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Daywalker Page 2

by Charisma Knight

  In an effort to block his mind from hers, Akaisha ceased her thoughts, a desperate attempt to somehow gain her freedom. She was clairvoyant, and the daughter of a powerful Pharaoh. She must be strong if she were ever to regain her freedom.

  “Elizabeth, prepare Akaisha after her meal and bring her to my bedchamber.” Daegan playfully stroked at the patch of hair on his chin, glaring at her with lust-filled eyes.

  “Leave us!” Daegan commanded to all who graced the room with their presence. Guards, servants, and other vampire members of the Daegan castle disappeared in fear of their lives.

  “Alone at last, my Egyptian Jewel.” Daegan grinned.

  Something inside of Akaisha shifted. As she looked into his eyes, moisture developed between her legs. She knew his intentions, but did not have the power to stop what he was doing to her body at this particular moment in time.

  Invisible hands caressed her breasts, lightly tugging at her nipples. Daegan sat, watching her like a hawk, a slight smile developing at the edge of his lips. A heavy weight was upon Akaisha once more, a soft moan escaping her lips. Daegan’s hypnotic stare guided her hands to her thighs, slowly pulling up the black silk garment.

  Her clammy hands burned her flesh, as they glided towards her pussy. Akaisha’s lips parted in ecstasy as she arched her back. Her fingers lightly stroked her sensitive bud, causing her to gyrate helplessly. Waves of pleasure washed over her body, as she watched Daegan through blurred eyes. Her mind and body were not her own. Her desire for him overwhelmed her, and she fought hard to remember him for the cruel man that he was.

  Akaisha slid a finger, then another into her wet pussy. Her moans echoed throughout the dining hall, growing louder as Daegan commanded her to reach the spot that would make her quiver with excitement. Daegan’s incisors lengthened as Akaisha screamed in ecstasy, wave after wave of pleasure rocking her body, leaving her a helpless pile of quivering jelly, unable to move.

  Daegan stood up and walked to Akaisha’s side, peering down at her.

  “You should know I could very well take you here, on this table if I so choose. I want nothing more than to bend you over and fuck you for all your worth, however, there are a few lessons I will need to teach you, Akaisha.” With that, Daegan exited the room, leaving her wanting him, feeling highly ashamed of her body’s betrayal.

  Chapter 3

  Elizabeth arrived to collect Akaisha, whose head was reeling from Daegan’s hypnotic effect.

  “Oh child,” Elizabeth clucked. “What did you do? I told you to be on your best behavior! Come, we must prepare you now.”

  “No,” Akaisha whispered. “I would rather die, please, just kill me, get it over with. I have no family now. I’m all alone.”

  Elizabeth gathered Akaisha to her feet. “There will be no such talk child,” Elizabeth snapped. “Apparently, you are here for a reason. Whatever the reason, you must be strong, Akaisha.”

  Sighing heavily, Akaisha followed the woman to the far end of the castle where she awoke hours ago. Hating to admit it, Akaisha knew Elizabeth spoke the truth. She had to make do with her existence in this strange land, amongst these different breed of vampires. Two other daywalkers existed within Castle Daegan, but they were Valaris’ concubines who stayed as far away from Akaisha as possible.

  Once in the bedchamber, Elizabeth showed off beautiful thin garments made especially for courtship.

  “I know you are used to an entirely different style of clothing dear, but Lord Daegan requests you be dressed to his liking. Here, try this white gown on. It compliments your beautiful skin tone.”

  Hesitantly, Akaisha tried on the gown. Staring into the mirror, she turned around to see how it fit in the back.

  “It is beautiful, Elizabeth, but I’m in no mood to be courted by Daegan. I find him to be a monster,” she mumbled.

  Grabbing Akaisha by the shoulders, she looked Akaisha in the eyes and said, “Never speak of Lord Daegan in such a manner, or you will lose your head. Thoughts can be read, and believe it or not, they can easily hear what you say!”

