Whiskey Nights

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Whiskey Nights Page 8

by Fabiola Francisco

  I may have thought that friends to lovers would have been awkward but it hasn’t been at all, besides it’s not like Jake and I had a sibling relationship the way he has with Savannah and Emily. Then that would be weird, like friendship incest or something.

  We make it to the speakeasy bar, Sworn, and meet everyone before walking in. Emily researched and said the secret signal was a subtle nod. We walk into a deli and make eye contact with the attendee who raises a brow. That’s our cue. We all nod, and I bite down my laugh. It seems ridiculous to be doing this in the present day but the experience is cool. We are guided through a phone booth in the far corner and we come face to face with a hostess. The space is small with a heavy wooden door behind her—a small foyer of sorts before the real thing. We enter a dim lit room with a wooden bar lined with stools and metal accents. She takes us to an intimate table with a leather sofa and low coffee table. A couple of chairs on the other side of the coffee table allow all of us to sit comfortably.

  The place is right out of the 1920s. The bartenders are dressed with white button downs with the sleeves bunched up and black bowties. The waitresses are dressed like flappers. They all keep the feel of the bar alive. The energy in here is awesome. People are chatting and grouped in similar seating as ours as they sip their cocktails and listen to soft jazz playing.

  The night rolls by surrounded by excitement and drinks. We talk about a lot of different things, breaking off in side conversations at times and coming back together at others. I am happy that our friendships have not been affected by the distance or being in relationships. I miss having my girls around, just like Jake told Emily the other day. I am glad they are only a short drive away.

  A few hours later, we pay our tab and leave. I am tired from the excitement of the day, witnessing Savannah’s first real day at Sweet on You, and then canoeing on the Chattahoochee. Different groups of people and a few summer camps were visiting the area, but we still got to spend some time out on the river.

  “Don’t fall asleep on me,” I hear Jake’s voice as we make our way back to the hotel.

  “Mmhmm,” I mumble back, closing my eyes for a second or two.

  “Beth, wake up.” My body rocks gently. “Come on. We’re at the hotel already.” I hear a low chuckle.

  “I can sleep in the car,” I murmur sleepily.

  “No way. Then I can’t have my way with you. I want to see what’s underneath your dress,” I hear Jake say.

  I peek over at him and smile. “If you insist.” I move to get out of his truck and take his hand when he moves towards me. “I am really tired though,” I yawn.

  “I can make sure you get a boost of energy.”

  Once inside the room, Jake’s hands roam my body and sneak their way up my legs under my dress. My skin chills, and I wrap my arms around his neck, taking his mouth in mine. His hand pushes my underwear to the side and his skillful fingers gently rub my clit. My legs shake and I pull Jake onto the couch in the front of the room. He continues to please me while our lips move together. My body is consumed by lust for him, the feel of his fingers deep inside me pushing me over the edge of my desire.

  I quickly undo his jeans and reach my hand into his band, seeking the one thing that will fulfill me more than his fingers. I run my hand over his erection, smiling when it twitches against my touch.

  “Move your hand,” I demand.

  “Why?” Jake asks on a growl.

  “Just trust me.”

  He stops his hand and I move to the floor, kneeling in front of him and lowering his jeans and boxer briefs. When I look up at him, his eyes are hooded and his lips are parted anticipating what I’m going to do next.

  I run my tongue along the length of him, moving my lips over his tip to tease him. When he inhales deeply and closes his eyes, I wrap my lips around his cock and begin to pleasure him. Jake’s hands move to my head, encouraging me to move my mouth with more purpose. I love the feel of his fingers threading in my hair and his dick lengthening in my mouth. I take him to the back of my throat and hear his growl fill the space.

  Jake’s muscles clench and his breathing grows ragged as I bring him to the brink. I feel him tightening and moving his hips in rhythm with my mouth.

