Figure It Out for Yourself vm-3

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Figure It Out for Yourself vm-3 Page 6

by James Hadley Chase

  She was staring at the shed as if she expected to see Dedrick come out of it. Her face looked as if it was carved out of ice.

  I got out, opened the rear door and collected the three par-cels. Holding them under one arm, I loosened the .38 in its holster and set off down the driveway towards the shed.

  Only the distant rumble of traffic on the Highway disturbed the silence. Nothing moved. No one jumped out on me with a gun. It seemed a long way to the shed, and the brilliant headlamps made me a nice target for anyone with a trigger itch. I was glad when I got there. My right hand slid inside my coat and rested on the gun butt as I peered through the half-open door.

  Only a broken chair, a lot of dirt and scraps of paper on the floor greeted me. The headlights of the car went through the doorway and made two pools of light on the spider-infested wall.

  I was reluctant to leave all that money on the roof of the shed. I had a feeling Serena would never see it again; nor would she buy Dedrick back with it. But I had been hired to put the money there, so I put it there. I placed the packages along the rusty, corrugated roof in a row, spacing them carefully a foot apart as she had been instructed. There was nothing more to do. I would have liked very much to have hidden near-by and watched, but if I was spotted and Dedrick died, I would have his death on my conscience. She was right. Her one hope was to trust them to carry out their end of the bargain.

  I walked towards the car, my flesh creeping a little, still a target for anyone who wanted to shed a little blood. I wondered if they were watching. There were many number of places to hide in this ruined mine.

  I reached the Cadillac, jerked open the door and slid under the wheel.

  She was crying again.

  ‘If you’re sure you don’t want me to watch, I’ll take you back,’ I said, not looking at her.

  ‘Take me back,’ she said in a muffled voice and turned away from me.

  As I drove through the gates I caught sight of a shadowy figure that ducked behind a pile of old railway sleepers. I thought it was Kerman, but couldn’t be sure. If it was Kerman, he would probably hang around and see something. I looked quickly at Serena, but she was busy with her handkerchief and hadn’t noticed anything.

  In a more optimistic mood I headed for Ocean End.


  The hands of the clock on the mantelpiece showed a quarter past two. I sat alone in the lounge, nibbling at a whisky and soda, staring at a silver-and-gold inlaid Mexican saddle that was hanging on the wall without particularly noticing it.

  Serena was upstairs somewhere.

  We had been waiting for two and a half hours.

  A sudden soft whistle from behind me jerked me round I and spilt my whisky.

  ‘Lousy nerves you’ve got,’ Kerman said, coming in. ‘Is that whisky you’ve spilt?’

  ‘There’s plenty more. Help yourself. You look as if you could use it.’

  ‘I can.’ He crossed to the wagon and mixed himself a long stiff drink. ‘Phew! Think we’ll get any sleep tonight?’

  ‘Never mind sleep. Did you see anything?’

  He flopped into an armchair opposite me.

  ‘No. At least I didn’t see them, but I did see the money go.’

  ‘But didn’t you see who took it?’

  He shook his head.

  ‘The guy’s smart He kept hidden. I think he was probably standing on one of the girders that support the shaft head. It was pitch dark up there. Anyway, he must have been above the roof of the shed. He had a fishing rod. One of those deep-sea rods, I should imagine. It would have to be something pretty hefty to take the weight of those parcels. He just dropped a hook on the parcel and fished it off the roof into the darkness. I never heard a sound or caught a glimpse of him. It was damned spooky seeing those parcels take off in the moonlight until I tumbled to what he was doing.’

  ‘Yes, that’s smart. Did he see you, Jack?’

  ‘Not a chance.’

  ‘Don’t be too sure. I saw you.’

  ‘I’ll bet my life you didn’t. Besides, I didn’t arrive until you were driving away. I saw your tail lights. And when I reached the mine I was crawling around like a Red Indian.’

  ‘Well, I saw someone as I was leaving.’

  ‘It couldn’t have been me.’

  I tried to remember what the shadowy figure had looked like. It had certainly reminded me of Kerman, so that would make it tall, broad-shouldered and lean. Not much to go on, but something.

