Flawlessly Flawed

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Flawlessly Flawed Page 4

by Amelia Shea

  Cassie wanted nice and sweet. The kind of guy that held her hand when she was scared or hurt, and wiped her tears when she cried. A man who would make her heart beat fast when he walked in the room and give her butterflies in her stomach. She wanted a gorgeous, strong man who would protect her.

  She abruptly stopped when she realized she just described T from the other morning and night. He didn’t have to wait for her, he could have just left her alone with Tina but he didn’t. And the way he held her hand when he checked her hands for glass shards, that was sweet. No, two nice deeds did not cancel out being crude and mean. She looked up at the sky and vigorously shook her head. “No, no, no, not him.” She grunted. She lifted the dumpster top and whipped the bag in.

  Not T, not him. She wanted a good guy, and he was not good. Right? Cassie began to second guess her impression of him. He had been so gentle with her Saturday night. He had been caring, a side she didn’t even think existed. And then the attraction—she saw it on his side too. His eyes heated up, he wanted her. But then it was gone, like a switch he turned off. God, this guy was confusing!

  She walked back in to the office, sat at her desk and pulled out the card from her bag. She hadn’t seen it until this morning. She flipped it over and read it for the hundredth time. Garrison Securities, Inc. There was an address and phone number but no name. She couldn’t be sure if T left it or the other guy, Stone. Either way, she found it on her counter. Maybe T left it, hoping she’d call. She smiled. Maybe she would stop by with a thank you for him.

  * * * *

  Three hours later, she found herself standing in front of the glass door to the office building. She stared at the sign. Garrison Securities, Inc.

  Now or never, Cass.

  Cassie opened the door and immediately was hit with a cold blast from the air conditioning. As the door closed behind her, she looked around the lobby. The room was small. A few mismatched chairs were against the wall and a small end table in the corner held magazines and a plant that had seen better days. The desk, she assumed belonged to the receptionist was vacant. There were papers strewn on top and when she edged closer into the room she noticed the computer was open. There was a long hallway leading to the back but the place was deserted.

  This was a stupid idea. She shouldn’t have come anyway. She had thanked him Saturday night. Suddenly, the idea of bringing him brownies was ridiculous. Cassie looked down at the plate in her hands. Stupid.

  Cassie turned around and headed to the door when she heard a soft voice from behind. “Can I help you?”

  Cassie spun around to see a pretty blonde standing behind the desk. She had folders in her arms and a warm smile. Next to her was a man. A gorgeous man with light brown hair and hazel eyes, wearing a grin that showed gleaming white teeth.

  Cassie smiled at both of them. “Hi. Yeah, I was just stopping by to see the guy who helped me out last night. T? I just wanted to thank him again and I, um, made him brownies.” Oh God, someone please shoot me. Baking for T, a guy she really didn’t know, and bringing them to the place he worked sounded like a good idea. Now, in reality, it was extremely lame. Her face flushed with embarrassment.

  The blonde grinned and the guy laughed.

  Cassie felt her face heat. She needed to get out of there. This was the dumbest idea she’d ever had. From now on her girly parts had no say in decision making.

  “I’m going to go. Bye!” She turned to rush out the door. A hand gently gripped her shoulder and she was twisted around to face the guy.

  He shouted in a teasing tone. “Hey T, you have a special delivery.”

  He guided Cassie back toward the desk. All her instincts were telling her to run. The blonde smiled sweetly at Cassie and winked as she took her seat behind her desk.

  The loud footsteps from down the hall brought everyone’s attention to the doorway. T stopped at the entrance and looked to the guy who called for him before his eyes landed on hers. His eyes flashed with a look of surprised recognition. Cassie stared at him and felt the same heat as she did last night. This guy did something to her, he made her feel something. That something had her squeezing her thighs together.

  He looked taller and more muscular in the small lobby. He took up the entire doorway. He had on a short-sleeved shirt and she could see the tattoos covering both arms. She could make out a large cross on the inside of his forearm. She hadn’t pegged him as the religious type. Interesting. His arms flexed and her eyes shot up to his hard, strong, scowling face.