  “Elizabeth, why exactly are you serving Daegan?” Akaisha asked.

  “That’s Lord Daegan, Akaisha! Don’t forget that. He may very well rip out your tongue for your insolence,” Elizabeth chastised. “I have served Lord Daegan for the majority of my life. I was brought here, like you against my will, to serve. I was only twenty-two.” The woman folded her arms and paced the floor, regret forming on her face. “My husband died, and as I mourned his loss for what seemed like an eternity, Lord Daegan approached me, offering eternal life.”

  Akaisha’s eyes widened with interest, as she sat down on the bed, giving the older woman her undivided attention.

  “Like a fool, I accepted and clung to his every word. You see, after the passing of my husband, I felt as though I had nothing to live for. I was a peasant in a dwindling village; the vampires slaughtered nearly all the inhabitants. Remaining survivors were dispersed here, to Castle Daegan, and to other covens. The more attractive humans were kept as sex slaves for female and male vampires alike. You will discover Lord Daegan has a way with women. After five years within this castle, I realized he would never turn me. I was labeled 'unpure' by the vampire council.”

  “Who are they to decide who is unpure and who isn’t,” Akaisha challenged. “Why do you remain, Elizabeth? Surely, there is some place you can journey, free of these surroundings.”

  Elizabeth looked over at Akaisha, sighing.

  “You see, Akaisha, the warmth and light died within me quite some time ago, so I was of no use to Lord Daegan. I have gotten on in age, dear. Lord Daegan keeps me around only to serve the vampire covens and supervise other servants of his castle.”

  “How old are you?” asked Akaisha.

  I’m forty-five, my sweet, and surprised I have been around this long. I tell you, it must be the magic Lord Daegan’s magus possesses. Those who wish for death are kept alive, only to serve him. This is no cruel twist of fate, you see, merely the pleasure he receives in making another’s life miserable.” She glanced toward the door, then back at Akaisha. “We must hurry. I cannot allow Lord Daegan to become angry with the both of us. Please follow directions, do not be defiant. You must appease him in every way possible, Akaisha.”

  Those words cut Akaisha deep, and her stomach quickly became nauseated. She hated the thought of losing her virginity to Lord Daegan; unfortunately, it would appear that she had no say whatsoever regarding the matter. Lord Daegan desired her, crossed dimensions to obtain her, making her his forever. He would have his way with her, she was sure of that.

  “Elizabeth,” Akaisha choked. “I’m a virgin. I cannot simply give myself to that man. How can I bear him touching me?”

  Elizabeth walked over to Akaisha and stroked her thick, dark tresses. “My sweet, judging from the condition you were in, Lord Daegan has already touched you. His hypnotic power overtakes you, makes one feel as though they will explode with dire carnal pleasure. You may not want him to touch you, but I assure you, once alone with him in his bedchamber, you will be unable to resist.”

  A spark ignited within Akaisha, traveling to her groin, causing her nipples to swell. Remembering the hypnotic state Daegan held over her, she could not deny enjoying every sweet moment. Feeling the blood rushing to her face because of her embarrassing moment, Akaisha exhaled, holding her head back, staring at the ceiling.

  “Elizabeth, show me the grounds, please. My father always taught me to know and become one with my surroundings.” Akaisha spoke sadly, missing her father.

  “Not now, Akaisha, else we both will cease to exist. Go to him tonight, and tomorrow, I promise to take you on a tour of the grounds. I will introduce you to the other servants whom shall help you if I’m ever unavailable,” Elizabeth breathed.

  Brushing the daywalker’s tresses, and eventually pinning them up, Elizabeth hurried Akaisha out the door to Daegan’s bedchambers located on the east wing.

  The women walked through the great corrido
r and down the winding stone steps of the castle. Daegon’s chamber was located on the floor below Akaisha’s, out of convenience. Approaching another corridor that emptied into a large sitting room, the women encountered a few other servants, waiting on two large groups of aristocratic vampires.