  ‘Must have been one of the gang. I wish I had seen more of him.’ I looked at my wrist-watch. ‘In another quarter of an hour we should hear: if we’re going to hear.’

  Kerman rubbed weary knuckles into his eyes.

  ‘I feel whacked. That five-hour wait in the car nearly killed me. Think they’ll turn him loose?’

  ‘I don’t know. I can’t see them doing it. It’ll be a lucky break for him if they do.’

  ‘Brandon’s going to love this if he doesn’t come back,’ Kerman said, stifling a yawn.

  ‘It’s her responsibility.’

  ‘But we are accessories. He’ll be scared to curse her, but he’ll have something to say to us.’

  ‘Well, let him say it,’ I said, got up and tramped across to the wagon to make another drink. My hand hovered over the bottle as Franklin Marshland came silently into the room.

  ‘So you’ve got back safely,’ he said. ‘I must say I was very worried.’ He looked inquiringly at Jack Kerman.

  I introduced them.

  ‘A very long, unpleasant wait,’ Marshland went on. ‘Surely it’s time they communicated with us?’

  ‘It needs five minutes to the three hours,’ I said, giving Kerman another drink and going back to the settee. ‘If they’ve released him, they’ll make sure he doesn’t get back here until they are well out of town.’

  He half turned to stare at me.

  ‘I think it’s extremely unlikely they will release him,’ he said ‘If we don’t hear in another half-hour I propose calling the Police.’

  ‘That’s up to you,’ I said, ‘but as we’ve waited so long, I think we should wait until daylight. Even now any false move might be dangerous for him.’

  ‘I think he’s dead.’

  I felt tired, and beyond making aimless small-talk.

  ‘Just what is it you dislike so much about Lee Dedrick, Mr. Marshland?’

  He ignored this question, and stepped out on to the terrace. He remained out there for three or four minutes, then came in again and headed for the door.

  I’d better see how my daughter is,’ he said, more to himself than to us. ‘This wait is very hard on her.’ At the door he paused, looked back at me. ‘A man who marries a woman for her money is always worthy of contempt, Mr. Malloy.’

  He went out of the room, and we listened to his footsteps on the stairs.

  Kerman made a grimace.

  ‘Did he marry her for her money?’ he asked in a whisper.

  ‘I don’t know.’ I jerked my thumb at the clock. ‘Five minutes overdue.’

  ‘Doesn’t look very healthy, does it?’

  There’s nothing we can do except wait. I swung my legs up on the settee. ‘I like that girl. Maybe she is a little over-rich and probably spoilt, but she’s got a tender heart.’

  Kerman grunted.

  ‘I like ’em hard and shiny,’ he said, and closed his eyes.

  Minutes ticked by. We began to doze. We finally slept.

  The first rays of the morning sun brought me upright with a start. I looked at the clock. It showed a quarter to seven. Kerman slept soundly. I heard no sound except the gentle beating of the surf on the low ridge of coral stone that made a natural harbour at the end of the garden.

  I swung my legs off the settee and walked on to the terrace.

  The two Chinese gardeners were at work, staring at the umbrella standard. The flamingoes were grouped around the lily pond, hunting up some breakfast On a balcony at the far end of the terrace, Serena Dedrick, still in her black slacks
and her short fur coat, sat staring out to sea. There was a 1ost look on her white face: a look that told me no one had tele-phoned while we slept, and no one had sent him back.

  I walked quietly into the lounge and left her alone with her misery.



  THE next four days were a sustained and shattering bedlam that shook the usually placid, unruffled calm and quiet of Orchid City to its foundations.

  When the news broke that five hundred thousand dollars had been paid to a gang of kidnappers and the kidnapped man had not been returned, the country as far north as San Francisco and as far south as Los Angeles sprang into action.

  For the first few hours, Brandon had it all his own way, and revelled in the commotion. He began to organize what was to be the greatest man-hunt of the century, but he had scarcely begun to issue orders when a dozen sharp-eyed Federal agents descended on him from San Francisco and snatched away his command.

  State troopers, regular Army units, aircraft, television and the radio were pressed into service.