  He did not look happy to see her, nor did he seem happy that she was checking him out. The room was silent and awkward. They stared at each other and when she gave him a tight smile, it was not returned. Shit, this was a bad idea. Her brain scrambled with words to say but the guy next to her jumped in before Cassie had the chance.

  “T, man, she baked you brownies,” he teased, and put his arm lightly over her shoulders. Cassie stiffened and the blonde suppressed a laugh. Cassie’s face changed to a darker shade of red. This was so embarrassing. Her fingers began to fidget with the plastic wrap covering the brownies. T’s eyes looked at the guy’s arm around her shoulders, and back to Cassie. The crease in his forehead deepened and she saw his jaw tighten. Yeah, very bad idea.

  The door behind Cassie opened and she turned around to see the guy from last night, Stone. He stopped abruptly when their eyes met and she saw recognition and then confusion. Of course, he was confused. Why the hell was she even here?

  The guy next to Cassie laughed. “Hey, Stone, check it out. Baker girl over here made T brownies.”

  Cassie’s eyes widened. She was officially mortified.

  “Well, isn’t that sweet.” Stone smirked as he glanced down at the plate in her hands before looking over at T. “Really sweet, huh, T?”

  “How come hot chicks don’t bring me treats?” the guy teased. “And I’m considered the nice one out of all of us. Tell me, baker girl, what did T have to do to earn those brownies?” A mischievous grin spread over his face and he wiggled his eyebrows. The woman behind the desk giggled and Stone snorted from behind. Cassie’s eyes immediately darted to T, who was now livid and glaring at the man next to her. His face hardened and he gripped the folder he was carrying so hard it bent.

  Time to go.

  She stuttered her words and shoved the plate into the guy’s hands. “I’m sorry. Here, um, you all enjoy. Sorry.”

  The guy next to Cassie stepped back in surprise as he gripped the plate, almost dropping it, and Cassie rushed to the door past Stone, who stepped out of her way. She reached for the door and threw it open. Cassie got about two feet before a hand gripped her arm.

  She looked up to meet T’s hard eyes. Cassie didn’t have a chance to speak before she was pulled back into the building and dragged through the lobby. T ripped the plate from the surprised guy’s hands and continued to drag her down the hallway. The room was silent as they passed through and Cassie stared down at the floor, not meeting anyone’s eyes. They walked down two doors and she was guided through the doorway and it slammed behind her.

  T let go of her arm and motioned to the seat in front of the desk. “Sit.”

  Cassie looked over at him. “I really have to go.”

  He glared back at her. “Sit the fuck down.”

  Cassie gasped. “Don’t talk to me that way.”

  “I will talk to you any way I fucking want.” He walked behind his desk and sat back in the chair. He put the plate down and scowled at Cassie.

  Cassie stepped back. Who did he think he was talking to her that way? She walked to the door and grabbed the handle. She was leaving. This guy was a total dick. She even thought of taking back her brownies. He didn’t deserve them.

  “Touch that door and you’ll regret it,” he threatened.

  She jerked. Her angry eyes glared at him. They stared at each other for a few seconds before she looked down at the floor. What was his problem anyway? She was just trying to do something nice as a ‘t
hank you’ for helping her.

  “Look, I just wanted to say thank you for last night. It was stupid to make you brownies and come to where you work. I get that now, and I’m sorry. Just…forget I came here and enjoy the brownies, or don’t. Whatever. But I really have to go.” Her eyes remained on the floor during her speech and rose up to meet his as she turned the door handle. His face was blank, arms crossed over his chest, his head cocked to the side as if he were examining her, like she was a science project.

  “You came here to say thanks?” His tone was skeptical.


  “Dressed like that?”

  What the hell was he talking about? Cassie looked down at her clothes. She had on a denim skirt and a flowered halter top with her cowboy boots. She thought she looked damn cute when she left the house.

  “What’s wrong with how I’m dressed?”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  “What?” she shouted, unable to contain her annoyance any longer. “It’s Texas, everyone dresses this way.”

  “Yeah, if you’re looking to get laid.”