  Adorned in their best garments, and drinking the best wine, they stilled themselves in an effort to glare at the women with their glowing eyes. The majority of the vampires were men whom shot Akaisha appreciative looks, imagining what treasures lay beneath her garments, wishing immensely that she would warm their beds.

  Akaisha felt the tension within the air. She was quite aware of the fact that the female vampires did not welcome her. Little did she know, they were envious of her abilities, and the influence she would soon possessed, if she played her cards right.

  Once the women passed through the large sitting room, Elizabeth moved closer to Akaisha, providing her with important information.

  “That large group consists of members of different vampire covens throughout Ireland. Every one of them are natural born vampires whom look down upon humans and envy daywalkers. In this land, you are a rare breed, Akaisha, especially since you hail from ancient Egypt. They cannot touch you since Lord Daegan desires you as his mate.”

  Akaisha stopped in her tracks, a heavy sigh escaping her lips.

  “Elizabeth, I cannot do this,” she lamented.

  “Shhh, Elizabeth chastised. “You can, and you will!”

  “Why do you urge me so, Elizabeth? What’s in this for you?” Akaisha asked accusingly.

  “I don’t have time for this,” the older woman exhaled impatiently. “We will cease to exist if you continue to defy Lord Daegan.”

  Stubbornly Akaisha followed Elizabeth to a winding, narrowing corridor. A hint of spice hung heavily in the air, tickling Akaisha’s nose. She welcomed the smell, considering other parts of the castle smelled of a musty, putrid odor.

  Arriving to a large, wooden double door, Elizabeth turned, giving Akaisha a reassuring look before knocking.

  “Please, be on your best behavior. You look beautiful, Akaisha. Remember all I have told you.”

  Suddenly, the doors opened slowly. There Daegan stood, arms crossed, smiling to show off his fangs.

  “What exactly did you tell her, Elizabeth?” Daegan asked slyly, gesturing them into his large, sophisticated bedchamber.

  “Simply woman talk, My Lord,” Elizabeth replied.

  “Hmm,” Daegan murmured, walking over to Elizabeth, glaring down at her.

  “Do not betray me, old woman. You have led a most comfortable life within my household. I will lead you to the brink of a painful death, and leave you, wishing it would end. I can render you so for all eternity.”

  “My Lord Daegan, I would never betray you,” Elizabeth replied, looking down at the floor, speaking in another tongue.

  A cold chill ran down Akaisha’s spine, causing her to scan the bedchamber, searching. For what, she did not know. Her instincts were sharp. Something was not right.

  “Elizabeth, I warn you, do not continue to speak that jibberish!” Daegan spat. “Do you truly wish to vex me, old woman?”

  “Please forgive me; I just want Akaisha to become comfortable here in your household, as I have been for these many years.”

  Smiling confidently, Daegan drifted over to Akaisha, eyeing her form in the beautiful gown Elizabeth had given her.

  “Excellent choice, ladies. Elizabeth, she is beautiful,” Daegan cheered with desire.

  “Akaisha is absolutely stunning. The dress compliments her complexion.”

  Smiling, Elizabeth glanced over at Akaisha, winking at her.

  “Leave us, Elizabeth!” Daegan gestured with a hand movement.

  Elizabeth scurried quickly from the room, obeying Lord Daegan.

  “Sit down, my sweet Akaisha,” Daegan commanded softly, while pouring wine. He handed her the goblet, searching the depth of her eyes.

  Remembering to keep her mind clear of any thought, Akaisha thanked him, sipping the wine. Looking away from Daegan, she asked him why he requested her presence.

  “Now that is a very naïve question, beautiful one,” Daegan commented in a deep husky tone. The man was absolutely handsome and charming, despite his negative aura, and she simply could not escape the fact that somehow, she knew him.