  Kerman and I spent hours at Police Headquarters being questioned and cross-questioned by a furious, purple-faced fist-pounding Brandon, and later by two quiet Federal agents who took us apart, laid us on the desk, poked us about with long inquisitive fingers, and weren’t over-fussy how they put is together again.

  We were bullied and threatened and cursed. We had fists shaken in our faces. Necks swelled, eyes turned bloodshot and spittle flew in all directions with the intensity of trying to get a clue out of us. But we hadn’t a clue to give out.

  I couldn’t move ten yards on the streets without some visiting Pressman letting off a camera in my face. Kerman, described as ‘the man who saw the ransom taken,’ was badgered from dusk to dawn for his autograph, his nail-pairings, locks of his hair and clippings from his suit by wild-eyed, sensation-hungry souvenir-seekers until he was scared to leave the safety of the office.

  The massive gates of Ocean End were closed. The telephone was disconnected. A quiet, deathly hush hung over the place.

  Rumour had it that Serena Dedrick had collapsed and was seriously ill.

  All day long aircraft circled overhead, searching the sand dunes, the foothills and the approaches of the city. Every road was patrolled. A house-to-house inquiry was set on foot; sus-picious characters were rounded up and questioned; a squad of police went into Coral Gables, the east-end district of the city, and checked over the more disreputable inhabitants.

  The activity was enormous, but for all the efforts made by the Federal agents, the police, state troopers, the Army and hundreds of amateur investigators, neither Lee Dedrick the kidnappers were found.

  Then, on the fifth morning, Serena snapped out of her grief and took a hand in the hunt herself. It was announced through the Press and over the radio that she would pay a twentythousand-dollar reward to anyone giving information that would lead to the arrest of the kidnappers, and a thousand-dollar reward for any information remotely connected with kidnapping.

  The result of this announcement turned practically every citizen, except the wealthy, into amateur detectives and made Orchid City a temporary hell on earth.

  It was on the sixth night after the ransom had been paid that I let myself into my quiet little cabin, thankful to get away from the strident hubbub of the hunt, with the intension of locking the door and getting myself a little peace and an early night in bed.

  My cabin is situated in the sand dunes, facing the sea, and is a quarter of a mile from the nearest house. It has a small weed-infested garden which I pay Toni, my good-for-nothing house-boy, to keep neat; a veranda with faded sun blinds, one big living-room, two bedrooms, a bathroom and a kitchen big enough to swing a cat in, providing it is a Manx cat.

  The charm of the place to me is that it is lonely and quiet and you can’t hear anyone’s radio and you can sing in your bath without getting a brick through your window. But because it is so isolated it is also an ideal spot for anyone who wants to slit my throat. My yells for help would be as futile as a short-tempered man trying to slam a revolving door.

  I was sinking the key in the lock when I heard a soft foot-fall behind me. Normally my nerves will pass in a crowd with a light behind them, but the excitement and strain of the past five days had made them a little edgy. I swung around with a quick intake of breath to find a shadowy figure right on top of me.

  The right-hand punch that automatically started got no more than half-way when I saw that my visitor was a woman. I lowered my fist, gulped in a little of the hot night air and said as even as I could, ‘Must you sneak up like that and scare me out of my wits?’

  ‘Your name Malloy?’

  I peered at the slim figure before me. It was too dark under the veranda roof to see much of her, but what I could see appeared to be worth looking at.

  ‘Yeah. Who are you?’

  ‘I want to talk to you. Let’s go in where we can park.’

  As I led the way into the main room, I thought it was a pity she had a voice hard enough to crack a rock on. We stood in the darkness, close together while I groped for the light switch. I found it, thumbed it down and looked into a pair of wide brown eyes that knew all the answers and most of the questions too.

  She was around twenty-four or five, and dark. Her thick glossy hair was parted in the middle and framed a face of standard prettiness that was a shade paler than it should have been and too hard and bitter for the number of years she had been using it. Her over-bright red lips, put on square, and the faint smudges under her eyes gave her a sexy look that would make men stare at her and wonder, but probably they’d get no farther than wondering. Her figure under the fawnand-green silk wind-breaker and the highwaisted slacks was good enough to advertise the best foundation garment in the business.