  Cassie gasped. Her shock turned to anger. This guy was a complete asshole with no manners or tact. She was done with him. She whirled around and made a grab for the door.

  “Do not touch that door.” He gave a deep warning.

  She grabbed the handle. “You just called me a whore and you expect me to stay? You’re crazy!”

  “I didn’t call you a whore; I said you looked like you want to get laid.”

  Cassie released a heavy sigh. God, this guy made her so mad and frustrated. She glared at him through angry eyes while he calmly stared back.

  “Come here,” he demanded. His eyes twitched a bit and his body tensed.

  She stared at him, her body responding to his command. The sound of his voice caused her to shiver. Everything in her head said to turn around and leave but instead she slowly walked to his desk.

  “Closer,” he ordered.

  She inched forward and he stood. He gripped her waist and tugged her body into his. Her hands went to his arms and landed on his hard biceps. They were so close. Her breath hitched as she pressed up against him. All the heat and desire came rolling back. She stared into his eyes and saw the heat. Her fingers lightly caressed his arms. She watched his eyes leave hers and look down at her fingers. They stood together for what felt like forever until his eyes rose back to hers.

  “You come here to get laid, Cass?” His deep voice was hushed.

  Cassie gulped and her head bowed slightly. She hadn’t come there to get laid but the way they were right now, their bodies pressed together, she wasn’t necessarily opposed to it. He ground his erection into her and she moaned softly.

  “Did ya?”

  Her eyes remained on his chest, her fingers lingering on his arms. “No,” she whispered.

  He let out a sexy chuckle. “I think ya did. You think of me when you got those fingers inside you?” His voice was gravelly and so incredibly sexy.

  She glanced up from his chest, her face heated with embarrassment and arousal. Licking her lips, she nodded her head slightly.

  “You imagine it’s me fingering your wet pussy, squeezing those tight nipples, or am I fucking you, Cassie?”

  Her body trembled and her voice was a low whisper. “T…”

  His head dropped to her ear. “Little girl, you couldn’t fucking handle me in bed.” He licked the shell of her ear then carefully scooted her away from him.

  Her heart sank and she could feel the heat of embarrassment rise from her neck to her face. She stood in front of him creaming her panties, ready to whip them off and here he stood, telling her she couldn’t handle him with a calm face.

  How could she be so stupid? This was a mistake coming here. She knew it the minute she opened the door. She took a breath and closed her eyes. Get it together. Take a few more breaths.

  She looked up to T who was watching her with a curious look on his face. She smiled at him. “Thank you.”

  His brows quirked up. She flushed again. He probably thought she was thanking him for what just happened. Oh God, Cass, get out of here before you make a bigger fool of yourself.

  “For Saturday night, thanks. Bye!”

  Cassie backed up to the door, opened it and started down the hall. This would be the last he saw of her; she’d make sure of it. She was walking fast and tripped over her own feet. She flew down to the ground, face first. “Owww…dammit! That’s gonna leave a mark.” Shit. Could this get any worse?

  “Damn, girl, ya okay?” The guy from before gripped her arm and pulled her up. She was so embarrassed. Cassie nodded.

  She looked up to find a smiling face. “Yeah, I’m fine, just super clumsy,” she said while wiping off her legs.

  He snorted. “It’s all good. Hot girls are allowed to be klutzy. You make it look cute.” He winked at her. “I’m Bogs, by the way.”

  Cassie smiled but didn’t offer up her name. “Bye.”

  Just as she was about to turn to leave, T appeared in his doorway, his face relaxed and his arms folded over his chest. Cassie ducked her head. Jerk!

  Bogs turned to look back at T then at Cassie.

  “See ya around, baker girl.” He smirked and Cassie darted down the hall. The lobby was empty except for the receptionist. Cassie kept her head down but glanced up when she said, “Have a nice day.”

  Cassie nodded and awkwardly smiled. She walked out the door and straight to her car. She held her tears back until she was halfway down Main Street.