  “Look at me, wench,” Daegan muttered. “When I speak, you acknowledge me. I am not to be ignored, understand?”

  Hesitantly, Akaisha looked up at Daegan, his eyes sending a chill over her as they scanned her physique. Standing at six-foot-one, she knew he could easily overpower her.

  * * * *

  She aroused him so, but she was a defiant wench. Daegan planned to make her yield to him, and have fun in doing so. He would take her time with this one, she was precious and worth her weight in gold. Daegan made it clear to those which dwelled within his household she was not to be harmed. A messy death would be the penalty for any betrayal.

  Gently taking the goblet and placing it on the stand next to his, Daegan sat down, close to Akaisha. Her warmth permeated his senses. He deeply inhaled her scent, his incisors elongating due to the fresh human blood flowing through her veins.

  Daegan had lived a miserable existence for as long as he could remember. In the earlier years, he had been content, for he had taken a werewolf bride who provided him with a purpose, warmth, and fulfillment. Daegan had not fully embraced darkness in those times.

  Unfortunately, the vampire council did not approve of the coupling and ordered Daegan to murder her or keep her solely as a concubine and servant; however, she would not service him. Failing in his attempts to send her away to safety, she was brutally murdered by someone within the castle walls, someone who successfully cloaked their identity with the use of magic.

  What tore at his soul was the look of pain within her eyes as he rejected her, for her own safety. She would never know his actions were solely out of love. Soon after, Daegan completely embraced the darkness, no longer caring for anything, or anyone. If it were not for Valaris, Daegan would have embraced the dawn.

  In those times, the vampire council was cruel, holding little regard to any being that roamed the earth. It was their sole purpose to keep the vampire race pure.

  Now, a vampire elder, Daegan had a say in everything, as he was an upstanding member of the vampire council. Covens from all of Ireland traveled to his castle to hold meetings, discussing future generations, and invest money obtained from many of their lucrative businesses. They also discussed the demise of the vampire race. Werewolves revolted, turning against the vampires whom they protected for centuries.

  Daywalkers, a rare breed, were of great value to a few covens, depending upon the coven and traditions set into place. Unlike a few covens in France, whom left it up to werewolves to guard them during daylight hours some covens of Ireland and other parts of Europe graciously appreciated the help of daywalkers, despite their half human side.

  Daegan knowing this, sought to take a daywalker for his mate. Searching the lands high and low, he felt little or no attraction to the daywalkers of Ireland, until he sensed a strong, powerful, bright aura within another realm.

  Searching for this warm, powerful energy, he soon realized she was nowhere on this plane of existence. Consulting with his magus, Daegan called upon the most powerful magic known to a vampire, leading him to Akaisha.

  In awe of her beauty, fiery spirit, and warmth, he observed her for many weeks, wanting to become familiar with her persona, plotting for the perfect time for him to seize her from Egypt without a trail. His magus was the governing factor in opening the portal to that dimension. Once he had Akaisha within his possession, Daegan and the magus chanted an opposing spell to close the portal forever.

  “Undress for me, Akaisha,” Daegan said calmly.

  “But, I…

  “Before you say anything, let me make it perfectly clear to you; I will not tolerate your insolence. When I ask something of you, I mean
for you to carry through, without rebuttal; understand?” Daegan leered at her, holding his index underneath her chin.

  Daegan fought hard to conceal his true feelings to the exotic beauty. While gazing in the dark depths of her eyes, an all too familiar soul seemed to glare back at him.

  * * * *

  Akaisha recalled all Elizabeth informed her; she should make an effort to obey Daegan, for her own sake.

  “Well wench, I’m waiting,” Daegan snorted, as his eyes started to glow. From what she had been told she knew Daegan was not known for patience, with anyone, vampire and human alike.

  “Yes Daegan, I understand. I promise to do all that you ask,” Akaisha replied, guarding her mind against his, knowing Daegan would seize any opportunity to read her mind.


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