved her for two years, ever since I met her at Kendra's party. Do you honestly think she was alone all that time she spent in the library? While you were out fucking most of the towers, I was with your sister.”

  A stunned silence met his announcement. Alec grimaced, realizing how that sounded. Before he could explain, Jason reared back and punched him in the face.

  “Fuck!” Alec yelled as pain shot through his jaw. He rubbed it and said, “Dammit, Jason. I didn't sleep with her back then. I've always wanted to court her. That's why I went to your father years ago.”

  “I know you didn't sleep with her back then,” Jason returned, rubbing his hand and shaking it out. “If you had touched her back then, I would have done a lot more than punch you. That was for fucking her last night and because you're still a bastard.”

  Lars glanced back and forth between them. “Alec, you have an idea?”

  “Yes,” he replied, still smarting from Jason's well-placed hit. “I felt Ariana too. I believe she's too weak to hear me through our connection, but I might be able to piggyback off Jason's bond.”

  “That might be how she sent the message to you earlier,” Jason mused, flexing his hand. “I caught something through our bond, but I didn't hear her words. She must have used the last of her strength to send that message.”

  Alec held out his hand and waited for Jason to accept his connection. Jason eyed him warily for a moment and then connected with him psychically. A moment later, it was almost as though Ariana was in the room with them and only separated by a thin sheet of glass. He could sense her, but it was blurry and unfocused.

  “Ari?” Alec urged, worried about the strange disconnect. “Can you hear me? We're trying to find you, but we need your help.”

  Ariana didn't respond right away. Alec had a growing sense of unease. He reached out to her again, trying to get a better sense of her. She'd withdrawn, trying to do what she could to block the emotions surrounding her. Dammit. She hadn't even had time to recover from healing Jason, and now she was surrounded by non-sensitives and their intense emotions. She was fading. Fast.

  He sent a surge of energy through Jason, trying to target her with it. Even if she only retained a fraction, maybe it would be enough to get her through this until they located her.

  “Come back to me, Ari,” he urged. “We need you to tell us where they're keeping you.”

  “Alec?” she asked, her presence becoming more solid in his mind's eye.

  He blew out a breath of relief. “Yes. I'm here, love. We're trying to find you. Can you tell us where you are?”

  “A Coalition camp. Pavel drugged me. I don't know where I am,” she replied, her mental voice shaky and still too weak. They had to hurry. He wasn't sure how long she could keep communicating.

  “Have you seen anyone else? Heard any names? We know he's working with someone.”

  She paused, and Alec had a vague image of a woman form in his mind. “I think he called her Sofia.”

  “Good. That's very good. We're coming for you soon. Are you all right?”

  “I—” she began, but there was a sharp flash of pain and the connection was gone.

  Alec doubled over, pain radiating from his abdomen. Jason was in a similar state.

  Lars put his hand on Alec's shoulder. “What happened? Alec, are you okay?”

  “I'm calling for a medic,” Brant announced.

  “No,” Alec managed. “It was a rebound effect. It was Ariana.”

  “I'm going to kill that bitch.” Jason groaned, his eyes tearing up from the pain. “She kicked her. Ari was on the floor, and some woman fucking kicked her.”

  Sergei's eyes narrowed as he approached them. “You saw this woman?”

  “Yeah. Alec sent energy to Ariana, and I was able to see the room. This woman was speaking to her, and Ariana didn't respond fast enough.”

  Alec swallowed. He hadn't seen, but… He squeezed his eyes shut. They had to find her now. “Sofia. She said Pavel was with a woman named Sofia.”

  Sergei's gaze flew to him, and he began swearing loudly in his language. He stalked over to his commlink. “I know where they are keeping her. We must go now before Sofia kills her.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Pain exploded in Ariana's ribs as her breath was knocked out of her, and Alec's comforting presence was ripped away. Tears flowed down her face as she fought to breathe.

  “Get up,” Sofia demanded, taking a step forward as though preparing to kick her again.

  Ariana cringed away from her, struggling to push up from the floor with her bound wrists. Each breath was a brutal torment, but she managed to succeed.

  A dozen more pots had been placed in the room. Pavel dropped a small bag of potatoes beside her.

  Sofia gestured to the bag. “You will begin.”

  Ariana swallowed, trying to suppress her panic. Even if she were at full strength, it would be almost impossible to accomplish this feat. “It's too much. I can't do all of them. I need to rest.”

  Sofia wrapped her hand around Ariana’s neck, her nails digging into her skin as she squeezed. Malevolence and hatred seeped through Ariana's skin, poisoning her with its toxicity.

  “I heard what you did at the river. For someone who can move earth and water, this is nothing compared to that,” Sofia sneered. She released her abruptly and gestured to the pots again. “Begin, or I'll reconsider whether we have any use for you.”

  Ariana scooted forward and grasped the memory of Alec's energy embrace to sustain her. She just had to hold on a little bit longer until they found her. Pavel leaned forward and removed her bindings once again. She winced at the tingling in her fingers as the blood rushed back into her hands.

  Ariana rubbed her wrists and picked up a potato, cradling it in her hands. She closed her eyes to center her thoughts and took a deep breath. This potato wasn't as eager to cooperate. She placed it in the closest pot, dismayed once again by the composition of the soil. It would require even more power than the last one to grow. She covered the potato with the soil and lifted the hydrating pack Pavel provided, pouring some of the precious fluid over the soil.

  She sent out her earth energy, surrounding and calling forth the small sprouts within the potato. They stret
ched and unfurled, breaking through the soil's surface as though reaching for her hands. She slumped forward, the movement causing the pain in her chest to radiate outward. Each breath hurt as though her chest were on fire.

  “Good,” Sofia announced and gestured toward the next pot. “Continue.”

  Ariana pressed her hands against the ground, trying to gather strength from the earthen contact. It wasn't the same. She'd relied almost exclusively on water energy for most of her life. It required much more concentration to try to use the earth energy to do the same.

  A banging on the door interrupted her concentration. Sofia turned and opened the door, her entire body stiffening at the sight of the person on the other side. “What are you doing here?”

  “Now, Sofia,” a woman gently chided, her voice almost musical, “someone might think you weren't glad to see me.”

  “I'm not,” she snapped. “Why are you in my camp, Valentina?”

  Although Sofia was partially blocking the door, Ariana caught a glimpse of a young woman in the doorway. Her chestnut hair was pulled back in a high ponytail, with the delicacy of her features contrasting sharply with her military-style clothing. Clear, blue eyes met hers, a flicker of amusement in her gaze. The woman's mouth curved upwards in a smile. She shoved open the door, forcing Sofia to take a half-step backward, and entered the room.

  “Who is this?” Valentina asked, and then her gaze swept the room, pausing on the plant in front of Ariana. “And what do we have here?”

  “This is not your concern,” Sofia hissed, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “No?” Valentina once more regarded Ariana thoughtfully. She knelt in front of the plant, brushing her fingers over one of the leaves.

  Ariana frowned. The tightly coiled energy surrounding this woman reminded her of Sergei. Her emotions were difficult to read, and she moved with a competent grace. Ariana had the sense she was a predator, a highly-skilled hunter who would kill just as easily as she saved a life. Who was this woman and why was she here?


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