  * * * *

  T sat at his desk staring at the computer screen, as he had been for the last ten minutes. His mind was consumed with the tiny blonde that just left his office. God, that body in his arms, the hitch in her breath when he ground up against her, and those eyes looking up at him. His dick was like a steel rod. All he wanted to do was grab her and kiss the hell out of her, lay her down and fuck her until she was breathless and begging for more. His cock strained in his jeans at the thought of her spread out on his bed, hell, on his desk.

  The only thing stopping him was her. He knew once wouldn’t be enough, not with her. This girl was an internal struggle, a mind fuck. He’d want more with her and not just fucking—he’d want her, all of her. And she’d want all of him in return. He just didn’t think he could give her that.

  He could practically smell her arousal in the office. A scent that had him straining to get out and inside her. Those small hands on his arms. Her touch was gentle and soft. Fuck!

  There was a light knock on his door and Stone walked in. He gave him a chin nod and tried to focus on what was on the screen and not what was happening in his pants. Stone took a seat in the chair across from his desk and sighed.

  T’s eyes remained on the screen. “Whatcha got?”

  “Bogs is tracking him down, we’ll get him. Ya know, for a fucking idiot, he’s pretty damn smart.” Stone snorted.

  “He ain’t smart, he’s dangerous,” T replied without a trace of humor. Jimmy didn’t have any regard for anyone but himself. His original bond was for drug charges of distribution. In the last week, they had come to find out he was “a person of interest” in a sexual assault case. He was going to hurt someone if they didn’t get him soon.

  “What’s the word on Tina? She give you anything?” T looked over at Stone. He was back in bounty mode, no fucking around.

  “She’s getting settled in at the safe house. She ain’t talking, she’s fucking pissed.”

  “Didn’t like the idea of you fucking her to get to her bro, huh?” Stone chuckled.

  “Yeah, she didn’t like that. She also doesn’t like being drug free.” T snorted.

  “Yeah, well, we’ll get him, with or without her. Bogs is getting the location, dumb fuck can’t hide forever.” Stone took a breath and looked around the room. He reached over T’s desk and lifted the cover from the plate of brownies.

  “So, what’s up w
ith the roommate? Cassie, right?”

  T’s lips tightened. “Nothing.”

  Stone stared at T and raised his eyebrows. “Didn’t look like nothing to me.”

  T scowled at Stone. His brother knew him well, better than anyone else.

  Stone grabbed a brownie and teased, “Her all doe-eyed last night, looking at you with those big blue fuck-me eyes. And now the brownies? Shit, man, no chick ever baked me fucking brownies until Sadie.”

  Stone took a bite of the brownie and grinned. “These are fucking awesome, man. She seems like a keeper to me.”

  T ignored him, focusing on the computer screen. He needed him to shut the fuck up about Cassie. The fact that Stone noticed her fuck-me eyes had T’s blood boiling. Those eyes were for him and as much as he hated to admit it to himself, he wanted those blue eyes only on him. Her too-sweet, innocent eyes haunted his fucking dreams.

  “Never seen you chase a chick.”

  “Never will,” T retorted with a bite in his tone.

  “Just did, my brother. That girl stormed out. You coulda let her leave but you went after her.” Stone laughed. “T, man, you chased her.”

  T glared at his brother and his face tightened. He didn’t chase women. Ever. His jaw tightened and his teeth clenched. But that’s exactly what he had just done. Chased her.

  “What the fuck was I supposed to do, let her leave without finding out why she showed up here?”

  Stone shrugged. “Any other girl, you woulda let her walk out and not given it a second thought.”


  Stone raised his eyebrow and snorted. “Bullshit? You know it’s the fucking truth, man. You woulda never chased after some random chick. This girl, Cassie, she’s different.”

  T shook his head. He could feel his face heat in anger.

  “You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. Just ’cuz you got Sadie now, you think we all gotta be pussy-whipped?”

  “So, I’m wrong?”

  “Fuck yeah, you’re wrong.”

  Stone gave T a thoughtful glance and nodded. “So, why haven’t you fucked her? Man, I know you. You want her. Why not fuck her and be done? If she’s like all the rest, why haven’t you banged her and moved on?”


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