  “Beth,” he hisses and I laugh lightly. His hands pull me to my feet and he lays me down on the couch before rolling on a condom and plunging into me. I scream, as his hands take off my dress while he continues to fuck me with carnal need.

  Jake’s mouth moves to my breast, licking and sucking my nipple and moving to the other, teasing it similarly, and I clench my pussy around him.

  “Jake.” I am full of sensations that spark my pleasure from his mouth on my breast to his dick moving in and out of me, while his roaming hands inflame my skin. I moan into him and run my nails down the length of his back and stopping at his butt, feeling his movements as he unites us.

  My body begins to fall, taking in all the pleasure Jake is offering, and I moan louder. “Baby, I need you to come,” he groans in my ear and kisses me ardently. My tongue seeks his seductively and my impending orgasm rips through me. I throw my head back, digging my nails into his skin as Jake stills and finds his own release.

  We lie on the couch for a little while before going to bed. I scoot close to Jake and let his strong arms envelop me. I kiss his chest and stare at his tattoos before dozing off to sleep.

  I stare out the window much more relaxed on the way back home than on the way to Atlanta, or maybe I’m just kind of sad about leaving my friends.

  “You okay?” Jake asks and looks over at me.


  “I’ll miss them too,” he says sympathetically, reading my mind.

  “I know. It’s silly, but I know with the opening Savannah won’t be able to visit us for some time.”

  “We can come back¸” he smiles and his eyes sparkle in the morning light. Hearing Jake say that causes me to smile. It gives me hope that he sees our relationship as a long-term thing.

  We ended up staying an extra day and going to the Braves’ game yesterday, which was a blast. Savannah was surprised we extended our trip, but Parker made sure we had tickets to join her.

  “Are you going to be okay working tonight?”

  “Of course, I’m like Batman.”

  I burst out laughing. “What the hell does Batman have to do with you working?”

  “He’s a super hero, I’m a super hero. You don’t have a crush on Batman?” He looks at me quickly with scrunched eyebrows.

  Tears are rolling down my cheeks at this point. “Sweetie, you aren’t a super hero. And no, Batman would not be my first choice.”

  He looks at me like I’m crazy. “What do you mean? Everyone loves Batman.”

  “I don’t,” I shrug unapologetically.

  “Who then? Who is better than Batman?” he asks incredulously.

  “Superman,” I say without flinching.

  “What?!” he says, offended. “No way!”

  “Yes! He’s the shy guy you can’t help but crush on, who turns into a hot super hero who can fly. Batman can’t fly.”

  “But he has a cool car . . . and a cave!”

  “Sorry. Fly. That’s where it’s at for me.”

  “Geez . . . you’re a hard one to please.”

  “You’re good at it though,” I wink at him and he laughs.

  We ride in silence for a while listening to the music on the radio and humming along to the songs we like.

  “So . . . are you gonna give me that private concert?”

  “No! I told you I would never, ever sing to you. I retired when my voice coach told me I had no future as a professional singer.”

  “I can be the judge of that.” I look over at his handsome face and shake my head. No way am I going to make a fool of myself.

  “Aw, come on! I’ll sing with you.”

  “Yeah, right. You’ll stop right on a high pitch and let me squeal on my own. Then, you’ll laugh at me. I know you, Jake.” He dares to look

  “I’d never,” he says and turns up the volume. “Come on, it’s Miranda. You love her.”

  I shake my head. “I promise not to laugh.” He crosses over his heart.

  I really love this song, especially in my car by myself singing my heart out. Ugh! Why does he have to use Miranda against me?

  “You’ll sing with me? No tricks?”

  “Yeah,” he smirks.

  I begin singing the words to Miranda Lambert’s song about payback and revenge, getting more into it with each verse and hear him sing along with me. He hits a high pitch, his voice cracking and we both start laughing.

  “Gosh, you’re just as bad as I am,” I hold my stomach as laughter roars through me.

  “Hey! No laughing at me either. Told you I’d join you in singing.”