  ‘Hello,’ I said, staring at her. ‘Sure it’s me you want?’

  ‘If your name’s Malloy, I’m sure,’ she said, and moved past me to the fireplace. She faced me, her hands thrust deep into her trouser pockets, her eyes searching my face. ‘Nick Perelli told me to come to you.’

  "Why, sure,’ I said, and looked sharply at her, wondering who she was. ‘Has he been sandbagging anyone recently?’

  ‘No, but he’s in trouble,’ the girl said. She took out a crumpled package of Lucky Strike, flicked one into her mouth, scratched a match alight with her thumbnail and set fire to the cigarette. ‘He’s been pinched for the Dedrick snatch.’

  In the pause that followed, the clock on the mantelpiece ticked busily and the refrigerator in the kitchen gave an irritable grunt.

  The girl continued to watch me, not moving, her head tilted a little on one side so the smoke of her cigarette wouldn’t get into her eyes.

  ‘Perelli?’ I said, as blank as I sounded.

  She nodded.

  ‘He said you were a bright boy. Well, go ahead and be bright. Someone’s got to be if he’s going to beat this rap.’

  ‘When did they take him?’

  ‘An hour ago.’ She glanced over her shoulder to look at the clock. ‘An hour and five minutes to be exact.’

  ‘The Feds?’

  She shook her head.

  ‘A smooth, well-dressed fatty and a couple of hard-faced dicks. There were two bulls outside with the car.’

  ‘Was it Brandon? Short, fat, white-haired?’

  ‘That makes him Brandon. Who’s he?’

  ‘Captain of Police.’

  She drew on her cigarette, examined her nails and frowned.

  ‘I didn’t know police captains made arrests.’

  ‘They do when there’s a lot of money hanging to the pinch, and a lot of juicy publicity as well. Besides, Brandon would want to get in front of the Feds.’

  ‘Well, he’s got in front of them.’ She moved away from the fireplace and sat down on the divan. ‘Nick said you’d get him out of it. Can you?’

  ‘I don’t know. I owe him something, and if there’s anything I can do, I’ll do it. What does he expect
me to do?’

  ‘He didn’t say. He was a little rattled. I’ve never seen Nick rattled before. When they found the gun, he told me to come to you.’

  I went to a cupboard, took out a bottle of Scotch and two glasses and set them on the table. I fetched a jug of ice water from the refrigerator.

  ‘Let’s start from the beginning. It’ll be quicker that way. Do you like your whisky straight or with water?’

  ‘For a bright boy, you haven’t much imagination. Right now they’re beating his brains out. Do you think I want to drink whisky when I know that’s going on?’

  I made myself a stiff drink and sat down.

  ‘You don’t know for certain, and worrying about it won’t help him.’

  She jumped to her feet and took three or four quick paces across the room, turned and went back to the divan. She sat down again and began to pound her fist into the palm of her hand.

  ‘Who are you, anyway?’ I asked.

  ‘Myra Toresca. Nick’s girl.’

  ‘All right. Now let’s take a look at it. Give me the details, but make it fast’

  ‘I arrived with them,’ she said, and went on practically in one breath: ‘Nick and I were going to the movies. He was late. I ‘phoned and he said to come over while he changed. I went over. I rode up in the elevator with the three of them. I knew they were cops. We got off at the fourth floor, and I let them go ahead. When they turned the corner, I went after them. They were standing outside Nick’s door. Two of them had guns in their hands. I watched. They didn’t notice me. The fat one rapped on the door. I guess Nick thought it was me. They jumped him, and had the cuffs on before he knew what had hit him. Then they started to ransack the place. The front door was pushed to, but not closed. I looked in. Nick was standing by the wall watching them take the place to pieces. He looked my way and made motions for me to keep out of the way. I stuck around, watching. Then they found the gun down the side of the settee. Brandon got awfully excited. He said it was the gun that had killed Dedrick’s chauffeur. Nick got rattled then. He and I play cards for a living. We can lip-read. It helps when the cards don’t fall right He told me to come to you. I left them shouting at him.’


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