  “Sorry! You definitely did.” His hand reaches for mine and his fingers caress my skin softly.

  “I’m gonna miss you tonight,” I whisper.

  “You know where to find me,” he winks.

  “You know what I mean. It was just nice to spend time together without having to worry about work or early mornings.”

  “I know, babe. Sorry my schedule is so backwards,” he gives me a lopsided smile.

  “No way! I know I need to wake up really early for work. It was just nice waking up and not having to rush.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll still give you morning sex on Sundays,” he laughs.

  “You’re terrible! That’s not why I’ll miss you, but morning sex is the best.”

  “Any sex with you is the best.”

  “Suck up,” I say. Jake chuckles and keeps driving down the highway back to Alabama.

  Exhausted from the trip, I call it an early night and send Jake a quick goodnight text while he’s at work. Tomorrow it is back to work and I’m excited to spend time with Lacy and catch up with the others at the bakery. I can’t wait to tell them about Sweet on You and the grand opening. I took plenty of pictures to share with them.

  I grab my e-reader and continue reading my latest novel, swooning over the hero and comparing him to Jake.

  Insistent knocking rips me from the delicious dream I was having. I sit up in my bed as my heart leaps out of my chest. What the fuck? It’s one thirty in the morning. I take my phone with me when the knocking doesn’t stop and peek through the peephole leaving the lights off so whoever is knocking won’t know I’m checking on them.

  The vibration from my phone makes me jump. I sigh when I see Jake’s name across the screen and answer.

  “Hey,” I whisper.

  “You are awake. Open the door,” Jake says on an exhale. I open the door and stare at him.

  “What the hell?! You scared me half to death knockin’ on my door at this time.”

  “Sorry. I got out and came here in case you still missed me tonight.” His boyish grin tugs at his lips.

  “You’re crazy!” I exclaim and lock the door behind him.

  “Only about you.”

  “I need to be up in a few hours,” I tell him, frowning.

  “I know. I just want to sleep with you in my arms.” I lean up on my toes to kiss him and lead him to my room.

  “How was work?”

  “Good but I wish you were there to serve a little whiskey to.”

  “I’ll come by later this week. Promise.” I lie in bed and wait for him to undress and join me.

  “You better. I missed seeing your beautiful face.” He opens his arms for me and I cuddle into him. The feel of his lips kissing my forehead makes me smile, and I close my eyes going back to sleep for a few more hours.

  My alarm clock sounds way too soon. I shift in bed too comfortable in Jake’s arms to want to move, but I know I need to go into work. I look at Jake’s face and smile to myself. He really is good-looking and has a big heart. I brush his untamed hair from his face and my hand rests on his cheek with the stubble tickling my palm.

  I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I grab clothes and begin to dress. Jake’s deep breathing makes me smile. He looks so comfortable; I feel bad waking him up and having him drive home so tired.

  I kiss his cheek and whisper, “Stay in bed, babe. I’ll see you later,” unsure if he’s heard me. I pull out a small piece of paper and leave a note for him with my spare key.

  I open Sweet Delights smiling at how great it felt to have Jake at my apartment this morning. This is ridiculous. We are still in the beginning of our relationship. That must be it, the honeymoon stage. God, I really hope this feeling lasts forever. I am starting to welcome the butterflies that have pitched a tent in the pit of my stomach, fluttering wildly when Jake smiles at me.

  “Hi, gorgeous,” Jake smiles at me the same smile I was just dreaming about. “You ran off before I could kiss you good mornin.’”

  “Hey. What are you doing here?” I smile up at him from behind the counter. I was too lost in my daydream to notice him walk in.

  “I came by for a treat, and maybe a kiss?”

  “It may just be your lucky day. What would you like to eat?” I raise an eyebrow.

  “Tempting,” he meets my bluff. “How about a blueberry muffin, for now.”

  I wink at him and say, “Coming right up.” I hand him the muffin and whisper, “It’s on the house.”

  “Thanks.” His fingers brush mine and I shiver. “Now about that kiss?”

  I make my way around the counter towards Jake. “I think I can manage that.” I wrap my arms around his neck and bring his face towards mine. We kiss softly and break away.

  “Call me later?” I ask.

  “You know it,” Jake responds. “I may need to make a late night visit again.”

  “I did appreciate it.” I lean on my toes and kiss his soft lips one more time.

  After Jake leaves, I hear Lacy mocking me. I glare at her and get back to work. What a pain in my ass. I chuckle imagining all the things going through her mind. I decide I am going to make a few more things for the afternoon crowd and head into the kitchen happily.

  “You’re so whipped,” Lacy laughs as she enters the kitchen.


  “And she doesn’t even deny it,” she speaks to an invisible audience, holding in her laughter.

  “When you’re having sex the way I am, you wouldn’t want to deny it.”

  “Oh yeah, blame it on the sex. Puh-lease! You know you like him. This isn’t a friends with benefits thing, you guys are in a relationship.”

  “And people in relationships can’t have great sex? If you think that, maybe that’s why you’re still strugglin’ to find the right person.”

  “Ah, touché. Regardless, you two are so into each other.”


  “And I think that it is fan-fucking-tastic!” I shrug my shoulders and finish cooking. I try not to let it show just how excited I am about my relationship with Jake just to fuck with Lacy and not give her more ammunition to fire her sarcastic comments at me. I know what I’m feeling deep down and it’s definitely, under no circumstance, an insignificant relationship.

  The week has rolled by and June is quickly approaching along with the summer heat. Even the evenings are warm, but that means I can wear cute dresses and sandals. I welcome the coolness of Southern as I walk in and make my way through the crowd toward the bar. I gaze up to see Jake’s eyes on me and smile at him.

  “Hey babe,” he says as I climb on a stool.

  “Hey.” I lean in to kiss him.

  “What kinda whiskey will it be tonight?” He smiles at me.

  “You make me sound like a drunk. I’ll have a Jack and coke.”

  Jake nods and moves to fix my drink while I nod my head to the music. This place is full, but then again it always is on a Saturday. I sip my drink and watch Jake work the crowd of thirsty patrons as they wave cards and cash around waiting to be served. He laughs with customers and interacts using his charm. Spying me watchi
ng, he winks and continues to take an order from a group of women. I love to sit here and watch him do his job. I know he loves it, and I hope he is proud of himself. He is the most liked bartender here and seeing him work the crowd makes it almost worth having to share him . . . almost.

  I think back to the time he told me how he wished he was a better football player. I wonder if he secretly wishes he could have pursued that. You don’t get this vibe from him, but is he disappointed in himself?

  “Here ya go,” Jake says, placing a plate in front of me. Confusion washes over me and he chuckles. “I figured you’d be hungry.”

  “Thanks. How’d you know this is what I’d want to eat?”

  “Mind reader,” he taps his finger to his forehead.

  “Oh, yeah? What am I thinkin’ now?” I challenge him.

  Jake leans into my ear and whispers, “You’re thinkin’ you rather have somethin’ else for supper but this will do until you can feast on your true desire.” I shiver but not because of his breath tickling my skin. Jake chuckles and greets a customer calling for him, leaving me sitting there craving something else besides the veggie burger he served me. My imagination is having a field day and ruining my underwear. Jake catches me adjusting myself on the stool and winks. Damn him.

  I chat with a few familiar faces that approach the bar and sip on my third Jack and coke. The flow is steady as drinks are served and people dance to the music. I smile when Jake heads my way.

  “What are you searching for, beautiful?”

  “Oh, you know . . . Just looking for a bartender to take me home.” I lift a brow.

  “I think I can manage that. Hey, Dave!”

  “Asshole,” I mutter. Jake laughs and I shake my head at him. “You’re bad.”


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